A Night With Yoric by Klaus J. Gerken I_3 EMERGING 1. Not say ashes. smoldering, but compost. cowslips. apples. m. la pomme. a meadow that is transcendent in the sun-glow shimmering across a still-affected sea. journey. we journey. we rise. again. great circle. sumer is ecumen in. loud sing cuccu. one precise moment every year. we wait. arms wide for the long shadow tossed through heart merging soul with viability. where do we be- long? in all of this? yoric on his roof-top surveying sky miles of meadow forest isolated both in mind and physical reality... what we should see touch taste ingest re-create isolated "since insanity is a social disease and we are not part of society we cannot be insane" (parton c 1971) but how to quantify insanity how to quantify the sane assignation of insanity into categorization compartments this not that? specialized reality clear cut no shadow-being no obscura no fog therefore no fog horn no guidance no bardo thodol no rising forth of RA zx10:18 PM 8/21/2010 (Jasmine) no accidents no shards no history no beginning through the mists of time and no end obscured by what we should not know is time never ending? time twists and turns through itself past itself with each shift a new reality we cannot know the old. 2. we cannot know the old. we reinvent the past. we cannot smell the past. we sanitize it. we harmonize it. we never "remember" it. we add detail convenient to our grasping. from one still to another so much lost between. and it is that betweenness binds the frames together. not the illusion we perceive 26 frames per second. 3. i came to work for the "company" quite fortuitously; it would have never happened had my circumstance not shifted and an unforeseen tidal sea danced me through a wild night confused and alone i walked the darkness 2am walking nowhere click clack feet dragging past dormant houses there was no darkness equivalent that could hide my disappointment a misunderstanding and to atone for it i gave up a job to a friend who needed it as much as i. next day. monday. is that position still available. yes? interview tomorrow. i'll be there. the small apartment in a dump of a building on Elgin street looked brighter then. c was angry i gave the other job away. almost killed a friend by doing that. didn't know it at the time, heavy labour was involved. he almost has a heart attack. Monday 7, 1980 I begin. 5th floor. Open office. WWII issue wooden desks. Team of 4. Underlining figures and coding for computer input. Forms. Someone would bring them 20 to an envelope stack them in a basket. we would take one. code. underline. stuff back in envelope. place in another basket. basic clerical work. when nothing came in, we just chatted. 3 month term. when that came due, only one would stay on for another term. Marge went to the manager and said keep klaus he needs the work, i can get something else. and so it was. i stayed and joined the coding section. same floor, same area. 10 desks in two rows with two supervisor desks up front. you had to raise your hand if you needed to go to the bathroom...and were timed. 5 minutes. no more. strictly ordered hierarchy. raked one for "don't ever go above my head again" with an innocuous question one day i learned my lesson and shut up - for a while. no brains needed there. old days. old ways. who was sobre after lunch? christmas party drunken mess. was was seen was not revealed. new position. clashed with manager. union rep "didn't see a thing" banished to library. 1st day at work 6th floor. at desk. remote controlled toy car sped past my desk...then followed by man on knees with helicopter beanie on his head calling "here pussy pussy here". when he was gone i asked, "who was that?" "Your boss" the answer clear. when he was forced into retirement 3 years later we found 1 filing cabinet full of papers and 7 others in his office full of empty booze bottles. used to come in at midnight and work till 7 am. but the library was easy work...simple filing. i worked too fast i was told so Marc my supervisor left me alone to read and write and decorate the bare office walls with posters from the Goethe institute across the street. i went there every noon. and also shirley leashman books slayter and o'connor where they sold in the basement old books from libraries they bought at auction for ridiculous prices...10...25 cents. books bond in gold leaf in verona, a book on byron 1816 with an authentic letter in his hand...lost that in moving years later... i used to go there two three times a week and buy as many books i could carry back to work and the sold them to henry black's second hand book store for many times the amount i paid for them. that is how we got by on a basic clerk's salary. henry black's. three rooms above the garage of an old office building. three dusty rooms so crammed with old books and newspapers you could hardly move. it was heaven to a poet. used to buy for 10 cents the london times 1898 or 1901 and read the news as it appeared then fresh in the minds of men so long ago. when the building was torn down in the early 90's Henry retired. The last of a kind. never found out what happed to him after that. 3 years in the libray and the a competition won and promotion as a supervisor myself. input section. 1984. the year my father died. Johannes Andreas Gerken 1911 - 1984. commenced with many changes the old guard in consternation. how dare you - it's been done like that "forever"... "forever is a long time" i said. so it began. long hours. amalgamated other sections. took on project. coding manual rewrite on the 10th floor with bats crawling across the walls. things were changing. times were hanging. in 1984 drink and smoking were banned from the work place. 1985 computer monitors were installed. punched cards still maintained. sometimes with comical results. cards in wrong sequence. boxes of cards lost. wrong codings. people came and went. Debbie, Joanne, Barbara. rook on project to get rid of computer print-outs. tons of them twice a week. aborted move to moncton nb...the floor officer for move to rideau and king edward. friday to monday straight. 8th, 9th and 10th floor. 1988. the "ghost" commissionaire who went into locked section and never reappeared. no one saw him and "no one of that description works here." to this day a mystery. move successful we settled in. move to mk III project. MIS/Security. 1990. suggested new section and got to initiate it. 1991. My mother's passing. long drive to borden to teach course in white-out. hit us like a brick wall. of course computers were down when course began. went without. over night and long dark ride back 120 kph - home by midnight. then week off for mother's funeral. shannon, johanna. conclusion: they gave me security and gave MIS to a amateur would be opera singer, who went on french course soon after and had no respect for the data. i ended fixing things up. finally they gave me both... own section corner office 3 clerks. it was a great 2 years. then we moved on promise of promotion. that fell through. moved to 3rd floor 1999. new upgrade project. only two of us. sandy and me. had to rewrite all focus code to sql. courses. toronto. montreal. then 2001 move to 5th floor. new responsibilities. test databases. 2004 new it section. more promises of promotion never realized. by then i was feeding the cats on the hill and injured my hip. walked with cane. heather ferguson and breakfast at nates on wednesdays working on ygdrasil. created 1993 archived LAC 2000 and on. long days. dissatisfaction. sandy retired 2008. i finally left jan 2010. no regrets. 4. so fast we can dismiss the past in a few lines when the days dragged on and seemed eternal now over just a fading dream when waking up 5. "And as for riches, far from paid employment bringing riches to a man, employment takes riches away: for your riches are reckoned by your store of time and energy, and are diminished by any encroachment upon these." Hugh Grant explaining C. H. Douglas, The Pound Era. year after year 3 x 10 "it's all pensionable time" is that what we are working for? not the integrity? not the satisfaction of work well done? and whatever work you did conclusions you came up with belongs to the company are not yours when you leave you get a plaque 30 years service a luncheon maybe a hand shake then they replace you and the work goes on and you are gone deleted from the company corporate memory and as for riches a pension to keep you alive outside "enjoy the 'golden' years" what gold? there is no past in work there is the building I worked in 22 years and on that street is another 8 years there is nothing you hold dear about it except your own integrity and that you gave your all hardly acknowledged when considered as long as the wheels continue to turn without a squeak... let us build an island before the tide runs over us and we drown... 