Poem Without A Title by Klaus J. Gerken Part IIII Canto XXI lack of understanding most of all we believe what we believe we back it up with science or religion instincts will be frowned upon sheer guts and common sense are consigned to the blue bin to be recycled time after time until they are nothing more than invisible shadows of themselves the universe may expand forever but its matter attracts into a clump of infinity we may expect nothing less what we were we will becomes the universe does not exist we do not exist what has been will be what is yet to come already was there is no zero time is infinite both ways it is we who are linear we who cannot think past the ultimate arrangement of perception we who are thinking from the inside not the out we are in a bubble of our own choosing a hunk of rock that is our only anchor and we surround ourselves with gods and war and individuality there is a primitive shifting afoot that is not pretty our technology is collapsing on us soon there will be nothing and the earth will still survive because the earth has no ideology and plenty of time to outlast this virus ravaging itself the earth will replenish we will not other species will come and go hardly noticed hardly useful in the scheme of things the hoary question whether is a maker or not whether there will be a risen christ whether recycling will save the species or environment are moot questions in a million years we won't exist and neither will our children and accomplishments and what are our accomplishments but war and suffering it's all very well to have ideals but ideals are as they would say for the "betterment" of society more often the "enslavement" ultimately were are all alive and cuddle in safety with what we hold dear the small things family friends and good times intimately memories we reflect on and very little else matters beyond that fear of losing the security of it food and shelter and how to obtain it how to keep it how to provide sustenance how to make our lives better for ourselves and others this moment is our universe cherish it there is nothing else because everything else exists in the past even the future and even the present we are stuck in a quirk of time the universe we see is not the universe that is there there is a cross wind in time one subatomic particle knows the other everywhere simultaneously we cannot function that way if we did we would die perhaps in death but there is no death as we would believe what we were we will become before birth so beyond the confides of the body how does a body move ever thought of that considering the relative vast distances between subatomic particles how does a particle in the brain communicate with a particle in your toe it shouldn't be possible but it is in this dimension this universe on a subatomic level every particle communicates with another time and distance do not exist time and distance are something we create to gain a reference in the lesser realm we function in but an organism that is part of an organism cannot be other than the organism it is a part of does the bacteria in out intestines know it is in our intestines and part of a larger organism it has a function does it know what that function is or does it just break down the enzymes and feed i contend that without knowledge it cannot know what its function is i contend that everything has specific function everything either consumes of or builds the other the carpenter the opponent as lucifer the light we fear the fruit in our own private garden content with what we are and leave he quest to others one does not always want to ponder the greater part the greater part the ritual the sanctuary the mysteries all hidden all mysterious all indefinable ritualized so no one needs to ask the obvious but only believe faith is the solution or not iesou supposedly said i am the was later commentaries had it as have faith in me trust me i trust no one hitler said the same so did every dictator under the blazing sun all lied thy will be done and the sheep march to the slaughter one has to wonder how society survived before the intervention by the "one and only" god most religions profess today one would think if there were a "one and only" god he would get his shit together and ensure those dumbass people who worship him get the story straight one has to wonder maybe it's just the arena appeal blood and slaughter for entertainment who knows those who get to heaven must be mighty bored living forever strumming on a harp and exercising those beautiful wings growing out of their shoulder blades and stupid me always though wings evolved from the arms dinosaurs didn't use when then evolved into birds shows i don't know everything But I'm being flippant I'm supposed to examine the extant documents not as the were chosen but as they are separate from one another not a bible but documents recording a belief and a history but none of the documents match and they all contradict each other even inside the covers of the bible then came the volumous commentaries stitching it all together in a web of lies that were then deemed infallible truth i even as a child never bought the goods was thrown out of sunday school for asking all the questions you were not allowed to ask we were given a book with questions and answers to memorize that they said was christianity anything outside those parameters were satan's