Poem Without a Title Cantos XXXI to LX Section V Canto XXXI sometimes remembering is a work of pure fiction the one is not the other and the other is not the one the spice is not the substance but the imagination shellack upon the bedpost where the bed creaks with energy but not emergency hope springs eternal not just in the nail but also in the hammer both are necessary for the conflilgration blood that mingles with water into wine... free the swine and the lotus land will be visited not just here or there but everywhere kjg Canto XXXII the lotus opens to gather like a telescope the sky kjg * Canto XXXIII civilization began with mace smashing a captive's skull it will end with a mace smashing a captive's skull not with a wimper but a bang kjg 421pm 1 may 2016 * Canto XXXIIII i am lost in a haze of resolution they came and went came and went came again it was and will forever be an endless haunting no ghost is a peaceful entity and no castle is exempt frightened in your home you retreat to a shelter the masses do not like change helter skelter it comes in waves not like on the shore or beach but like a tital wave you cannot see it swallows everything and leaves nothing intact you are a tortured puppet no one thinks hurts but it hurts the torturer without even knowing it you toture yourself you beat yourself up you are the lost element you will always seek and never find you are the gangarine that turns you black and turns your body into ash there is nothing you can do but await the coming one no longer lives life the future is no longer a viable option the moment is everything that never comes one falters one fails one strives for the impossible one dies without understanding anything i have like icarus broken the bonds i have flown where wings of wax melted the earth is a harsh mistress when you crash kjg 116am 2 sep 2016 * Canto XXXV the trees branch out to gather nurishmnt for mother earth and the roots for a communication network whenever we cut down a tree we evermore starve mother earth until she can no longer nurish us we have lost our way we hve become a killing machine burning down our own house kjg 356am 12 sep 2016 * Canto XXXVI Enough of your stupidity, I'm only alive because i don't own life and i don't believe in suicide, and my love for others only mirrors the love i have for myself. Laugh if you want, but only an eagle attacks an eagle and only Achilles can pity the defeated Hector. Being isn't easy. ... being a poet and a man is to be a treeless forest and to see beyond the horizon. ... Scientists can only observe. Science is limited to scratching the surface for the truth: with fingrnails, it has no wings! what for? Simple really, as I said previously: science is probability, poetry, parable, the dominant portion of the mind brushes aside great poems for sugar-coating. .. rain shrinks the cock but that's a different story, and as you say; the evening is ripe for sex, and the woman has breasts so perfect brandy glasses break on contact but that's a different story. Then remember Elbe One, on the North Sea: but that's a different story. And then there's the evolution from man to filaments of a fungus in a symbiosis, different story...again. The storm's throwing up but you can't even burp, impossible for your sensbilities, even the shed scales of a snake can twist you into death, what god created, he wants substantiation, children and drunks understand, but of course they're not insensitive enough to question why a mirror fogs up when a woman confronts it with her menstrual cycle, and no true poet loving life asks why wine spoils in wooden casks when she walks by. But enough of your garbage tha discards all it wants to own, and hasn't a clue as to what a kiss can do. But disaster is looming something so horrifying you can never even imagine, because it's beyond what you can see, what god intended, he wants you to feel, but disaster's loomimg, children know it, as do drunks, love originates from joy, not from lust, love originates only from happiness, love that isn't mired in lust, children know it, as do drunks.. To exist you would have to be alive, but you aren't alive because you've never lived, and you have never lived because you have never loved, you cannot even love yourselves, let alone your closest friend. And I have had enough of your stupidity, and I'm only alive because I don't own life and I don't believe in suicide... Laugh if you want, but only an eagle attacks an eagle and only Brisies' daughter can love the wounded Achilles. Being is