6. and does the compact of language also compact time? where exists the past? in my mind? in a variety of minds? what physical structure contacts the past through present feel taste hear? or are structure of today and not the past? the ruin is what is today not was was... we reconstruct and what precisely do we reconstruct? our perception? stone upon a polished stone? a chiseled name? a brand? a hand that structured this? a mind's conception? a physical "reality"? what then touches us over the years the wars rebuilding art? what touches us as we are part of that? and what ritual holds these forms together what ritual binds us to the past? touch art. touch art through heart? touch stone! through stone. parchment. words. what words? passed down to us. from there. so what no longer is is. still is. so what is passed exists. in heart. in mind. and what we make of it is us. ?"Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum. Quid enim est aetas hominis, nisi ea memoria rerum veterum cum superiorum aetate contexitur?" Cicero "To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?" 7. what is "voices"? whispering stones. whispering trees. whispering wind. tall blue grasses. waving meadows. diana. dionysus. the bright full moon. the gibbous moon. mossy caverns. the oar touching clear water across the archeon. the ur-shore. beyond history. Enheduana (c. 2330 B.C.) Nur-Aha (Athrahasis) First known poets. Preceeded Troy. Contemporaneous of Jericho. When the pyramids were new. Imhotep first architect. Dawn of History. As we know it. Man formed of clay. From clay. Preceding Genesis. No ambiguity here. Clay makes many men and women. Before the flood. Population control not war! In Genesis G*D destroys a babble of tongues. Destroys communication. Makes rules. Rules. an several millennia later paul usurped the rules and gave us blood and bread and hung his saviour on a cross and here the rule was lost. the rule was no longer there but here. the mortal lot. ground zero. a tiara not a crown of thorns. and so becomes their history our history. 2 millennia of shed blood. persecution mania. men before died of the earth. now the insubstantial beckons them. no longer "touch this earth" but "touch this thought". what is clay where water turns to blood. wine as metaphor. blood as consequence. and a voice no longer all can hear but a few chosen few. and the past is no longer clear. the voice changes not in what it said but what's interpreted! ay, there's the rub! what did shakespere mean and was johnson's interpretation of a word his own or actual usage? could he be factual only in his reason or 'also the slums? we don't know. king james may have "fixed" the english spelling like luther german but time's mutability beckons like a storm. no flood to quell the babble. the LHC not clay. even stone wind polished changes buffers wastes away to sand and forms a desert grains of souls wandering. when i have had my time o mortal flesh there is more out there horatio that is of me but mortal flesh no more required! 8. nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita it begins Near the pinnacle of life was girdled by a dismal wood-- went from right way, and I lost it. How tightly walled with thorns that forest was! Alas! how difficult for me to tell, the very recollection frightens me. Death itself can't be much worse. But to get to good that came from it the other things will come to word. How I got there, I don't know, bit by bit grew tired, till I lost the way I had. But as, then, I stood beneath a hill, where gorge in wood gave way, that terror-struck my heart. But when I saw before me, curvature of hills against the glowing stars, assuring wanderers, made way... At that my fear receded some, which before gave plaintive cramps to depths of heart throughout the night. Like one, gasping for breath, who saved himself from sea to beach, returning gaze to fearful sea, I transformed myself, still further fleeing sensibility, once more viewing gorge which none but me escaped, still alive. Thus having rested weary soul, up again, up the steep incline, propped myself on lower foot. Made the hill and found a slender, fast and cunning leopard, showing off his brightly coloured coat. He always moved before my eyes, disturbing, hindering my journey so, that once again, I almost lost my nerve. Was in the early morning light, when sun rose out among the stars which girdled it, as on the primal day when Love Divine supported it. That's why, had ground enough, that none deceives me, in this mild springtime by first daylight, not even beast of prey. Suddenly am brought to be afraid by lion's stare, deciding: Scared I was, so came he near me, head erect, and hungry, angered, such that even air about him trembled. And too a she-wolf, undernourished, lean, and full of greed, old destroyer of unmanly souls! With dismal stare, her eyes struck heart and senses lame, and the hope I had to gain the heights a-fled. The man who's desirous after gain, and who's lost the lusting hour, when his whole thought fades and is a-pained, was I become, before this restless beast, when it came near to me, and, move by move forced me back into the shades. So, found myself brought down and fell, there stood a man before my eyes, who though, stood long without the power, speech, was already further cast in loneliness. "Pity me!" I cried, "Whoe'er thou be, a shadow or a living man!" "I am," he spoke, "no man, though once I was, and from Lombardy came my parents and their home was Mantua. I was born, still under Julius, lived in Rome beneath the rule of that good man Augustus in the time of Anti-Gods. As Poet sang Anchises' son, the true one, come to us from Troy, after Illium, the proud, was burned. But you, why back ye off in deepest fright and not press on to wondrous hill, where true creation brings much joy?" "You're Virgil then, and are the bard from whom rich golden words gush forth." I spoke it humbly, forehead bowed. "You, honour and light of all the poets, let all my work, great love, with which I hold onto your books, be of service! You're master, the creator-like, the only one, from whom high art of words I've learned, who brings me honour.-- See that beast there, which I flee, which keeps staying with me, famous wise man, my blood trembles through my veins from it." "There's another way then that is yours, if you want to save yourself from this wilderness," he spoke, with which he saw me cry. "The She-wolf, who accentuates your fear, lets no one find their way in peace, she stalks men, then, killing them. She's evil and malign and greedy, and won't ever be appeased by lust, and, after feeding, rises even hungrier. She'll let herself be fucked by many beasts, and thereafter, many more--until the hounds of th'hunt will come and kill her. The hounds won't hunger after valuable metals: but after knowledge, love and freedom, and be born beneath the felts. He'll free this poor, dear land of Italy, for which Camilla, Turnus, Eiryalus and Nisus dies in battle. He'll hunt the She-wolf through all cities, 'till she's driven into Hell's eternal night, and the primal touch of envy sets her free again. In your best interest I think it would be well to follow me; I'll be your guide and take you from this place through the eternal chambers, where you'll hear some puzzling screams and witness poor dead souls, who will accost you with a second death. And you'll see others there who willfully would be consumed in flames, hoping that, sooner or later they will find a seat among the blessed. If you want to press on toward this realm, there'll be another one to show the way to whom I leave you in my worthlessness, because, the Emperor, who rules on high, since I won't give him recognition, won't let me show the path leads to his estate. He rules everybody, who rules there, there in the godly state, and there his throne. O what joy, when one is chosen for that place!" "Now then, my poet," I spoke, "by God, that you don't know, I bid of you--that I will flee this evil thing and worse-- lead me there, that place you spoke about, let me see the gate of Holy Peter and those oppressed by suffering--as you say!" Then made way: I followed him. FINIS Canto I 9. "I followed him" Virgil in Heaven when Ulysses stands in Hell. Dante divinely sees demented suffering a structured reasoning. He "sees" suffering. He does not participate. He reports the rape but does not stop it. These are blind men searching for a light they cannot see. "There is a crack in everything" not here...what crack there is here belches fire nothing else. "I followed him." No questions and no answers. Blind faith. "Ya, herr kommandant" to "I didn't understand." Not "I didn't know." "I didn't understand." Pocket "credit". Beyond our comprehension does not enter it. the equation is pure. not paper that equates to gold. "we cannot alter it" so there is no pity no reasoning outside. not in. thus is history. we cannot alter it so we selectively re-interpret it. our news is not theirs. and when we legislate interpretation we not only change today the past we change the past today. we see different. we teach different. we refuse a dialogue and refusing a dialogue we invoke a flood and build an ark with only one "truth" 144,000. what of the others? they drown. where lesser gods need crutches broken limbs abound. just a step away. 737 10. when did civilization arise? Venus of Willendorf? 