Poem Without A Title by Klaus J. Gerken Canto XIII Gilgamesh (Old Babylonian Version) [tablet i missing] tablet ii gilgamesh dreamed told his mother "i was horny and walked with young men saw the stars and bodyguard of alum pushed me down i tried to fight but he overwhelmed me everyone in uruk gathered round kissing his feet i conceded and they asked why i have told you this" his mother all-knowing said "i presume this bodyguard was your equal born beyond the fertile valley where the mountains birthed him you rejoiced when he came young men kissed his feet you hugged him and brought him to me" he nodded off and had a second dream woke and told his mother "i had another dream was walking in the street of downtown uruk and someone threw an axe to the ground in front of me it was a strange axe but when i saw it i was happy i took it as my wife and i spoiled it i picked it up and kept it by my side" his mother all-knowing said ... (lines missing) "this dream proves he is our equal" gilgamesh described the dream: "enkidu was with a whore they fucked he forgot about the valley of his birth six days and seven nights he was stiff and immersed himself in sex the whore spoke to enkidu "i see a god when i look at you enkidu why are you wandering through meadows where fierce animals dwell come with me and i will take you to uruk to anum's place get up and follow me to eanna where anum lives where perfect gilgamesh resides and where you can love him as you love yourself come on get up no more fucking" he listened and agreed her bidding pierced his heart she stripped then clothed him in an outer robe held his hand and like a goddess led him forth to a shepherd's hovel next to a pen the shepherds gathered round ... [missing lines] and he sucked the milk of wilderbeasts they offered food he squinted stared enkidu didn't know what bread was couldn't eat the stuff nor knew beer never learned the whore spoke to enkidu "eat enkidu the stuff of life drink your destiny" enkidu ate until full drank seven cups until satiated felt calm and gay heart uplifted face flushed rubbed ... over his hairy body dressed like a soldier hoisted weapon fought lions while shepherds slept at night drove wolves away and lions the elders rested enkidu stayed awake took the guard one youth spoke " ... [missing lines] " he partied looked up saw a man said to whore "bring him here what's he want what's his name" she called him he came and spoke "why in such a hurry you're out of breath" the youth answered enkidu "i have been invited to the house of your wife's father it was ordained by the people how to choose their daughter-in-laws i set the table at the banquets with fine cuisine in the city of your wife's father the king of great uruk open the gate for the guests of the bridegrooms gilgamesh is the king of great uruk open the gate for the guests of the bridegrooms he will make his future wife pregnant first then the husband it was declared by the assembly of anum and pre-ordained when his umbilical cord was cut" the face of the youth went white ... [missing lines] enkidu lead smankar followed he entered great uruk men congregated he stood in the street of great uruk people gathered gossiping "he has the same physique as gilgamesh shorter though strong...bones mountains birthed him he ate sucked the milk of wilderbeasts in uruk sacrifices will be honoured youths will purify themselves lutes will play for the upright ones god-like gilgamesh has found a match" the bed prepared for Ishhara and gilgamesh walked away from all the girls as enkidu was in the street and challenged gilgamesh full of lust ... gilgamesh ... flung upon ... angry ... enkidu rose before him challenging each other in the forum enkidu blocked the door with his foot refused entry they wrestled bent over broke the frame walls quivered gilgamesh and enkidu fought like wrestlers gilgamesh dropped his foot hit the ground his rage quelled he turned away enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "your mother birthed you to be special wild heifer of the sheepfold ninsum raised you above death ellil made you king over all" "lord over all" *** thus friendship was solidified from dust to bronze a forge of common trust gilgamesh and enkido king and advisor cedar mountain huwawa defeated the gods pass sentence strike enkidu dead thus the tale and this the journey one does not pause avenging loss through the misty dawn of civilization out of ruins come the auguries of poetry and ritual the yggdrasil and odin god does not worship god flight eternal rising with osiris setting with the ka pretend that the horizon is waiting on a star sustenance and war prepare for what we are kjg *** tablet iii ... [missing lines] kissed friendship formed ... [missing lines] adversary... meant for him... mourners... mother of... ... [missing lines] tears anger troubled enkidu shed tears was angry crumbled gilgamesh looked down said to enkidu "why are you crying you are angry you are troubled" enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "i howl with grief my friend the muscles in my neck stiffen my arms weak my strength is gone" gilgamesh spoke to enkidu ... [missing lines] huwawa killed... slay... destroy... cut down... the forest... ... [lines missing] enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "darkness covered the mountain when i herded cattle there the forest stretched 60 kilometres in all directions who can wander through huwawa's cry is the flood his word fire his breath death why do you want to do this huwawa's home is impossible to siege" gilgamesh spoke to enkidu "my friend i will go to the mountain i will go to the forest ... [missing lines] house of... axe... you... i will..." enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "how can we go to the pine forest wer is it's protector... he is powerful and never sleeps huwawa...wer adad... he... protects the forest ...seven curses" gilgamesh spoke to enkidu "who enters heaven my friend only the gods live with shamash forever man counts his days whatever man achieves is only wind does death confront you now has almighty strength deserted you let me lead as your voice calls 'go alone do not fear' if i get killed fame will be my fate it will be said "gilgamesh battled with fierce huwawa a noble" but you were raised in the valley when a lion confronted you you knew what to do ... [lines missing] you angered me by saying that i'll get busy then and chop down the forest fame will come and last forever ...my friend i will go to the forge and they will manufacture weapons as you watch" they walked hand in hand to the forge smithies conferred cast small axes war axes for three talents each heavy swords blades cost two talents each rivets thirty minas gold for ornaments thirty minas gilgamesh and enkidu contributed