April 2015 Notebook by Klaus J. Gerken Star Strek (sketch) Capt Medland His constant companion, a metamorph, the crew knows only as a cat His Romulan second in command (a beautiful woman) A holographic doctor who can materialize anywhere on the ship (with a holographic staff) James T. Stetson cocky navigator who is named after James T. Kirk In the tradition a hard drinking Scot: Patrick Ironstone as engineer Various other crew members (not bridge crew) that change from week to week as stories are built around them In fact the whole of the inside of the ship is a giant holograph where things can be changed at will The Borg have been harnessed and are now a factory working for the Federation A new enemy the Omprazoles (a reptilian race) want to capture the Borg away from the feds and destroy the empire kjg 1 april 2015 * drowning it always comes back at night the monster that consumes us in the day it lies hidden in the valley of our esophegus waiting to choke us with a terrible suppression hard to swallow hard to breathe it has no restraint one can't just wish it away unlike an anxiety attack with drugs or alcohol it thrives on that life no more our own we falter in the hidden wings of destitution kjg 145am 1 apr 2015 * luck I played two blind double nils in Spades (partner played two fives) and we won! * spring sonnet do not tell lies where lies are broken the truth is often there revealed do not betray the path you've taken once lost it will forever be concealed do not reclaim what you have given the greatest enemies are former friends do not be sweet just as a token a rose has thorns and will not make amends indeed the shell is not the body and the body not the mind i fear we sometimes find confusion where clarity is left behind so as the rose has thorns to injure to gentleness it will be kind kjg 3 apr 2015 * I read, I don't study things to death. For instance, I don't need to know a certain sentence matches 200 other sentences throughout English literary history that may have been an influence on the author's style of writing. I just want to read the goddam poem, or book, and get the author's message. kjg 416pm 5 apr 2015 * the path i follow i ran around in mud before the inspiration came but then there came a desert and there was no burning bush i hung on for the shelter of a cool oasis it was over crowded and polluted i walked away the desert was more fertile than was paradise i kept walking parched black skin wanting for the mud but when the mud came it was black tar and flaming suction no one could escape who went asunder there so i sat at the edge of the precipice and waited for death it was useless to go on but my mind refused that answer it argued with itself like a volcano spewing lava and somehow came to a conclusion death was no more easy than struggling on the journey wherever it might lead so on i went into the vast unknown following my poetry. kjg 110pm 7 apr 2015 * i am sick and tired of this "israel has a right to exist" garbage of course israel has right to exist but it only has a right to exist on the land the un granted the jews in 1948 it does not have a right to exist on the land their governments stole from the palestinians by conquest there i said put me in jail kjg 134pm 7 apr 2015 * There, I ate my chocolate easter bunny. Christian eat flesh and blood, so I guess my conscience is clear. kjg 4pm 7 apr 2015 * i would never deny anyone their religion; what i would deny anyone (if i could) is ignorance. kjg 141pm 8 apr 2015 * common sense eternity is a nowhere place it's a bucket that holds no water so let your soul accept the fact we die as we grow older it doesn't matter how we came or what will be the future we make a deal with what is now and not thereafter reverence to god is good if that's what you believe in but let no ideology upheave the world we live in for after all we only have one world let's make the best of what we're given kjg 1158pm 8 apr 2015 * ressurrection oh vile insomnia what hast thou wrought there's no commitment to a tactile thought the mind's a screaming thunderbolt that blinds the vision that the vision leaves behind torture tossed the bed's a grave that devils shovel close to save the soul i cannot here relate what happens but it's way too late salvation is not what is tossed upon the hearth and then is lost in flames to heaven god saves all to go to hell and that's not small upon the meaning of the cross that some would worship with their loss kjg 1228pm 13 apr 2015 * love is like the morning dew * confused no longer if countries are the people would war be a priority or would the social infrastructure take precedence over hollow flatulence of language ill-considered i'm somewhat lost in politics represent the many or the few with money to get a candidate elected sure the poor can run but get no coverage at all but then democracy was never meant to represent the masses that's what the press is for and litigation the poor can sue each other and have their few seconds of fame on the latest tv screen or gadget keep the masses satisfied with talk of equality and they will vote for you that's what it's all about and war is the colossal ego in a game of apprehension all of this i disavow cut me loose i will go now retired from the human race i'll see you in that other place kjg 1159am 14 apr 201 * glory it holds no purpose that the right ravages the left so the left can ravage the right and no one gains an inch where they should make strides i