30,000 years ago? goddess of fertility. bow and arrow? 20,000 years? the arms race thus begins. Altamira and Lascaux, 12,000 B.C.E. gaugan, gaudier-brezna, picasso guernica, through art the present is the past and the past regains a present the cultivation of wheat, rice, rye, oats, millet, and barley. wine and beer. dionysus rites of passage pit sacrificial lamb bread and blood sang real why hast thou forsaken me chambertin napoleon montrachet new world clay-created man Jericho? 6,000 B.C.E. population c. 2,500. tower fortified war and where there is one there is another * where did we go from straw huts to palaces? 6th millennia BC? Jericho? 4th millennia BC? Tepe Gawra? 2nd Millennia BC? Egypt? Stonehenge? so out of obscurity rose mud brick settlement, tower, temple, stone, palace, ziggurat, pyramid marble, indestructible, reaching past mortality, reaching out to us. examine what we have. shards of empire. pottery and dust. ruins. then emerging, clay tablets. cuneiform. hieroglyphics. told to us, the what we cannot experience, but imagine. only. flesh out. pad. with sawdust and remnants from a garbage dump. so old it is a treasure trove of jigsaw puzzles. rarities in objects not held dear. that and the other thing - palaces. made to last but made to tell a fallacy. a boast. not the human but the mighty mortal gods. bow down. despair. quiver to the might of one so inaccessible the stars are easy in our hands. what commands such power to build? when no one built before? fear? such fear to build and fortify? Jericho? such fear of nature to build a temple? Tepe Gawra? high and inaccessible? these were surely not peaceful times? what voice human or divine commands? what forces gather a society? what force creates a nation at the dawn of time? mark necessity. two tribes united are stronger than one. not conquered, but united. A peace negotiated. two agree. common rule for common good. or maybe just war. conquest. enslave. was this how society was built? history wd seem to confirm the magnitude. the other maybe wishful thinking. Mesopotamia Egypt Indus China Greece Rome Islam HRE Britain Portugal Spain The US of A as empires continue wars pile up corpses no longer for food and land now to fuel the economy piece of paper not the true worth of any gold stamped. 850 * neanderthal? homo habitalis? homo sapien? hunting wanders into field of wild maze wild oats eats returns eats cruel winter hunts wholly mammoth wild boar fall returns eats wild oats when does he realize this cycle continues? after one year? after many? returns to cavern fortified with oats realizes oats dried keep returns another year the sun same angle rising same time of year from hunters gatherers supplement when did he build huts when first he guarded? sentries on the land required shelter built sticks and leaves stalks? prelude to a settlement? began it thus? thus it began! to take possession of to mark territory to defend to settle others followed when? was the valley secure for them to follow? or did war ensue with another tribe first? perhaps not yet. perhaps a good thing had to be established first. soon others came and stayed to gather and prepare to carry home barter store for winter perhaps famine one year no crop shamatic dances prayer to corn gods a new fertility cycle of events had to be too far away to defend from citadel so more shelters built more stayed gathered prepared made offering to sun cycle perhaps gather stones to mark the spot shelters for one made huts for many begun commerce barter but they stayed rudiments of settlement when did they realize and deliberately plant somewhere else and cultivate? what diversified the tribal structure? land not caves to defend and abandon not animal migrations to follow and depend upon we can settle here survive the winter wait here for meat to return to us and not go hungry in-between sympathetic magic turned to rites religion the gods needed appeasement and did the fishers too cultivate the ocean? their culture must have been quite different from the start. did they follow river to the ocean? did they first observe bear catch fish? possum? beaver? did they wander in and with their hands attempt the maneuver? or did they already have spears? did such diversity of cultures integrate or clash? when did they first venture out in boats? reed? wood? it begins with noticing. what floats? what cuts? what hurts? what gives pleasure? what sustains. * so we leave them on the planes. harvesting. defending. from shelters to huts. from huts to a community. village. and through trade, town. cross roads. binding communities through sustenance. and art from shamanistic shadows flickering in a dark cave to art made from leisure. trade. pound sd/ usury. commodity. so... king warriors tribe hunter/gatherers processors shaman (fringe society) artisan outcast society laws code of conduct hannurabi the knife cuts deep * so we get from there to Jericho fortified c 6000 B.C.E. our reckoning not true reckoning a measurement a placement a context. these built in stone. foundations. made stuff to last. settlement. stay put. trade. commerce. personal possessions. feuds. decisions. government. once one occurs the others also * but Jericho was fortified was there ever a temple here as in 18th layer tepe gawra? 11. tepe gawra. and rites begin. ritual. EPIC OF CREATION TABLET I skies not yet named nor earth vocalized APSU, 1st, brought forth made Tiamat, who made all, mixed waters, but not yet pastures, not river beds where reeds flourish; before gods were real, names not vocalized, or destinies fulfilled, then the gods were born inside themselves. Lahmu and Lahamu emerged names vocalized, adult and full of strength. Anshar and Kishar went beyond, born, and added days to years. Their first-born Anu rivaled prior generations: Anu mirrored Anshar. Anu begat Nudimmud in his visage. Nudimmud surpassed his prior generations: knowledgeable, wise and strong. Mightier than Anshar his father's father, among his peers no god could rival him. these gods would hold a gathering and agitate Tiamat, with repercussions far and wide. Agitated Tiamat's bowels. They harassed her by playing inside Anduruna. Apsu was mute to quell their clamor. And Tiama fell silent; no matter their behavior, how injurious to her, she would allow it. When Apsu, father to these gods, could stand it no longer he said to his vizier Mummu: "let's see Tiamat!" and they discussed the matter with him. Apsu spoke with authority, "I am embarrassed by their conduct. I can't find comfort in the day, or sleep at night. I will stop their behaviors and exile them. Let this cease so we can rest!" Tiamat became angry and admonished her lover; she screamed, became hysterical, and then forced the madness from her gut. "How could we let this happen? Even though it hurts us, we should however, practice temperance." Mummu did not agree with his Gaia and spoke to Apsu: "Father, end their rabble-rousing, we need daily rest and nightly sleep!" Apsu was pleased with this request, his face grew bright thinking of the punishment he'll bestow on his sons. Mummu embraced him, sat on his lap and kissed him passionately. Unfortunately all they sought to do was relayed to the gods, their sons. The gods listened restlessly, said nothing, grew quiet. Ea, great in knowledge, wise and competent, uncovered the plot, drafted an itinerary and presented it. His cleverness was a marvel. Made his presentation and calmed the quirky ocean. He pored sleep upon Apsu, and the Vizier Mammu. Ea then removed his belt and removed his crown and removed the glowing robe and wore the belt and wore the crown and wore the robe himself. He pinned Apsu to the ground and slaughtered him. ... the gods raged. plotted against each other. even before made man. to serve the gods? worship them? appease them! 12. THEOGONY OF DUNNU In the beginning plough mated earth made family established habitat "We will plow the virgin ground and break it into clumps" And from the virgin clumps formed sea. The Furrows they plowed made cattle god. They built Dunnu as his refuge