ten talents each ...gates of uruk men assembled listened partied in the wide streets gilgamesh had fun ... of uruk assembled gilgamesh spoke to them ... [missing lines] where's the god who the land lauds let me confront him in the forest of pines let everyone know how great the son of uruk is let me cut the forest down and be honoured forever" the elders of great uruk spoke each to gilgamesh "what's courage in your eyes gilgamesh makes you a fool you have no idea what you are up against huwawa is not of us who can match his armaments the forest a vast 60 kilometres in all directions who can get through that huwawa has his flood he speaks fire he breathes death why do you persist with this madness hawawa's home can't be taken" gilgamesh listened smiled at his friend "well my friend should i speak also should i fear... ... [missing lines] your god... the road ahead to the harbour of uruk gilgamesh sat spoke "I'll go shamash to save my life just get me back here safe and sound grant me your protection" gilgamesh commanded... ... [missing lines] gilgamesh cried journey...never made does the god not know the way a prisoner ...joyous heart satisfied with home and my good looks ...thrones ...armour ...knives ...bow and arrow ...they held hoisted small axe strung bow ashum made sword in belt men readied close to gilgamesh "when will you return to uruk" elders gave their blessing advised gilgamesh "your strength is not your asset observe and be aware let enkidu lead keep to the straight path he knows the way through the forest and hawawa's treachery he will lead and keep you safe sharp-eyed he will guard you shamash will ensure victory let your eyes back up your words open the closed path to travel let him lead your footsteps guide your feet on the mountain in the night let lugalhanda stand beside you in victory let victory come as easy a your children wash your feet in hawawa's river as you want dig your pit when you rest at night and never be without water in your waterskin locate cool water for shamash and don't forget lugalbanda" enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "...let's go don't fear follow me ...his abode is sinister they will follow the road to hawawa ...make sure they return ... [missing lines] ...let them follow me ...to you" they rejoice at his words the young men "depart gilgamesh... may god support... ...your victory" gilgamesh and... ... [lines missing] new tablet iv (?) enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "kill him...god... ... [missing lines] ...enkidu... now... the cloak of the firmament cannot penetrate the forest the cloak of the firmament is darkened where it cannot penetrate..." enkidu spoke to gilgamesh "if you trap a bird where do the chicks go flittering through the forest like the cloak of the firmament go kill him kill his servant too" gilgamesh listened picked up his axe drew his sword stabbed him in the neck enkidu pierced his heart a third blow struck he killed huwawa hit the ground also killed... forest... killed...forest those of syria and lebanon... ...mountains ...mountain tops killed...pines... the defeated...returned net...sword ... house of ennaki gilgamesh split the wood enkidu uprooted stumps ...spoke to gilgamesh "...pine forest ...changed ... [tablets missing] last tablet ... [missing lines] "...skin devours the meat ...Euphrates gilgamesh never existed when winds blow follow water" shamash concerned approached him spoke to gilgamesh "what are you searching for you know you won't find eternity in life" gilgamesh spoke the soldier shamash "when i was wandering in the valley the earth sleeps so should i sleep as the earth let me see the sun let me see the light the darkness is hollow how full the light will a dead man ever see the light again ... [missing lines] "we went through much together enkidu whom i loved went through much he suffered the fate of people i wept night and day refused his burial would be rise again seven days and seven nights i left his corpse till worms crawled from his nostrils eternal life passes by me since he died i flee like a bandit in the valley hiding until i have come here to you barmaid i don't want to experience death" the barmaid spoke to gilgamesh "what are you searching for you know you won't find eternity in life when the gods created man they also created death for man keeping eternal life for themselves so fill your stomach feast and enjoy whatever life you have every day live for pleasure dance all day and night wear the latest fashion keep your head clean and bathe in water enjoy the child who holds your hand let your wife enjoy your lap this is your work... ... that of the living..." gilgamesh spoke to the barmaid "what are you implying i mourn for my friend what are you implying i mourn for enkidu you live here next to the sea you see ships from everywhere show me a path... if you can...if i crossed the sea" the barmaid spoke to gilgamesh "there is none like you gilgamesh who travels... ... [missing lines] he broke things in his anger he towered over him sur-sunabu stared into his eyes sur-sanabu spoke to gilgamesh "what's your name i am sur-samabu servant of uta-na'ishtim far away" gilgamesh spoke to sur-sanabu "i am gilgamesh from uruk eanni i walked over the mountains came from the east now face to face sur-samabu bring me to uta-na'ishtim far away" sur-sanabu spoke to gilgamesh "i will take you to uta-na'ishtim far away ...get the boat i will take you where ... rose ...they gather and confer he will speak to him" sur-sanabu spoke to gilgamesh "carry me across the 'rock bridge' so i do not touch the poison water but in your anger you disturbed them the 'stone bridge' was there to allow me to cross take your axe and cut three hundred poles 30 metres long ...take ropes [rest of tablet lost] tables XI and XII lost end * bridges built not built history is just so many journeys discoveries chances taken not taken some empty some full all an adventure that teaches and transforms through knowing the past and discovering new horizons little do we know each moment of our life's an odyssey and we only have one chance at it and it's not what we learn for ourselves but pass on to others we must never cease to journey to that far horizon and beyond but never without knowing what we left behind for the return will be our catalyst to journey forth home is where the heart is the mind commits to new horizons do not quit bring home bounty share the wealth of your new knowledge always build upon a good foundation never in a void gilgamesh may have ended up in a bar but what memories to share and give the world its first epic poem nothing can be lost that we don't suffer be brave advance and prosper kjg 1028am 3 sep 2014 * kjg 30 aug - 3 sep 2014 Published by Ygdrasil Press Copyright 2014 Klaus J. Gerken