LOTUS (Poems from the Land of KMT) from THE PYRAMID TEXTS 1. (467) He who's flying flies he flies away from you mortals he is no longer on earth he is in the sky his metropolitan god his ka is beside you he leaps towards the sky like a heron he kisses the sky like a hawk he has leapt towards the sky like a grasshopper. 2. (335) They are overjoyed those who see him crowned with the crown of Ra his cloak surrounds him like that of Hathor his plumage is like that of a hawk he flies into the sky to the gods his brothers. 3. (276) This is your heart Musar these are your feet these your arms that is his own heart those his own feet his own arms Stairs to the sky are built for him so that he may ascend thereto He rises like the smoke in great expectation Like a bird he flies taking his place like a beetle on an empty seat in the ship of Ra "Get up, go from here... that he may sit in your chair" He rows skyward from your heaven he is there staff in hand he is the navigator of your barge o Ra You raise yourself to the sky and are far away from this world... 4. (210) Awake Thoth Thoth get up awake who are asleep stir yourselves you who are in Kmt before the great bittern that has risen from the Nile and Anubis has emerged from his tamarisk His mouth is pure he has been cleansed by the double Nine of the gods his tongue within his mouth is pure he loathes dung and rejects urine he loathes himself because he loathes he loathes this and does not eat... The two of you that travel through the sky Ra and Thoth take him to you let him be with you that he may eat from which you eat that he may drink from which you drink that he may live by that which keeps you alive that he may live where you live that he might be strong which that which you are strong that he may go to where you might go His shop is set up in the field of Iaru and his drink is in the field where one offers food his food is with you you gods and his water is like that of wine like the water of Ra He embraces the sky like Ra and like Thoth transverses it. 5. (439) He is Satis who has seized the two lands the one who is burning who takes hold of both river banks He has gone into the sky and has found Ra who rises up when he comes near him and seats himself beside him for Ra does not let him suffer the indignity of sitting on the ground knowing that he is greater than he is himself He is more glorified than the glorified more excellent than the excellent more enduring than the eternal ones his hall is a mistress who offers food He has supported him in the north sky seizing the two lands like a king. 6. (257) "There is conflict in heaven we see things that are new" so the gods who come before speak The Nine of Horus is taken aback the Lords of Forms are afraid of him the complete double Nine serves him and he occupies the throne of the first god He takes the sky by force he splits the metal he is lead along the road to Khepre he is alive in the west those who live in Aquert follow him as he rises newly in the east He who awarded the conflict comes to him to pay homage the gods fear him because he is older than the Great One it is he himself who has power over the seat he has hold of the Word eternity is brought to him insight is placed by his feat Raise your voice to him is joy he has captured the horizon. 7. (273 - 274) Sky overcast shooting stars bows moved earth-bones tremble... when they notice him how he looks and is animated like a god who eats his father and his mother He is of the land of... whose name is unknown even to his mother His glory is in the sky his power in the horizon like Atum his father who gave him life but he is stronger His Kas surrounds him his worth beneath his feet his gods with him his serpent on his brow his ureaus upon his forehead ................... protected by his powers He comes as the great one lord of the administrators he sits with his back turned to Keb and he passes judgment with the one of the hidden name on this day the day he slays the elders He is the lord offering the food the one who ties the knot preparing his own meal He eats men lives on the gods keeps messengers and sends letters The one who grasps horns who is in... he takes them for him by force the serpent of the resplendent head he guards the for him he guides them to him Heri-terut he binds them for him the runner who has all the knives strangles them for him he pulls out their entrails for him he who is the messenger whom he has sent to... the one of the wine-press he cuts them apart for him cooking part of them for him in his evening meal He eats their magic and swallows their lordliness these their great ones become his breakfast the middle ones his lunch and the little ones his supper the old men and the women are assigned to burn his incense the great ones inhabiting the northern sky they kindle the fire in his stove to heat the kettles when the thighs of