I AM! Poems by Klaus J. Gerken (2015) i am i am therefore I think i am kjg 1120 jul 2015 * Master says: Stand still. Pupil stands still. Master leaves room. Master returns next day. Pupil is still sanding still. Master says: Fool! kjg 413am 5 jul 2015 * The only problem with democracy is, that "We The People" have to elect a leader. kjg 448am 5 jul 2015 * To All My USA Friends I hope everyone had a glorious Indian Depenence Day! kjg 4 jul 2015 * politicians they're all hunky-dory-slap-your-back-buddy until we vote them in then they expect us to bow kjg 3pm 5 jul 2015 * Visitor I come from another planet. I want to go home. This one is insane. kjg 843am 5 jun 2015 * dirt to the wind the levee is broken the water got in our love was forsaken and we grew too thin the bridge was too fragile it trembled with fear no lovers upon it could shed a dry tear in the desert of darkness where the serpent has sinned like a dirt bike surrenders the dirt to the wind history tells us we don't know a thing we relegate knowledge to the money it brings the institution is shallow it wiretaps minds and drains all their senses and strikes them all blind to further commitment to the songs they rescind like a dirt bike surrenders the dirt to the wind it's nothing if something or something that's not as dark clouds will gather on a horizon of rot we have to do something they scream with a wink a committee of saviours can't fix a broke sink so we scramble like monkeys into a meadow of spring like a dirt bike surrenders the dirt to the wind and you said it and said it quit well promises and duty are mixed up in hell no one remembers and no one will care when you get too old and can't climb the stairs the levee is broken the water got in our love was forsaken and we grew too thin the bridge was too fragile it trembled with fear no lovers upon it could shed a dry tear in the desert of darkness where the serpent has sinned like a dirt bike surrenders the dirt to the wind kjg 716pm 6 jul 2015 * Master pushes rock half way up the hill and lets it roll down. Pupil pushes rock half way up the hill and lets it roll down. Master says: I am old, and do not have the strength to do what you just did! kjg 209am 7 jul 2015 * Anyone who lets himself be worshipped is an ass. kjg 2am 8 jul 2015 * The WW2 era was not as "black and white" as they want us to believe: My mother was dismissed by Hitler as an apprentice cook in the Reichstag because she was Jewish. She went back to Cuxhaven, and eventually married my father, who was Lutheran and drafted into the army. He spent most of his service as a barber to the troops. While he was away at the Russian front (where he was wounded) my mother was assaulted by a Gestapo colonel who told her he would kill her if she ever divulged that he was the Jewish butcher she went to in Berlin to get the daily meat for Hindenburg's household. kjg 244am 8 jul 2015 * the bell it tolled six he needed a fix the sidewalk was empty but needles a-plenty were strewn in the garden the shakes had him bad he knew he was mad * blow the man down boys blow the man down greece is a fallin' like a desperate clown the west has been taken over by fear germany's hitler is always so near so blow the man down boys blow the man down it's hard to remember when greece had renown kjg 105am 9 jul 2015 * i vant to be an editor i vant to be abused i vant to read a million poems to find the one i'll use i vant each month to meet a deadline i work both night and day and sometimes i will even get replies that say: thank you for the effort i know it's very hard to put up with such egotistical lard but really it's a joy to do not even labour but of love i wouldn't be an editor if i wanted something else for every ton of gravel a gem may yet appear and if i weren't an editor i'd never find it dear! kjg 1052am 9 jul 2015 * the world is a stage and we are all stagehands cobbling the set together for the director and actors kjg 1138am 9 jul 2015 * song of a disenfranchised golfer i was born in a cassino and raised to play golf so money was passion and gambling a wolf there was a hollow insertion where love used to be but it hurt my profession and publicity so i went undercover and made a new start no one here knows me and i don't give a fart kjg 630pm 9 jul 2015 * artificial i so want to be an artificial person i don't like anything about me too fat so liposuction nose job to satisfaction silicon boobs are the attraction penile implant great erection botox lip perfection money is no object i'll just get a reality tv show and be famous on reflection in the mirror in my kitchen man they love my drug collection i bottle vanity like water and they pay like lambs at slaughter kjg 1027am 12 jul 2015 * for ted cruz i love jesus yes i do no one knows him like i do he talks to me when i'm in bed and puts that love right in my head i really get aroused by him he saves me from my evil sin the one i cannot talk about it haunts me when i moan too loud jesus saves me every day wakes me when i have to pray god is like a dad to me shows me what's reality i wish i could relate to you how our relationship accrues but that's between my lord and me a personal epiphany so crawl to jesus if you can he likes to see that you're a man and soon you'll understand it all or satan will advance your fall kjg 358am 13 jul 2015 * Ted Cruz: I masturbate to the Bible. Too bad he has to masturbate When his wife is idle. kjg 421am 13 jul 2015 * organic suicide blow it away boys blow it away life is a picnic and everyone's gay so hide in the closet or prance around nude i don't give a damn boys just don't be too rude freedom is choices we make for ourselves it's no one's damn business what crawls on your shelf so blow it away boys blow it away life is a picnic and everyne's gay kjg 1258pm 14 jul 2015 * light when the fuse goes out is there any doubt that