March 2015 Notebook by Klaus J. Gerken diction if you refuse to acknowledge good thought articulated badly you are deaf beyond the realm of possibilities kjg 953am 2 march 2015 * education i ain't got no learing' but i got things to say and ain't no professor going to tell me to go away i say what i want to damn your high learnin' ideals i can't understand a thing you say with your perfect diction you think real i'll say what i have to and make no deal about it damn you tell me i can't write keep your learning and flaunt it i'll say more in a few words and swear words included than you will ever in pages and pages with empty thoughts flooded so don't think your education ever makes you smart smart's not perfect erudition but what knowledge you impart kjg 1011am 2 mar 2015 * validation dr johnson compiled a dictionary and created "literature" academics loved it it validated their "investiture" shakespeare never cared neither did milton chaucer, spence or anyone before today life is devided between the "dictionarians" and those who actually live in the real world kjg 1055/1103am 2 mar 2015 * the kill kill chant let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let create a concussion let's kill kill kill i don't like your god but it's the same one i've got but i don't like the way you worship his way let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion let's kill kill kill i've got the mace i'm the king ace i say what goes i follow god's nose there's no room for barter your belief doesn't matter let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion let's kill kill kill i don't know about you but i know what is true my holy book says it all it's you who must fall let's kill let's kill there's no room for discussion let's create a concussion god said it all in heaven you thrive we're here to survive kill with a knife i don't know about you but i know what is true my holy book says it all it's you who must fall let's kill let's kill kjg 1228pm 2 march 2015 * Ever notice pagans didn't kill each other over religious issues; only Jews, Christians and Muslim do? kjg 347pm 2 march 2015 * The knot of knowing by kjg *** If God made us in his image, he obviously didn't look in the mirror first. kjg 1015pm 2 mar 2015 * gd there is obviously a deep something that haunts us from the beginning we cannot let go it rules our instinctive need to survive and manifests itself in the cruelest acts imaginable kjg 3 mar 2015 * "The reason bad things happen in America is because the country was founded by future televangelists." -- Anonymous 4 mar 2015 * venus sets in the west rush hour on o'connor street the evening settles in kjg 651pm 4 mar 2015 * I wonder where you are today, Samantha, 15 years on; Have the years been kind to you? Are you still this strong? kjg 1220am 5 mar 2015 * I like to try and find things that Martialis hasn't said; After all, what "genius" hasn't said what he has said? kjg 140am 5 mar 2015 * at least one phd who knows where he belongs soldier: i need some medical healing. dr. jackson: i'm an archeologist. soldier: but you're also a doctor. dr. jackson: of archeology. soldier: never mind. 1113am 5 mar 2015 * morning blues i ain't know the ins and outs i can't tell you what it's all about sometimes maybe i'll reveal what others stake upon a deal but right now i'm just too damn tired to give a hoot about flat tires kjg 610am 7 mar 2015 * speak easy understanding's hard kjg 613am 7 mar 2015 * fragment i sought in thunder what the light denied it wasn't pretty when the darkness died i sought a desert where the rivers ran to a wider ocean than mankind could span i found no purpose i was all confused the devil shook me it was all a rouse no perfect ending could be so abused kjg 622am 7 mar 2015 * There was guy the other day who carried a woman across some dangerous ice to the front door of the building, put her down gently, bowed, shook her hand and walked away. Unfortunately she lived across the street. 7 mar 2015 * Life is wonderful conundrum, in that we think the future without perceiving the present. kjg 455pm 7 mar 2015 * All houses were new at one point. kjg 818am 8 mar 2015 * Kilroy was here! There is great wonder in the mundane scheme of things; You don't need to fly high to understand the earth: The universe is not above, but right below your feet. Yet, for some reason, mankind has a need to elevate itself Beyond the territory of the planet and its vast array Of fauna and flora - as if we merit more than any other Species a superior existence - yet how small we are And prove it every moment with our animosity and silly Bickering: go prove we will survive beyond the confines Of our own ignorance, we have neither insight, nor proof Of our superiority: we cling to a god created in our Image and passionately defend, like those who have to Validate their existence by telling others they exist. It seems like validation is the lie we cannot prove but only twist. kjg 835am 10 mar 2015 * Waiting For... God came down from the mountain and changed his name to Dog. And