January 2015 Notebook by Klaus J. Gerken how does it feel how's it feel like that you're not one of them that they hate you because you're different the monkey does tricks but the circus is not your thing you believe in yourself but they can't even think how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real the circus performers walk down the street in chicago or manhattan and wear out their feet there's perfect commitment that they all repeat but you're not their servant you aren't that discreet how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real you wear out your welcome even before you bring the dirt in they can't stand it when you do your resectioning they're positively hateful when you dance on the floor they don't know the scuff marks are what the floor's there for how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real you talk to tomorrow when they can't talk to today they see the horizon when you see the beyond with a vision so forceful they can't get in the way you're a positive arrangement they try to delay how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real you wake up in the morning breathe the fresh air while they cough their lungs out with tobacco eclairs they'll be happy to see your demise and dance on your grave but you'll linger long after they've lost their enclave how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real how's it feel like that you're not one of them that they hate you because you're different the monkey does tricks but the circus is not your thing you believe in yourself but they can't even think how does it feel to be a positive ideal how does it feel to be real kjg 509am 1 jan 2015 * the lady vanishes (dream) in the office the most beautiful rehead freckles came to work and we talked and i fell in love and she came to my cubicle and made love to me and walked around smiling... then there was an onler woman looked just like her and she had sex with all the other men in the office then she vanished i searched for her and she was nowhere to be found then my cats woke me wanting treats i hope her face never vanishes from my mind kjg 836am 1 jan 2015 * Life is a wonderful gift, That's why we abuse it; If it weren't a gift, We'd refuse it! kjg 1211am 1 jan 2015 * Ignorance is never clear, until ignorance digs a deeper hole. kjg 1224pm 1 jan 2015 * 1230 went to bed and slept till 3pm - stranger frighteening nightmare/ iwas in a shopping centre wen to the basement to find a bathroom and found out there was a barberr shop decided to get a haircut they were all bearded...the barber took a long time and then they all stopped for prayer...i stood up and waited until they were finished...then i looked athte time and it was 45 minuted and my haircut wasnt finised yet so i shouted the world does not stop for god and someone came up to me and stuck something on my forehead and they brought out a bloclk of wood and canes...then i passedd out for several hours and an old kind beared man approached me and said you can go now the cane dyou adni gathered upp the papers i had with me including a pamphlet they had given me and the old man said es they went through everthign even your car...as i was waking i heard a voice say he will tell other so we will give five das to tell and then we willlc ut off his ehad...thats when i woke totall numb right now typing this..i evenc hecked m back in the mirrow for marks...wonder where that came from? ... ----- Took an afternoon nap and had a horrendous nightmare. No anxiety, as I usually have when this occurs, but completely numb because of it; so incredibly real that I'm not certain I'm not still dreaming now... and I was told not to relate the dream or there would be terrible consequences. 312pm 2 jan 2015 * tenure and wild dancing you say you dance for the moment like dervish insurgets when the tidal wave hits you and nothing remits you you ain't nothing special like millions that left you when you sweetened their cola and went heavenly solar what a wasted endeavour you can't be that clevour life's made of plastic ever fantastic so give up the posture life's always a tenure kjg 208am 3 jan 2015 * Fools A simple fool climbs a mountain looks down and says "Wow!" A complex fool climbs a mountain looks down and says "How the hell do I get down again?" kjg 236pm 3 jan 2015 * I wish everyone would just shut up about the movie The Interview. SONY duped the President to give them all the publicity they could ever hope for - Obama fell for it! - and now SONY is raking in more money than the movie would ever have made on its own and Obama wants to escalate the war the USA has been fighting with North Korea for the past 60 years. Give it a break. It's just a f*ckin' grade B movie -- just like the USA has become. kjg 630pm 3 jan 2015 * helix i the content of the helix is chaos there is no form that contradicts itself we hide in boroughs in the winter warm air and lies keep the peace war is for the summer when birth renews the winter fucking and spring renews the preperation a well-oiled machine does run better but it can't oil