Plough provided unrestricted sovereignty. In Dunnu. Gaia raised her head to the cattle god Said: "let us mate!" Cattle god mated Gaia. and killed is father Plough. Laid him down in Dunnu the land he loved. The cattle god usurped his father's land. Mated Sea his elder sister. Flock god, cattle god's son killed cattle god and laid him down in Dunnu his father's tomb. then mated sea his mother. then sea slaughtered Gaia her mother. on 16th day of Kislimu took control. son of flock god killed flock god and sea his mother. and laid them down in the isolated tomb. on 1st day of Tebet took control. Herdsman god, son of flocks god mated pasture/poplar, his sister. made Gaia's land green and flourishing. gathered sheep in pens to provide sustenance for the settlement. and gods. killed ______ and river mother forced then into tomb. On the ? day of Shabat took control. Haharnum son of herdsman god mated sidter Bele-seri killed herdsman god and pasture/poplar his mother laid them down. on 16th day of Addar took control. Then Hayyashum son of Haharnum mated his own sister. On New Year day took control. But did not kill him. took him live. ordered him to prison and... 13. ishtar in inferno: to kurnugi place where none return ishar sin's daughter wanted to journey dark house abode of erkalla's deity place where all stay captive one way coul de sac where on those who enter there no light shines where food is dust and bread, clay wear bird-suit "feder spiel" where on the thresh-hold heavy dust istar arrived spoke to gate guard thus: "gate guard open your gate open you gate that i may enter! if you refuse i will break the door and smash the bolt smash doorpost topsy-turvy doors raise the dead to eat the living more dead than living there shall be!" the gate guard raised his voice to renowned istar spake: "Desist frowe, i will speak to ereshkigal, queen, and present your argument." the gate guard went inside spoke to ereshkigal, "ishtar, your sister's here, holds the keppu, evokes apsu in ea's name!" ereshkigal heard, livid as cut tamarisk, became and lips turned black as rim of kuninu chalice "what's she doing here? what's she want of me? because i drink water with the anunnaki, eat clay vice bread, drink rancid water stead o' ale? am i not forced to wail for abandoned lovers not forced to wail for girls distressed abandoned by their young man's lap? do i not wail for the children torn from womb untimely? open the gate and let her enter. treat her with accorded rites." gate guard went, swung gate wide to let her in. "enter, frowe: kutha bring happiness. the palace of kurnui welcomes you." he swung wide the first gate to her, but removed her crown. "gate guard, why have you taken my great crown?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the second gate but took her earrings. "gate guard, why have you taken my earrings?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the third gate but took her necklace. "gate guard, why have you taken my beads?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the fourth gate but took the pins at her breasts. "gate guard, why have you taken my pins?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the fifth gate but took the birthstone girdle. "gate guard, why have you taken my girdle?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the sixth gate but took the bangles from her wrists and ankles. "gate guard, why have you taken my bangles?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." he swung open the seventh gate but stripped the dress from her body. "gate guard, why have you taken my dress?" "enter frowe. these are gaia's rules." so when ishtar descended into kurnugi erishkigal trembled before her. ishtar did not hesitate and lorded over her. ershkigal spake: "go to namtar in my house send her sixty diseases, ishtar: disease of eyes to her eyes, arms to hers, feet to hers, heart to hers, head to her head, every part to her part." after ishtar descended down to kurnugi no bull mounted cow, no donkey seeded jenny, no young man seeded street-girl, and young men slept in their own rooms, and girls with her friends. then papsukkal, great gods' vizier, cast his face in gloom; wore rags, hair dishevaled, wept, distraught, before his father sin, and sobbed before king ea. "Ishtar returned to earth and has not returned. as soon as she descended into kurnugi no bull mounted cow, no donkey seeded jenny, no young man seeded street-girl, and young men slept in their own rooms, and girls with her friends." so, ea, in his wisdom created boy-toy. "Come, idol, see kurnugi's gate. the seven gates will swing wide for you. ereshkigal will welcome you. relaxed, her mood will mellow. make her swear to the gods. look up, be attentive of the halziqqu, intone, 'hey, frowe, tell them to bring the halziqqu, such i may drink water from it.'" so it came to pass but when ereshkigal heard this, she slapped her thigh and bit her finger. "you have beckoned of me naught that should have been beckoned! come, boy-toy, i will curse you with a curse. i will decree a fate you will never forget. bread scraped from garbage carts shall be your sustenance. city sewers will provide your water, the shade of the city wall your only place to stand, the city steps your only place to sit, the drunkard and the parched will ignore your needs." ereshkigal spake; addressed her vizier Namtar, "go, namtar, check ,egalgina, decorate the steps with coral, bring the anunnaki, seat them on olden thrones, anoint ishtar with life's water and bring her to me." namtar went. checked egalgina. decorated steps with coral, led out the anujjaki, seated them on golden thrones, anointed ishtar with life's water and brought her forth. led her through the first gate, returned her dress. led her through the second gate, returned her bangles. led her through the third gate, returned her girdle. led her through the fourth gate, returned her pins. led her through the fifth gate, returned her beads. led her through the sixth gate, returned her earrings, led her through the seventh gate, returned her crown. "swear she paid her ransom, return it in exchange for him, dumuzi, lover in her youth. wash him in clear water, anoint him with sweat oil, cloth him in a crimson robe, let the lapus lazuli pipe play. let dancing girls perforce a clamorous lament. then belili shed her jewellery, in her lap, eyestones. belili hear the lament for her brother she shed her jewelry, and the eyestones that filled the wild cow. "you will not rob me of my brother! the day dumizi returns the lapus lazuli and carnelan ring returns with him, when male and female mourners return with him the dead shall return and smell the burnt offerings." so the beginning dawns. so this is why a temple stands. alter burns offerings to the gods of sky and earth. no longer to ensure the coming of the harvest (mankind now does that) but to appease those great gods high upon the pantheon lesser gods are loosely nit as vassail speak distaste and quarrelsome become and even death itself has become a re-generation first for chiefs then kings then their advisers (money talks) usurp the privilege a rise in rank you buy a god ship invest in a "remembrance" * and so, also, a beginning is made. the gods, then GOD, created earth, heaven earth, and out of clay, man. or man last. infused with life. or man's clay formed woman or man's rib. it is the evolution from gods to GOD. one usurps the other. 14. and our temples more elaborate. made more lasting. ever reaching nearer the sky. the sky so far away. KMT enveloped next. and why not. the Nile a great cobra flowing to the sea. to Crete. Knossos and the minotaur. and Acrotiri abandoned. ash covered. preserved. Atlantis vanishing. Time line lost. Somehow time reversed. 200 years. time grows in stops and starts amazes us pottery does not match pottery should match... a floor of ash and the pottery is older where it should be new... the king list does not calibrate. this where the exodus took place. where tutankaten changed his name and aten resurrected. ahketaten lain to dust. so vast the devastation we would miss it had we not proof of its existence. but too far ahead. we move too far ahead. in our mind. we survey the whole and not the singular. the built pyramids. slowly. progressing hit and miss. why did they build pyramids and where they tombs? Sakkareh was a tomb. we know I-em-hotep, 1st architect built it. for King Djoser (2780-2762 B.C. Third Dynasty). Established standard that governed Egyptian life, culture and art throughout it's history. And Djoser, enjoyer of the two crowns after "Horus" N'ar united them (c. 3000 B.C.), conquering the delta from the south. Established 1st dynasty. established KMT. and in 300 years Kings built it monumental, cut in stone "eternal". As the pyramids developed, some collapsed before completion. some completed, never used. Until El Giza brought it to a pinnacle. to a measure, King Khufu, never reached again. Were these built to mirror Orion's belt? they align 10,000 years ago, not King Khufu's time. And the Sphinx, weather-beaten, not of sand, but water. was the face carved later? can we ever know? and what lies beneath they will not let be excavated? And here in Khufu's "tomb" not a shred of writing carved into the walls. no inscription. nothing that would suggest and after-life for one so powerful to be interned. here. but in the other pyramids the carved hieroglyphs abound. I have made this book from that: LOTUS (Poems from the Land of KMT) from THE PYRAMID TEXTS 1. (467) He who's flying flies he flies away from you mortals he is no longer on earth he is in the sky his metropolitan god his ka is beside you he leaps towards the sky like a heron he kisses the sky like a hawk he has leapt towards the sky like a grasshopper. 