72 HAIKU by Klaus J. Gerken (1983) The rain Like mirrors on the pavement autumn's breath again * The rain Befogs the windows Autumn breathes again * The rain A bit of sadness nips The closing of the year * The rain Like fuzz upon my skin I laugh I cry I sing * The rain Moments of surprise Dullness in my eyes * The rain has come Harvest done? Pray for sun! * Winter weather Round the corner Frozen even now * Each morning Sleepy-eyed I head for work * Old Bashu Had naught to do But write Haiku * Autumn's passing Days that pass Leaves that fall Dead * Autumn passes Trots upon Dying leaves * Big chill Hot item Even now * How sad it is To be here one day Gone the next * Cruel October Don't you know Days of wine and roses! * Samuri Sword of plenty Death * Autumn's flowers Candy floss In spring * Getting drenched In autumn rain Vanquish tears and pain * Leaves turn yellow Red and brown Autumn shakes them To the ground * One hand clapping Wakes me up Two hands clapping Take a nap * Early spring So long ago She sang! * Sweet as honey Saturn's wine Golden orb! * The day appears A mighty fist Omnipotent! * God reclaims What is his No more! * Incense burning Autumn crisp New things coming! * Winter nears A splinter In my coat * So much to do So little time Refuse the alibi * Such darkness here At 5 a.m. Time to limber up! * Zen master Sushi said If it's truth you seek You are dead! * Rain and rain And rain again Sadness on my brow! * A story: Take the crocked path Not the straight * Straight and narrow That's the path - see! No one follows. * With autumn's breath Upon me now I feel alone * I wake up empty My stomach growls Where's my food! * Often so little Leads to Lot - * Gimme a break I'm only human After all! * You make a poem Out of nothing - Thought! * Empty empty empty Full full full Supper was delicious! * With each adversary The future elevates The past! * How brilliant The sun is brilliant O how! * The shaking of the earth - What a steady life We lead! * Puddles frozen April showers Long ago! * Against the blue cerulean A victory of geese Flies south - * Mention once her name And you will be amazed How old I am! * Live my friend Or else you die Unknown. * Flowers and swan Mahogany table United! * Cold in here I have no heat 'cept frozen feet! * Being bored I write haiku "Being bored" * Such brilliant hue The sky so clear Like diamond in a ring! * Such clarity Such vision With bind eyes! * This solitude Distinctively hard To bear! * You come to me Blue Heron Rarely! * Like a subtle afterthought A cloud appears To settle in the sky * Armageddon Birds fly south In the evening * Armageddon Birds in flight Autumn's eve * So many dreams I can't remember Now - * Judge the Judging - not the Judged * I get so violent- ly violent- ly mad! * This art of life We're born to die - And in-between? * Dull October - Rain depresses - Wait! * Dull October Rain depressed Waiting for a sign! * Accepting history We find we are Not here - * Buddha shouting In the rain A Serenity away! * Floating on a severed cloud I fall Into a hard cocoon! * Why look towards the next When here you haven't Lived? * The bitter wind So powerful How safe your harbour? * The wind howls fiercely You learn From your mistakes! * After many years Before you die Did you manage how to live? * Finis Copyright (c) 1983/2002 Klaus J. Gerken