April 2015 Notebook by Klaus J. Gerken Star Strek (sketch) Capt Medland His constant companion, a metamorph, the crew knows only as a cat His Romulan second in command (a beautiful woman) A holographic doctor who can materialize anywhere on the ship (with a holographic staff) James T. Stetson cocky navigator who is named after James T. Kirk In the tradition a hard drinking Scot: Patrick Ironstone as engineer Various other crew members (not bridge crew) that change from week to week as stories are built around them In fact the whole of the inside of the ship is a giant holograph where things can be changed at will The Borg have been harnessed and are now a factory working for the Federation A new enemy the Omprazoles (a reptilian race) want to capture the Borg away from the feds and destroy the empire kjg 1 april 2015 * drowning it always comes back at night the monster that consumes us in the day it lies hidden in the valley of our esophegus waiting to choke us with a terrible suppression hard to swallow hard to breathe it has no restraint one can't just wish it away unlike an anxiety attack with drugs or alcohol it thrives on that life no more our own we falter in the hidden wings of destitution kjg 145am 1 apr 2015 * I played two blind double nils in Spades (partner played two fives) and we won! * spring sonnet do not tell lies where lies are broken the truth is often there revealed do not betray the path you've taken once lost it will forever be concealed do not reclaim what you have given the greatest enemies are former friends do not be sweet just as a token a rose has thorns and will not make amends indeed the shell is not the body and the body not the mind i fear we sometimes find confusion where clarity is left behind so as the rose has thorns to injure to gentleness it will be kind kjg 3 apr 2015 * I read, I don't study things to death. For instance, I don't need to know a certain sentence matches 200 other sentences throughout English literary history that may have been an influence on the author's style of writing. I just want to read the goddam poem, or book, and get the author's message. kjg 416pm 5 apr 2015 * the path i follow i ran around in mud before the inspiration came but then there came a desert and there was no burning bush i hung on for the shelter of a cool oasis it was over crowded and polluted i walked away the desert was more fertile than was paradise i kept walking parched black skin wanting for the mud but when the mud came it was black tar and flaming suction no one could escape who went asunder there so i sat at the edge of the precipice and waited for death it was useless to go on but my mind refused that answer it argued with itself like a volcano spewing lava and somehow came to a conclusion death was no more easy than struggling on the journey wherever it might lead so on i went into the vast unknown following my poetry. kjg 110pm 7 apr 2015 *