30 SECONDS MINUS LESS A Play By Klaus J. Gerken (1975) 1. The stage is empty when this begins A man enters carrying a chair He brigs it to the centre of the stage And sits down facing the audience 2. A woman enters Runs three times in a circle around the man Sitting on the chair And then runs off 3. The man gets up and Leaving the chair Exits 4. The man returns with another chair Arranges it next to the one already there And sits down on the first chair again. 5. The woman enters and Circles around the man and the two chairs Several times very slowly and Only then Finally Sits down 6. They sit there In silence For a long time 7. Man: Where are you going? Woman: Wherever the revolving circle brings us Man: Is everything a circle? Woman: Love is a circle. Man: What do you mean? Woman: A man revolves around his own centre or ideas. Man: A woman does not? Woman: A woman is a stone. Man: I didn't know. 8. Another woman enters and Walks around the chairs surveying The two people seated Finally she walks up to the woman And shoves her off the chair 9. There is a nervous silence 10. Man: (To no one in particular) Where are we going? Woman (on the floor): Did I say something? Man: No. Woman: Then why must you say something? Man: I simply asked where we wee going? Woman: You're not scoring. Man: I don't want to score. I want to know where we are going. Woman: We are simply slaves. Man: I didn't know. The 2nd Woman sits down and the 1st woman exits. 11. A second man enters Surveys the scene and Shoves the man off the chair And sits down. 12. A threatening silence. 13. Second Man: Where are we going? Second Woman: Nowhere in particular. Second man: That is good. Let's go. 14. They both get up and exit. 15. The 1st man exits and returns with the 1st woman. They both sit down. Get up again. Hesitate. Sit down again. 16. Man: Where are we going? Woman: We are going in a circle. Does it matter? Man: No I guess not. Let's go. They both remain seated. Silence 17. The woman gets up and leaves the stage. 18. The man gets up Picks up her chair and carries it off stage. 19. He returns for the other chair and exits. 20. All four actors enter And take a bow and Exit. 21. Curtain. 3 Sep 1975 Copyright (c) 1975/2002 Klaus J. Gerken