itself i needs the common touch the earth the trees the air so tend the ground keep it moist protect what sustains you kjg 831am 4 jan 2014 ii collusion in the works future of interruptions the wise seek shelter in material things and not the cyber universe small as our lives are the globe has not embraced it like a virus spreading one cannot govern evolution kjg 513pm 4 jan 2015 iii shut off from the world one loses the example of the world and what example is that does admiring the oak without the poison make it safe where's the perfect place kjg 644pm 4 jan 2015 iv * I was just wondering when police relationship became "them and us", and the only factor I can see is AIDS. Why? because with AIDS (c. 1984) the police first put on gloves when dealing with the public. That became protection for the police, and the public became "them" - those they needed to be protected from. Eventually it evolved into armour and more lethal weapons. I always notice that the police (for the most part - unless there is a sudden altercation) put on gloves just before they make an arrest, when they don't, the gloves stay off. kjg 924am 4 jan 2015 * If you encountered something so original, without references to guide you, would you recognize it as original or a threat? 4 jan 2015 * I feel like I'm on an alien planet today talking to aliens who can't understand a word I'm saying. * Drud Dealer: "If someone overdoses on your heroin it means your heroin is purer and demand will go up." * 5pm rogers cable down again. all three services. is this what the future will look like? * turquoise sky between alibaster clouds this evening. * Never Thought Old Would Be Better! I have no illusions left, The young can have them all; Why should I take all the stress When they can take the fall! kjg 118pm 6 jan 2015 * tex-mex for lunch not hot enough to kill ya... but warm enough to fill ya! kjg 2pm 6 jan 2015 * Calling these killers "radicallized" seems to me somehow to suggest they had a legitimate reason (even if only in their own minds) for their hainous acts of cowardice. I would just call them mass murderers and leave it at that, giving no credence whatsoever to their twisted beliefs. kjg 910pm 8 jan 2015 * How is it that when Christians murder people, then tell the court that God told them to do so, we don't have endless debates about the Christian religion, but call them crazy and lock them up for good? So why should we treat someone who is Muslim any different? kjg 1147am 9 jan 2015 CNN news commentator: "We don't know whether the terrorists have any more accomplishments...I mean, accomplices." Freudian slip? Scary. kjg 1229pm 9 jan 2015 There he goes again: "One of the accomplices is probably trying to get out of the company...I mean, country." 115pm 9 jan 2015 * I have been reticent about commenting on the situation in France, but this I will comment on. In regards to no-fly lists to the USA, we here in Canada do not allow a lot of US citizens into the country because they have violent criminal records, but they are freely allowed to travel the USA. I assume it is the same in the EU. kjg 1237pm 9 jan 2015 * Crusades it began with god god of light god of love god of war it began with god in the beginning and his chosen people his promised land it began with god picking sides killing people whole nations he didn't like it began with god then the prophets who believed in god and interpreted the words so they favoured different peoples than whom god favoured in the beginning it ends with terrorists killing in the name of god small cliques all worshiping the same god killing each other because they disagree on a point or two in the pentateuch in the bible in the new testament in the koran it begins with god killing and it ends with god killing god of light god of love god of war defended forever on and on throughout eternity Yahweh Jesus Allah who's name is next to be invoked? kjg 122pm 9 jan 2015 * Paris 2015 it's over thank god for his complicity! kjg 125pm 9 jan 2015 * CNN asks: "What will France do about their Muslim population?" What I want to know is, what will the USA do about their Christian population? kjg 138pm 9 jan 2015 * I am keeping all my comments about the Paris terrorist attacks under lock and key. I don't want to incite any riots on FB. Klaus is going to be a very quiet guy this year. kjg 144pm 9jan 2015 * Assinine CNN reports that the "police moved in when the terrorist paused for a moment of prayer". That's going to go over well with Al Quaida. kjg 204pm 9 jan 2015 Cnn second guessing everything from the Paris police to the French President. * I have notice that over the years, lampooning minorities (including Muslims as minorities) has become either against the law or very disagreeable, but lampooning people and Muslims as a global entity has become quite acceptable. I don't understand that. 550pm 9 jan 2015 * I'm a nice guy. I don't hurt anyone, steal or knowingly break the law; I help people whenever I can - how can I accept their help when it is needed if I don't offer mine? I used to believe in God and the Bible, now I