Thanksgiving Poems by Klaus J. Gerken (October 2013) * Flirting With The Devil I'm flirting with the devil She's really kinda cute She said god was her lover And he was really really rude So she left and ventured further To punish his desire Love is no solution Where gods spit in the fire! kjg 437am 1 oct 2013 * Where people believe others and not check the facts themselves, they really just believe others and not themselves! kjg 442am 1 oct 2013 * Time To Feed The Cats The farmer to his wife: "It's warm tonight". The wife gets frisky And starts a fight. The farmer: "Whoa! what is it? I haven't done a thing!" The wife gets an ice cube And makes herself a drink. The farmer shakes his noggin And walks into the barn The wife makes a silly noise And runs into his arms. Twenty children later, The truth must now be told: The devil had a pitchfork And the dust was solid gold! If there is a moral to this story I haven't got a clue. I wrote it in the morning Before my tax was due. kjg 502am 1 oct 2013 * Don't take these poems seriously, They are meant to tickle toes. What I cannot say tomorrow I'll say before it shows! kjg 515am 1 oct 2013 * Outcome Fed the cats this morning, They didn't eat a thing! Work ethics are important - Doesn't matter what it brings! kjg 518am 1 oct 2013 * I wish people had a sense of humour It would make my life more sane: They always think I'm serious When I teasing their dull brains! kjg 601am 1 Oct 2013 * gw obligatory motion is right around the ocean where tides churn with the moon we humans don't much matter nature climbs no ladder to the top of social gloom so don't profess a knowledge how the future makes its porridge we'll run into it soon but for now I will beseech you the common good will meet you when the devil howls his tune g'night g'night I bid you a full moon! kjg 952pm 1 oct 2013 * Hooker's Compromise I love the USA They're such a nifty lay They spring out of the night When lights aren't even bright And proposition you Without a cause or two Sign up for this or that It will never make you fat A perfect compromise That gathers up all lies And crunches them into A chocolate bar for you Oh yeah I love the USA They're such a nifty lay What more can I espy I cannot tell a lie My father taught me so A-fightin' I must go 'tis neither right or wrong The deed must rise in song We are the greatest land That ever lent a hand Everyone be damned We'll sink in our quicksand Oh yeah kjg 110pm (wide awake) 3 oct 2013 (day three the whores went on strike) PS...Hooker refers to General Hooker from the Civil War. * The more you blame the other The less you blame yourself. Because if you cannot blame the other You have to blame yourself. kjg 118pm 3 oct 2013 * Be thou proud of what you do; No one else is going to do it for you! kjg 856am 4 oct 2013 * Conversation about the Holocaust "What bothers me is why 6 million Jews allowed themselves to be herded into trains and sent to slaughterhouses without any opposition." "They would have been killed otherwise..." "Your point?" kjg 553am 7 oct 2013 * If government is the will of the people then we would need no laws. kjg 550pm 7 oct 2013 * Master writes in the sand. Pupil asks: What is that? Master erases it and says: That! kjg 713pm 7 oct 2013 * Pupil says to master: Please explain... Master interrupts: Masters don't explain, they reveal! And leaves the room. kjg 4am 8 oct 2013 * To someone I knew in the 70's When a monkey swings from branch to branch He knows what he's doing; When a human swings from a chandelier Be glad you have universal health care! kjg 901pm 8 oct 2013 * Master says: I have nothing more to say. Pupil says: In that case I guess I'll go back home and work for a living... kjg 414am 9 oct 2013 * Dawn Night's almost over I'm drunk or I'm sobre Depends on the time zone The phone's got no dial tone The walls bleed commotion The news is an ocean Of wild waves and asses That conquers the masses I don't think it means much Unless there's a hand to touch Dance me into the abyss So let's pour another glass And have some warm breakfast And the morning is bliss! kjg 530am 10 Oct 2013 * Master sits alone. All his pupils left. He contemplates the silence. He sorely needs the rest. His pupils went back home. Took nothing with them back. Went on with daily living. The master