CHAPTERS 21 to LXIV by Klaus J. Gerken 1970 CHAPTERS 21 to 26 Chapter 21 MORGENSTRERN OH MORGENSTERN BITTE BITTE MORGENSTERN Perchance let's say Jarry Metamorphosized and NAN(2) The difficulty lies in the verb not the prefix. Untranslatable. Colloquial: Spoke in timpani; Kettle drums to sound retreat. Lewis Carroll. Korf, though fantasized, meanings well hid, before one matures. Notes: discussion, perchance to say; Gute Nacht, Stevenson. Die pracht ist inn die bluemen des universalishes gedicht. Aber: the universal sleep /schlaf/ Near evening Near Korf: "Der Tod erst macht den Memshen frei;" and at age 16 at that. Morgenstrern and Korf! Jarry; Pere UBU and Jarry! Excess breeds Jarry; in fevers, as the 1917 Revolution, the winter Palace stormed, Stone burst in expectation of: A conclusion was prepared (i.e. drawn up.) by Marx & Engels but also modified / corrected in its value / also a communications link was brought to the eyes (i.e. understanding) of the elders (council) should we be in a position to translate. Chapter 22 Should it be the fragrance oft that which had been stated in ignorance but/ Have not seen the equation of Cardinal's dream So. . . fled: And to the sky-beams neath Luna where the fires burned: uncontrolled. Spinoza & in a lesser sense MARX sensing the microscopic the parasite: in human nature the Thirst P. 337 TSUI KEN have not the members of the Sect circa / 3,000 at the census last, were Baptized in the clear light (del Luna) out of ignorance etc. Their Socrates was and so, made/ Organized. to appear Committed. CENTRALIZED CHUNG1 to have a voice. etc and etc. in reason (giving) as calculations made in the degree of human suffering indistinguishable. Mute to the ears that hear them not to the ears that hear: as Blades of grass Wood Mu4 Made to separate the forges. Der die gewissenschaft hat. He doth not Idle. He who worketh in stillness in stillness Shattered. The axe/ bulk of /the blade Guidance. Said in passing should we not remember: to marketh in forgery the Star Northern Polaris; and should the Night be Landed: The Equation. Chapter 23 There the voices fall silent, produce in favour of the vanishing breed. So that: If it were at all for us to decide. The burden on the public zeal and in the voice of the Time Spaciously revealed in arbitrary control over /of capital /expenses so that: and has it not been copied, and if the voice of Madness, and if Holderlin, not to be silenced in Idylls, There were Rilke was made better in translation and Die Geschiht dehn Mensch: and Voices Chapter 24 And had the populace sung had the cheers echoed throughout the valley when Ceasar entered triumphant Refused the crown Napoleon in contrast and we see Lenin we see what has become CHIN4 And we see in the exhausted arena of thought the presence we see the limit of false endurance we see the universe Expanding into an Infinity into a non-comprehensible state & our minds unstable for this Extremity. Chapter 25 And The invading armies commeth forth intact. and their armour reflected the sun intact None had battle scars. And None hath heard the voices NONE. And there where Tutmoses III made camp by the Euphrates. There where the rivers floweth south-ward against the will of HAPI. There where the land lay green across the hillocks and fields. Not at all where the desert screens the borders. And coming forth out of the tavern heard a song the dance ------------------------------ and there were the troupes skillfully deployed at Megiddo And Hannibal And there were voices come from the grave There where the dead. Rejoicing at Egypt's honour / restored and there were no battle scars this time but these men returneth not joyfully. And their women were perplexed (worried) at this sight. There wert no slaves taken no loot, booty There was no chant of victory Faces wert grievous. And the Sun lay at noontime No shadows cast. Pack animals were half starved, foamed at mouth. And whatever Came, none the more for reason. CHAPTERS 27 - 32 Chapter 27 And Angels Fra Angelico the gift prepared by humble means. Meaning he didn't get a cent. And even Modigliani lived, Angels were not to be tolerated, were not to be underscored in taverns And there were also voices to whom the drunkards answered. Hoerst du? Something from within. Blake as Angelico. /Swedenbourg/ So that there was as considered to be/ the realm of the fourth (dimension) And those voices? Shadows. part of the composition. PERE UBU or Jarry the puppet master. Such that if there were so many voices as appeared to one Presentable to a degree Beethoven. And when the strings burst forth he conducted upon his rage the breath of which Unknown to the present day