ever since that day everyone has been "Waiting for Godot!" kjg 343pm 9 mar 2015 * reveal song there's a devil in the details there's a monster in the woods don't hide your head in a closet you'll never find the goods don't matter what you search for you'll never find it where you started your lost journey on a road to everywhere sometimes life's a wonder sometimes life is crap mostly it's a challenge without a clear road-map so don't stomp on the garbage the garbage is your past history will always uncover what you mask kjg 121am 10 mar 2015 * if i can write in a sentence what others write in a book i'd rather take the sentence like a pawn defeats a rook kjg 130am 10 mar 2015 * Why It Doesn't Mean Anything Today It took them months or even years to get there: We're just tourists on the road to nowhere. kjg 1058pm 11 mar 2015 * Ignorance Our one God sure has a lot of prophets who interpret HIS words in a thousand different ways. I wonder if he smiles naked on his throne ignoring the activity? kjg 1123pm 11 mar 2015 * it was all so clear to me when the news was on tv and there wasn't all the rot there is today what not entertainment's better than the spirit of the letter * respect do you read your bible on the loo if you do don't poo kjg 714am 12 mar 2015 * On China ordering the DL to reincarnate ofter his death. Somebody's got to expose this exiled dictator whom the west has made a virtual "god" (or should I say "gag"?). kjg 1146am 12 mar 2015 * Smash all the atoms you want; Reality will still be elusive. kjg 746am 13 mar 2015 * spring haiku the snow doesn't melt cigarette butts in the spring winter's offering! kjg 457pm 13 mar 2015 * ain't got nuthin' to say have you that's ok spanish voices run the gamut anyway speed guitars and bulls at large run the gauntlet to the stars vacuum babies resurrect the fallen christ they never met what's left is dregs ok pour the wine and listen wise the truth is never really nice if you have an ear to listen shut the plastic noise-box off nothing's worse than um ok hear the guitars filter in music knows where it begins in the heart no less the mind wisdom in the noise you'll never find kjg 1251am 14 mar 2015 * I submit to you, that if Shakespeare had lived today, and submitted his manuscripts in the way they were written, no modern publisher would even read them. They would all say, give them a good spell check and who the hell writes like that anyway? * the dregs of spring the spring has sprung the buds are young tailor made for the brigade to go off marching in the shade youth is like a slate of mica transparent yet a solid lump (i lika) so whatever spring renews is the repetitious boring news not that i object to that we always hate a bureaucrat they simply vanish when they can (only woman builds a man) slave no longer less we pour ablution on the threshing floor sanctify what must be worn to save your god from any scorn spring is adam and is eve neither asked for a reprieve so consider if i may to wish you a consoling day soon the summer will begin and the heat will melt the dregs of spring kjg 330am 15 mar 2015 * feet on snow * Still Are Animals this is how life is created [photo deleted for decency purposes] there is also pleasure in the act [people go to jail for enjoying that] we are a shallow species espouting high ideals kjg 645am 16 mar 2015 * lost she was alone in a world that didn't offer her a home pregnant sleeping on the street when her "boy friend" had an apartment just a block away one sometimes doesn't want to wake up to a reality too terrible to ponder kjg 734am 16 mar 2015 * If I get this new Canadian prostitution law right a man can now technically go to jail if he picks up a woman in a bar and she asks for money at the end of the date. kjg 814am 16 mar 2015 * Show me someone who professes to knows everything And I will show you someone who knows nothing. kjg 850am 16 mar 2015 * Rita Stilli is the love of my life. There is no other. kjg 426pm 16 mar 2015 * zzz let's all get stoned dance on rubber bones walk with crooked spoons worship purple moons let's all get stoned there's nothing like the truth corrupting all our youth we like our hashish smooth let's all get stoned rainbows not just monochrome laughter softens bones ha ha he he om let's all get stoned let's all get...zzzz kjg 721pm 2015 (watching etalk -- yuk) * i like my women naked i always liked them raw i like them like a hurricane i like them real 18 mar * If you feel like a discarded banana peel, be happy, you can trip up a lot of people who pissed you off! kjg 505am 18 mar 2015 * wisdom There's a huge repository of knowledge we ignore: Retired People. Ask retired lawyers for advice and they will gladly advise you; ask retired managers for advice and they will gladly guide you; ask retired teachers for facts and they will gladly teach you. Don't ignore your elders, cherish them, they have much to impart. kjg 520am 18 mar 2015 * Bitter Medicine People tell me I'm too abrupt in my delivery; sorry, but I don't sugarcoat the truth. kjg 534am 18 mar 2015 * I'm too