SACRIFICE by Klaus J. Gerken (1969) I Wander through the forest: Sing through the echo of distant hazel trees and listen; listen to the nightingales, wondrous in exaltation. Love me, and I too will sing. Love me, and I too, will begin to understand those untamed wilds where the scent of lilac wafts and the rustle of autumn leaves in the cool breeze wakes in tones unheard before to capture us; the passengers of solitude. Jan 1969 II Listen they have come to renew their love again Listen they have come again to prove that their master voice may also be controlled and their tear concealed They are lost inside the undoubting realm of vast beauties - seldom craving for something less. Jan 1969 III A sullen and abortive reformation haunts my dereliction in this nothingness As my youth wore on my criteria lost the dry voice it had captured from without that wall of flesh. As now - in this deranged parameter of my unwillingness I stand mute. The sounds have all been stillborn to the depths of the depthless echo to scatter the illusionary battle-weary troops and liquidate the pain. Has my mind been so insensitive that not one point of sharp desire has escaped between this helplessness and serfdom of regret? Command I not the hemlock? See there it stands upon the table. The mixture so venomous and easy. This - all that is left is to move the fevered hand and join the lips to parting. Easy! can it truly be such a simple task? Feb 1969 IV My age an imbecilic fraction of adulations thought coming from the wine. The wine - that glass filled to overflowing. That blood - that redness. The voice of your lips. - Come, come and be with me tonight as I cannot come to be with you. Feb - March 1969 V Your compulsion angered, sentenced and repented; implanted in the vows of pernicious requisitory hope - you forgave those shadows of the heart, without ever lifting an eyelid or biting the chilled anger from your lips, - "But it must be so, or else the gifted stature of your birthright will fail to keep that which is so sacred in our isolated understanding in our heart of contemplative captivity." - Your words my lovely huntress, - your words! Has it ever occurred to you that they are nothing but wantings? Nothing but longings to become part of that that other self which you can never hope to be? - Ah, but whatever would you be without the faded murmur of your birthright? - It would be precocious to suggest the taking to be an unbound difficulty, through each escape would seem to become a life form; frozen to either, and inseparable from both influences. - Yet what about the taking? that monstrous ability to become a priest of that season within or without the mindchild of our existence? - It was always you who said, "The procedure is not to be taken unless our fathers would care to become the gods of our conscience." - from this you inferred the inability to perform the insidious self-styled act of substitution through a touch. An inability to be transformed from child to woman; from mortal to goddess; and I in truth could only become the monk who stems the solitude in devotion to your truth. Ah, how you hated to be watched by the eyes of my silence! - you could never understand the realness of that inglorious act! You could never understand the desire and the pain I felt being the worshipper, not the lover. "Come! come and release me!" Would my deliriums not have looked any better had they been inspired by any other means but your dark-eyes mysteries? - Or would they have unfolded at all times in the same way? - Could you have changed? - Or perhaps it was I? - I who became the mute refrain of my insensitive longing? I who sang so proudly the song which was created for the voice of life, - not for the voice of silence? Could then our philosophy be such as not to understand our words, leaving them to stream forth in disarranged torrents, flowing past the defensive acquisition of our names, before there was any chance to comprehend the prolonged torture of ourselves? Why! Oh why must there be such a dissipation in our glances? Though we mean to speak we keep our tones in the silence of our need. Can we not speak? Let us speak! Let us... It is too late... the sky has darkened and the shadow of our false love lies heavy in the age where we met. Yet we knew the future, but were in the past. We knew the beginning and the end... but we knew not the present... we knew not ourselves. Feb - March 1969 VI VIN D' OR Wine of gold - golden apples - red and longing on a dark winter's night. No - our bodies shall never be concealed from the walls. Even the paintings shall not be ashamed. Come - search the vast divide of my love - I can hide no more. Wine of gold - golden apples - red and longings on a dark winter's night. Feb 27, 1969 VII DEEP It is the left over thought the random flash of memory sailing the scattered sands of yesteryear. It is the swiftness with which it has passed on - processed and decomposed through the ageless realm of bliss. It is the gift of the heated conversation through which the truth becomes shrouded behind the misty dissonance of certain angelic semi-tones - enclosing the ears in a deafness - through which awareness of time and space become something of a useless anchorage - as the cycle is enveloped in a never ending dilemma of chaotic inactivity. It is the demented love poem through which the wine becomes the only salvation. It becomes the tranquility of a religious isolation - it become your saviour for the time being - you God for the excess of a year. It is the song which you stumble on in a haze of inactivity. It is the restaurant you visit when your friends do not wish to speak to you nor you them. It is the quiet moment of deep despondency felt whenever THAT longing takes hold of you - leaving you once again - in emptiness. it is that fraction of your life lived alone with no one to help or to speak the words of your confinement. It is the wine... the wine... March 1 - 18, 1969 VIII You carve out a piece of your heart contemplating that cycle with her name - You wish to offer it to her in substitution for your pride - If she accepts you may proceed - if she rejects you may commit that fatal stroke. Either way you will