Symposium to underrate the difficulty of the score Remember, deafness is not the cause of blindness, and the master was not blind. And to the same degree a non-sanity opposed to a sub-sanity Holderlin opposed to Nietsche or the reverse of their Position (i.e. Present order) Metamorphosized. "And the Emperor was not satisfied with the great Artiste's concerto./ At Peking the hands would still the Man's voice. And Beethoven was not blind. And: the angels that guided Fra Angelic "Only God and I know what is to come next" etc Self immolation. i.e. the process of placing one's self beyond the present position attained. And that year Verlaine re-voiced his sincerity i.e. in the present state of events his voice was broken, in secrecy behind bars, Rimbaud and whatever was designed as an act of revolt. And which the puppet? the puppet master? Chapter 28 To have it categorically denied to have muffled the present co-ordination of characters I have had to feel the point to some other aspect of time at least. an involvement to a perfection a commitment Committal, not to be reversed not to change, a negation/ principle with eyelids not yet shut dim and tired chin4 at the brink of Negation. Finalized. "And if the half god, commands our presence..." "and if the Khan command our heads,,, ...will not be subsidized (saved) by the laws..." Chapter 29 Like a flame that burneth a-far, near eastern horizon of Heaven. And the flames of Ra, ... Adorns the presence of the scepter wind/ representative in man's hieroglyphs upon the Temple walls of the city Divine, Aktetaton... Chapter 30 So zu sagen: shu te k'u chung k'u Fang wei jen shang jen Empedocles, Kruger. And there were others /und andere/ said 'geschlachtet" Die die Nacht allein erstehen. And the weak endure. Composite matters. The voice made plain. "Great suffering makes a greater Man." Thus, crown him king Paro. "I have had my share of these Matters" "It does not matter anymore." Chapter 31 There is someone at the door. men k'ou yu jen Significance of a second coming Breath of extrovert. The Man who sang the expulsion Character for representation. Charter of Required commitments. "I have noted that..." Resumption the voice. It was for criticism alone. Above and beyond. And if no change commeth? (Imperative to the safety of communal living/) Chapter 32 What proportion matter? what silent quarrel thus possessed that sphere calleth t'u 3 Earth. No more to roam the fields of plenty Rather on concrete and Man possesses grievances. And the evil of the world. i.e. earth being tangible contrary to world being a concept of Man. and thus the evil that possesses us molds us to the abyss. IF the evil must remain IF Not less in proportion than the greave place calleth Aquert. and Teiresias wi' his golden stave blind eyed sunk to future: "Plummeting thunderbolts hurled at earth's atmosphere..." CHAPTER 35 Chapter 35 Bird sings sweet tone Personage Voice of master He who breaks the weed under foot In man-hours consumed Labourer "And if the constitution does not repudiate..." the primordial evening as if fire-eaters were not common enough The freak show Colonel ADAMS' proliferation The divine Adamses Rameses IInd of the western world Showmanship: Franklin. And have seen the snow fall western mounted police in slogan otherwise in commercialization. Section: When the crevice of one's understanding become the reason for not building a bridge... And man has consumed the flame the artificial flame. So: Bird sing sweet song the hour speak of old wisdom in dialect, as man-beast follows one's shadow. and as in opposites the divine cannot show too long the voice behind the man. As Alceonyos the financier of ships or Pound the financier of Kasper, John. The voice behind the man. the common gender It is the shadow wasted "und mann compt nicht da von ab." CHAPTERS 37 to LXIV Chapter 37 Und denn Docktor Faustus, Bucher machen nicht dehn mensch die ubertragung von die werke, (ei. the Fausian epitaph, Marlowe etc.) Jetz der dichter der die zeit ungebrachened unterstehen hat. Werden wier von Heroditus sprechen, oder die welt wie Galileo zweimal gestorben hat. oder Archimedes "He who is superior is also not..." but in a broken voice, laden with truth, begins Das lied der wolken. Dunkel wert die welt. Dunkler mit ne nacht. Throw fire-brand armour to Perimedes, our Neolithic culture so confined Aber auch nacht nicht: Die Arbeiter sagen: "Kein Gelt auch keine Arbeit!" Chapter 38 Many voices encircle the given chapter the two negations to enkindle Limbo Coleridge. The question marked. Da woh die pfuerung des herzens gibt nicht mehr als ein abschiet Und dehn hiemweh from ein fernen star. Und die brueder