lies don't ever go there we were told but being as i was that just make me more inquisitive and i asked why wrong question no answer bye bye i went home my parent contacted the minister weren't satisfied with the answers and left i was 12 i think from that moment on my quest began still here now asking question always asking questions and with every answer always one more question i never got beyond the childhood "why" and i never will the world i was born into is an endless exploration it's as if i woke up opened my eyes and wondered what reality was i can't accept the standard models i have to find out myself it seems like everyone is guessing and the best guess wins the cake for the hour or millennia whatever suits the times fits the bill of makes the most money becomes the standard model no one questions i chose to question why is my desk a desk because it knows it's a desk i have no other answer nothing would hold shape if on a sub atomic level it didn't know that it existed our bodies would fall apart if each particle didn't know it was part of that body and not another particles just don't fit together without a purpose each particle must have the blueprint of the whole embedded in its consciousness there is just no way of getting away from it chaos does not create order order creates order kjg 11 september 2014 Canto XXII to think it all began in what is now the olduvai gorge in Tanzania 2 million years ago a monkey left the trees to perhaps pick up some dropped food and found he or she could walk upright then wandered farther through the savannah and found other food berries and such appealing to the appetite others followed and a trend began huddling at night in trees and foraging for food in the day venturing ever farther from home territory perhaps settled many generations by the nile they followed northward over a million years slowly developing from ape to man leaving behind traces of a puzzle anthropologist slowly fit together that they went north is not debatable the nile is the gateway to the rest of the world out of africa spread through europe and asia later the americas but still something is missing history is not complete there's a missing segment we have not been privileged to know there is a missing link between hunter-gathers and building empires something happened c.11000 years ago that created not just the notion of leaders in a tribe but kings and therefore gods ancient kings became gods remembered war became an industry not just for survival but for power and they began building in stone the flood nothing less than a flood a disaster that did not wipe mankind from the face of the land but the infrastructure man had created for himself a flood wooden structures and tents just would not do the gods must be appeased and worshipped in structures made of stone mountains were not washed away so stone also will stand eternally so man built of stone and formed a concept of eternity stone was secret gobekli Tepe malta jericho saqqara monoliths stonehenge all a sacred worship to stone petrus stone the rock the foundation the concept of foundation cannot be washed away solid eternal persevering thus we endure today from stone to iron then reinforced concrete we build skyscrapers towers of babel reaching ever farther not towards our future but into our past into the psyche of the past that haunts us still kjg 11 - 12 september 2014 Canto XXIII books everywhere piled up on my desk on the floor bookcases sofas chairs even closets filled with books but where are the books i need they never seem to be around but i know they are here just under my nose no one took them i'm sure of that i used them i put them aside but they always seem to disappear when i need them the most it's frustrating i know i can search the internet and come up with more references than i will ever need but somehow that one book that one book that revealed the information is of prime importance to bring back a feeling hard to explain a concept a way of looking at things at the world at history a subject that one book held in one's hand almost caressed is vital to the understanding of what i need to express no other medium can accomplish this the internet is cold dry and factual the book is tied into my imagination it is part of what it taught me to experience a book is never distant from the mind an extension of the subject the object the interchange the imparting and partaking of knowledge it solidifies it's not something in a cloud existing like a shadow you cannot touch or feel it makes the author's mind a reality not out there but right here in front of me i hold the information in my hands hard to explain i need my books where are my books all around me to comfort i can't switch them off i can't ignore them they are here because the are required i know what i passed on to second hand book dealers i no longer need the information is not slated for retrieval but the information in the dusty volumes that surround me is vital to my chemistry i cannot live without my books i do not travel well without my books i cannot write without my books so where are the books i need so desperately to verify my facts where are they hiding hundreds of others are there on my desk on the floor in bookcases on sofas chairs even closets i do not understand i search everywhere and the book i need is nowhere to be found is it mocking me telling me it