Down From The Mountain by Klaus J. Gerken (2016) down from the mountain jesus came down from the mountain went into the city said "ain't i pretty"? he drank from a fountain the water was good but the crowd struck a terrible mood they dragged him away said "we'll kill you if you stay" he smiled and he nodded "i'm glad you decided to ignore the truth i provided so follow or not it really doesn't matter i'm going back to the father" kjg 1232pm 13 jun 2016 * Orlando the screams of the survivors the silence of the dead kjg 422am 15 june 2016 * waking as time robs us of the present the past is always there the future is the challenge but the present is the dare utpianever have an answer like others are so sure i cannot claim to know things i struggle to endure the hopeless may remember when hope was all the rage i stand upon the summit of a book without a page sometimes when i wake up the dream is all too clear as i move into the daylight the dream just disappears kjg 511am 18 june 2016 * solstice there's poison in the wishing well the devil's in the ground no one knows what is for sure bring in the featured clowns utopia is hollywood and disneyland's the town the mayor is cindarella give the mayor his golden crown the scuba diver worships mud he doesn't see the wreck that lies upon the silver plate and needs a reality check medusa lies in happy caves where lear forgets his part and no one understands at all the pantagrulian art kjg 154am 20 jun 2016 * pill i walked into a china shop and didn't break a thing i tried to level the playing field but they stole my wedding ring i was forceful in my anger i blew them half a kiss they said i was pathetic but it was hit and miss i don't know why i bother their ears are full of lead sometimes when i wake up i wish that i was dead kjg 303am 20 jun 2016 * noyfb i live the way i want to live i do not give a damn how you live or anyone that's not my business, man and if you think your life is such that i should live it too hear me once and hear me well this finger is for you. kjg 314am 20 jun 2016 * It's one thing to read, it's another to retain. kjg 1055am 20 jun 2016 * orphan rumble rain and raging wind descends upon a paper town ink like blood runs down the drain laughing as we drown the filter does not give us clear water we can drink instead it gives us mud behold we sink we sink we sink kjg 628am 22 jun 2016 * How does a subatomic particle in a toe know it's a subatomic particle in a toe? It has to, otherwise the toe would never move. kjg 812pm 20 jun 2016 * why am i killing myself with booze? * the point of ressurrection has always been to die first kjg 321pm 26 jun 2016 * Funny how all religions want you to die before you get your reward. Except for Buddhism which wants you to die while you are still alive. kjg 415pm 26 jun 2016 * I wonder, if I said I don't believe in anything, how far your arguments would go to convince I am wrong and you are right? kjg 435pm 26 jun 2016 * i love the royal family they make such great mannikens they dress to the hilt in outragious clothes no one else can afford except movie stars but movie strs get their clothers for free from designers for the advertisements the royals on the other hand get commoners to pay for theirs and the entertainment value they provide is rather staid to say the least well maybe not the queen she's always a hoot and the prince well enough of that she comes to canada every few years (she really is our queen) but mostly she just sends her kids old eccentrics by any standard i doubt we deserve much better colonial ontario just allowed beer sales in stores a year ago i can remember segregated bars ah what fun we had getting drunk in a civil manner and then there was sunday when everything was closed even the curches after noon but the queen always fascinated she was on our currancy we had a woman on our bank notes even before the US thought of it to be honest the royals are so pretty like tea cups in marks and spencers or jewlry rattling at a concert at the royal albrt hall they give awards for success they don't have to work for but they have to reward the commoners somehow for all their loyalty and money donated to their upkeep i hear prince charles has his own toilet seat he takes with him wherever he goes i guess our shithouses aren't good enough for him but otherwise the royals are ok they have pretty teeth and smile a lot i would vote for them if they ever ran for office but they have the house of lords so don't need to god save the queen so the queen can save god for after all she outranks the pope in prim and proper nglish mannr lets all have tea from India hail britannia hip hip horay lor luv a duck and all that stuff kjg 28 jun 2016 * Pupil said to master: i dont believe you. Master replied: persuade me. Pupil walked away. Master bowed. kjg 615am 27 jun 2016 * Marpa said to Milarpa: drag these stones up that hill and build me a house. Milarepa did as Marpa instructed. When the house was built Marpa said dismantle it and place the stones back where the originally were. Milarepa did so. Then Marpa had him build the house again and tear it down. After the third time Milarepa said, I can't do this anymore. Marpa shrugged: what took you so long? and walked away. kjg 1231pm 27 jun 2016 * Americans love using the word Revolution, but Revolution is a violent word and concept. Maybe if they replaced it with something like Education they might get somewhere. kjg 325am 5 jul 2016 * The current USA is a fabrication of Hollywood; it has no relation to what the Founding Fathers wanted it to be. KJG 6 jul 2016 * I write, not as a poet, but as an explorer. kjg 449am 10 jul 2016 * Every group that aspires for power seeks a martyr; every group that aspires for peace seeks a dialogue. kjg 626am 10 jul 2016 * Islam is the political wing of Christianity that survived after the first movement failed and turned into a religion. KJG 640am 10 jul 2016 * dont come to my door with your religious views; just know that my door is forever closed to you. kjg 247pm 10 jul 2016 * I don't read "studies", I read the original work. kjg 430pm 10 jul 2016 * I hear a Christian group wants to build a replica of Jerusalem in Las Vegas. They figure if the money lenders return to the Temple Jesus will return to cast them out! kjg 520am 11 jul 2016 * The problem isn't when people stop thinking, it's when those who can't, start talking. kjg 910am 12 july 2016 * prepare the argument of principle dictates the hammer beats the nail not into the hand of god but man the right of first denial is a pleasant thought but the concept is fractured beyond reason logic does not seek the infinte neither does the infinite seek logic both deny each other on the battlefield therefore blood is everything it flows like mud into the ground and sabotages lost horizons kjg 536pm 12 jul 2016 * The broken oracle I will write nothing Since the oracle is broken. kjg 838am 13 jul 2016 * The remnants of slavery are well preserved in professional team sports; where else can you own someone and trade them at will to another team? kjg 15 jul 2016 * God is whatever you want god to be. kjg 15 jul 2016 * The more you divide people, the more you have a cause. kjg 16 jul 2016 * jazzie there is a great emptiness in my heart i am not one for many words but there is a great emptiness in my heart kjg 1209pm 21 jul 2016 * Call it plagiarism if you want, but I don't think John Lennon would mind. "My Jazzie's Dead" My Jazzie's Dead I can't get it through my head Though it's been just yesterday My Jazzie's Dead It's hard to explain So much Pain I just have to get it out My Jazzie's Dead kjg 1250am 22 jun 2016 * i was walking through a tunnel dark as any funnel i couldnt really function sucked into extinction i wasnt even thinking there was light where there was drinking the mud was like a comfort you gamble what you bring forth and the dice are not cooperating so to hell to hell with everything kjg 1143pm 29 juk 2016 * my mother called me klaus and my father called me jens im an unbaptized uncircuncized lutheran jew looking for some common sense it cant get any better i guess its all a joke once i climb down from the tree i'll be a proper bloke kjg 908pm 3 aug 2016 * down from the mountain slain by the fountain blood in the water what does it matter no one remembers when the world lies in embers no use to complain then it doesn't take brains then we're just a cold species warm blooded beasties so sit by the fountain wait for the mountain it's all for the better pray for good weather kjg 949am 4 aug 2016 * ruffle me no feathers i ain't no kind of bird i was born without a sweater and my voice cannot be heard i am not running for office i'm not some kind of clown who orchstrates a slaughter the same day he must drown kjg 105am 5 aug 2016 * I don't like Clinton And Trump even less If I were living in the USA I'd resign from the mess And move to an island Where no one can find me, I guess. kjg 5 aug 2016 * the pill is swallowed and the truth revealed the mind is hollowed and your fate is sealed kjg 1135am 8 aug 2016 * master said nothing pupil said nothing both understood each other kjg 1219pm 8 aug 2016 * a prophet for profit kjg * People will believe anything if it caters to their stupidity. kjg * as time goes by everyody's gotta die that ain't no lie bye bye kjg 854am 15 aug 2016 *** Copyright 2016 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press