April Is The Cruelest Month by Klaus J. Gerken (2013) April is the cuelest month The bottle's gone but not the wound * 3 AM Blues I was sitting on the sidewalk Contemplating life When this beggar walks up to me And says "the time is rife" I say "what do you mean by that" He looks into the sky Points up to a stratus cloud And says "I never lie" "But Godot was all powerful "I thought you knew all that" I said "Jesus was a shortstop" He told me I was fat So we parted ways 'mong many He went and picked his trash He shouted "I've a PhD And danced the Monster Mash" Just when I thought the silence Made the noise too rough A punk band played rumba To prove that they were tough They played in some back alley Where a Buddhist Temple stood They said the food was lousy But the combat was quite good Just when I thought the evening Would argue with the dawn A Frenchman came along and burned A hole in someone's lawn So fences were erected And the UN forced a deal No one wanted nothing The other could not steal I didn't have my glasses So I couldn't read the news The TV screen was empty And the postman blew a fuse So I said "I'm off already" And waved to Sally-Ann She blew me several kisses And flirted with "the man" At home I took a shower And lingered in the tub I blew a perfect bubble And gave myself a rub Then I went bananas And wrote upon the wall "Whoever gives you nothing Has to give you all" kjg 356am 1 April 2013 * The aim of poetry is conjunction, not confusion. kjg 730pm 1 april 2013 * Youth And Age I laboured in the hunger of my years As youth claimed sustenance from visions never clear in the freezing garret scheme of things. Cold hands wrote warm words, and wine gave inspiration even to tears. And love, o love was all those things Forgiven, forgotten, remembered, committed And shattered, that art forever claims Through future hope and winter dreams. I will retain the rain and sidewalk restaurants And friends who were the gathering of thought That bore into my heart a future, yet to manifest itself. And looking back Both future and the past embrace in age. kjg 758pm 1 April 2013 * Pupil: What is the meaning of master? Master: You! kjg 322pm 2 april 2013 * Master to pupil: Quick! Who am I? Pupil: A lie! Master rises, sits next to pupil and both stare at empty chair. kjg 352pm 2 april 2013 * wasted wasted and worn out older than torn out wrapped in a blanket of steel nothing divides him nothing abides him nothing he gathers is real the powerless moments collect such dark omens the bottle is all he can feel the walls cast a shadow upon his bravado and his ship has no rudder or keel he walks in the mornings through difficult warnings and sometimes he strikes a good deal but sooner or later he steps on a gator and becomes someone's desperate meal. kjg 1021am 3 april 2013 * cling let us cling to something religion politics sports even something intangible where no one wins or loses something that's not made of money or exudes power and a gavel over others we are just small animals on a small insignificant planet in an insignificant galaxy among many our astronomers have taught us that we are no longer the centre of the universe if the universe even has a centre so come let us cling to something even if just a tree or better yet each other kjg 1117am 3 april 2013 * Letter to God Dear God out there somewhere have you ever noticed that we only need you for the money you bring in? Sorry but you must have known that overturning the money lenders' tables in the Temple wouldn't change anything and to crucify your son who they say was you just to save a few souls when over 5 billion people don't even believe in you is kind of desperate don't you think? I wish you all the luck in the world if you can pull it off and as the evangelists always say soon you will return and move into your palace after all they are collecting all this money so you can live like the pope isn't that what poverty and humility are all about? kjg 1128am 3 april 2013 * Legacy When I'm dead and gone, Remember this, No one had to betray me with a kiss. kjg 1058pm 4 april 2013 * Cringing at the Morning News The wet black morning warlike hovers pounding shadows into savage mud-brick worship holes where government delivers proclamations glory to the nation bravado at their station calcifying what remains of terminal arthritic brains thickness hovers hovers on a wet black morning the news is laughing at us all. kjg 721am 5 april 2013 * Seed Before Conception Blessed is the morning! Sleeping cats surround me! The sun casts diffused shadows On the walls of my reside. A poet works with language He changes what is needed. Professors all be damned... Shakespeare didn't need you. Literature has no meaning Outside academic cages. When one speaks to others Syntax has no meaning. Walk into the gutter; Silk makes a poor awning. kjg 946am 5 april 2013 * What is Art? Sometime art's a fart; Sometimes it's a lark; Sometimes it's an ark! Most times though these days, It's just a money mart! kjg 1004am 5 april 2013 * Crossroads I'm in the middle of a junction Can hardly sometimes function Sometimes I want to scream Sometimes just dream Forever just dream Into the wild endeavour Of what is really never What is lost we can't redeem The moon pulls back the tide And even scallops cannot hide So where are these appeasements We hide in dark damp basements The moon reflects transition On Earth we have division There's a master plan to all Grab it lest we fall kjg 209am 6 april 