Poem Without a Title Cantos XXXI to LX Section V Canto XXXI sometimes remembering is a work of pure fiction the one is not the other and the other is not the one the spice is not the substance but the imagination shellack upon the bedpost where the bed creaks with energy but not emergency hope springs eternal not just in the nail but also in the hammer both are necessary for the conflilgration blood that mingles with water into wine... free the swine and the lotus land will be visited not just here or there but everywhere kjg Canto XXXII the lotus opens to gather like a telescope the sky kjg * Canto XXXIII civilization began with mace smashing a captive's skull it will end with a mace smashing a captive's skull not with a wimper but a bang kjg 421pm 1 may 2016 * Canto XXXIIII i am lost in a haze of resolution they came and went came and went came again it was and will forever be an endless haunting no ghost is a peaceful entity and no castle is exempt frightened in your home you retreat to a shelter the masses do not like change helter skelter it comes in waves not like on the shore or beach but like a tital wave you cannot see it swallows everything and leaves nothing intact you are a tortured puppet no one thinks hurts but it hurts the torturer without even knowing it you toture yourself you beat yourself up you are the lost element you will always seek and never find you are the gangarine that turns you black and turns your body into ash there is nothing you can do but await the coming one no longer lives life the future is no longer a viable option the moment is everything that never comes one falters one fails one strives for the impossible one dies without understanding anything i have like icarus broken the bonds i have flown where wings of wax melted the earth is a harsh mistress when you crash kjg 116amj 2 sep 2016 * Canto XXXV the trees branch out to gather nurishmnt for mother earth and the roots for a communication network whenever we cut down a tree we evermore starve mother earth until she can no longer nurish us we have lost our way we hve become a killing machine burning down our own house kjg 356am 12 sep 2016 *