is not needed telling me to dig deeper into my own mind and not someone else's perhaps a never ending cycle books that disappear facts i forget with the passage of years books are old friends that do not disappear like memories from my mind i hold on to books they are the last vestige of my youthful quest for sanity kjg 12 september 2014 Canto XXIIII once i asked the muse she answered me you will find it in the end but no mortal will believe it and i will remain silent about this highest honour of forbidden fruit like the laurel but mostly about your home that everyone will savour last many exchange the beginning for the end yet the last to come is a sign from heaven it tears and people apart this is definitely what hercules was afraid of but since we were born stupid falcons are necessary to allow riders to follow them when they hunts in flight in when and the prince and fire with damp smoke blooms on parched grass yet unmixed thereunder from good lungs the realm of battle the voice quiets the princes the artist makes vessels purchased by but when it comes to judgement and chastely stirred some demigod's lip and bestows the most precious possession on the barren then no longer will the sacred be useful (Friedrich Hoelderlin tranl. kjg 12 - 13 september 2014) * the gods do arrange our aptitudes in sequences of rapture and disability fortune and failure fame and fortune are desired but fate refuses to alleviate the struggle we do not ride into the sunset gracefully but blunder into oblivion what we leave behind can sometimes be gems of dazzling achievement but more likely coals of discontent we have little say in it fame is in the present fate belongs to the future sometimes what's consigned to the garbage dump is a future classic we can't judge what the future wants the present is our crucible our wanderings if they get us anywhere benefit ourselves but the stories may inspire others one never wants life to be hollow one wants to learn something and pass it on when the don't listen who has done the wrong kjg * when the vine sap gentle plant seeks shade and the grape grows under the cool web of leaves to men power but to girls fragrance and bees when the through scents drink the spring the spirit of the sun rises driven erratically but when burnt by a ray they retreat in droves falling unexpectedly ...thereon the oak rustles (Friedrich Hoelderlin tranl. kjg 13 september 2014) * if april is "the cruellest month" then may is resurrection i am weary in september one does not hollow what is sound the oak regenerates countless times but i am tired why should i go on the years are nothing but derangement old is fading not a reversal of the human condition old is terminal there are no solutions religion is a compromise of mute distortions one minute here one minute there waiting is forever just around the corner the slaughter and the cross toss it all always i say toss it all away kjg * socratic times in previous times god judged kings wisemen who then judges now does everyone judge or the holy congregation no o no who judges today a nest of vipers cowardly and false no more the noble word on the lips o in the name i call you old demon forth or send a hero or wisdom (Friedrich Hoelderlin tranl. kjg 13 september 2014) * shadows do not merge with the sun the compliment the complexity of a situation augment a detail no one ever thought about reality is like that reality is what makes the shadow real one does not feel disdain for what is real it's a funny type of deal the shadow's there and you are here and where's the light behind you but what do you see the shadows or reality or just a representation that could not exist without some physical evidence vis. the fire has been lit it flickers in the darkness it consumes and conquers it creates a certain wonder what are shadows but not us kjg * then good things are three i do not want to ravage your images and to keep the sacrament holy hold our soul together given by god living light friendship till our end (Friedrich Hoelderlin tranl. kjg 14 september 2014) kjg 13 - 14 september 2014 Canto XXV spiritual matter does not come from the sky but from within there is no god but in your heart there is a solid argument for a god particle but no one really knows what it is except that it theoretically produces mass like a black hole gathering all things together yet apart frozen into time/lessness a lens to focus the creation without a creator a coming out of nowhere i ponder existence >< there is no zero the positive melts into its negative the negative into its positive time does not exist except to strike a linear progression we need to focus there is no time on a quantum level time is how we build a reality small concept in a larger space >>><<< <<<>>> no one knows yet all know we haven't reached the point of no regression we look to the past for answers we refuse to look to ourselves for the answers we need holy books are in the past most countries have a constitution not just rooted in but dragging the past with it where it is no longer needed we relish the past so much we emulate it in the present so we fail to understand it we use it to our own advantage without realizing that we walk blindly through a minefield we have ourselves planted and forgotten about in short we have forgotten how to evolve we let our technology evolve for us we just play with toys children on a bloody