Resurrection by Klaus J. Gerken (September 2013) Resurrection The voice of the hound breaks the silence of the dawn As we are committed in our death to the terror of being born. kjg 620am 8 sep 2013 * The End of Hell There's a sunbeam at the end of hell. Who would have ever thought there would be a ladder in this well! kjg 626am 8 sep 2013 * Fighting With the Devil When you fight with the devil let the devil win; It's only god exploring a new sin! kjg 632am 8 sep 2013 * Master shouts: It's a wonderful day! Pupil scowls: It's raining and the roof is leaking! Master smiles: Everything needs water to survive! kjg 636am 8 sep 2013 * Haiku Rain drops sparkle! kjg 640am 8 sep 2013 * Contrast The rising sun in the east offsets The still dark sky behind the setting moon! kjg 643am 8 sept 2013 * Looking back Time's long when we're young, Short when we're old. Memories remain unsung Until age takes hold! kjg 504pm 10 Sep 2013 * sonet i am frozen i am ripe i am settled in the hype i am plastic i am gone i have left you one more song there is no more tolerance for whatever circumstance this is not where i belong i have left you one more song kjg 601am 13 sep 2013 * contrast ugliness increases glamour; that's why actors look so pretty. if they were an ugly mess, ugly wouldn't look so sh****. kjg 606am 13 sep 2013 * from above eye. around the corner. in the dark. revision of complexity. the wine is always there. shifting feet. violated code of ethics. political intrusion. you walk the streets of heavy argument. are they watching you? do you question the intent? spring is either resurrection or a death. blood flows in the rivers. crimson is the robe of GOD. don't forget to pray at dinner. thanking Abel for his crime. meat trumps corn and vegetables. the eye is everywhere. children know it. drunkards know but don't much care. they've given up explaining. too much salt where the wound festers. cross yourself. religion really matters in the scheme of things. frightened children understand. and drunkards never reprimand! kjg 624am 13 sep 2013 * reality priest. torment. blood upon the cross. wounded warrior on a muddy battlefield. in a white robe understanding. ther for others. wasted by himself. no one is immune to the terror of one's own insurgency. quiet. walls have hands of liquor. silence is an illusion the mind will handle with a cause of sacrifice. no great loss. the norm is not what we perceive to be. the norm is the exception. a cage of freedom. to the great extent we fight ourselves. not others. the purpose of deception is manifold. GOD holds hostages. then sets us free to agonize. there is little we can do about it. the immersion is reality. kjg 642am 13 sep 2013 * hunting game we hunt our selves. kjg 644am 13 sep 2013 * turtle one who walks slow lives longer; one who runs wastes energy. kjg 651am 13 sep 2013 * Justice If we incarcerate people for their opinions, then we should incarcerate ourselves also, for we do the same. kjg 654am 13 sep 2013 * Old chinese saying: The hare may win the race, But the turtle lives longer. kjg 658am 13 sep 2013 * pizza and wine for breakfast dark. evolving. light. shadow. quickness. what's unseen is also noticed. the mind explains itself. no. we'll never understand inside the circus of the avenue. bright nova. sparkling entity. pizza for breakfast. what is new? one more question in a mundane world of thunder. creaky bed. dis- solution. the wine is not a panacea. it is a real encroachment where the shadow meets the flame of terror and commitment. one wonders why we hang upon the branch of peace with guns. bright. shadow. quickness. evolving. slow. so slow we'll never notice we have gone before we've come to realize the fact. what fact? what image? what solution? what truth? for is not the truth an aberration? a completely arbitrary starting point? we don't notice them because they don't notice us. I'll have my breakfast pizza in the siles now. in the silence of my universe. kjg 717am 13 sep 2013 * daffodils i would like to write a poem called daffodils. but that's been done. the reflection from the sun scatters through the sky and warms the hearts of every one. the soft cool breeze sways the flowers like a calm clear sea where sailors wait for mermaids to appear. but in the field bees buzz from bud to bud to gather honey for the breakfast table. sweet nectar to cradle you from dreams into reality. building a transitway from shadow places to more mundane reverberations. Yet down the cobbled path I walk and pause to breathe the scent of yellow flowers in the field. and wake. to blossoming tomorrows full of hope. i guess i did just write a poem called daffodils! how odd! kjg 736am 13 sep 2013 * The truth is too simple for us to understand. kjg 522am 19 sep 2013 * God is not an entity but a thought. kjg 541am 19 sep 2013 * Master says: ! Pupil replies: ? Master yawns. Pupil wakes up. kjg 606am 21 sep 2013 * aging woven in a blanket shivering the body old decays sacrificed to younger offerings Amen! kjg 639pm 21 sep 2013 * Dreams Accord an old man his memories, And a young man