hard. ... shitting, that's a completely different matter. (Vladimir Holan - To The Enemy) kjg 1235am 13 October 2016 XXXVII sperm now there's an eyeless creature that seperates the girls from boys Billions killed for what a woman can acheive kjg 428pm 16 oct 2916 XXXVIII I am lost in the haze of my own amazement that I am still alive. kjg 6am 30 oct 2016 XXXVIIII the thirst for reality is not a coneption it is contempt for what is really happeing what we really are a loop in time beyomd equation XL eve said to adam eat the apple adam said to eve that's so subtle god walked around the garden naked why are you hiding i cannot take it so eve and her adam covered themselves god got all flushed with rage at his elves kjg 6 nov 2016 XLI i have no diamonds i have no gold i have a lot of debt can't pawn being old i have a stamp worth 40 grand but lost it years ago in a closet to the damp hope it's still there but i'll never know time passes fast like a river must flow so whatever happens don't worry about me if death won't claim me i'll walk real slow kjg 806am 7 nov 2016 XLII RIP LEONARD COHEN All my heroes are dying And I'm waiting to die too But I have my cats and Can't abandon them just yet So hold on a bit longer As a famous poet once wrote "What must I do my soul to free?" "Do nothing, man, it will be done for thee." KJG 1044pm 10 nov 2016 XLIII someimes we cannot remember sometimes we cannot forget it isnt about the surrender it isnt about the regret life holds on to balance no one will ever upset so don't think yo matter nothing matters when ubled we'll be lomg gone and forgotten when the sun goes nova we think we're importsnt now... maybe in bed... kjg 123am 13 nov 2016 XLIIII It's an ugly mess out there, but there still is beauty; you just have to look for it. kjg 722am 13 nov 2016 XLV A poem by Bruno, my cat: \ ' \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ run -\- 1040pm, 29 nov 2016 XLV once there was summer it followed the spring youth flowered in me fall didnt mean a thng now that its winter its not so kind gottta leave it all behind bones are so brittle can hardly walk cant quit the bottle id like a new start but little hope left yesterday a rainbow today no regrets kjg 959pm 16 dec 2016 XLVI I have incredible hope for the youth of today, it's the idiot old folks, like me, I am worried about, who, like Socrates, try to corrupt the young. kjg 8pm 20 dec 2016 XLVII keep silent and accept your fate old man you have done enough whatever your life is worth is not for you to determine kjg 202am 25 dec 2016 XLVIII let me count the years the highways and byways ive journeyed on through the years the misteps and the slow advances the gains and losses the loves and even hatred ive come across its all a journey to what end who knows maybe how we die knows comfortable or troubled i have no regrets on the short journey we call life... kjg 1024pm 31 dec 2016 XLVIIII When I was a boy in Cuxhaven Oh so many years ago My father and I looked out the window Of our garret apartment At a pristine North Sea sky There was a moving star And my father said "that is sputnik" My childhood mind couldn't Quirt grasp the concept Because I thought were in a sphere Instead of outside of it So I asked Why can't we see the other side Of the world And my father n his wisdom said Because we cannot see reality In all its forms Would everyone have a father Like that kjg 2.22am 1 jan 2017 XLIX there once was a man in a tower who thought he had absolute power but when the tower came down he fell to the ground and ran for the white house to shower kjg 241am 4 jan 17 L reach for the sky some people want guidence some people want truth some people need others to show them their youth some people are craay beleiving each lie i just friggen freak out and reach for the sky some people are lazy and have nothing inside some people are devistated and never know why some people just follow and some people just die i just friggen freak out and reach for the sky some people are sheltered whether rich or just poor some commit murder and some open doors some pray to gods and others ask why i just friggen freak out and reach for the sky so whatever you do its ok by me be what you are and always be free life is a moment in the life of a fly just friggin freak out and reach for the sky 842pm 9 jan 2017 LI master said to pupil: listen pupil remained silent after a while master asked: well pu[il replied: stop shouting! kjg 932pm 9 jan 2017 LII If the poem doesn't explain itself, it is not worth writing. kjg 9 jan 17 LIII