2. (335) They are overjoyed those who see him crowned with the crown of Ra his cloak surrounds him like that of Hathor his plumage is like that of a hawk he flies into the sky to the gods his brothers. 3. (276) This is your heart Musar these are your feet these your arms that is his own heart those his own feet his own arms Stairs to the sky are built for him so that he may ascend thereto He rises like the smoke in great expectation Like a bird he flies taking his place like a beetle on an empty seat in the ship of Ra "Get up, go from here... that he may sit in your chair" He rows skyward from your heaven he is there staff in hand he is the navigator of your barge o Ra You raise yourself to the sky and are far away from this world... 4. (210) Awake Thoth Thoth get up awake who are asleep stir yourselves you who are in Kmt before the great bittern that has risen from the Nile and Anubis has emerged from his tamarisk His mouth is pure he has been cleansed by the double Nine of the gods his tongue within his mouth is pure he loathes dung and rejects urine he loathes himself because he loathes he loathes this and does not eat... The two of you that travel through the sky Ra and Thoth take him to you let him be with you that he may eat from which you eat that he may drink from which you drink that he may live by that which keeps you alive that he may live where you live that he might be strong which that which you are strong that he may go to where you might go His shop is set up in the field of Iaru and his drink is in the field where one offers food his food is with you you gods and his water is like that of wine like the water of Ra He embraces the sky like Ra and like Thoth transverses it. 5. (439) He is Satis who has seized the two lands the one who is burning who takes hold of both river banks He has gone into the sky and has found Ra who rises up when he comes near him and seats himself beside him for Ra does not let him suffer the indignity of sitting on the ground knowing that he is greater than he is himself He is more glorified than the glorified more excellent than the excellent more enduring than the eternal ones his hall is a mistress who offers food He has supported him in the north sky seizing the two lands like a king. 6. (257) "There is conflict in heaven we see things that are new" so the gods who come before speak The Nine of Horus is taken aback the Lords of Forms are afraid of him the complete double Nine serves him and he occupies the throne of the first god He takes the sky by force he splits the metal he is lead along the road to Khepre he is alive in the west those who live in Aquert follow him as he rises newly in the east He who awarded the conflict comes to him to pay homage the gods fear him because he is older than the Great One it is he himself who has power over the seat he has hold of the Word eternity is brought to him insight is placed by his feat Raise your voice to him is joy he has captured the horizon. 7. (273 - 274) Sky overcast shooting stars bows moved earth-bones tremble... when they notice him how he looks and is animated like a god who eats his father and his mother He is of the land of... whose name is unknown even to his mother His glory is in the sky his power in the horizon like Atum his father who gave him life but he is stronger His Kas surrounds him his worth beneath his feet his gods with him his serpent on his brow his ureaus upon his forehead ................... protected by his powers He comes as the great one lord of the administrators he sits with his back turned to Keb and he passes judgement with the one of the hidden name on this day the day he slays the elders He is the lord offering the food the one who ties the knot preparing his own meal He eats men lives on the gods keeps messengers and sends letters The one who grasps horns who is in... he takes them for him by force the serpent of the resplendent head he guards the for him he guides them to him Heri-terut he binds them for him the runner who has all the knives strangles them for him he pulls out their entrails for him he who is the messenger whom he has sent to... the one of the wine-press he cuts them apart for him cooking part of them for him in his evening meal He eats their magic and swallows their lordliness these their great ones become his breakfast the middle ones his lunch and the little ones his supper the old men and the women are assigned to burn his incense the great ones inhabiting the northern sky they kindle the fire in his stove to heat the kettles when the thighs of the elders are beneath them those who dwell within the sky serve him and the pots are wiped clean for him with the legs of the women He has circumnavigated the two skies he has transcended the two shores he is the great one the mighty one who has power over the other mighty ones ................... the one he encounters on his way he eats him raw The nobles who live on the horizon he is at the head of them he is a god who is older than the elders thousands serve him hundreds sacrifice to him Orion the father of the gods has appointed him as the great one the mighty one he is newly crowned in the sky and wears the crown as the lord of the horizon He has broken the necks and the primal cords he has stolen the hearts of the gods he has devoured the red crown swallowed the green crown he feeds on the lungs of the wise ones his need is satisfied by living on the hearts and their magic he is happy when he devours them... which are in the red crown he flourishes and their magic is in his stomach he is not made to be indignant he has swallowed the understanding of all gods He is eternal and his boundary is eternal in his dignity "if he wants to so he does if he doesn't then he doesn't" he is one who is eternally in the boundary of the horizon Alas his stomach has their soul he has their aloofness his excess of food is more than that of the gods and it is their bones which are burned for him within their souls and their shadows hug close to their companions He rises rises hides hides the place he chooses is amongst the living who inhabit this land for all eternity. 8. (440) If you want to live o Horus that is by his.... of the constellation of Truth then you lock the gates of the sky .................. when you lead his Ka into the sky to the ancient ones by the gods those who lean upon their scepters keeping guard over Upper Egypt who are dressed in red clothes who subside on figs drinking wine and are anointed with fine oils Let him speak about him to the great god let him lead him to the great god. 9. (518) O ferryman of the field where flood is offered bring this to me it is he hurry he has come he who is the son of the morning barge to whom she gave birth against the wishes of the earth his birth unblemished by which two lands become alive He is the year's harbinger o Ausar look how he comes with a message for Keh your father "the harvest this year is plentiful plentiful is this years harvest the harvest this year is good good is this year's harvest" He has descended with the double nine into the cold water he who is the architect for the double nine the founder of the field where food is offered he found the gods waiting for him clothed in raiments upon their feet white sandals then they cast their white sandals to the ground cast off their cloak " our hearts were not at rest until you came" so they said ........................... 