March 2015 Notebook by Klaus J. Gerken diction if you refuse to acknowledge good thought articulated badly you are deaf beyond the realm of possibilities kjg 953am 2 march 2015 * education i ain't got no learing' but i got things to say and ain't no professor going to tell me to go away i say what i want to damn your high learnin' ideals i can't understand a thing you say with your perfect diction you think real i'll say what i have to and make no deal about it damn you tell me i can't write keep your learning and flaunt it i'll say more in a few words and swear words included than you will ever in pages and pages with empty thoughts flooded so don't think your education ever makes you smart smart's not perfect erudition but what knowledge you impart kjg 1011am 2 mar 2015 * validation dr johnson compiled a dictionary and created "literature" academics loved it it validated their "investiture" shakespeare never cared neither did milton chaucer, spence or anyone before today life is devided between the "dictionarians" and those who actually live in the real world kjg 1055/1103am 2 mar 2015 * the kill kill chant let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let create a concussion let's kill kill kill i don't like your god but it's the same one i've got but i don't like the way you worship his way let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion let's kill kill kill i've got the mace i'm the king ace i say what goes i follow god's nose there's no room for barter your belief doesn't matter let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion let's kill kill kill i don't know about you but i know what is true my holy book says it all it's you who must fall let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion god said it all in heaven you thrive we're here to survive kill with a knife i don't know about you but i know what is true my holy book says it all it's you who must fall let's kill let's kill kjg 1228pm 2 march 2015 * Ever notice pagans didn't kill each other over religious issues; only Jews, Christians and Muslim do? kjg 347pm 2 march 2015 * The knot of knowing by kjg *** If God made us in his image, he obviously didn't look in the mirror first. kjg 1015pm 2 mar 2015 * gd there is obviously a deep something that haunts us from the beginning we cannot let go it rules our instinctive need to survive and manifests itself in the cruelest acts imaginable kjg 3 mar 2015 * "The reason bad things happen in America is because the country was founded by future televangelists." -- Anonymous 4 mar 2015 * venus sets in the west rush hour on o'connor street the evening settles in kjg 651pm 4 mar 2015 * I wonder where you are today, Samantha, 15 years on; Have the years been kind to you? Are you still this strong? kjg 1220am 5 mar 2015 * I like to try and find things that Martialis hasn't said; After all, what "genius" hasn't said what he has said? kjg 140am 5 mar 2015 * at least one phd who knows where he belongs soldier: i need some medical healing. dr. jackson: i'm an archeologist. soldier: but you're also a doctor. dr. jackson: of archeology. soldier: never mind. 1113am 5 mar 2015 * morning blues i ain't know the ins and outs i can't tell you what it's all about sometimes maybe i'll reveal what others stake upon a deal but right now i'm just too damn tired to give a hoot about flat tires kjg 610am 7 mar 2015 * speak easy understanding's hard kjg 613am 7 mar 2015 * fragment i sought in thunder what the light denied it wasn't pretty when the darkness died i sought a desert where the rivers ran to a wider ocean than mankind could span i found no purpose i was all confused the devil shook me it was all a rouse no perfect ending could be so abused kjg 622am 7 mar 2015 * *** All poems copyright (c) 2015 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press