be lost in the eternal phantasm of the skies seeking Aphrodite and Latoma upon the rugged mountain top of grief. You! carrier of that bold disposition! You! self made martyr of that love! where are the credential of your plight? Have you not the poem of your fright? where do you hide it? tell me! before that madness recalls the disenchanted glory of your flight! Tell me fast, before that fleeting moment deserts - leaving no refrain to guide you to the empty cross. And even if you do sink back into that eternal sleep - will there not be one who will lend her voice to the cause of your muted disposition? And still, if the words your mind desires cannot be brought forth - speak the words the heart inspires. Speak and rid yourself of those self-doubts imposed upon the glory of your life. Is it not enough to search the ageless works for the hidden failure they have left behind? all to produce a poetic condition under which to hide? Gerald de Nerval - his madness - will that be your inspiration? The ending of one Chatterton - will that be the gift you place before yourself? or will you let those acute dreams of past memories lead your life into the Bacchanal real of distempered debauchery? Come! Come! regret nothing if you have lived through it all! There the profits of your illustration will become measureless! Come! Come! look upon the mighty blaze of a million suns! You cannot see them from the corner in which you dwell! Come out and view the serene light of heaven's blitz! Come! view the menstrual meteors - chart them in their course through our turbulent atmosphere. Come! let malevolence not overshadow the sorrow endured! Come! come - open the exhausted heart and let the stream of life flow freely through the ether of our polluted dissidence. Replenish that stream! give new life to its incandescent breath! It was in those legitimate dreams that our passionate distain - the cycle of our truth - was written. You stood alone - in mortifying grace - asking... asking... asking for something such as was never there for you to handle. O blindness! and such a blindness of uncertainty! The blindness of your bequeathed insignificance! Release yourself! not the shadow! YOURLELF! Do not try to be a monument! as they who have died early enough to become martyrs! Hold yourself! long enough to be the dark equation to your soul - short enough to be a divine sparrow parroting the grief of its intoxication. Be the sacrificial lamb on the alter of her God! Be the blood that floweth forth to cleanse her body - the virgin's grace of her destiny. Be all of that - and many more such verified interrogations! Leave your environment to pursue the gravel road to the desert tombs! Be the currier of Satan's prophetic lore! Only when the possibility of your desired freedom arises leaving your heart to lean heavily upon the breath of that insidious longing within your disenchanted mind - come not to me. Nor ever come to your Satan! for he is also in the process of shedding that blazing tear of his unmet expectations. Come to no one but yourself! NO ONE BUT YOURSELF! for there is nothing that may be done to eliminate that potent situation in the tears shed to redirect your bewildered soul upon that correct road. There is nothing! Yet in false actuality your voice cannot hope to stem the crevice of her distance. Yet think again - have you truly given her all that she would have desired of you? Truly - have you listened to the voice that deprived you of coming forth into the direct field of battle? Yet the desire of martyrdom lies heavy upon your brow! Then go! join in the slaughter! Go and drink the blood! The cross awaits you. March 1969 IX PARTING Hold me fast within your arms - Angel - strong and cruel - I will let your gleaming eyes beat down upon my body to tear it from its past. Bring to me that key - Angel - old and rusted to unlock the tempest in my heart that mute congestion sadly isolated from itself. So drink! Come and let me sleep through frozen dreams intoxicated with your kisses! Let me rest in my delirium! I am of the talisman fallen its porcelain body chipped reported to be a missing tear. O Angel! this languor is too harsh! this voice too heavy! and those arms too strong! They are terrible as your eyes! O divine mistress to my God! Soul and body thus depart the wound awaits itself - the pain of the kiss? The infection cleanse it with your flames Golden Angel! with your flames! March 1969 X Return To toss your essence, like a pebble, back into the sea to cleanse your lungs and breathe the easy substance of the wind to press those surging waves against your lips there, in those fervent realities, dreamlike in a reinstated passion, lies the resurrection of your birth given unto the beginning of the beginning of the depths of the ocean's deepest call. To be there, by the wish of the salt, is to be in the vision of that longing unfulfilled To walk across those same cobblestone streets to touch the past, so much a reality yet also so much of the dream - the sweet dream, of the lotus or the wine To be there, as the gods have kept it for me... then ... the gods are timeless and memories lie true to the vintage they become heavy until the honeyed scent must be let into the stream of our life and the salt of tears become the ether of a dream the reality of a night and the poem of a day... This... the wish fulfilled is the promise of return... April 8, 1969 XI You whom I love as the sun sinks behind the vast horizon You whom I love in warlike dreams and passing chance You - have I not earned the right to touch the lines of your contour? You whom I see of heaven borne unto the planets, constellations, stars - My Aphrodite - goddess of love's stature! Yet for you - mortal words become so seemingly inadequate and those of heaven so far removed without passion or touch. Will then silence quenched the thirst of need? Will the you - for whom this stands written - will then you - goddess, mortal, woman, sorceress, - only look upon these words, not the hidden voice beneath? Oh! if only your fingernails would touch the skin to search for them - not deep - yet only far enough to see that there is life! April 12, 1969 Copyright (c) 1969 Klaus J. Gerken