hits the sack! kjg 636am 10 oct 2013 * Pupil bows to master. Master bows to student. Pupil says: Huh? Master says: Huh? kjg 1126pm 10 oct 2013 * Sometimes a slap is beautiful When the master is sleeping No pupil dares to slap the wind. When the master is awake The wind slaps every pupil. kjg 1151pm 10 oct 2013 * If I write epigrams, don't despair, They are easy to repair! kjg 1am 10 oct 2013 * When the blind lead the blind, all is well. It's only when the sighted give them directions everyone trips up! kjg 1055am 12 oct 2013 * damn back pain needles and pinza...pain is aginza...ain't good when it's inza young zombie addresses how to get up and dresses with intentional messes.... I don't know what it blesses prayer's too common to understand amun but sometime we hafta prepare for the afta so embrace every gnomen like it were an omen the truth man is out there without a cognomen i suffer in silence like a goat at the slaughter pray tell god i'm his daughter i sure ain't his son! kjg 931pm 15 oct 2013 * dance me to the end of time let's do the shuffle...i mean the offing...or something for proffing it's hard to begin...'slike shitting or's a purple beginning christ wanted life...herod was madness...i guess with a sadness the woodcutters carve...silent with nonsense...the temple is wrought with stones that are line with a scrounging and sometime we think...what was the beginning...a kiss or a rause... the layman's the bower...the pope is the flower and no one agrees. kjg 1010pm 15 oct 2013 * I have not found faith only reason. kjg 15 oct 2013 * The Human Species There's a solid aroma in the house of it's owner, That slowly corrodes his neighbour's abode. So the neighbour makes war...and that is the law, to make his own mark, with his very own load! kjg 1019pm 15 oct 2013 * Ego I think the world is flat But very very fat So it bloats up to be round Then hits a solid ground! kjg 1036pm 15 oct 2013 * Private There's a purpose to my mumbling I don't want you to hear What really I am saying Should be whispered in your ear. kjg 1039pm 15 oct 2013 * Life is a wonderfully explanatory disease. kjg 1042pm 15 oct 2013 * I'm the poet that I am! I know my poetry is not considered "modern", At least by "modern"s standards... I really couldn't give a damn, I'm the poet that I am! KJG 1046pm 15 Oct 2013 * I don't recall what king said it, but it goes something like this: "The poison is never to your left, but always on your right." kjg 16 oct 2013 * Sex is the embellishment of the senses; Love is accepting the consequences that come with it. kjg 1235pm 17 oct 2013 * The substance of gravity is cognition. kjg 351am 19 oct 2013 * How many were condemned by their superstitions; how many are condemned by ours? kjg 1130pm 19 oct 2013 * I'm the summation of my facts; I don't have to be a bloody database. kjg 139pm 2013 * Autumn Wet yellow leaves cover the sidewalk; The ants have stopped foraging to dream. kjg 109am 22 Oct 2013 * Eventuality The master falls silent. He says more when not speaking. The torrent of knowledge Is not worth keeping. kjg 1028am 22 oct 2013 * Ultimate The universe is a living entity; We are beneath its comprehension. kjg 1151pm 22 October 2013 * Comprehension The less words we use, the more we say. kjg 1156pm 22 oct 2013 * Bowing When teachings dictate, Propaganda evolves. kjg 1200am 22/23 oct 2013 * My Cats Izzy is dizzy And Jassie is snazzie Bruno is you know A sleek Maserati! kjg 908am 23 oct 2013 * Evolution The body is a universe. It starts off with a Big Bang and then evolves. kjg 11am 24 oct 2013 * As when we wake we don't remember our dreams, When we dream, just the same, we don't remember our wakes. kjg 1133pm 26 oct 2013 * Top-Off I wanted one more topping But the cake was made of dust I walked into the sunlight But the sunlight turned to rust There was blood upon the ceiling And salt upon the floor Sometimes I want nothing And sometimes I want more As age creeps on me slowly It surprises with its greed There's a phantom is the alley That smokes the strangest weed Don't talk of understanding No one understands Pretending is the rival That lends no one a hand I'm waiting by the river I have no place to go I wade into the water And flow away and flow. kjg 304pm 29 oct 2013 * All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press