battlefield playing sticks and stones with weapons we cannot control we find ourselves superior because we can tweet and text our latest nothings to an equal nondescript audience doing nothing yet entertaining others who do nothing with their nothing the medium these days truly has become more important than context the cover more important than the book <> less than the sum of nothing we carry on believing we are god and not just any god but the one perfect god we call God and project outward on a cross crucified forever granting three wishes when his blood is drank and his body consumed in a drunken orgy of servitude we are that god we have created that god we manipulate that god and yet we refuse to acknowledge the slavery the chains we have wrapped around ourselves of course this projection of god becomes problematical when the concept can't be grasped but humans have a way of compensating they justify a common cause to slaughter "the others" one cannot reason with a madman especially when madmen rule sanity does not prevail where a mob collect its energy from hatred and fear the latest toys and weapons will not save us rather hinder our development stunt us leave us dumb and stupid fear succumbs to terror and we are all afeared of losing that we have our latest toys and children do not sleep at nigh when the teddy bear has claws kjg 14 september 2014 Canto XXVI 4 billion years ago we weren't here it was only 2 million years ago we crawled out of the trees and first walked the savannah followed the nile north and cultivated the fertile valleys of Europe and Asia then crossed the bearing land bridge and spread through the americas just over 200 years ago did we discover the power of steam just over a hundred years ago flight then two world wars and the mass media age was born we seem to think our species will live forever (some god keeps telling us that) yet i can't help wondering where we will be 4 billion years from now when the sun goes nova or should i really care kjg 14 september 2014 Canto XXVII the quest for understanding is always a lonely one others might not understand the branching off the road taken or not taken the walls torn down or the walls built if a path leads somewhere you take it to the end and the conclusions drawn may never please either yourself or someone else moreso someone else since they do not take the journey with you and try to interpret only dispatches from afar that may not always be transparent to an understanding note i do not say quest for truth because i don't know what truth is or even if there is a truth and can be found some call it god and that's alright some call it satan that's alright too but if that's where you stop to question then all questions stop forever nothing can be beyond scrutiny everything that is meaningful can stand up to a question even the ultimate will answer back and deepen the equation if i regard the god of humans as a farce it is because they have made it so it is not of choosing i have come to this conclusion god does not speak so i have nothing to rely on except what is written by human hands the bias cannot linger where the questions digs a trench the hill of garbage is severe many have built upon it over the millennia all that left is what was salvaged a very long time ago and that cannot be examined because tradition hides the cause it is well that we dig deep shallow examination brings shallow results you cannot understand the tree without knowing the roots too many cut down the tree for their own benefit and fail to understand the complexity that lies behind the growing ever evolving i would think god is not a ritual unassailable to understanding commitment is one thing but a shallow commitment without due purpose is another we can only get somewhere by asking questions and without steering the wind will get you nowhere fast a strong rudder is always preferred and you don't ask questions if you are afraid of the answers you don't sail forth on a journey if you fear stormy waters stay ashore then and be safe watch others either take the chance return or parish you will read the chronicles and wonder worship who you worship despise who you despise without ever knowing how it was outside of your imagination asking questions is the same if you do not question the chronicles no matter how flawed it will suffice i question the flaw as a sailor explores strange lands and must know who lives there he might be welcomed or challenged but he won't know until he lands the danger is always second hand old knowledge teaches but new knowledge evolves from the questioning old knowledge everything is flawed we advance through finding the flaws and not by hiding them life cannot advance through stalemate age may well not understand youth but what is worse is when youth refuses to understand age one builds on the other it may just be a garbage dump but garbage dumps yields treasure sometimes so should not be dismissed age and youth should not alienate each other but age should not stifle youth and youth not dismiss age so lightly as it sometimes does one compliments the other an overlap is possible a joining of minds a clear guidance and a clear vision propelled forward to greater marvels then are dreamt of be either the winds of change are sometime swirling the sails must be diminished the steering is an ancient craft a master at the helm youth has the adventure