THE FELL-CREATION by Klaus J. Gerken (1971) 1. we are beginning to be fell. fell like leaves into an autumn mist fell like flowers on the grave in dire remembrance of a section fell like men into the mud (trenches filled with bodies now men bodies female bodies baby bodies german bodies jewish bodies Russian bodies french bodies english & american bodies all types of bodies and much more than this human bodies; -)/of course this is not an eye-witness report can only be made valid by the fact of some shutter bug and sadist pig who decided they're interesting' to look at because he got a dollar bill for each one dead and therefore shd belong in them there annals of our times (i admit to having seen them - are nothing much more than the slaughter of a lamb at a jewish weddin' an' mankind don't deserve much less - ) (with spears an' guns the slaughter thus is on/ (an' those canadian generals did a lousy job at defendin' hongkong/) (marx & engels built a manifesto on the human braw; hard work toil an' sweat and not much pay while them imperialistic lot of damn yanks had to play it all the different to the times to the truth (vietnam; just to name a few): that's how the rift began creates the fell.) fell like shadows cast within the animation of a hope: a hope . and this the reason for our truth beckons: 2. suddenly i am come to the realization that man ;being falsely displayed as savior of society (first of all there being no society (enigmatic upheaval of the times being the most sought after subject of a suicide note) can hardly be omneitous omneity being a conception un-got by all men something to stem beyond the truthreal state of hope. (and how our fell-creator brought us down toward the journey of a faust /i saw the illustration of a faust outdid breadsley's solom- e/ licentiousness of a disguised rhythm rhythm rhyme and strauss! Even jarry humming down gross iniquities in rhyme - or - rimbaud child of e- vil lying betwixt the flowers of the toulleries with black pipe and filth between his teeth) - the fell - omneity being part of the seer -zarathrustra concept (nietzsche discussed this in full when he outdid kalil gibran mostfew years before the latter decided to be born) lilt ~~~~ "we do what we do until fatigue sets in eyelids closing to a vast and equal waste of fantasy (phantom shapes to cast their eyes our way) we try our best until are drowned in sapphire serpent shun light on the waves, (obliqueness casts shadows on our fates) we detract from known experiences read the papers every night searching our prognosis for an understanding to augment the coming of a false messiah (read: know ledge) 'Like this guy gets up every morning reading the paper and spreading his toast on the kitchen table while installing another 'hope' in his already fell-brain 'there is evidently more advertisement on the back page than the front' he shrivels up his voice from pride. his wife lazily agrees. perfect match / hymen hymenaee o -/' (we do what we can in the time allotted to us) - and the frugality of man seems nothing in the face of his survival (read: martyrdom) or his drowning made to be finalized in a motion touching upon the difficulties of the soul versus body made to wrack the shadows in its state procuring coma from the omneity of a non- existence 'and to touch upon a universe are indeed tiny' and yet to search unto the end - remembering 'universes, creators, infinity all make me a little giddy & say to me not enough' (w.a.b.) not enough said not enough listened to one must be to understand first of all in which way the universe functions within the limit of the human mind one cannot be made to expand oneself leaving bonds behind which only do to limit the ability to comprehend a sanctioned voice 'crying in the wilderness' VIOX CLAMANTIS IN DESERTO remembering Gordon stumbling into the streets of moth-bit Khartoum all the pomp the glory of a king made to be God incarnate to an incoherent mob /and how that was to fell shattered mirror of reality when his head (Gordon's) was gamely so displayed (John in Herod's chains) for the victor's cause: 'we'll hold you to your word' and nothing gets done about 'too many delays' (we don't do much: just wait wait for the day to begin to end i say it is all the same this waiting is all the same from sunup to sundown we wait) only death will stop them from waiting only death will bring their minds to rest it makes one think how ironic this waiting really is here we are waiting for death to cease our waiting for death and there is death not having to wait at all frugality of man is oh so stubborn: /this displayance of reversal of the process of the intellect can be adequately explained by our television viewing habits; we et our kids see violence (get 'im before 'e gets you) and not the sexuality binds us all. only providing hate as natural (if not more so) than love. yes there stands a rift made to cling not mutely but soulful (muchmore clearly scrutinized for a rancid aria) whatever shadows fall man sanctions the right to reach out reach forth until his face pales and his life's obliterated into universal whole... 3. a nothingness is saved to be a nothingness - it would be made awkward to define nothingness as void it would be insanity to define an insanity through the parameter of the sane. tell me then what is to be considered sane of what insane? what part of a person's whole is to be termed a lesion from that which bears the right and proper path? or is there a nothingness? yet questions don't fully settle anything. we must be mea- sured in the security of a dream. /lecture/ To state the final perception of a dream, will be to draw upon that source of power which in the normal course of human events is virtually impossible, or even void. - The state of dream is as much a reality as it is enigma; as much a basic concept of human ideal as life itself, and, even more so, for the dream is a self induces transparency to the other side. (Fragment breaks off here) Copyright (c) 1971 Klaus J. Gerken Ygdrasil Press alt.centipede