Broken Arrow by Klaus J. Gerken 2008 COSMIC Weak photons and strong glue formulate the principle of quantum string theory - what're we? kjg 2 jun 08 * Fate wd like to shoot an arrow in the air and have it land somewhere. k 080417 * gods sometimes the arrow drifts far above the heads of mortals and never comes down. kjg 170508 * Perfect equilibrium up and up and up down and down and The radiant arc hits home KJG 080518 * Concrete Flints are morning glories where the fumes develop rhyme and puncture equilibriums stay calm kjg 19 may 08 * PARO Arrow and gazelle, chariot and dust, brutal cerulean sky, distant pyramid - Pero torments fate. kjg 19 may 08 * Triple crown A carrot will not provide incentive for a triple crown alumni the arrow does kjg 080519 * WOUNDED Heel bent on perfection Achilles' shield deflects the arrow into path of bitter muses kjg 080519 * OUR AVRO ARROW II (Hind sight) So all the engineers went to NASA and landed an eagle on the moon. kjg 21 may 08 * Northern Shit After we burnt Washington in 1812 how appropriate the poop continues falling even now kjg 080521 * SPRING From my window apple blossoms near a steeple where refraction sparkles with a wink kjg 080521 * BEAUTIFUL SKY From my balcony just infinite blue not a cloud forming what a supercilious lie kjg 11:46am 080523 * DREAM Some long valley - Food stall at some point - lush gardens and then rough rivers. kjg - 230508 * Halo Lasso the moon? when the stars caress its halo... could they reel it in? kjg 23 05 08 * Hanged just see that the rope doesn't turn into a dangle on the gallows tree kjg 080527 Ygdrasil Press (c) 2008 Klaus J. Gerken