2013 * Encounter She was maybe 20. She had red hair and yellow fingernails. I said: I like your fingernails. She said: I hope you like my belt too. And let her hand brush down her thigh. I said: I like your fingernails, And let the matter lie. kjg 247am 6 april 2013 * You cannot teach a poem; a poem teaches you. kjg 830am 6 april 2013 * Drunkards Poem My breakfast wine is done 3 hours left to lunch I guess I'll just have to pretend I'm not a morning drunk! kjg 906am 6 april 2013 * Omega winter in the vernacular dream challenge wine drunk punch and judy amalgamate tossed into oven baked good slush fund mud brick "he made us wait" sun god burning desert tribes of israel when israel was part of egypt no loss there wandering eternity reed boat osirus eaten jesus' begotten only son "one who comes after" always water always salt science hasn't come that far the passion rights itself in the cross to ablution final solution gold above all gold rights poverty and hunger drastic we play drastic bless you bless me i am humble i am god kjg 346pm 7 april 2013 * Dreams There are monsters in the pudding There are werewolf's in the bowl If you do not eat your supper You will turn into an owl Amazement is like lightning And the ship is on the rocks The wind will never question What adults try to mock So when the door is open Walk through it like a king The dragon on the other side Will breathe remembering kjg 1256am 7 april 2013 * Progress I don't know sometimes it's a go sometimes it is not and sometimes whatever we decide is still rot it eats away slow rust then crumples into dust it doesn't matter in the end we're all recycled round the bend again... kjg 209am 7 april 2013 * Ergo Before I was born I was After I die I will be so again. kjg 740am 8 April 2013 * What it is! Poetry is nothing but a fart; Only those who claim to be human call it art. kjg 446pm 8 april 2013 * I'm not wise enough to judge, therefore I question everything. kjg 9 april 2013 * Anyone who wants to be a judge doesn't have the brains to be one. kjg 9 april 2013 * Classification begins with a completely arbitrary decision. kjg 9 april 2013 * I will have to admit, something always existed. kjg 9 april 2013 * love song o liebe frau what doest thou now thy will be done we had such fun the blue sky yellow the weather mellow the sweet birds singing for our beginning in love forever may we part never come hold my hand glad tidings stand if age we must together trust your eyes will always young days cherish so bide with me and we will be forever love turtle doves! kjg 138pm 10 april 2013 * Pupil said to master: Not much here! Master smiled at pupil: You think? kjg 221am 11 april 2013 * The brief is easy to dismiss, For those who look for notes! kjg 223am 11 april 2013 * Creed If God's on our side We've got a lot of pride; If he's on the other side We bomb the shit out of them! kjg 222am 12 april 2013 * Master says, I'm hungry. Pupil brings him food. Master says, Whatever made you think I wanted food? kjg 232am 12 april 2013 * Master locks the door. Pupil asks what for. "Because I have the key?" kjg 258am 12 april 2013 * Perspective Young man to an old man: What was yesterday to you Is a long time ago for me. If I can learn from you Can you learn from me? kjg 639pm 12 april 2013 * NRA Anthem I'm a gun totin member of the NRA I'm a happy Christian if I kill today The government I tell ya is a total mess They think we're stupid but we're smart I guess Jesus gave us guns to defend ourselves From the 99 majority who want them shelved I don't have a problem with the rights we have Give me guns I'll defend them till I'm in my grave Oh ya Oh ya Oh ya Guns don't kill but humans do Give everyone a gun no one will kill you. kjg 430am 13 april 2013 * Communication Walking down the avenue I came upon a clown He said I can't communicate Because my network's down. I said I have no prob like that My telephone's at home He said isn't that rather stupid To be so all alone? kjg 236pm 13 april 2013 * Complexity is just a variation on a singular thought. kjg 341am 14 april 2013 * Spring The sun's emerging The windows are open Spring is sprung And cow dung's in the air The cats are frisky Life is nifty Earth's renewal Is life's accrual! kjg 1021am 15 April 2013 * Epitaph The most that can be said When he's gone and dead Is that he lived a life Which others could abide! kjg 1027am 15 april 2013 * Lost in Translation? In Canada everything is lost in translation! French to English; English to French; French to French; and English to English. And no, this will NOT be Translated... Into either "official" Language! kjg 1055am 15 april 2013 * In the 60's we were lost in the "ozone"; Now we're lost in the "No Zone." kjg 1030pm 15 april 2013 * We ALL Get There Once I was strong and solid. Now I am old and faded. Please don't call me "Sir" out of respect For being old. I deserve more than that. kjg 358am 17 april 2013 * onward christian soldiers! i was wand'ring through the no-zone where the devil eats his cake and god was sniffing ozone and guns are no debate i was hoping for a new one but a rerun's all they had the protest was a murmur and the vote was pretty sad blessed be the nra they own the constitution far be it for us to tell them there's a new solution kjg 18 1234am april 2013 * to cnn to make entertainment out of tragedy is worse than the news of the tragedy you should be covering with respect. kjg 1252am 18 april 2013 * Media Vultures will always be the first Upon the battle