Beyond Intensity by Klaus J. Gerken (1978) There's the way and there isn't and if it isn't there might be another way that's the way it is totally confused but totally acceptable because it is the only way to understanding what it is 5 January 1978 - I * Quite they would accept if anything were left but for now they're so inept to refuse while not bereft. 5 Jan 78 - II * It's cold in here cuts through like a spear it s a dare that's what it is for hope to duel with fear. 5 Jan 78 - III * I've done twenty sketches but the painting hasn't at all come out I don't see the eyes of the model I've had It's not *her* eyes that bother me but the way they came out on the canvas I've done them like they were but that's not how they are It's puzzling the rest of the painting's perfect the face the body hair the whole countenance everything exept the eyes It's strange because the sketches came out beautifully nothing's the matter there I keep telling myself that it's something I've caught that was hidden there something sinisdyer beyond but no matter how hard I try to convince myself I'm still first a craftsman I want to get it right No portrait I've ever done came out this way before I've talked to a friend of mine another painter who has used her as a model too - but he's not had the problem - the portrait that he did has the eyes she has I've looked at it often (It's a fine portrait) and I'm certain (as he tells me) the eyes are not hard to get done right - in fact when I drew them there was nothing spectacular - eyes like any eyes - eyes that are in fact quite dull eyes that in every way seem to fit her character her personality yet I've painted them differently my eyes not hers... 5 January 1978 - IV * with eyes to see through walls the lovers exploration windows locked to sky stars in declaration love that seems forsaken mark the situation quite the affirmation love's own empty situation 5 January 78 - V * Dreams Dreams like real life. 5 Jan 78 - VI * Looking at some of these old photographs of Paris - Rue Ravignan in Montmarte where Picasso Modigliani, Kisling Soutine and all the other artists lived in the early years of their explorations: It's the atmosphere that seems so different but it's really the photographs the old and faded photographs their gray depressed uncertainty of what there was that makes us want to be there when we are. 5 Jan 78 -- VII * Metamorphosis The bright light first Don't be afraid of it The bright light first. 5 Jan 78 - VIII * Now here now there now not anywhere intangible what is tangible the past present future what is anything if there were nothing what would that be what would anything be if it were not that which it was for anything to exist it must first exist even the illusion must be produced but what produces is what is there before what after what now? 5 Jan 78 - IX * No one is more alone than the artist he is the one who kas to deal]with himself he is the one who has to strip himself not only in public as many others do but he has to strip himself before himself he has to come to grips with himself before all others]he is the only judge and he has to impose the most sever sentance upon himself the truth... 5 January 1978 -- X * he stands on his head he sings at the top of his voice he looks into the distance and understands how far it is between himself and himself that makes him get back on his feet keep silent and close his eyes if he isn't satisfied he tells himself then maybe just maybe he should find the truth the silent sages once had spoken in a lie 5 January 1978 -- XI * she was very beautiful but thought she was ugly one day she encountered another woman who thought she was beautiful but in truth was really ugly they both wished to be the other now they both have what they want and both are still unsatisfied. 5 Jan 78 -- xii * there was a hermit lived for twenty years atop a mountain when he finally came down someone asked him what profound truths he had come to learn "it's cold up there" he said and bought himself a blanket before going up again. 5 Jan 78 - xiii * someone asked him if he still could recall the first poem he ever wrote yes he proudly answered and went on to recite each and every line isn't that strange the other man said that was the second one i wrote 5 January 1978 -- XIV * THE ART OF CONVERSATION isn't it strange that one is never lost for words when one has nothing to say. 5 Jan 78 -- XV * sometimes one and then the other sometimes both and then it's neither what it is is really either none the same but both together quite to compliment each other such the universe in unison creates reality inigmas truism. 6 January 1978 -- I * I screamed and no one heard I was glad at least they couldn't criticize if there is a point to anything it's this... 8 January 1978 - I *