don't, but perhaps I still do, I don't know. I'm just searching for a truth that can't be found until I die...if even then! But I what I don't condone is another crusades and we fast making that move. * retribution whatever passion was left was murderous they never gave it a chance prosecuted before the trial began only fear looked upon the gallows and won kjg 827am 9 jan 2015 * Yan Huckendubler 2 hrs · I am disappointed that CBC (English) seems more concerned with defending their position to NOT publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons (top of their web site this morning) than covering or analyzing what is still going on in France. The argument that “images are not needed to understand the situation” is misguided in this case. The vast majority of people (certainly in Canada) had never seen a Charlie Hebdo cartoon and could easily imagine that, to justify such savage carnage, they must have been overwhelmingly offensive in their depiction of Prophet Muhammad. You just need to see one cartoon however to understand that, like all caricatures, the characters are roughly drawn with a few pen strokes and the importance is in what they do or say. The messages were not “gratuitous insults” to Islam or Muslims (as Mr. Studer says), but certainly strong satires of the acts of their extremists. In this case, republishing some of the cartoons was not at all an endorsement of Charlie Hebdo’s style (sometimes excessive), but a show of solidarity to affirm that no group (political, religious, financial or other) should think that they can succeed in shutting down the freedom of expression, especially with extreme violence. That is why millions of people spontaneously gathered around the world with signs “Je suis Charlie”. For politicians and some media, “respect for religion” has become a code meaning “fear of religion” (as Salman Rushdie once said). You don’t want to “offend” anybody, because you need the votes, the readership, the financial support, whatever… Sorry Mr. Studer (CBC's director of journalistic standards and practices), as much as I understand the “remaining civilized” position, your “not wanting to offend anybody” (religions, politicians or other groups) stance has reduced CBC (English) to a bland wishy-washy mellowed-down style… Charlie Hebdo shooting: Debate over publishing the Muhammad cartoons Newsrooms around the world have struggled over whether to publish the Charlie Hebdo Prophet Muhammad cartoons. "We went right ahead with it. No hesitation," says one reporter. Other media organizations held back. CBC.CA Like · · Share Robin Devillers likes this. Klaus J. Gerken I agree with you for the most part, but the problem is not the cartoons themselves...but any depiction of Muhammad. The CBC took into account the slander of a minority within Canada. But ultimately the choice was a choice. CBC chose not to republish, and "choice" is the operative verb here...not "forced". I'm with the CBC on this. The cartoons offended me when I first saw them years ago, as does much of what the magazine publishes. It's at least better than CNN where each segment either shows them or doesn't. Makes little sense to me to not see them one hour and then see them the next hour and so on. The main fact should be that people were murdered by fanatics regardless the reason. As far as I'm concerned the cartoons are peripheral to the story. * Pupil: Master, what is violence? Master: Rational behaviour. Pupil: Then, what is non-violence? Master: Letting go. kjg 251am 10 jan 2015 * Men used to be a diversion for women; now they're a target. * light and love (a dream) light and love and love and light float away in the sunlight streaming colours in the night gentle angel make it right gentle angel tame the light dreaming we are one nothing can come undone not the sun not the moon not the fantacy we run everyone say so long love and light light and love from above holds no clouds gentle angel save us now gentle angel to you we bow dreaming we are one nothing can come undone not the sun not the moon not the fantacy we run everyone say so long hear this song day is done now i lay me down to sleep... hum kjg 426am 10 jan 2015 * Except for the bedroom, the world is a grand illusion of make believe. * If someone wants to be martyred it should be the responsibility of the police to save his life. Martyrdom is not a want, it is a defiance. * Ode To The USA i love americans the way the segregate the way they handle guns their crimes are so much fun the way they brag of wealth and on and on their health they're "better than the rest" They don't care who they insult it's their god given right he wrote their set of laws their constitutional flaws their poverty and scars it's such a simple fact they're naked where they lack decency and tact i love americans don't criticize their ways they're perfect in every way no country can come close smell better than a rose it's not for lack of care their poor collect welfare there's money everywhere not like the rich don't care it's solidly entrenched on the constitutional bench that everyone