ground When the battle's over. kjg 1255am 18 april 2013 * Education Socrates and Martial taught me well. Socrates taught me how to question; and Martial taught me how to tell. kjg 101am 18 april 2013 * Conundrum I ask "impossible" questions because there are no "possible" answers. Who'd ever think that? kjg 117am 18 april 2013 * Unravel this! ! you know my name and it's a number look up my number and you find my name ya ya ya listen to me i can't find your name unless it's a number i can't find you number unless it's a name ya ya ya listen to me tomorrow you'll wear a license plate woof woof don't be late ya ya ya listen to me you know my name look up my number you have my number look up my name ya ya ya listen to me i have no name and i have no number do you care would you bother kjg 221am 18 april 2013 * financial freedom credit is debit debit's a hole dig deeper and deeper and now you're a mole! kjg 226am 18 april 2013 * Insight 3 AM, the middle of the night; What monsters wake us in our fright? The shadows that accost us Provide the only light! kjg 253am 18 april 2013 * Terror takes many forms; The worst one is the norm. kjg 505am 18 april 2013 * terror say a prayer for the victims their suffering is real it doesn't matter what hit them they weren't part of the deal whoever pretends to think violence heals is sadly diminished in whatever he steals there can be no comfort where nothing is real those who would kill us can have no appeal i have no solution i freely admit all i can do is hold your hand when it hits. kjg 408am 19 april 2013 * Gliding I will follow you to midnight I will follow you to dawn I will even if you shag me Mow your ugly lawn Yesterday was purple Today is in a rush I don't know why I'm writing this I need a new toothbrush! kjg 517am 19 april 2013 * Short dialogue Yoric: Sweet hour of madness, When will fools regain Their sanity? Hamlet: Lost forever In a vanity! Yoric: Forsooth! You don't say! kjg 20 april 2013 * Arrogance is not an excuse for ignorance. kjg 149am 22 april 2013 * Keep believing in awesome...halfsome doesn't work. kjg 1am 23 april 2013 * Journey Every day is an age; every age is a day: What we do not try to comprehend, just wastes away. kjg 140am 23 april 2013 * i speak in tongues of common sense; away away with you nonsense! kjg 1138am 23 april 2013 * No belief is worth the murder of another. kjg 122am 24 april 2013 * We are but shadows on the wall of a cave; Blow out the candle and we cease to exist. kjg 1022am 24 april 2013 * Master says: I need a drink! Pupil brings a bowl of water. Master waters plants. kjg noon 24 april 2013 * They used to say "Ignorance is bliss!" I say it's the face of terror! kjg 655pm 24 april 2013 * Master says: Listen! Pupil asks: To what? Master says: Bring me my hearing aid... kjg 824pm 24 april 2013 * If there is poison in the pen, there is venom in the mind! kjg 828pm 24 april 2013 * Optimist They say I shouldn't despair; after all, my glass is still half full...with air! kjg 1052pm 24 april 2013 * Stepping Out The voices in the wind Harbour in your mind Like augurs of a shadow Radiating light. I scan the world like radar I revel in no fear My cats are there to save me When I slip on the veneer! kjg 120pm 25 april 2013 * Master asks pupil: What have you learned? Pupil answers: Nothing yet. Master answers: Good boy! Have a treat! kjg 145am 26 april 2013 * The saviour said: "I come to clear your sinuses: Reactin doesn't work!" kjg 148am 26 april 2013 * Strike first Bullies don't have time to think too much: They're too busy being scared of others. kjg 152am 26 april 2013 * Master said to pupil: If you understand me Why are you here? kjg 211am 26 april 2013 * Purification If you wash your hands with cleanliness, you will never get rid of the dirt. kjg 239am 26 april 2013 * Reason is a tongue secured. kjg 258am 26 apr 2013 * "Heroes" Only generals report victories: Soldiers lick their wounds. kjg 302am 26 april 2013 * Preference Too many "poets" out-do themselves to be clever; I'd rather make sense. kjg 317am 26 april 2013 * Ode Oh Martialis my master, you will never know what connectivity you wrought! kjg 321am 31 april 2013 * I'm always positive the moment I wake up; then I confront the world and ain't so sure. kjg 330am 26 april 2013 * La de de La de da Re is Ra Fa la la The rain rains down Upon the town Wrap a blanlet Round your crown! kjg 957am 26 april 2013 * Life is a high-rise: Everyone lives on top of each other and the water pipes leak. kjg 27 apr 2013 * No matter what philosophy you maintain or beliefs you believe in, bureaucracy always punches you in the face sooner or later. kjg 27 april 2013 * Fantasy If we just opened up all the borders and let people move around freely, then if someone detonates a bomb somewhere we can deal with them on an individual basis as murderers rather than call them terrorist and commit thousands of soldiers to die for a political cause. kjg 27 april 2013 * I'm frozen in the tundra I'm frozen in the tundra I'm frozen in the tundra Will someone thaw me out? kjg 1131pm 27 April 2013 * There's always a "promised land" somewhere waiting for war. kjg 29 april 2013 * Those who hate others hate themselves. kjg 29 apr 2-13 * Youth Spring has sprung The year is young Let's go out And have some fun! kjg 507pm 29 april 2013 * Syntax I always wondered how a written word stands up to a spoken word... Their, I've said it! kjg 521pm 30 april 2013 * All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press 2013