always thought politics was a duty and not a free ride but i must be mistaken if a talk show host is more important than a sacrificial ghost we don't just slaughter but we relish so we feel each moment of the pain that makes us feel so real as long as we don't suffer and make sure like the slogan hung above the door "arbeit macht frei" but it's them who work and the one's left in charge lurk in halls of glory with money in their pants to dance the tango dance and dance kjg 104pm 16 apr 2015 * had it gonna stay out of politics gonna watch em rot in their own smelly oversized piss pot kjg 903am 16 apr 2014 * 1970 had an apartment not quite that above a bakery on bank street in 1970 you had to climb through the kitchen window to get in and that was the only window it looked on a roof dark as hell and always filled with people hippies draft dodgers and the like only it wasn't my apartment i sorta just moved in i don't think anyone knew who the tenant was but that was the 60's and we didn't care mattress on the floor and fridge stocked with booze and the smell of fresh croissants from below heaven to a 20 year old kjg 118pm 16 apr 2015 * Haiku approximation I count fourteen syllables That leaves three! kjg 1038pm 16 apr 2015 * fragment i you them this and that whatever matters in the muck bitter frosting fallen cake polititions never make mistakes half the nether half the top what must rise will also drop i you them this and that prohibition makes men fat how to deal with men who grope cannot burn them at the stake for heaven's sake he is the pope what is calm must also poke i you them this and that life is tender in the pool where there's money play the fool kjg 1155pm 16 apr 2015 * Just a heads up: I'm not user-friendly today. kjg 1225am 17 apr 2015 * encounter i waited at the corner for a vocal argument you came but did not speak to me i questioned your intent you shrugged and did not bother to light your cigarette a movie made to order in the fog no one regrets the hollow streets so echoed like tapping stones together our silence was forgotten as we melted on the bed the morning came securely you left i left what's left? kjg 17 apr 2015 * cow shit's in the air; spring is everywhere! kjg 638pm 17 apr 2015 * The human species has been on this planet for so few years that I don't think it even qualifies for residency status yet. kjg 840am 18 apr 2015 * I don't understand the human species anymore; it seems like its whole purpose is to kill. kjg 112pm 18 apr 2015 * don't talk to me of allah don't talk to me of god don't talk to me of jesus i'm sick of the whole lot don't talk to me of buddha i won't even give a dime if killing is your purpose you ain't a friend of mine kjg 126pm 18 apr 2015 * Funny to think about: when, in the far, far future, say a hundred million years from now, whatever species is alive then, finds our bones, they will think we are one species and will never have a clue we killed each other because of cultural and skin colour differentials. kjg 730pm 18 apr 2015 * the shadows that obscure us have no light of their own sometimes wonder begets wonder with no place to call home * Just accept who you are; everybody else has to. kjg 1038am 18 apr 2015 * when i die say goodbye with a smile don't be sad what i had wasn't bad life goes on like the sun rises daily sets at night it's alright death don't bite just another road in sight kjg 546am 20 apr 2015 * I've decided I will no longer try to reason with people who can't see beyond their nose. kjg 450am 21 apr 2015 * Heard on a religious channel. Now I know when they sang "God's ass" they meant the ass Jesus rode into Jerusalem...but still... hymn "The armies of Jesus are marching along The armies of Jesus are killing all wrong Praise the blood of Jesus He shed it for us Be a good soldier and protect God's ass" * god is a fiction by which we measure our fear let's make it clear i hold no god dear kjg 455pm 23 apr 2015 * if there were only one god there'd be no war kjg 458pm 23 apr 2015 * old vines i am an old man living in a previous century i no longer understand the ways of youth i am hardened by experience i am a rock on the beach of progress the wind no longer fills my sails but i still shelter those who require shelter i am an anchor to the future no one can live without sands may ride the winds like waves but anchors ensure survival i am never far from my past i am never far from my future tend my garden when i am gone old vines make better wine kjg 1223am 26 apr 2015 * One of the problems with today's society is that people eat calories and not food. kjg 1042pm 26 apr 2015 * genesis oh the masters are all students in the clutches of pure love and the students are all masters slowly killing every dove and the heroes are all broken limping to their destroyed homes there is nothing that can save them save the emptiness alone so they wander in the desert fourty years is not enough sometimes many lifetimes must be needed to wash off the holy dust we stand daily in the shadow of the mountain and the flood kjg 647am 27 apr 2015 * intellectuals are the stupidest people on the planet; they can explain that x=z+3-d/7, but can't figure out that 1+1 still = 2. kjg 844pm 28 apr 2015 * Ever noticed something about gods: they haven't bothered with us in thousands of years, but we've used them for every excuse in the book to kill each other over things they refuse to explain. kjg 720pm 30 apr 2015 *** Published by Ygdrasil Press Copyright (c) 2015