can starve while others eat at large just the presidential farce makes voters want to barf i love americans they entertain the world with what they think's a whirl they know they can recoup on countries they have pooped disneyland's their game they'r perfectly insane twisted in their brain collectively distain everyone should crawl on knees as if we fall before their holy god the dalai lama's rod oh pray i will repent kiss the flag and bend to the constitution's end holy reprimand! kjg 705pm 10 jan 2015 * Ode To Canada I love canadians they're a pretty good hurrah sushi on a bun snowball fights are fun there's tulips in the spring Ottawa's a gas Hog town is a must montreal sine qua ... quebec's not very far to remember who they are they gather on the ice and share a slice of life it's perfect in its way to waste the time away I love canadians it's not that they are dull but they're not over-full they float along like leaves in the gentle vacant breeze say gesundheit when they sneeze and eat poutine when they please they have everything the americans lack but don't rub it in since they have tact and of course when you visit be prepared to leave your guns in someone elses care and as to free speech you'll be surprised there is none but compromise how's that for a beauty prize I love canadians they are not publicity crazy and don't shed tears at every opportunity on national tv they respect their griefs are private it's not a friggen' stage they need or a debate their decency is beyond reproach and ethics is their only hope for redemption not god or dope and to their credit they are not all out for themselves they care for others and make sure there's help for the disadvantaged and the government does't endlessly debate but settles for a solution even if sometimes a little late but we must bear in mind they care much more that just throw the bum a dime and close the door i love canadians there's something different about them they're not culturally driven of by nationalism they're just there to live and learn to know that life is good and not to abuse what has been given them they grumble a lot in winter but summer's much the same so whatever the difference it's all part of the game politics is not much in their psyche as long as politicians leave them alone they will gladly leave the politicians alone after all they are just elected officials "we can live without them but they need a job" and a few voters even obliged to care enough to give them one canada's a gentle country lot's of fun no bravano need to scream "we're number one" kjg 10/12 jan 2015 * he wakes up in the morning with a bottle of gin his wife's the bedroom but she won't let him in he tries to explain but doesn't know where to begin says honey i went to oxford falconing and you really dont get it do you party clown life's not where it get's you but how well you drown he stutters and rambles but makes no sense the silence is deaphening and he can't find his pants he screams it's not possible i was the life of the party why am i discarded don't you dare forsake me and you really dont get it do you party clown life's not where it get's you but how well you drown she left him for the harbour she wanted one more sailor no more office clowns she said they never properly give head kjg 11/12 jan 2015 * sick puppies go to arctic to discover cure return and pupies fine then on breidge getting ready for rocket launche at take getting all the books i need to get readt tjen woke 9am 12 jan So, if God's image can never be depicted, then why did God create man in his own image? Seems rather strange to me. 12 jan 2015 A Jewish friend in the late 60's use to love telling me: "My shit is better than yours because I only eat Kosher food approved by God." * Why are people who can see only one side of the argument so threatened by people who can see both sides? (Happens a lot in a country I am told to no longer criticize). * Song: Rage don't criticize the prophet don't criticise god don't criticize anything for fear of being shot it's a dang'rous situation it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell please don't be offended i didn't mean to think that way but you gave me no alternative you dictated that i pray rational endeavour it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell we all come from the same source not even fundamentalists deny it to kill for something so simple is a complex gordian knot an exercise in crass futility it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell so you can't depict mohammad the image of god is sacred so how come He created us in his own image just to have a laugh i guess it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell everyone has a right to be different so jesus and even mohammad said live in peace and love your brother but they never talk about loving women in these venerated holy texts it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell i'd rather pass on all religion i don't understand why we have so little courage to have faith in ourselves don't you think we can't do good deeds