die auf eine welt remain at war There rises a fant form of dereliction a symphony To the point. to which instuments cannot be matched. Holderlin's given period Kepler's cirle. Io asleep in gothic chambers Prepared the final step IS Chapter 39 The long Works being done with Dante Homer etc While Keats/ Byron/ not being done yet. Also in a given hypothesis: eroded in the flames von die Hoelle. It must be sd/ that when Keats spoke first for then against his lord Byron the voiced of heaven sighed and a judgment was begun. ------------------------------- If the Christian voices D. condemned were others Beatrice and many yrs after. Chapter 40 (38 continued) the dissuasion of a crisis. If some other enigma were presented, the stamina of / FEAST / would not have been sung. (Prayer to Dionysus) And a voice made plain. "Could never understand" sez the Pope, "what the plain voice said." What voice to list? Which voice the true voice? Na3 Ka4 Tu3 Che'n Ta2 To return to sd/ voice in chaptr XXVII. bt/ there would only be a ruinous repetition. I shadow the voices and return. Chapter 41 All ye who enter here: Limbo. The sphere. Aquert. Teiresas wi' his golden stave. If Dante Had... But what more is there to say The revolt becomes timeless. The Baldwins. Templars. Disobedience "We could not uphold the crown of Jesu wi' blood." And had Richard not exercised his control. The cross upon his breast. Had Becket not reverse the barrier. It could go on. Had the minds of men not been warped here where the tale of Robin Hood. King Richard triumph There where Napoleon met Nelson It came of surprise to all involved. History has its turnabouts. E, lances, Rimbaudian, translator of human woes. Chapter 42 Voices spring through mind's eye. Descending on the pass: Spring. Voices bleed. Thus the game mentioned as Winter Where Orion brightly shone. Stereotyped. Pretended to know. Tonal quality. Wind swept through street dead of echo. Empty. Night. fini. Dawn. Descending on the pass: Spring. Voices bleed. To reverse the Matter. Chapter 43 (incomplete) Shadows. Voices. Shadows. Preparation. Schatten. The voice that was all but complete. Pfertig, completed to understand etc. Sprechen und pfragen. For the asking was Petronius' place. (Arabic> Fish Prepare the battle. Martyrs. Peter. the fisherman. In die schatten lost. NERO. The voice behind his voice. Petronius. Voice behind his voice. Martyrs. As if the screams were not to be heard. Ears closed. (i.e. Roman auditoriums shattered throughout the empire.) Not to be noted was Chapter 44 Pain of years. The voices compute. The mechanical orgies are thus begun. Pain of years. The voices' will to release. The Angel calleth Mercy had a proposition for me. But refusal was my only weapon. Ch. XXVI If or not the right weapon. Could not say. Blake always knew what he was doing. Eliot too. but whether or not they were true believers, is beyond me. My Nature bonds are Strong. There is only one voice. Or if Panagruel. the conquered hawk could not leash the wind to bear the burden on things yet to come. Anyway. The pain of years. There hardly a plan of contemplation. there hardly passes a day. Chapter 45 There throbs the contemplation of mankind. In the heart of a single membrane. The Mind's Eye. They would speak the refusal of catechisms Near the name of God. The Mind's Eye. Whether these voices have not been stilled. There can be no doubt. Universes and Man. The cornerstone to Pindar. and the Nebeti name of Mn (Cartouche) Mn There was a simple formality before Breasted could transcribe. Conflict of Gods. Chapter 46 Thunder roads of Gods. measured to a passion. Where the spires of Illium at the third level. Set earthen age. Homer and his grand old tale. Sd/ by way of mouth, by way of line. Milton. Blind man blind. One more loaf. What proportion to a blind man? ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ He who sets out to find the shaded realm of Heaven. (Cave drawing of man) He who finds the realm imported/ implanted into mind's eye Eyes of Heaven. ATEN. The sun's eye of God. Pharaoh of the realm. Perhaps there was another. ATEN EYES. (Ahktetaten the holy city of commune. a city abandoned. Spires of Ileum. Chapter 47 (Chinese character for Time) Parameter of Time. Sporadic outbursts. There where the ship saileth into the quagmire. "Were guided through the realm of Aquert. Many millenniums. Much grief. The Roman thus remarked: Why dost come again? All eyes turneth towards our selves. ALL EYES. To answer: A traitor wind guideth us trough Time. Scenes thus committed. Senses thus benumb. Drugged. And Vergilius: Dost thou know thy place? Our place be neath our God." Puppetry. I fell rather