Poetry Slam between Klaus J. Gerken and Maria Jacketti December 2014 * Give me a December and another and still one more. All will return eventually espcially my summers. (transl. kjg 417am 1 dec 2014) Prestatemi un Dicembre e poi ancora uno … e un altro ancora. Restituirò tutto e in più tutte le mie estati. -- Rita Stilli * Cotton candy grapes: Papa’s beard washed In sweet wine MJ 1 Dec 2014 * slam! why do people slam their doors it's so inconsiderate to be aware of others is to have respect but some just live in a world of their own as if it didn't matter their small lives seem to be a rage againt their alma mater! kjg 1042pm 1 dec 2014 * Compassion Pupil says: Today is a holy day, I will spare a life and kill tomorrow. Master lopped off his head. No reason to wait if compassion is not absolute. kjg 708am 2 dec 2014 * Holiday Rag Time for him to shoot off his mouth (Is that possible? I mean to actually Shoot off his mouth?) Shut your mouth, I try. Put a gun in your pie hole, Buddy And shoot turkey gravy, With A squirt gun of course, A baguette or a dick in his mouth Would work maybe, we are pacifists, But not quite, Gag him, tie him up, tie his tongue In quipu, broom closet banish him, Put him on a rocket to Mars, And tell him, despite it all, how very much We love him. MJ 12/2/14 * into light out of the shadow i was walking along the road and there i found it a pathway to the open sky where the horizon knew no bounds there was hope and it was quite secure and no one turned away i was walking i was singing without a care a gentle breeze caught my ease and guided me to where i knew fate was waiting in the hands of what was there beyond me don't you think there's something there beyond us that will guide us in the dark we can search forever to find what it is but without a guide there is only shadow i was walking down a road to something greater and the crowds just stood aside and jeered and laughed they don't understand they won't lend a hand when you find that something there beyond you you will find a new beginning and somehow someway you will find the future that guides you into light out of the shadow kjg 437pm 2 dec 2014 * dichotomy how could you be so gullible i was trying to address the situation i'm sure you had the odd flight attendant in the airport or the transit station you were a solution no one wanted it was raining but that was classified information as a spider crawls along the wall to weave his web you crawled into my life to make an indentation she sighed she was pleased she lied she knew he would rather leave than face his obligation it wasn't like that at all you know it but that didn't meet your expectation the thunder rolled and the night was a raging storm you pretended it was something of an exaggeration i was caught in a rouse of madness but you wouldn't hear of any other explanation and speak of spiders who collects the web of its intrigue there is nothing that reclaims a failed relation so he sighed he was pleased he lied he knew she would rather leave than face her obligation kjg 745pm 2 dec 2014 * Holly Gets a Rainbow for Her 15th Birthday Moon Jewel, my applehead Siamese sits in a rainbow conjured by a window prism, her blue-point, now encompassing every color of light in fleeting tattoo for she has earned each band of the rainbow: queen of her own time, reflecting every shade of forever MJ 12/3/14 * Anniversary Three decades like a Three layer cake, a three-stepped Pyramid, I climb to the top To scream “Here I am,” And embrace the heavens. The North Star falls into my Mouth, a bubblegum jawbreaker – I could never make a bubble, But this time I make an orb, Inside it a woman exhorts me to breathe, And I see that it is my baby inside, Eternally grown up. The bubble carries me across the earth And through storms and oceans rising – Along the way, cats jump onto my shoulder – When the bubble gets shabby, their purrs Hold me high. Seven angels gather at my Party with gifts: The first one brings a chandelier of soul parts, The second brings a lyre, cheese, and olives And singing lessons; The third brings, summer in a snow-globe, The fourth brings a coconut tree that will grow Even flourish in every type of snow; The fifth brings a farm and an emerald deed; The sixth brings cameras and miracles; The seventh brings peace. This is an alchemist’s marriage: fall on Us, blue apples, neigh. MJ 4 Dec 2014 * A night light pierced his sleep. And the dream woke. There was no time to experience pain. Before him, lay incredulity. I wanted to believe ... And for you to follow ... sleepwalker poised on the rooftops of Ponente. Outstretched hands rejecting the dark. I woke on the summit of reality. Before me was your silence and your outstreached hands. Closed. Cruel enigma. I'll never know which hand held the East! -- Rita Stilli transl. kjg 541pm 4 dec 2014 Una notte di luce trafisse il sonno. Ed il sogno si destò. Non ci fu tempo per avvertire il dolore. Prima di lui, giunse l’Incredulità. Volevo credere ... E ti segui ... sonnambula in bilico sui tetti di Ponente. Le mani protese a respingere il buio. mi destai in vetta alla realtà. Davanti a me il tuo silenzio e le tue mani protese. Chiuse. Enigma crudele. Non saprò mai in quale mano stringevi l’Oriente ! -- Rita Stilli * Afternoon Getting dark outside. Snow's in the air. Cats are asleep. All is quiet here. kjg 330pm 5 dec 2014 * Cultured he travels to italy and eats pizza and spaghetti he travels to france and orders hamburger and french fries (he's in france after all!) he travels to england and doesn't know what to order "they're so strange over there they have nothing we eat here" he travels to las vegas and says "what a fantastic place! they have delicious food from all over the world!" kjg 550pm 5 dec 2014 * Freezing rain, Her slapstick skating From car to front door Suddenly feels On the brink old MJ 12/5/14 * Good-bye, Joseph On the verge of freezing, The teardrop rain Grey dribbles of peace water Like the grey rain, I am neutral to your words, And if need be, I will drink them Like this rain, and have my thirst Also become neutral. Good-bye. Blessed be all your lives. MJ 5 Dec 2014 * Life in an apartment building brace yourself the guy who slams his door at a hundred and twenty five decibels is on the way up to his apartment ouch! and that is your three AM wake-up call! kjg 317am 7 dec 2014 * ****** Published by Ygdrasil Press Copyright (c) Klaus J. Gerken and Maria Jacketti 2014