the elders are beneath them those who dwell within the sky serve him and the pots are wiped clean for him with the legs of the women He has circumnavigated the two skies he has transcended the two shores he is the great one the mighty one who has power over the other mighty ones ................... the one he encounters on his way he eats him raw The nobles who live on the horizon he is at the head of them he is a god who is older than the elders thousands serve him hundreds sacrifice to him Orion the father of the gods has appointed him as the great one the mighty one he is newly crowned in the sky and wears the crown as the lord of the horizon He has broken the necks and the primal cords he has stolen the hearts of the gods he has devoured the red crown swallowed the green crown he feeds on the lungs of the wise ones his need is satisfied by living on the hearts and their magic he is happy when he devours them... which are in the red crown he flourishes and their magic is in his stomach he is not made to be indignant he has swallowed the understanding of all gods He is eternal and his boundary is eternal in his dignity "if he wants to so he does if he doesn't then he doesn't" he is one who is eternally in the boundary of the horizon Alas his stomach has their soul he has their aloofness his excess of food is more than that of the gods and it is their bones which are burned for him within their souls and their shadows hug close to their companions He rises rises hides hides the place he chooses is amongst the living who inhabit this land for all eternity. 8. (440) If you want to live o Horus that is by his.... of the constellation of Truth then you lock the gates of the sky .................. when you lead his Ka into the sky to the ancient ones by the gods those who lean upon their sceptres keeping guard over Upper Egypt who are dressed in red clothes who subside on figs drinking wine and are anointed with fine oils Let him speak about him to the great god let him lead him to the great god. 9. (518) O ferryman of the field where flood is offered bring this to me it is he hurry he has come he who is the son of the morning barge to whom she gave birth against the wishes of the earth his birth unblemished by which two lands become alive He is the year's harbinger o Ausar look how he comes with a message for Keh your father "the harvest this year is plentiful plentiful is this years harvest the harvest this year is good good is this year's harvest" He has descended with the double nine into the cold water he who is the architect for the double nine the founder of the field where food is offered he found the gods waiting for him clothed in raiments upon their feet white sandals then they cast their white sandals to the ground cast off their cloak " our hearts were not at rest until you came" so they said ........................... 10. (508) He who rises rises he rises Buto's mistress rejoices and she that lives in El-Kab her heart is shrunk on the day in which he rises to the land of Ra He has trampled down these rays into a path so that he may walk thereon to his mother who is the living asp that is upon Ra she is compassionate to him so that he may suck thereof "o my son king take this breast of suck thereof o king what is the reason why do you not come on each of our days? .................... Keb takes his hand and leads him through the gates of the sky the god is seated on his throne it is well that he is seated there Satis has washed him with four pitchers of Elephantine water "Hey from where did you come my son o king?" he has come to the nine in the sky so that he might eat their bread "Hey from where did you come my son o king?" he has come to the nine upon the earth so that he might eat of their bread ........................ "Hey from where have you come my son o king?" he has come to his two mothers the two vultures with long hair and hanging breasts they reside upon the hill of Sehsen they hold their breasts to his mouth and never again do they nurture him. 11. (542) [in part] He is stronger than they are when he is seen on the river bank their eyes succumb to his fingers those who are of the sky have their guts those who are of the earth have their blood Poverty consumes their inheritances the past consumes their houses and the overflowing Nile their gates But he is glad within his heart his heart is glad the one who is the only one the one who is the bull of the sky he has put them to flight those who did this to him he has destroyed each of their survivors 12. (581) Those who see the Nile overflowing tremble the fields laugh and the riverbanks are flooded the gifts of the gods rain down the faces of men are glowing with joy and the hearts of the gods rejoice. Gerken - (from Erman) 16 - 17 February 1979 Copyright (c) 1979/1993 Klaus Gerken Published by: YGDRASIL PRESS Ottawa, Ontario Canada, K2P 0C7