10. (508) He who rises rises he rises Buto's mistress rejoices and she that lives in El-Kab her heart is shrunk on the day in which he rises to the land of Ra He has trampled down these rays into a path so that he may walk thereon to his mother who is the living asp that is upon Ra she is compassionate to him so that he may suck thereof "o my son king take this breast of suck thereof o king what is the reason why do you not come on each of our days? .................... Keb takes his hand and leads him through the gates of the sky the god is seated on his throne it is well that he is seated there Satis has washed him with four pitchers of Elephantine water "Hey from where did you come my son o king?" he has come to the nine in the sky so that he might eat their bread "Hey from where did you come my son o king?" he has come to the nine upon the earth so that he might eat of their bread ........................ "Hey from where have you come my son o king?" he has come to his two mothers the two vultures with long hair and hanging breasts they reside upon the hill of Sehsen they hold their breasts to his mouth and never again do they nurture him. 11. (542) [in part] He is stronger than they are when he is seen on the river bank their eyes succumb to his fingers those who are of the sky have their guts those who are of the earth have their blood Poverty consumes their inheritances the past consumes their houses and the overflowing Nile their gates But he is glad within his heart his heart is glad the one who is the only one the one who is the bull of the sky he has put them to flight those who did this to him he has destroyed each of their survivors 12. (581) Those who see the Nile overflowing tremble the fields laugh and the riverbanks are flooded the gifts of the gods rain down the faces of men are glowing with joy and the hearts of the gods rejoice. Gerken/Erman 69 FINIS * so they mystery darkens. the grand gallery so precise. and the false passages and chambers, on purpose left unfinished, to resemble, we are told, the underground. For the most part the pyramid age was over. KMT continued to the rhythm of the Nile. Even when the land was conquered the stability did not cease. But conquerors were integrated to the land. Year after year. A rhythm. A drum beat. A heart. One heart. One pump for everyone. Each Paro claimed his own monument. Each dynasty it's own magnificence. And the tombs claimed more of ground than monument. As if a grandeur such as was had somehow bled the country into a submission. Content from day to day to gather sustenance. Appease the gods. KMT was its own guidance. KMT dictated the terms for its survival. Its usage. Its management. No one ever "owned" this land but kept it. 15. 15 (A Brief History of KMT) In the beginning two kingdoms upper and lower egypt Menes (Narmer?) conquered lower egypt united crowns Founded 1st Dynasty and Memphis as its capital papyrus invented 1st hieroglyphics Horus and Seth two rivals two opposing houses claimed the throne Hetepsekhemwy rules "peaceful to the two powers" but Peribsen took Seth and Khasekhemwyc took both Seth/Horus did civil war cut short this dynasty? 3rd. Sanakht Djoser Sekhemkhet Huni One of the pinnacles of civilization Imhotep vizier to Djoser designed to specifications to resemble wood and flowers in stone the grand facade of the Step Pyramid a complete city unto itself for the Pero and his company The implications of this complex are startling. City for the dead, with granaries, storage facilities and homes. Perfectly aligned. how was it built where just centuries before writing did not happen and the oxen were counted on fingers or string? from mud huts to Saqqara. The ancient world must have trembled. And how does one like Imhotep appear out of nowhere with the knowledge to draw up these plans no previous tools existed he invented what was needed he gave the world a measuring rod! did he have a teacher? from Sumaria where from mud brick they built the ziggurat? Impressive yes. But mud bricks are easy and are cast - not stone. And one can see that THESE MEN SPOKE not one commanded and the other did These MEN had great respect for each other one can see the equalness of their vision and it was THEIR vision not the vision of one they took pride in this accomplishment patted each other on the shoulder and smiled when their work was done. And this was not build for gods but for men by men. The dynasty would prosper and lay foundation for the next. The last Pero Huni was the father of Hetepheres I, the wife of Sneferu who was the first king of the Fourth Dynasty. Huni was succeeded by Sneferu according to "The Instructions by Kagemni". So through woman the line commences to the next. Sneferu Cheops Radjedef Chephren Menkaura Shepseskaf Pyramid Builders Stone smiths They cut the concept new and reached toward a lofty height none would reach again. You would think the Pyramids were built from a smaller structure to the large, simple to the complex, not the case... Cheops (Khufu) was first. Was Imhotep somehow still involved? his sons? his disciples? It's almost as if all three pyramids at Giza were planned together. One complex. What purpose? What plans carefully drawn by someone's hand established this? But no corner stone exist...no name carved exists. The great pyramid is anonymous, like the laborers who built it. How many years? Not in a Pero's life time that's for sure. Convention tells us that this was Cheop's tomb, but wisdom somehow compensates, no paro ever rested here. granite chamber seems devoid of any human intervention. "senses are deprived herein" one is alone. there are no other egyptian tomb where one is alone. nowhere. ever. Egyptians did not think like that. Or was there something else involved? An intervention? A "contamination"? A one time thing? Hardly real. The Sphinx is older. It was there before. They built around it. Long after the nile had changed its course. There was a harbour here. Who's harbour? And why did Chephren, Menkaura build smaller? When Paro usually tried to out do Paro? Design to this? There was. What was it. We don't know. Can we ever? The journey's just begun. Pepi II (6th and final dynasty Old Kingdom) "You have said in your letter that you have come down in safety from Yam with the army and brought many beautiful gifts which Hathor, Lady of Yamu, has given to the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. You also say in this letter that you have brought a dwarf of divine dances from the land of the horizon-dwellers. Like the dwarf whom the Treasurer of the God, Baurded, brought from Punt in the time of King Isesi. You say to my Majesty, Never before has one like him been brought by any other who has visited Yam. Each year you do what your lord desires - spending day and night with the caravan. Now come northward at once to the Court. You must bring the dwarf, alive, sound and well to rejoice and gladden the heart of the King of Upper and Lower Egypt. When he comes down with you into the ship, appoint reliable people who shall be beside him on each side of the vessel and take care lest he should fall into the water. When he sleeps at night, appoint trustworthy people who shall sleep beside him. Inspect him ten times a night because my Majesty desires to see this dwarf more than the all products of Sinai and Punt. If you arrive at the Court and the dwarf is with you, alive, and well, my Majesty will make you many excellent honours to be an ornament for the son of your son for ever. All the people will say when they hear what my Majesty does for you: "Is there anything like this which was done for the privy counselor Harkhuf, when he came down from Yam." (trans. Unknown) * 1st intermediate period. Petty warlords Chaos Famine Capital Herakleopolis 56 years stagnation. * Middle Kingdom 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep I reunited the kingdom 12th Amenemhet I moved capital back to Memphis Sesostris III reorganized Egypt into four regions Amenemhet III left a striking artistic legacy in the form of statuary depicting them as ageing, careworn rulers. Queen Sobeknefru, the first female monarch marked the end of the dynastic line. 2nd Intermediate period 57 years Hyksos invasion rule "Shepherd Kings" sacked Memphis relocated to Avaris "Their rule brought many technical innovations to Egypt, from bronze working, pottery and looms to new musical instruments and musical styles. New breeds of animals and crops were introduced. But the most important changes was in the area of warfare; composite bows, new types of daggers and scimitars, and above all the horse and chariot. In many ways the Hyksos modernized Egypt and Ultimately Egypt was to benefit from their rule." 17th dynasty New line of Kings at Thebes splintered from Hyksos rule New Kingdom 18th dynasty 1550-1295 BC Ahmose Amenhotep I Thutmose I Thutmose II Hatshepsut Thutmose III Amenhotep II Thutmose IV Amenhotep III Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) Neferneferuaten Tutankhamen Ay Horemheb Not since the Old Kingdom have we seen such innovation and prosperity... This is where the modern adventure