the darkness is a twist and shout and the tunnel in is the tunnel out and the madness cancels any doubt as to why we're here in a monster raut it's them or us or us or them but none will care when there's no one there kjg 941pm 16 jul 2015 * with open eyes i spent 40 years as a buddhist before i realized what crap it is i already knew christianity was a con when i got kicked out of sunday school at 12 for asking a question hinduism just look at the povery bathing to clense themselves in a holy polluted river jews, nothing but the followers of ankhenaten fleeing kemet after the cult was hacked from stone and monument everything else just just some egomaniac who said follow me i am right everyone else is wrong what about me you ask i know nothing and the world will go on when i am gone i neither want followers desciples or worshippers i need none all i want is me free of any bourden shoving garbage in my face kjg 137am 17 jul 2015 * The Voice of Reason The reason you should listen to your elders is because they are outside the experience of seeing things for the first time. They know more than youth will ever give them credit for. kjg 2am 17 jul 2015 * Legacy You do what you have to do in life, and then you die; History takes care of the rest. Out of your control. kjg 256am 17 jul 2015 * before and after (to my cat) humping my arm again do you remember when the last time you did it life is a lonely thing to a cat in spring admit it sorry i had you fixed not how i get my kicks but remember sniping was too much fun the walls were on the run oh brother now that we've all calmed down we live a life i found so tranquil but i guess you remember when humping my arm again you were virulently ample kjg 322am 17 jul 2015 * A young student asked Plato, Why did Socrates leave a cock to Asclepius? Plato looked at him in amazement: TO WAKE HIM UP, he whispered... kjg 420am 17 jul 2015 * My poems may be simple And not for the elite But what they say is complex For open minds to read kjg 458am 17 jul 2015 * I'm going back to the beginning; I don't care what anybody says. kjg 505am 17 jul 2015 * Why Americans will never understand Muslims Commentator: Why did you close the Mosque? Iman: We didn't close the Mosque. We cancelled a celebration that was scheduled to be held in the Mosque in respect for those who were killed. Commentator: But the Mosque is closed. Iman: I can assure you, the Mosque is open. We will be conducting an interfaith service for the victims of this grave tragedy. Commentator: I can clearly see the Mosque is closed, there are no cars in the parking lot. Iman: That is where we were going to hold the celebrations. Commentator: Why would you cancel a scheduled celebration, as you call it. We don't cancel picnics just because we are in mourning, Iman: But we do. Commentator: I think it is suspicious you would be closing the Mosque at a time like this, Iman: The Mosque is open. You are welcome to attend the service this afternoon. Commentator: Where will it be held since the Mosque is closed? Iman: The Mosque is open. Commentator: Come on now, you know as well a juls I the Mosque is closed. Iman: You are welcome to come over and see for yourself. Commentator: I don't have to, I can see on the screen the parking lot is empty. Anchor: We are out of time. Thank you for talking to us. Iman: You are welcome. kjg 17 jul 2015 * without us the years go by so fast there's nothing that we think will last we're just a planet on a rotery and everything we do will just accrue like dirt mountains may sprout out like flowers in a cloud but ultimaty we must face the fact that nothing ever lasts it's just a spoke on a rotating wheel so if you meditate go rid the world of hate before the sky caves in on you it's not for us to say what happens every day we just live life the way we aught it's tough to realize whatever teaches lies is what directs our daily trance so do not worry if life does not give a gift for our survival to renew just one more sacriment like an experiment that hit a wall before we knew what has directed us not god or any other lot just you and me and me and you we're in this to the end we cannot make amends for what we've done we're in a fall i say it all will pass away and will go on without us kjg 1012pm 17 jul 2015 * hope what's the use in trying it's never gonna stop the only hope is dying before the world blows up kjg 324am 19 jul 2015 * growing up we are creatures with such high ideals we marvel and see everything through a child's vision and then, adults, we make a decision to wipe it off the map kjg 301am 20 jul 2015 * Intellectualism has murdered the human species; we are now only an experiment. kjg 312am 20 jul 2015 * Master yawns. Pupil asks: Are we boring you, master? Master says: No, not at all! Go back to sleep. kjg 403am 20 jul 2015 * Democracy is when the elite elect the elite to make decisions on behalf of the non-elite. kjg 856am 22 jul 2015 * History Repeats itself in 30 year cycles To my younger friends: sorry to be so blase about everything, but I've been through it before ...twice. The first time, I cared; the second time I said, "Here we go again"; now, the third time, I just fall asleep. kjg 944am 23 jul 2015 * injured i am loathed to think of anything that rages in my mind the body has no energy and life is so unkind broken like a slintered wood it splits both soul and mind apart and what clear kindness is needed here nothing will impart so rage upon the the desperate moor with quicksand underfoot as age reclaims the youth we had and withers every root kjg 711am 29 jul 2015 * no no no woke up to a horrendous nightmare dreamed i was in a retirement home and wanted to watch the nasa channel for the latest developments when the nurse came along and said no i asked why i couldn't watch a channel where i could learn something new and she said old people