without god all we seem to do is kill with god's book on the shelf it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell heck don't criticize anything hide yourself away on a beach somewhere head in sand and eyes glued to the quaram pick up a weapon if someone disturbs your sleep and i doubt god cares when you get there it's clear as mud and dark as hell considering the consequence i'd rather go down there than ring st. peter's bell kjg 426pm 12 jan 2015 * Something for everyone to consider: " A story from the village school that Yves my son tells me: It's autumn in the orchard. A rosy apple falls to the grass near a cow pat. Friendly and polite, the cow shit says to the apple: " Good morning, Madame la Pomme, how are you feeling?" She ignores the remark, for she considers such conversation beneath her dignity. It's fine weather, don't you think, Madame la Pomme?" Silence. "You'll find the grass here very sweet, Madame la Pomme." Again, silence. At this moment a man walks through the orchard, sees the rosy apple, and stoops to pick it up. As he bites into the apple, the cow shit, still irrepressible, says: "See you in a little while, madame la Pomme!" -- John Berger (from the story A Load of Shit). * They declare war on a cartoon They slaughter 2000 Life goes on kjg 415pm 13 jan 2015 * photo op everything's faked one more mistake thinking it's real i don't get the deal whatever it takes is the promise they made to keep you in darkness a little while longer it won't make them stronger but perception's a stake right through the heart if you believe what you see it all comes apart with a desperate start kjg 242am 14 jan 2015 * photo op everything's faked one more mistake thinking it's real i don't get the deal whatever it takes is the promise they make to "keep the world safe" a little while longer it won't make them stronger but perception's at stake appeal to the heart it won't make you smart if you believe what you see it all comes apart kjg 1105am 14 jan 2015 * church in ruins isis enters mary magdelene kjg 1114pm 14 jan 2015 * What Makes Us Tick the central genesis of the human species has always been fear without it we would never have survived fear advances us fear kills us fear is the hook of our existence it's that adrenalin rush that gets us in the end kjg 430am 15 jan 2015 * Poetry is not invention...it climbs the ladder of succession...one step at a time...a word here...a stanza there...a new insight...Felino A. Soriano's poetry has all of this...it links the past with the present and pushes it beyond the limits of our vision...what one doesn't quite comprehend on first reading will become obvious in a side glance on an uneventful day when a word...a stanza or an insight is surprisingly revealed to the reader...that is Felino A. Soriano's poetry...that is why it should be read...must be read...why it is indispensable to any lover of true poetry. Klaus J. Gerken kjg 733pm 16 jan 2015 * when the marching's over when the marching's over what will you do what will you do what will you do marching is my special way to get out there and have my say burn the flag make lots of waves time for us to save the world but when the marching's over what will you do what will you do what will you do have a beer and watch the news done my bit and need a rest have to watch me on TV ruined my shoes they were the best when the marching's over that's what we do that's what we do that's what we do! kjg 17/21 jan 2015 * goin' nowhere goin' nowhere got the blues i guess party's over wave goodbye to guests don't remember much from yesterday where there's plenty there's too much they say can't blow me over i bend with the wind life's a bender that you can't rescind follow duty to the bitter end there's no time left for to make amends goin' nowhere got the blues i guess party's over wave goodbye to friends kjg 258am 19 jan 2015 * don't pretend it doesn't matter it matters a whole lot but it's got to be your voice that says it not a copy of some other's plot kjg 19 jan 2015 * headline ain't watchin' the news no longer they got to be makin' it up the world can't be this crazy think i'll just take a nap don't pretend it doesn't matter it matters a whole lot but it's got to be your voice that says it not a copy of some other's plot there's got to be more than killin' hate and abuse yet all i see is blind men followin' truth as an excuse but none of it's true i gather it's a scripted reality show so i'll let them believe it's somethin' when it ain't worth a blow ain't watchin' the news no longer they got to be makin' it up the world can't be this crazy think i'll just take a nap kjg 132am 20 jan 2015 * if there is a solution here i can't find it anywhere how do you peacefully coverse with an uzi or a hurse kjg 21 jan 2015 * One thing I've finally accepted as I grow old, is that all the changes to the city that I don't like - sometimes tried to stop -, and now mourn, doesn't matter to the young who have no memories of what I've seen. Progress isn't kind to the aging. kjg 1105pm 21 jan 2015 * fear is a fundemental instinct it's