age has honed the craft as we sail towards the sunrise we do not turn our back to what will be the homeward journey some will not attack with no ileum to conquest new vistas must be sought but today a journey's easy not a lifetime's work so the journey is a question not a call to war never fear the question and the answer even less too man succumb and fade away without ever seeing that rising sun don't let that be your substitution for what must be done kjg 15 september 2014 Canto XXVIII there is a hollowness that consumes me i don't know what i'm doing anymore facebook social media tv it's all an illusion none of it exists except in my mind if i'm sceptical of anything it's a haunted house the mind reclaims a past that's all i push myself to the limit i have to i have no other recourse to slaughter demons my poetry is not an art it is not meant to be it is a scrambled mind trying to capture and explain a reality i can hardly comprehend to be or not to be is not the question hamlet was an ass ophelia his preposition a sentence oh so crass yoric knew the only rule was to play a deeper part the fool reclaims a sanity no sane man ever had one doesn't introduce oneself without the ability to perform the royal fashion show's a dart game in a pub the drunker you get the clearer the target silence i can feel the silence the audience shell-shocked energy of consummation plastic bags for heat why does everyone want to be a celebrity i just want to write i have no use for publicity rattle your jewellery if you will the blinding brilliance doesn't dazzle me one pretends one always pretends the hot wet shallows when the tide retreats beware of the quicksand beware of the tide itself traps any sailboats many bathers have to be rescued soft sand shifting on the beach sailors sniff the wind but sometimes the loss becomes the win vital if the bargain... loss of someone special who knows shadows relate to light not shadows loss of ones self lost behind the curtains where no light penetrates lost in the dark night waiting for a dawn that never comes waiting for the sun waiting for the sun that obscures a sky forever black linger on pale blue eyes linger on i don't know why linger on it's all a lie linger on some day we die resurrection has no parameters atoms scattered to the wind one doesn't question what is clear define clarity inside a prison camp four walls lots of wine poems no one reads and eternity to boot what a hoot kjg 15 - 16 september 2014 Canto XXVIIII one doesn't always succeed the wind does not always blow in the direction you want to steer your ship but you compensate sometimes with difficult effort otherwise you linger in the abyss lost without guidance following the wind of no return but perseverance always ratifies results good or bad one does not stand still where movement is required nor does one move when a stance is indicated it all depends on circumstance a good captain follows his conviction but one doesn't always succeed sometimes common sense alludes us in a time of common thought but flairs are not failures where the part survives that seeks another for completion one gathers on the other failures reap solution through their interactions with effort least expected a good captain always seeks failures to boost productivity without failures no new effort can be sought capture the wind use the wind to your advantage let failure not be your liability but a positive commitment to success kjg 16 september 2014 Canto XXX light at the end of the tunnel light or one would think so but darkness still claims the distance one more question one more answer nothing ventured nothing gained we hold on struggling with ourselves each alone in the circle of hell consumed suffering regenerated through eternity forever in the oasis that is nothing but an illusion a desperate unreal reality we seek without a knowledge of its understanding the journey is clear find the ending and you will find the beginning if there ever was a beginning there was a birth but what was the beginning lost beyond reason madness sheer insanity the god particle will wipe us off the map when it is found but why does it need to be found it is already there and hasn't harmed us yet in fact it bond reality together the notion that we have to be aware of something to exist is false it caters to an ego that is longing to exploit the world what exists exists whether we know of it or not what exists creates us us here whatever here may be it's been a long journey not to ileum not even to the stars the mind is something wonderful a great receptor as the womb is a great magnet a great attractor one generates thought the other life it all fits in the universe of things vast scores of galaxies merge at a point into a great entity that we will never comprehend space time will be twisted into another universe another reality perhaps our cumulative thought are there our cumulative entities from the beginning to the end we form the process of adventure inquisitive we follow where it leads us god or science hardly matters it is not for us to know when each subatomic particle already knows what is here is here and what is there is there time and distance hardly matter on a level where everything exists at one flows together merges into one om kjg 16 september 2014 Poem Without A Title Finis * Copyright (c) 2014 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press