PAGE BY PAGE THE READING OF... A Poem By Klaus J. Gerken (1975) A Poem anything a statement that conflicts with the sunshine that conflicts with the iron will of this page that mirrors all the mind the recesses of the darkest rooms that have never seen the light as the curtains never have been pushed aside except near the midnight hour to let the windows become mirrors mirroring the skin the soul that becomes then the ghost offering the certainty of age and mortal immortality in the minds of beggars who are god and who sustain their wisdom in the silence that they offered in the mirror of their solitude A poem then this poem that explores what philosophers only dream about and try to calculate with a mathematical politeness of scientific gloom It's all absurd and this absurdity is the vision that prepares all of our expeditions for the danger that lurks just beyond the foliage that hides the sin of gluttony and the iniquity and all the ?unrefineries? that society has discarded from its perfect state of notoriety - It is this that the poem speaks about The poem is a wheelbarrow that mankind pushes around of the rock he is forced to carry on his back for retribution of his ignorance The poem is also a dagger that prepares the final thrust of highest emotion expandable by human energy - We admire that dagger but we haven't learned to throw it yet Who knows the target we all don't want to see The target is monotony And the poem continues What words to chose What meanings to put foreword in the images that slaughter the establishment and push the conflict of our separate lives to the brink of their own nemesis - We don't know anything - And anything that we do know we've gained by accident - But then that which we do know we don't understand so so how can we truly become the wise men that we all profess to be The poet sees The poem tells but its telling is itself obscured by the stupidity of this obscurity in which there is no escape We're not observers as we think we are We're not - We stand here and wait for the world to go round all the while that it is we who make it go Now listen to me my mind is scrambled and in shards because of all this useless information it's been fed A thousand books one reads because one thinks they are important works we overlook because one's mind is jealous of the fact that others have done better things But it's all part of progress - It must go on and we must learn from it everything - We must learn from every step we take else it would be useless for the smallest fraction of a second - which in reality this life is - a very small fraction of a second that is more or less than our eternity And eternity IS everything It is all that we will ever be - It is all we ever are - Eternity is the space between this moment and the next And eternity is the space between this pen and the paper it now touches Or appears to touch All of this is very hard to get It's hard to put on paper Even harder to try and understand Whatever makes sense does so Not by any pattern of thought but by a pattern of truth which manifests itself at times and in forms that are least expected - And when it comes we miss it - cast it aside as unimportant because the form it presents itself in is designated by us as mediocre - a word we've created through our own ignorance - Nothing in this life is mediocre - everything is a part of everything else and matters as much as any other cog in the great machine that continues running even though we've done everything in our power to stop it - It runs contrary to our own stupidity It is light while we are blind Perhaps we'll see the light before it's too late It would be such a marvelous thing to see the people of the world at peace with the nature that created them But even if it is written in the pages of the future it's a long way off - and there will be many conflicts and explorations through the never ending ignorance of our society before anything near to this "Utopia" (as we have labeled it) can come about - and as I said before - as long as we will search for it there is no way it can ever come about - mankind is just not capable of living with the thought of truth - Truth is based on an absence of fear and mankind has feared enough for a million years of treachery and self imprisonment. It is good to speak of things such as these on days like this Warm days with the sun gently beating down on us and blanketing us in warmth and security - Would all days be like this and we could enjoy them it would be heaven But our freedom depends on work that also is our slavery It is a cycle we can really not escape - except of course those very rich who by their opulence appear to be the free society for which we strive - It's not so - that which appears to be the summit of achievement and utopia is the pit of hell itself in the boredom it creates And we at the other end slaves because of want and greed and they slaves because they have and cannot cope with having everything A vicious circle like the story goes and a circle is a cycle which repeats itself for the remainder of eternity And this is what transpires in the poet's mind this is what the mind is fed through eager eyes that stoops to see the surface of the things and as they are The poet cannot help but see Whether what he sees will be accepted or not is not his concern His concern is only the writing of the truth that ventures near enough to be recorded Who will do the rest? 23 August 1975