a survival mechanism fear gives one time to judge a situation panic mitigates that chance kjg 1206am 22 jan 2015 * looking back don't you see it wasn't me i wasn't you it wasn't true we lived together through foul weather the waves were lapping and we were napping it wasn't much there was no touch a lost endeavour shared together the years passed slowly you called me holy it didn't matter our lives were shattered there is no ending just false beginnings the road less travelled is to be marvelled kjg 545am 22 jan 2015 * doing the gout dance hobbling around trying to scream loud without making a sound it's not a pretty dance jumping around on one foot kjg 1034pm 22 jan 2015 * thinking ahead god is there to stop you from thinking about the bigger more complex and important picture like we have no control over our future i doubt if nature will turn stagnant just for our survival kjg 557am 23 jan 2015 * valentine haiku when love grows stronger buy dying roses declawed blood feeds the homeless kjg 640am 23 jan 2015 * Master: There is no present; only the future and the past exist. Pupil: How is that? Master: Is your question in the future or the past? Because the present has long gone before I can answer your question in the future. kjg 751pm 24 jan 2015 * After 50 years of study, this is my conclusion. Just a few simple changes to history's timeline (which archeology allows in this case) and we end up with this very plausible scenario: Amenhotep II (1427 to 1401 BC): God = Amun - Thera erupts c. 1400 BC (100 years after the traditional date). Tuthmosis IV (1401 to 1391 BC): God = Amun - Sky darkens and famine commences throughout the middle east. Abraham enters Egypt from the Hittite Empire (What is Israel today was part of the Egyptian New Kingdom then). Amenhotep III (1391 to 1353 BC): God = Amun/Aten - Dark sun slowly begins to shine again... cult of Aten formed. Isis sarcophagus? Akhenaten (1353 to 1335 BC) God = Aten - Sky clears and sun shines again in all it's brilliance. Moves capitol from Memphis to Akhetaten. Isis sarcophagus? Smenkere (1335 to 1333 BC) Possibly Nefertiti after death of Akhenaten. Isis sarcophagus? Tutankhaten/Tutankhamen (1333 to 1323 BC) God = Aten, then Amun - Moves capital back to Memphis. Isis Sarcophagus. Ay (1323 to 1319) Last of the Aten pharaohs. Isis Sarcophagus. Horemheb (1319 to 1307) Attempts to obliterate all traces of "Aten" pharaohs from Amenhotep III to Ay. Now, if we take the "40 years" to mean a "long time" as it does mean in Hebrew, it becomes very plausible that the Hebrews were the followers of Akhenaten banished from Egypt during Horemheb's rule. Scholars trace first appearance of Pentateuch to 1312 BC. The ark of the covenant same dimensions as Tutankhamun's sarcophagus and it is decorated with winged cherubs as Isis is adorned on Tutankhamun's and Ay's sarcophagi. kjg 545am 25 jan 2015 * Watching some religious show on tv with a huge sign above the altar that says MONEY! And the preacher says "Money matters to God." "Without money we are morally bankrupt." "If you talk money you know you are talking to God." * Help Desk Horrors: Boss at my door: Have you read my email? I check my inbox. There are about 300 unread emails, approximately 30 by my boss. Me: Which one? Boss: The one at the top. I open the email. Email from my boss: Have you read my email? kjg 27 jan 2015 * Help Desk Horrors: Sergeant runs into my office: Come quick, both of my PC's aren't working, and I have an emergency call from a General! I check his two PC's and he's right, neither will respond to keyboard commands. Me: Did you check the keyboard cables? Sergeant checks: WTF????? All of a sudden all the other clerks at the help desk break out in laughter. They had switched his keyboards before he came to work. The one for the left was on the right and the one for the right was on the left. I went back to my desk and smiled. kjg 27 jan 2015 * Help desk horrors: Client: "My picture has gone all squiggly." After ten minutes of questions I go up 5 floors to check since client can't explain the problem. At clients desk: "It would help if you removed the magnet from the top of your monitor." Client: "Oh, does that make a difference?" kjg 27 jan 2015 * Help Desk Horrors: Boss comes into my office with a computer disc. "Can you send this as a secure encoded attachment to the client?" "Sure, no problem." "It's highly sensitive." "Don't worry about it." I encode the attachment, then the message; all goes well. Half an hour later I get a message from the client thanking me: unencoded and with the attachment fully visible to anymore. So much for secure email. There's a lesson in this for everyone. kjg 27 jan 2015 * Love Thy Neighbour it happened near the border where no one dared to walk the lesson wasn't pretty but neither was the talk she didn't have her papers she was searching for her child who went missing in the morning before the daylight ventured bright they didn't believe her story they treated her like mud a woman near the border they knew something was up distress is no solution where soldiers wave