begins... Ahmose finally expelled the Hyksos took back KMT rightful what was their log line of succession Expansion was the mode Thutmose I annexed mid-east and africa trade was guaranteed and so prosperity Hatshepsut and Thutmose III built kmt first super power. Amenhotep III married TiYi for love not politics (non royal) and had her sculpted in old age still beautiful looking at us across the millennia "I am she" mother of Amenhotep IV and built great Luxur Temple Shelley struck like stone in words every scholl child knows: "Two vast and trunk less legs of stone... stand..." on the road to The Valley of the Kings. Not far from Carter's house. Tourists stand there now, not worshippers. and then, was it so abrupt? was it a slow transposition from father to son? How did Aten usurp Amun? how did this concept of one god omnipotent manifest itself? In KMT so strong in its traditions that even the Hyksos adopted them. Something handed from father to sun? Father already radicalized the arts. Reality vice posturing. What is certain when Amenhotep IV proclaimed the ATEN all, it came as no surprise until he closed the other temples and had Ahketaten built at Armana magnifying glass of sun and desert / made dignitaries wait for hours in the shadowless courtyard / co-ruled with his mother first / scandalous / the Nefertiti / Smenkhkare when 17th year he dies AY tutors Tutankaten takes him back to Thebes Tutankamen opens wide the temple gates restores KMT to where it was before. complete obliteration of Ahketaten begins. not a stone but dust left standing. art destroyed. Nefertiti survived in Berlin..."I am in love" LeGrave said in my high school art class. "The most beautiful woman ever on earth." And a question must be asked. Was Ahkenaten's Vizier jewish? And what happened to those foreign laborers leaving Armara...out of Egypt ...there is a tomb.. Yuya's and Tiye's Viziers to Amenhotep III and yuya features are un-egptian ripe speculation for more... but I will end here it all depends on the time-line of akratiri and where the lost time went... Upon Tutankamen's death his wealth now on display on tour around the world he never could have imagined... Old man Ay took KMT for 2 years when Ahnksamon couldn't find a foreign king...and upon his death his general Horemheb... so desperate was the situation. the 19th was the last great dynasty are building of the empire and it was an empire now uneasy peace with the Hittites and wars and treaties ensued and as with all empires a decay began by the 20th no turning back from the decay. for all intent an purposes great KMT was no more. survived in shadow only a cosmetic entity in a political arena... a crown jewel to be passed from one conqueror to another. 16. and where do we bind it all together? a book? many books? a documentary? a movie? catalogue the shards? speculate? make it a good story? use it? integrate it? make it our own? can we? what binds us? were they just like us? eat, talk, till? play as children? fall in love, court, mate? did they "feel like us? did they curse like us? grew frustrated, elated, celebrate? or were they oppressed? by overlords or caste traditions? we can judge. they left us chronicles. can we judge? we can speculate. and the chronicles? do we have a reference point? desert tribes. settles tribes. closed societies. trading ritualized. war ritualized. "Krakow hits me, I hit Krakow. too many bosses. what we need..." so the trek begins... maybe... too many gods. 17. reed sea. sea of reeds. marshes. low tide bridge one shore to the other like clock work only some might know. and where did they cross? and to cross into a wilderness a desert waste for forty years a land of well-established routes trails to find the "promised" land a land Egypt had traded with for generations and where Ahksamon asked it's kings to give her sons to lead KMT that was not to be at the border murder maybe... yet as the genealogy of Jeshua makes clear he was a King claimant to the throne of David the ceremonial ride into Jerusalem on palm leaves was a King's right a reminder "Thou art of the People" but that was the ending of another journey a journey through the wilderness that has not yet ceased even where we stand (a displaced people rarely just "go away") the "promised land" not "given" but "conquered" so, not on a straight, but a crooked path they went "unorganized" unruly lot who "worshipped idols" and there was no Pero who drowned unless Smemkhare little known successor to Ahkenaten the time of the upheaval But it's the 40 years that make no sense... 40 years "out of the way" to get to Egypt's trading partner... these places weren't unknown. and none of this is "orthodox" to be that it has to be decreed... how many sessions to expunge to the book of books they did not want but they left the solomon song as close to the KMT hymn to the RA as to be plagiarism... and they left it in but that Jesus Rabbi was married they tore out... yet marriage and family was a condition a necessity to be a Rabbi you cannot be a teacher of and intermediary unless you know you lived that part too. but 40 years not a small band round and round in a desert hastily organized food shelter all necessities left "up to God" manna from the sky water where no water was it was a miracle when maybe as six week journey took one to the same point we are talking of a well integrated area here not "a place far away unknown" and they took him to the governor who found nothing wrong with him then Herod "He pretends to be a king" and Herod who was no such "King" must have been afraid here is one who challenges his dominion Have him crucified but let Barrabbas (son of the father" go... In the Acts James stayed largely out of it... (smart political move) as the brother of Jesus he hangs low... or, more speculation. After, it wasn't James, but the outside Saul who turned King to Christ Christos....and the cross to worship ...the blood and the bread... and his, not Jeshua's, misogyny. so the church of Paul not John lingers in a political vacuum... it pretends it rules but rules nothing except itself...old priest defending old tribal texts... desert parchments tiny settlements not a cosmopolitan expanse... no flexibility made flexible by selective disengagements like a war no longer winnable like a crown no longer warn but hidden.. 40 years well documented journey Moses smashed the first set of laws after 40 years they still had their "old" rituals... where did these come from when out of egypt took the Jews... but I was thrown out dislodged cut adrift a 12 year old from bible school for asking questions "faith doesn't question" i was told "faith doesn't question ever." my mother complained but I never went back in 1984 I translated the New Testament myself just to find out what it said and it never said THAT... but my opinion doesn't matter i am no scholar it's the scholars who tell us what to think arrogant enough to think we can't think for ourselves... 18. think about it someone today is descended from the first one who tamed fire who chipped the first flint into a tool who ate the first wild oat and stayed to cultivate it who perhaps saw a stone roll down a hill and replicated that roll in a wheel first to crush grain then after oxen were domesticated to till the land shaped the wheel For every first invention every first usage there is a descendant alive today a genetic link communicates faint perhaps but nevertheless there and as it is here we are there bound past and future in each of us all that is accumulated in a bonded mind synapse to the universe alive. 