old to argue with you, but you are obviousl too young to understand my rationel. kjg 611am 18 mar 2915 * Simplicity I try to emulate my cats: when I'm nice to them they show me affection; if I weren't they would show me claws; I'm always nice to them, and they always show me affection. Simplicity is the way to peace. kjg 630am 18 mar 2015 * Simplicity is peace; Only idiots make war. kjg 658am 18 mar 2015 * Pretention I didn't lose all I learned at DND when I retired: I'm just under a gag order. Funny that; since what I know Is already obsolete. The military doesn't fool around with facts. kjg 710am 18 mar 2015 * Remember, a very mortal "god" walked through Eden searching for Adam and Eve when they were hiding from him after eating the forbidden fruit. Something to think about. kjg 718am 18 mar 2015 * Gaia is fighting the virus that's trying to kill her, and the virus is beginning to panic. Good for her! kjg 108pm 18 mar 2015 * "I am what you think I am." Isn't that was Jesus said? kjg 308pm 18 mar 2015 * at least my cats trust me 100% humans dont have that capability kjg 110am 20 mar 2015 * when you crave a pizza after three days ill you know you are finally getting well... kjg 1034pm 21 mar 2015 * I just write poetry. I don't give a damn about fads or movements. Bowel movements are more important than poetry movements. kjg 235pm 22 mar 2015 * I love the way cats solve arguments: pounce on the other guy, beat the shit out of him, establish your superiority and it's over. But then, cats don't have guns. kjg 246pm 22 mar 2015 * weapons of mass destruction i guess it started with hurling a stone then a spear then bow and arrows then caterpolts then guns then cannons poison gas bombers missiles atom bombs drones killing from afar seems to be in our nature cowards that we are perhaps that's why we can't understand terror we can't defend ourselves one on one our nature is to run take a gun and exact revenge damn what is wrong with the human species? kjg 257pm 22 mar 2015 * The law changes the mindset of the people. kjg 302pm 22 mar 2015 * 90% of all cultures are the same: shelter, food and sex; it's the other 10% that kills us. kjg 310pm 22 mar 2015 * For anyone out there who is so puritanical to think God doesn't like sex, well, think again, he minutely designed the organs. kjg 335am 23 mar 2015 * what sin? let's take a walk in the garden where are you adam and hava why are you hiding from me i used to love to see you naked why have you covered yourselves what are you ashamed of all my animals copulate you are no different the serpent is the evil not what you have done running from the serpent you run from everyone so god tossed them out of eden and let the serpent stay kjg 352am 23 mar 2015 * wrapped in a blanket at my desk watching gimme shelter writing no poems doing absolutely nothing drinking my wine feel dead tired but don't want to sleep "when the train comes in the station..." so long ago so visible and remembered lost in the cosmos on this invisible earth at this desk that seems so real kjg 1222am 24 mar 2015 * skeptic i don't believe in any of this esoteric and religious junk i only believe in what i see and i even have my doubts about that kjg 953am 24 mar 2015 * logic do you want a sandwich yes tuna or egg doesn't matter we only have tuna tuna then i prefer egg you don't have egg i know so what is your point egg is better i like both we dont have both egg then i told you we don't have egg tuna then i prefer egg ok anything you want ok but you won't like it why not because we only have tuna kjg 529pm 24 mar 2015 * i'm a fool if there is one thing that deserved a bitter end it's what she did to me and all her other friends i'm not to blame that she's just fishing like a shark perhaps when it wears off i'll realized she missed the mark i'm a fool to think i was in love with her i'm a fool to really think she cared right now i want to be alone for the time i'll take my prison home i'm a fool i'm a fool i'm a fool sometimes we have to realize we cannot keep all that we want and all that love might want to reap so i will go and get on with the life i never i had do not call me if you pretend to care that's just too bad i'm a fool to think i was in love with her i'm a fool to really think she cared right now i want to be alone for the time i'll take my prison home i'm a fool i'm a fool i'm a fool kjg 412am 27 mar 2015 * zany zebras ziggle kjg 215am 29 mar 2015 * Life is a fringe benefit; death is the norm. kjg 231am 29 mar 2015 * in a dream ........ said wearily to his 310 wives: "get thee to bed!" kjg 7am 30 Mar 2015 * I promise I won't make any cracks about Easter Eggs over this Holy Christian festival of torture and delusion. kjg 752am 30 mar 2015 * Modern Medicine Why do they always prescribe meds too large for you to swallow when you have a throat problem and can't swallow properly? I guess they figure if you can swallow them you don't have a throat problem! kjg 802am 30 mar 2015 * *** All poems copyright (c) 2015 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press