their guns let's have some fun and show her what happens when she runs they brought her son before her and shot him in the head then raped her for their pleasure and abused her while she bled then left her slowly dying on the road of no return just to publish a clear warning that hate can't be undone kjg 717pm 27 jan 2015 * Five years ago this day I went to work for DND for the last time. It was a bitterly cold, almost -40 C wind chill, morning. I got to the office at 6 AM and when everyone else got to work walked around and said my goodbyes. At 9 AM walked to headquarters to hand in my pass and sign my out-clearances. Returning around 11, I went across the street for my luncheon at Nates Deli. After breakfast and a few speeches I was presented with a placque for 30 years service signed by the Prime Minister, shook hands and walked home in -36 C temperatures and brillian sunshine without a care in the world. Didn't once look back. kjg 240 am 29 jan 2015 * Depression Anxiety flushes you down the toilet who has the courage to plunge in a hand and pull you out? kjg 612am 29 jan 2015 * A boy buries a treasure to a lost girlfriend in the hills...take his bike though old roads, over wooden bridges and buries the chest beneath an ancient oak. On the way back he marks the return route with markers. Many decades later we hear about it and go on a quest to retrieve the treasure. Everything is now changed and overgrown and orchards have turned suburbs etc...but we do find the treasure, a broach and some letters. In town we hear of an old man living in the mountains alone who may have been the boy, so we search to find him and sure enough we do. We return the treasure to him. He makes his own musical instruments and gives me a guitar...we sit around and play and talk...he was just 14 and she was his first love..her father had to move away to California and they parted, so he buried the gifts she gave him. He never married and settled in this cabin on land his parents owned...totally isolated..only a few trips to the city for supplies in an old 1940's pick-up truck...then he helps us pack some boxes of stuff he's given up and we pile everything on 3 sleds he's going to pull into town with his car. That's when I woke. kjg 30 jan 2015 * drumming down the storm salivates a turner madness global in the mind of god the vision fractures blue horizons through the nozzle of a cod where the wasteland grows a flower not one visionary stands all will falter in the offing and resume their lilac glance weary is the wild presuming no one gathers truth in hand entertainment is the blooming as the audience demands for whatever is a nothing nothing is the stance kjg 104am 31 jan 2015 * soldiers no one plucks limp flowers they're not much in demand youth is sacrificed on purpose where beauty is at hand we do not mourn the ugly we mourn a joy forever without the sacrifice of beauty we have no bold endeavour war's beyond a meaning so the old pluck virile flowers to send to graves revealing what harbours in their minds where ugliness is beauty and beauty's left behind. kjg 114am 31 jan 2015 * high society lor' luv a duck i don't give a fuck how's that for luck when slinging social muck? kjg 124 am 31 jan 2015 * see ya... i'm old i'm young i'm what cannot be undone gather no conclusion you'll get there too even if you run kjg 130am 31 jan 2015 * vision when the fog clears the streets will be the same kjg 132am 31 jan 2015 * Perspective We're like ants that scatter when a foot approaches, Even though, in the scheme of things, we only live for a day. kjg 151am 31 jan 2015 * brief encounter do you remember me i'm sorry i... we spent a weekend together i really don't... twelve years ago sorry...i don't know you... that's ok, we were pretty stoned there must be some mistake... your son looks just like you i really have to go... we really had a good time i wouldn't know... i'll remember always i guess you will kjg 159am 31 jan 2015 * Ego When the monuments crumble to dust, All that will be remembered is the dust. kjg 31 jan 2015 * When you discover a beautiful woman, You discover her soul and not her body. kjg 1054am 2015 * Youth discovers, age interprets; Neither understand the language. kjg 1058am 31 jan 2015 * Master says: Transcend! Pupil asks: How? Master says: There are very few solutions to a wall but knock it down. kjg 1102am 31 jan 2015 * I don't understand prizes; how can anyone presume to know the "best"? kjg 1136am 31 jan 2015 * modern living the brightest moments are our darkest pleasures they hold us like a long lost hidden treasure in suspended animation and forever guessing what is next to be in our regression the longest lived might be the poorest or the shortest rich beyond demand our life is judged not by the struggles but what the market will command social graces are diplomacy while in the confides of your home social graces waver to reveal what must not be within ourselves the enemy slow emerging from a slumber marked down in price for solvency kjg 216pm 31 jan 2015 * Published by Ygdrasil Press Copyright (c) Klaus J. Gerken 2015