no longer need to learn...only be entertained till they die so she called over the attendant to put me in restraints so i would be forced to watch what everyone else wanted to watch: the kardashians. even pope benedict watches that! she said. kjg 729pm 29 jul 2015 * promo for a new reality show fake hair fake face fake boobs fake bottom fake relationships fake sex fake talent fake reality show fake existence the fakers are here! kjg 614am 30 jul 2015 * the rain cascadeses down the greacy walls of hope shiny in their usual complacency * 2am help desk call ring help desk im trying to get some money out ok it wont give me any are you at the atm whats an atm a bank machine i guess so did you insert your card in the slot what slot the one to the right ok anything happening its beeping that means you inserted the card the wrong way take it out and insert it the other way around ok pause anything happening its blinking thats good now what does the screen say what screen the one in front of you welcome and below that what would you like to do and what would you like to do get some money ok then press withdraw it doesn't do anything did you press the button next to where it says withdraw no try that pause anything happening another screen came up and what does it say select the amount you would like to withdraw i dont know you must know how much you want to withdraw i just want some money and how much would that be five dollars the smallest amount you can withdraw is $20 that's not fair it's my money why don't you just say...select twenty if you say so but you have to give me back the 15 if it works well well talk about that later i want to talk about it now just press twenty it doesnt do anything did you press the button next where it says twenty you didnt tell me to ok then try that pause anything happening another screen came up and what does it say insufficient amount well then you dont have enough to withdraw $20 but i only want five then you will have to go to the bank teller and withdraw it at the counter but the bank is closed tomorrow morning then the bank opens at 9 i need it now im sorry i cant help you there well what the fuck are you good for then slam have a good night kjg 238am 3 aug 2015 * phone call to god ring god here hey god man hows the weather up there where up there you know heaven there is no heaven no heaven nope hell no hell either so whats the purpose then no purpose none whatsoever then whats all this adam and eve bit beats me abraham moses jesus nothing i had anything to do with you dont say they had to blame it on someone well let me tell you the reason im calling theres a rumour going around that youre planning to retire its been a long time you dont say how long has it been at least 13 or 14 billion years i dont remember much before that not any of that 4004 bc thing then nothing like that so if you dont mind how did it all start well you know i was playing around with my sons chemistry set and one thing lead to another you have a son hundreds of them you dont say the wife doesnt like it but you got to do something when you live forever it gets pretty boring after a while just one wife yeah not much out here to choose from so whats all this thing about celibacy in the church beats me old boys club i guess so all these sons oh some turned out ok but they kept interfering with things so i had to call a stop to it daughters too oh yes cant have one without the other so what happens when you retire chaos i guess but they'll never notice itll be just like a normal day well thank you that was really interesting oh by the way youll have to pay for the call im kinda broke these days you know all those televangelists robbing me blind no prob keep cool kjg 210pm 3 aug 2015 * storm the cafe au lait spilled on the table tiny drops of foam filled up the sidewalk the splish-splash engines of automobiles fluttered wild horses raged a blistering storm nostrils flaring on the counter top of the local butchers the waiter prayed mon dieu pater noster seven times and crossed his heart with iron no one dared look at the sky that cast a blunt forced shadow elegant gentlemen clasp their bowler hats while running scatterbrained into the nearest sheltered doorway ladies held their skirts down and screamed and then it was over and the yellow orb appeared out of nowhere like a messiah made of glass kjg 1104pm 3 aug 2015 * who am i to complain who am i to complain i am broken and suffering when 3/4 of the worlds population is more broken and suffers more than i do who am i to complain who am i to complain that i am hungry when i have forgotten to grocery shop and there is nothing in the fridge for me to eat 3/4 of the world population is hungry each day and has no fridge to store non-existent groceries in who am i to complain who am i to complain my thousand dollar mattress is lumpy when so many sleep on a dirt or cement or straw floor who am i to complain who am i to complain when i have a good wage or pension when so many have no job and can never look forward to retirement who am i to complain who am i to complain when i live in a country that has universal health care when so many have no medial assistance whatsoever who am i to complain who am i to complain when my country settles disputes by debate and not by senseless violence who am i to complain who am i to complain when my country strictly controls guns and mass murders are almost non-existent who am i to complain who am i to complain when free speech is a privilege not to be abused and lies do not enter the news nor hate fills the airwaves disguised as religion who am i to complain who am i to complain when i still have something to be thankful for on thanksgiving and others have nothing who am i to complain no one kjg 757pm 4 aug 2015 * *** Copyright 2015 by Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press