Revolver by Klaus J. Gerken (November 2013) Premonition Time to get outta here No time to waste There's a black cloud a-comin' The air's bitter to taste The clock is a-tickin' Midnight it is There's a slow dance macabre In the annals of bliss I see no a solution The desert's for real Where water is plenty You pay for your meal You may not believe it It's a terrible dream But once it arrives You'll have no time to scream. 235am 15 nov 2013 * The Narrow Path To walk in the footsteps of someone else Is to walk in a shadow and nowhere else. kjg 251am 15 nov 2013 * Merger Only a fool pretends to be wise; Only a wise man pretends to be a fool. When both meet in the middle They become a solid tool. kjg 256am 15 nov 2013 * Gold The famous are pretty; the useful are not: I'm glad I'll be known for my ugly ingots! kjg 312am 15 nov 2013 * Revolution The master says: Lie! The pupil asks: Why? The master just shrugs: The well is still dry! kjg 326am 15 nov 2013 * My Mother's Ring I have my mother's ring, It sings. I have my mother's ring, It sings. kjg 332am 15 nov 2013 * Splinter If you cannot grab the moon in the sky, grab the reflection in the water. When it comes to poetry there is no tomorrow. RIP Li Po. kjg 412am 15 nov 2013 * Sweet Dreams I have a set of prayer beads Sent me from Tibet. They hang around my Buddha's neck And make a lovely set. I have no need for prayer beads Life's dealt a poker deck. And if you think I'm wrong in this I wish you a soft bed! kjg 419am 15 nov 2013 * Creation I came to you slowly Like an ark that was holy As the wine turned to water Where CERN couldn't shatter With a valiant effort The last single particle In the quest for the matter That brought us together I envision the after I see only laughter How silly we creatures To think we're the only Ones in the universe That atoms can gather. kjg 1251am 16 nov 2013 * His Worship Ford was stripped of his powers; He's Mayor in name only. I guess when you've nothing It gets pretty lonely. kjg 1258am 16 nov 2013 * Death Our Atoms Scatter Into Someone Else. KJG 107am 16 nov 2013 * Cruelty My father kept rabbits He picked up by the ears For that I hated my father All of his years. kjg 113am 16 nov 2013 * Loss I helped care for the cats Of Parliament Hill For almost ten years: Now there's nothing left, Not even tears. kjg 122am 16 nov 2013 * Society Society is a machine, Forever churning out a dream. kjg 127am 16 nov 2013 * Reality I no longer live in this world It's a permanent rift I no longer understand it No matter its gift. kjg 258am 16 nov 2013 * Academic? No! I was never good at school I was beyond their control I didn't fit the mold I was definitely cool! kjg 6pm 16 nov 2013 * I think Socrates would have liked me... Even though I pretend to be a poet! kjg 606pm 16 nov 2013 * Master says: I faked it all! Pupil asks: Then why am I here? Master answers: How should I know! kjg 646am 17 nov 2013 * I think there's a misconception People think I'm smart I haven't got a brain cell Left in my heart! kjg 650am 17 nov 2013 * Martialis taught me well, Always be succinct and never yell! kj 658am 17 nov 2013 * The older I get, the fewer words I need To express what once took an epic; I guess there's a limit in wisdom To curb a word epidemic! kjg 707am 17 nov 2013 * Pupil asks: Is there a purpose to all of this? Master shrugs: A way to pass the time. kjg 710am 17 nov 2013 * Here's a gift to Mayor Ford: A gift he'll hardly accept: I sincerely provide him With a notice of disrespect! kjg 719am 17 nov 2013 * I'm turning into Martial But I don't mind, Martialis did survive The purge of Christiankind! kjg 722am 17 nov 2013 * Master hasn't moved in days. Pupil gets alarmed and calls doctor. Doctor examines master and declares him dead. Master opens eyes and looks around. Doctor and pupil recoil in terror. Master sighs: Been here before. Closes eyes and continues with the journey. kjg 1103am 20 nov 2013 * Conundrum When I'm sobre I drink too much; When I'm drunk I wish I were sobre. Life is much more complicated Than reality makes it out to be! kjg 1116am 20 nov 2013 * Poison sometimes disguises itself in the simplest beauty Beauty is not a joy forever kjg 1123am 20 nov 2013 * Bureaucracy I once received an award from the Deputy Minister to the Deputy Minister Of the Deputy