ONE HUNDRED 1. From Violence on TV screens: Wooden floors and splinters. 2. One guitar that will not sing: Solo crying without effect. 3. Teeth that rise like Pepsi Cola Running down a mountain side. 4. Perfect crunch of watermelons: Sexual orgy in the night. 5. Li Po organized a party: Lady Chung apologized. 6. Cognizant of failing beauty, Rivers pebbled silent truth. 7. The thrower of the javelin ignores The chalked inflection of his throw. 8. Looking at my own reflection I see what makes the atoms see. 9. Reason towers like a knife Bloodied with a secular control. 10. Listen: blood rises And the axe-man has a bold solution. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 11. Those who think they are solutions Cannot be the cure. 12. The moon explodes and I am drunk: Heaven has its principles. 13. Don't argue with the question: Answer it. 14. Cobblestones have meaning. ------------------------- 15. Black cat where the sun don't shine Disappears. 16. Oh Li Po, I am so drunk I dissolve! 17. On the window sill, flower petals: The scent of death decays. 18. An insect landed on my skin: Feast well new friend. 19. Insect tickles, flies away: Moment gathered, in eternity. 20. Sitting on the balcony; shadows and sun: Good wine brings feelings of repose. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 21. I count the squares of any argument, And argue with reverberations! 22. Soft wind fluctuates my meaning: Garlic bread and Camembert. 23. When I was a teenager I bought my books, Now I have to read them. 24. GOD Sometimes I am crazy For the knowledge you possess. 25. Steady at the helm: Icebergs cannot be. 26. Love is like a fluffy cloud: Too far up to dissipate. 27. 7 thousand years of history, And we can only experience today. 28. Blank page to a poet is a challenge: Wind beneath the quagmire of the universe. 29. Love is: press me solid - solid: I am meatloaf in your arms. 30. Stones. Did you ever think about stones? Cocktails on a hotplate. Well? Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 31. I was razor sharp the other day: I met a woman who cut me. 32. Today, one man can be an orchestra: Tomorrow, no community. 33. Love me, she said. I answered: Sometimes poets cannot die. 34. When the big trains collide, Look out! 35. Playing with her pussy, she screamed, "Where's my cat?" 36. Clouds form and clouds disperse: Humans have a lot to learn. 37. She was jealous of her beauty, Till it faded into mud. 38. She said she liked the wind, But was too careful with her hair. 39. LIE 226.117 factored 8 Minus its own number when it primes. 40. PROGRESS I was once a number: Now I am a fraction. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 41. 2 balloons: Corel 8 & CKBY. Ottawa wind: from my balcony. 42. Pillars of society Crumble easily. 43. I was hoping you would love me Out of bed. 44. It is said that heaven and earth are one: Why do men and women throw these stones? 45. Renovating a church Creates a lot of dust. 46. Smile, The executioner isn't always right. 47. You didn't know me did you When I told you I was different. 48. A poet requires noise Tantamount to silence. 49. My Latin teacher understood: Youth will never persevere. 50. It's a desperate struggle: Both sides trying to be one. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 51. Ghostly reprises in a lion's tooth: One politician consumes another. 52. Saw you at the counter: love Really wasn't our conceptualism. 53. Render three steps; nothing more: One gun, and a never simple suicide. 54. What's religion? Well, Something we believe in. 55. ELVIS/JESUS There was a famous illusion That died and was reborn and died again later. 56. Oh I don't know what to say! Apologize? For what? I smiled today! 57. Two lions, one heart: They ripped each other apart. 58. You touch me with silence; You envelope me with noise. 59. I broke a guitar string today, Not even playing you a song. 60. I have no right to say what leaders say: But I criticize them anyway. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 61. Sands upon an unknown beach: Unknown, untrodden...out of reach. 62. The sages say that poetry is dead: But the poets say the sages are alive. 63. The portion which is not the portion cannot be Other than the portion is was meant to be and is. 64. The lightning splits apart the darkness Like a curtain being drawn. 65. The kayak moves among the waves: Paddles of extended life. 66. Battling the waves of time The swimmer glimpse God and Void. 67. We have been forever in a mess: Forever when we thought to think. 68. Hot chilly pepper on a grill: Heat wave to continue. 69. Somehow they got married When they shouldn't have. 70. POLITICAL MOTTO Don't give food to starving children: They'll just want more. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 71. The gate is open; enter friend: It's soon enough the gate of life stands closed. 72. The king was not invisible, Even though he thought he was a butterfly. 73. I pull you to my heart: Hearts apart. 74. "Kim, where are you now?" "I am still here: but you are somewhere else." 75. Frightened they resolved To strike another day. 76. Beware of those you do not know: They study you like death. 77. Those who hold an open house, Should not expect clean floors. 78. If you don't want me, don't be sweet, Be cruel - I bleed faster then. 79. The poet is a poison oak: Those who cut it down decay. 80. Walk through a wall, like a door: This mirror is another world's reflection. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 81. Black rose, black thorn - Death is white, death is warm. 82. Orange marmalade: Bug-eyed beauty with a lipstick heart. 83. "Always knew he was a genius: Never knew that he was human too!" 84. False the door was to the Ka: Our religion never went that far! 85. I watch television just once a week: And when I watch, I fall asleep. 86. Death and destruction's just a waste: Rebuilding we develop character. 87. It's silence, whether in temple or in school: It's silence that awakes the fool. 88. Sentence me to evil: I have lived. If there's just one poison this is it. 89. The sea shifts with a pleasure I am scared to comprehend. 90. Listening to old music: Clear brain! hard death! Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken .PG 91. I live downtown, and miss The cricket's shrill command. 92. Death camps everywhere: You know it when you cease to fear. 93. "I stand in awe of your quality and quantity." I stand in awe of Dylan Thomas writing two lines a day. 94. Frightened children look to adults: Frightened adults look to children to survive. 95. They have won the war, and now must prove it: Fire rages in the womb of any woman thus subjected. 96. Let us hope that only one of us survives: Both would kill each other. 97. "But it was because of 'principle': Just a madman taunts his own simplicity. 98. "I cannot see the cross for trees." I cannot see the trees... 99. I walked upon a broken beach full of glass and garbage and disease... 100. Heaven spoke to me: I cried. Copyright (c) 1993 Klaus J. Gerken (Written 2-8 Aug 93)