his dreams; Neither will be what they are Or should have been. kjg 854pm 22 september 2013 * Discipline Master runs around in circles! Pupil screams: What's wrong? Master says: Dunno what your'e talking about, The room keeps spinning. Make it stop! Pupil screams: No! you are spinning around! Stop! Master stops: noticed the difference. Good! Maybe next time you'll stop scratching your hemorrhoids And pay attention! kjg 510pm 22 Sep 2013 * The subtle enemy is the worse; he smiles at you. kjg 1208am 23 sep 2013 * ratification you got to be kidding -- trying not to be mean, but the subject is pending, and the room isn't clean! you promised a mountain but a valley accrued; i guess yesterday's shadow doesn't pay dues. kjg 1220am 23 sep 2013 * economics carmel is good until your tooth aches; then carmel is bad for the money it makes! kjg 1223am 23 sep 2013 * lost love she took a chance and came to him... he took a chance and ran away. kjg 1228am 23 sep 2013 * i am so tired it doesn't go away i am so tired i fear another day i wonder what would happen if i blow my dreams away no no no i'm so tired there's nothing more to say when i wake up in the morning the dream fades anyway... kjg 1235am 23 sep 2013 * the closer you get to reality the farther it fades into obscurity. kjg 1241am 23 sep 2013 * Possibilities Time doesn't register with time. kjg 1259am 23 sep 2013 * Death is just a quality of life. kjg 115am 23 sep 2013 * The future Heard about it, never seen it. kjg (notebook 21 Feb 2000) * Science The future is a crock it can't be reached and the past is a monster that they won't teach The present doesn't exist but don't tell that they'll call you a genius and drag you through the mud! kjg 202am 25 sep 2013 * Life's the perfect superstition, It only exists while wishin'. kjg 232am 25 sep 2013 * The Path Not Walked I like to walk the crooked path; It teaches me more lessons! kjg 947am 25 sep 2013 * If you don't know something, ask; if you know something, share; if you think you know everything, shut up! kjg 412pm 25 sep 2013 * Where I'm at... When the thunder rolls everyone hides; When the sun smiles everyone abides In laughter and compatibility. God's and politicians seems to be blind to that... I don't care for god's and politicians, They're a bad-ass repetition of stupidity; They represent no mass validity... I'd rather revel in liquidity! kjg 652am 26 sep 2013 * I wish I had a meaning, A meaning I might know, And if I had a meaning I'd know what I might know! kjg 657am 26 sep 2013 * Life is like a coin: 98% is the side we live and 2% is the face we notice. kjg 750am 27 sep 2013 * Glow-ball Swarming Farewell to Miami It is no great loss Good global warming Makes steel turn to rust I admire those critters Who pick up the dust Survival ain't pretty But what's that to us? We do what we hafta We do it quite well The buck in our wallet 's just a shadow of hell I like your disaster Movies, they're good Until they become real That changes the mood Oh come now accept it We're just one more round Of species that lived here And shat up the ground. kjg 848am 27 sep 2013 * There's a shadow on the sidewalk... I wonder if it's deep? I guess I'll only find out If I step on it with feet! kjg 915am 27 sep 2013 * There's only one validity to my thought - It's different from yours... If it weren't different It would just be another cosmetic in your purse. kjg 929am 27 sep 2013 * People with ideas make a difference; people with a job follow rules. kjg 1157am 27 sep 2013 * Insomnia (To the tune of America America) Insomnia Insomnia What does thou want with me I need my sleep I need to dream You just won't let me be It rattles me that you are free To drag me through the mud I've had enough insanity I wish you'd just shut up! Insomnia Insomnia I'm sick of being up It's almost 4 my cat's awake I haven't had a nap The night is long I wrote this song To get you off my mind There isn't much I want to say Without being unkind Insomnia Insomnia It's been such a crazy night I wish there was some remedy Scotch and Bourbon...right I'm just too tired to wrestle you I'll just stay up and sigh I hope that when the morning comes The sun spits in your eye! kjg 331am 29 sep 2013 kjg 356am 29 sep 2013 * Insomnia's a vampire How else could you explain How he gets into your pillow And steals your sleepy brain? kjg 536am 29 sep 2013 * creation when the universe was born it was born in a horn someone blew very hard and we flew out like lard! kjg 941am 29 sep 2013 * dumbass paint like a child write like a child think like a child there is nothing too complex that bothers a child if you want an answer go ask a child there is no solution too wild for a child adults are silly they complicate things i think all adults should stay children i think but they can't get it right they think they must be civil to each other and kill by decrees children just bat you like cats settle fights get it over with and say good riddance good dreams and good night. kjg 953am 29 sep 2013 * All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press September 2013