Minister to the Minister For a project I never worked on. I thank the Deputy Minister to the Deputy Minister of the Deputy Minister To the Minister for thinking of me. Much appreciated. kjg 1142am 20 nov 2013 * Waiting The ocean laps at my feet I retreat to the sand of the beach Waiting for the tide to come in. kjg 1150am 20 nov 2013 * Home The fleet is in the harbour The ladies wave with ardour The sailors wait for shore leave And nights of holy splendour It's time for a surrender Into the arms that love weaves The bars are open all night And no one runs the bright lights As drunken songs bounce echos Through dark deserted streets The cargo is unloaded and soon The morning enters, time for a departure The fleet will leave the harbour As ladies wave with ardour. kjg 409am 21 nov 2013 * Floating I am just like a castaway on a raft; Wherever the tide takes me I'll end up. kjg 1245pm 21 nov 2013 * Integrity Socrates drank hemlock because he voted for the wrong law; I wish politicians today were that resourceful! kjg 850pm 21 nov 2013 * Foe once I bow to God Humans are not possible on any other planet but this; Thank God for that! kjg 346am 22 nov 2013 * When only the King could speak life was orderly; When everyone speaks, they just babble. kjg 4pm 22 nov 2013 * Revolver Yesterday it was fine Now today it's a crime Now we can't even follow a dream There's no secrecy left We are monitored deaf We can't even go somewhere to scream All our children are wired No ambitious desire Less they miss the next version of death How to kill's on their minds Back to good roman times When the slaughter appeased who was left I don't know about you But I haven't a clue What this world has become over time There's a hollowness here Just a cold evil stare When the shrinks rip you up in prime time No more fun it would seem Is allowed we're so clean They would have you committed for thought It is good for the soul They will tell you in full And make laws that no one ever sought Yesterday life was real But today life's ideal If you do what they tell you to do You can't live your own life That just simply ain't right Tow the line or you'll never get through There's no secrecy left We are monitored deaf We can't even go somewhere to scream Yesterday it was fine Now today it's a crime Now we can't even follow a dream kjg 549am 25 nov 2013 * Message for a friend I found it untrue That you had an old shoe And gave it to Sue To pay for her stuff In the street of enough I know it is rough But sometimes the poison Is a difficult omen It refuses to deal An easy way out So don't wander the street For difficult meat You'll never survive In society's hive kjg 239am 26 nov 2013 * Sue is just a random name that rhymes. * Annus horribilis End of November Soon it's December The end of the year Two thousand thirteen Was it ever so mean As to tarnish a dream I'm glad that it's over Next year I'll recover. kjg 247am 26 nov 2013 * There no longer is a past Funny, when I grew up "Then" used be a decade ago, now it's no more than ten years. What kids can't remember makes us old. kjg 309am 6 nov 2013 * Future Presence It doesn't really matter what we do in life; It's the dung we leave that makes us rife! kjg 359am 26 November 2013 * Revelance All the theories we espouse, Don't much matter more than one dead louse! kjg 405am 26 nov 2013 * Eye There's always one more person in every photograph, and guess who matters most? kjg 412am 26 nov 2013 * Control Have you ever noticed that all cults do good To recruit members? Then somehow no one recruited Seems to remember. Be yourself I say, Rather than a "member". kjg 454am 27 nov 2013 * Just the way it is The Buddha says: Walk the middle path. Unfortunately I'm not a tightrope walker. kjg 459am 27 nov 2013 * to PW Alas poor Yorick do not drown, A fool's much wiser than a clown; But if you must, I only say, Rage Lear's lightning for a day! Better mad than envious To what enslaves the serious; When spring returns it's the decay That builds the new world in a way. Away cruel world I want to scream! But it still excites to dream! Without dreams what can be left? So goodnight unto you all, The ferryman has made the call! Sleep comes easy after all! kjg 541am 29 Nov 2013 * All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press