less exerted than the ancient truth. stated in the grief of oracles overshadowed by a proposition of timelessness. Anyway much revision to be made much to be forfeited and learned as time has not yet been shattered and the numbers of the populace have not been reached. Chapter 48 To regulate. The bridge upon Bridge the Time Time Mass of hypothesis. To mass There where the bridge across the pond Across (to stem across) Blood. Blood The seed of life. Seed (egg) Fluid of Kings. Kings (Chinese Character for King) To regulate. To regulate To equate... Mercury in opposition Opposite (i.e. the element as opposed to water) H2O Commonest of all elements. Element . . . Without Luna's path Path the tides would not... Tide and the rivers diverted Diversion the earth to quiver. Quiver Not to matter Unconcerned in a Universe of Kings Universe/Kings. Chapter 49 Many books /manuscripts burnt. SHIH HUANG TI (b.259; acc.247; d.210 B.C.) p. 132 That year hath the fever quelled the thirst in man. TSUI KAN If knowledge be an Art. a form of passive. a way of the future. if not accepted. many yrs after. Chapter 50 Intrusive arrangement of form The artist who elongated his short span of life to wield the scalpel to concentrate upon the disarmament of life. to revolt. to overpower over form. man has but a lifetime. It is short. Goethe knew this truth, but he lived longer than the artist and so did Picasso and so the memory of Guernica, so the voice slaughtering, so the voice alleged Chapter 51 Pain, for the reason in experience. Certain processes have had to be abolished, it had to be as it had not to be. The equation stems its truth: There were voices at Guernica and Picasso set to work, (i.e. the voice behind the master) There were always a set of equations a set of rules to rearrange the words, Same words, same rule, different meaning. This, the Artist, this, der dichter ist mir fern geblieben. Und wass mahen die drie rechtige fortsetzungen? Erschuttent/shattered as in erronious consequences. The voice behing the master, the hand the eye which permiated the question asked. Eranimous. Sept Chapter 52 me re re do do do Ecstatic There where the voice permeates. The influences of mankind. Chaptr/ 38 Falsetto. Statements. Where the trumpet sounds retreat. Mort, the horns to sound the kill. A slaughter preceding silence. CDEADAGCFCDDbC / GC / GC / GC / GC-/ And to quote the the shepherd's voice Berlioz, the oboes where the echo responds. otherwise the second movements of Brahms first Symphony, Not the rage of Beethoven, The pastoral only if free. And Beethoven's death as opposed to Keats. Holderlin as to Nietsche. Chapter 53 (Chinese character K'ou) There permeates the member's shadow the image of truths. There exists the task, the sabre, cold cut glass fair, if through the shadow, if through the personage, if amassed, in battalions, for a grand assault. If the weather be right, (Chinese Characters) K'ou (Mouth) Fu (Contradict) Jen (Humanity) And the shadow equivalents. There where man has outgrown the earth Time's earth and shadow. the undistinguished realm. Chapter LV Clearly sought after the proposition of Man to use the eyes for courtship Nefertiti It was the young artist who loved her He was her lover the lover whose ashes lie somewhere in Westminster Abbey they call it the poet's corner but it is only marble a memorial the true graves lie somewhere undisturbed lost neath shrubbery and consecrated to earth Still it is better to have flowers than harsh rock It is warmer in the winter months Mother Earth provides positive meaning to the flesh proportionate to the dust unto the earth its share and to the ages the multiplication of its forms. Chapter LVI A blue sky forested haven for the blind man's art It was given 3rd rating by one who could not feel the marble slabs could not heal the vestibule of blood it was given one with eyes sprawling from too much sun It was given the earth firmament of seed protectorate, disdainfully envisioned for a course harmonious Chapter LVII The Victorians regarded sex as a necessary evil as a cause replenished 'hind a mask oh no may not speak it's voice infernal shy feared obliged to keep the motive hid as yet they spoke one ne'er known one to hide a feeling and to make appear so obvious as to which flame burn neath the breath. nor yet to shatter through and rattle long with idle chatter teeth engaged spiraled through an age aware but not ready yet to prove itself worthy of the reformation of its act. Chapter LVIII Revoiced opinions that which can be eliminated hunted down permeated to be in suffering Pain of years old age opinion deferred arrangement the last point in time which is dreaded (Chinese character for Time) the promise the vow committed practiced precise and unto dissidence That which can be eliminated the common folk opinion to verbalize on sd. opinion the opinion of course is free unless restored slavery captors, hunted, hunter those left for the soldier food just reward for a job well done Mitt augen vor dehn wind... Speech before the act... It, that which is, (hypothesis) remains to be proved There stands no sd. Rosetta stone no sd. guide instinctive stand its guest the lost animal that which is part nature nature's hold unto human bondship the shackles and again that which may be eliminated " 'ave taught us independence Calleth us the independent lot but are lost in time that which is dreaded each to eaches' own" the precise line arrogant selfishly inclined towards oblivion the martyrs which was it that had prompted the thought which form of evil forms the parted matter death 'eads 'ung from rafters on a winters' day for to preach obedience calleth matter of another beginning others would "the end" all to preference (each to eaches own) a distilled echo paternal to the grave Henry! the caverns which wert dark thou must not turn the each wilt crumble the withered stone must not cease before the sky "...and came out o' the darkness to weep neath starts." Chapter LIX Oh happiness self arrogant in lies a fervent matter displaced, a provocation Intrusive What matters is not the arrangement but the argument against it to keep ears, eyes open to be decisive Mirror thyself betwixt the evil and the good upon the horizon neath the twilight of a precaution set neath luna (del luna) neath Aten neath dust enriched Purgatorio (Betterment) Chapter LX To stand upon the embankment and look into the heart of the matter of things to be non-conclusive have no set hypothesis no set value to be drugged or in a state of dream Euphoria to be nowhere near that which is considered rational to be flooded in pure thought non-coordinated intrusive to a degree certain argumentative to a point but always near the activity of a truth shrouded behind symbolism terms accepted Chapter LXI Die blumen von den engel schwartz Full well it is... if Hotchner sd/ Hemingway cared more about his juices than his work ...anyway...blew his brains out at the first sign of weakness Joyously the parameter lies arranged in form argumentative Rimbaud intrusive denial Why does man run Where is there to go? ...A half equated beginning... Does he ever answer? Chapter LXII The howl of the bastard hounds Simplified existence A bestiary compiled by man Apollinaire /added to what is called conjectural. They have misplaced their hashish. / draw smoke / In a stillness of mood /Still more quiet mood/ Simplified Premeditated almost made to worship Mystical The howl of the bastard hounds / excites us. Our instincts are town apart. We almost hear voices not our own. murmurs of a litany to commentate the problem which is ours. Chapter LXIII Isolated past the flash of time lain to dust as many martyrs were others burned correlated as the blood that runneth through our veins giveth revitalization The fruit built to partake shelter unto burden harsh heavy load. Chapter LXIV Tu as mon dieu practiced for redistribution of the human mechanism List while I sing of a relinquished Eden faultless in those days of who would have it so Isolated from the tree "God was a communist wishest to keep mankind dumb otherwise no rest." could be conjectured. dispersed argument. For et against. du er vromm. together 't was inadequate. je suis . tu as . nous sommes. vous etez . Quite the difference. Thou art, but only half the positive otherwise reprimand, halted short before existence. Calleth human. calleth Nature. How many more shadows stand proved. stand to be agnosticized? To have the half difficult. Statistically denied a right to representation. Yet calleth free. Democratic. otherwise Anaxogoras, chapter xv. "to be superior is also to be not" half to each. Calleth positive e negative. Such a concept of either way. neuter. An organization of the mind. which be the truth of the matter. The centre of our being. The root of our tree. which voice true voice ch.40 (38 continued) Otherwise a self induced hypothesis. without bearing upon the order of humanity. (Joyce, one word as in relation to the words upon other pages.) Not one against the word. (Donne, no man is an island) unto himself man ist a river (Russell) unto other he is a tree (Pound) the sap which floweth, sweet tasteth its life, sweat the breath of confirmation of life. to not hold the odds against the freedom confined. Copyright (c) 1970 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press