19. "Memory evokes, moreover, previous memory." (Hugh Kenner) as Experience recollects a pool of previous experience. a long line of succession cause and effect is a universal principle therefore the effect was what we call the big bang the cause a push every action begets a reaction one helping hand leads to another " Nah ist Und shcwer zu fassen der Gott. Wo aber Gefahr is, Waechst Das Rettende auch. In Finstern wohnen..." In twilight lives... who, what? When, where? God? Aten? Amun? Ra? Horus? A light? An electron? A quark? A Hick's boson? What holds it all together and what pulls it all apart? light from darkness? darkness from light? shadow from substance! light needs sustenance to glow! and what sustains light? o do not say love love be its own glow! (the VLHC will know - know what? how close to zero can we get? got no further yet got to get beyond...) love and is they spirit god? what love starves a child? what rational accepts naught to question? and at Axum there is in a sanctuary (they carry out a slab of painted wood)... the arc carries to the promise land no man looks upon two slabs of stone upon mount sinai carved by god... 2nd set moses claimed a second set what was compromised? why no other gods before me when no other gods there were? but god means lord. just lord. ahkenaten was referred to as "lord" so were all Peros a title an epithet not a name... but then YWHW is feminine what are we to make of that? Nefertiti? She who's beauty reaches all yet who's beauty cannot be reached... a madonna call Osiris among reeds, Joseph... among reeds... and reed sea... 40 years wandering 40 days Jesus in the desert with the devil at his side we notice something here what connects connects synapse history interwoven weave the great knot (fuller) time space what does not exist because it changes in inter-space holds the fabric of thought experience together thunderbolt of lightning may have stirred the soup but the blueprint was already cast in ink... there is a blueprint for everything that's how birth begins... great collector of atoms the womb... what places there is not what places everywhere is unique a one-time thing not like a tv screen where each displayed the same but is not the same or is it where one electron mirrors each other how... the great gatherer in one case and the great display in another how do electrons distinguish one from the other... yet they are not the same...a billion tv screens a billion wombs electrons differentiate... whether ant or termite cat or bear... or wood or stone or water air electrons differentiate that is the underlying consciousness of all... and you who are great are not great at all what governs you governs all... recycled. each unto the other each within the other... and the serpent sheds his skin. we do it... what solid flesh we are today we no longer are tomorrow yet our properties remain consciousness beliefs fact replicate one electron at a time and somehow mirror the other how is this imparted if cognizance is not part of the sub particle universe and what electron quark or boson has your stamp on it and how? and the LHC will just darken the mystery for they will find Higg's Boson is further subdivided into other particles and there will be no end zero does simply not exist it was created to provide a stable mathematics to viz. fix GOD in one place forever the centre of the universe which in truth (and what is truth) should but does not dramatically present itself and that should be the first observable. isn't. just not there. if it were...the big bang expanding there would be stars visible at the other side of the big bang twice the distance of the big bang... if the big bang were 16 billion light years ago there then would exist observable stars and galaxies farther away, not older, but farther away than 16 billion years ago... no observation yet... has found it... where? towards the centre of the big bang no one has pin pointed yet... can't because that would presuppose a zero zero space... the positive and negative and at what point then does matter turn to anti-matter what interactions happens to create and not annihilate a universe? here is what i (small i) suggest out universe is just a small section of the actual universe and we can never see the whole because we still are shackled in the centre of what we are not what is out there we hold on to ourselves anchor ourselves to this reality and no other we comprehend what we create from gods to god to a universe when none exist as we pretend when all is said and done the quantum is the cosmos and the cosmos the quantum "situation normal" "end of transmission" 20. "Nicht ist es aber Die Zeit. Noch sind sie Unangeunden. Goettliches trift untheilnehmende nicht. Dann moegen sie rechnen Mit Delphi. Indessen, gieb in Feierstunden Und dass ich ruhen moege, der Todten Zu denken. Viele sind gestorben Feldhern in alter Zeit Und schoene Frauen und Dichter Und in neuer Der Maenner viel Ich aber bin allein. und in den Ocean schiffend Die duften Inseln fragen Wohin sie sind. Denn manches von ihnen ist In treuen Schriften ueberblieben Und manches in Sagen der Zeit. Viel offenbaret der Denn lang schon wirken Die Wolken hinab Und es wurzelt vielesbereitend heilige Wildniss. Heiss ist der Reichtum. Denn es fehlet An Gesang, der loeset den Geist. Verzehren wuerd' er Und waere gegen sich selbst Denn nimmer duldet Die Gefangenschaft das himmlische Feuer. Es erfreuet aber Das Gastmahl oder wenn am Feste Das Auge glaenzet und von Perlen Der Jungfrau Hals. Auch Kriegesspiel und durch die Gaenge Der Gaerten schmettert Das Gedaechtniss der Schlacht und besaenftiget An schlanker Brust Die toenenden Wehre ruhn Von Heldenvaetern den Kindern. Mich aber umsummer Die Bien und wo der Akersmann Die Furchen machet singen gehen Dem Lichte die Voegel. Diese sichet Den Dichter. Gut ist es, an andern sich Zu halten. Denn keiner traegt das Leben allein. Wenn aber ist entzuendet Der geschaefftige Tag Und an der Kette, die Den Bliz ableitet Von der Stunde des Aufgangs Himmlischer Thau glaenzt, Muss unter Sterblischen auch Das Hohe sich fuehlen. Drum bauen sie Haeusser Und die Werkstatt gehet Und ueber Stroemen das Schiff. Und es bieten tauschend die Menschen Die Haend'einander, sinnig ist es Auf Erden und es sind nich umsonst Die Augen an den Boden geheftet. Ihr fuehlet aber Auch andere Art. Denn unter dem Maasse. Des Rohen brauchet es auch Damit das Reine sich kenne. Wenn aber Und in die Tiefe greifet Dass es lebendig werde Der Allerschuetterer, meinen die Es komme der Himmlische Zu Todten herab und gewaltig daemmerts Im ungerbundenen Abgrund Im allesmerkenden auf. Nicht moecht ich aber sagen Es werden die Himmlischen schwach Wenn schon es aufgaehrt. Wenn aber unde es gehet An die Scheitel dem Vater, dass und der Vogel des Himmels ihm Es anzeigt. Wunderbar Im Zorne kommet er drauf." (Die Titanen - Hoelderlin) 21. the kittens are on the easy chair playing king of the mountain one gets on the back rest and the other tries to dislodge the king (or queen - since they are both female)...it is quite amusing. one falls, the other takes her place. and so again for a solid hour. my 8 year of tuxedo cat just looks at then with an air of amusement until I remind him it wasn't too long ago that we played tag and he used to chase me around the room and I tagged him and he hid behind the dresser in the bedroom until I started to leave and he would tag me again. He doesn't do that anymore since the kitten came into our lives but sometimes he plays with them or they play with him but mostly he just watches them from his chair. they are quite a handful that's for sure...especially for a "covetous smelly old bookman" like me. nur- turing a broken hip slowly healing. Good days and bad. I immerse myself in time. past present future. It amuses me to see others not understand what I'm trying to do. they are so wrapped up in their "poetic careers" that they forget the poetry. they forget what a poet's all about not showmanship. i have no time for that. i just sequester myself and write what needs to be written. if there's no audience for it so be it. rrrryu76 - and there's my kitten playing. I will make here a poem that suits me and only me. other may drop in from time to time. let them take with them what they can. i have built the thing like gaudi built his church. solely from my mind. not for them but me. some say poetry cannot exist without an audience. but an audience will come in time. i have no doubt of that. and they will read what i have presented to them and they will enquire why this and that and the more they read the more they will understand perplexed at first no doubt they will climb the stairs to the top and see the vista that surrounds it height mountains vast plains and a sky that curves with the horizon and is the earth i sing and the earth's consciousness and it's place in the universe and the universe's consciousness that we feed with our experience. one huge imperceptible mind beyond anything we can know and yet a part of it. 22. i have placed the titans here because they are still here odin is here osiris hera zeuz they are all here if they once existed in the human consciousness then they exist now if we consign a civilization to the past and say it no longer exists then what we did yesterday no longer exists also but that i not so our laws are to atone for past errors not present ones a deed has to happen for us to realize it we can only judge a society after the fact never a priori and never now since the reaction is an action within the parameter of us all circle encircles circle like ripples on a pond when a stone is tossed not skipped each circle expanding until it gets wider and wider until it is imperceptible but still there and our universe is in one of these circles ever expanding ripples past the universe or one ripple just the universe "infinity" "electromagnetic energy" gravity what pulls us all together makes us what we are... so... Finis I_3 3286 5 Sep 2010