The Outsider by Klaus J. Gerken (2013) I He floated just below the ceiling. The air was warm up there. Everything was magnified. Time to dust the lamp shade, he thought. The desk looks like a painting with all the books and papers scattered collage-like around the laptop. He wanted to splatter paint over it and hang it on the wall. He notice how the cats walked a pattern around the room. Anti-clock-wise. Right to left. An outlandish premise entered his mind as if the patters mirrored and unknown movement of phantom particles in the universe yet to be discovered. He was lulled to sleep. The sleeping did not disconnect him from reality, rather, it enhanced it thousandfold...He floated through the ceiling above the building above the clouds beyond the stars he floated into the abyss merging with the fundamental congruence of infinity evolving into eternity swallowing itself...himself...he laughed he saw HE SAW he...understood. II He heard a whimper. Outside. At first he thought it nothing. The wind. Drafty windows don't just rattle they also whistle. All was quiet. He went back to reading: Late Night Thoughts Of A Physicist. The fireplace radiated a yellow warmth and Chiaroscuro. He became the book. He became the thoughts. He became the pages. The words. The ink. He merged and reemerged, transformed himself realigned himself to a new pole star. He moved and the sofa chair creaked. All was silent except for the crackle of the wood. He went on reading. Then it was again: a whimper. Ever so slight. From outside? Behind him. He out the book down, marking his place with a spanish leather bookmark richly embroidered. The window. He looked out on the snowy scene. Nothing there. The door. The cold ravaged his skin. Nothing. But then... something moved A shadow. Behind the trees. Flowing. The whimper turned to an own hooting. Eyes in the darkness. Perception. He watched intently. might it be what? A spirit? A wounded animal? The path was too deep in snow for him to investigate. He closed the door and thought nothing more of it. Then again. This time a scratching on the wall. More than animal. Spirit. The wind began to howl and falling snow turned into a raging storm. It was 3 AM. He felt a chill up his spine. Footsteps on the stairs? But there is no one in the house! He moves toward the stairs. Is there anybody up there? Silence. He ascends, step by cautious step into the upstairs shadows. The owl hoots. Whoo Who! Whoo Who! He hears a door slam! He rushed toward it. Rips it open. Nothing. The bedroom empty. Bed made. Window closed. He catches his reflection in the mirror. His reflection! Or is it? He looks behind him. There is only one in the room. Only one. He is relieved. Or is he? He closes the door and return downstairs to his chair. Just the old house acting up he convinces himself. Goes back to reading. Falls asleep. Dreams of a dark forest in the winter. Spirits haunt the pines. He walks among them. There it is! The whimper! A child abandoned the the forest. He runs toward it. It disappears. There is no child. Just an illusion. The own stares above him. Whoo Who! Whoo Who! Laughter. Beyond the trees. Heckling laughter. Evil laughter. He is frozen. He has no coat. He stumbles on. Slowly in the haze a cabin. A woodcutter's abandoned cottage. In bad repair. He forces the door and collapses on the floor exhausted. In the morning he wakes still in his chair. The book in his lap, and the fire almost out. He rubs his eyes. Goes to the kitchen and puts on a pot of water. Some hot coffee. Then a knock on the door. The storm has abated. He opens it, expecting the postman. It's an old ragged woman in torn rags. Alms she shivers. Alms! She demands, not begs! He gives her a few pennies. Begone! And don't come back! As she wobbles away she mumbles It's your child. He can't quite hear. Runs after her. What did you say? It's your child! What child he yells at her. The child that is not here. He recoiled in fright. She tried to wander off. Who are you? She stares out his paralyzed eyes. You know who I am then wanders off. He is paralyzed. After a moment goes back in. Stirs the fire and pours himself some coffee. It echoes in his mind: the child is yours. The child that was not there. He dismisses it. The ranting of a deranged woman. I have work to do. Can't afford this indulgence. III Younger years. Spring. Apple blossoms. Lilac. April skies. There you are dear. Your morning papers and your coffee. Are you going to the university today. He takes her hand. I have to, sadly. Final exams, you know. I won't be late. I promise. She caressed his shoulder. I'll be here. I know you will. IV Years later. Windy night. Rain. Lightning. The ambulance finally arrived after being stranded by a fallen tree. Too late. Both mother and baby did not survive. He went into hiding for a year. Then another. And a third. Never left the house. Disrepair. Hair and beard grew wild. No communication with the outside world whatsoever. He grew complacent. Wrote wild poems, tore them up. The emptiness surrounded him. Strangled him. He grew feeble, weak. His housekeeper began to fear him. His drunken rages and his rambling moods. Demons harassing him. He was mad. Chapter closed or just begun. He was on the run. His house- keeper of 15 years abandoned him. New help didn't stay long. he refused to be seen. Stayed in his rooms. Wild stories relegated him to ghost. The isolation forced his hand. He would return to teaching. He would forget the past. He would never wander these cobble- stones of despair again. He thought. V The years went freely. 15 years turned in 20 then 25 then thirty. Time for his retirement. So soon? Had he done enough? Age had come too fast to be a useful entity. But he walked away. They patted him on his back and sent him on into the wilderness that is the "golden years". The golden years he thought. Oxymoronic. Twisted logic. Nothing golden there. He retired to his books, his pipe and his flask of wine. Browning was his favourite, and Marlowe's Faust and that old disgruntled King. Deluded with his fool protecting an illusion. War raged around him. He didn't care. He was unaffected. It didn't matter if the world went mad, he was already mad beyond the sanity of his abandonment. Slowly the time wore on like wind upon a mountain Smoothing ridges into hills and valleys. Stone became meadows covered with daffodils. Even Wordsworth knew it wouldn't last. Nothing lasts forever. His present past. His future sic feet lower to confuse future archeologists who try to date his skull. O Yoric! how art thou become the fodder for the serious! I beseech thee, never loose your smile even if your teeth are full of sand and eyes are only sockets. We all the same. Cosmetics is our only gain. Wisdom hardly matters where the silver tests the rusted cup of dereliction. Fools! He shouts! I have left the word. Now world leave me rest before the altar of eternity! VI Days were quiet. Even aches and pains were soothed by wine. And thought flowed freely through the harbinger of time. No regrets. We it even real? Thirty years so gone and nothing to show for it except some papers hung upon the wall. No one came to consult him. His knowledge was no longer useful. Daily strides are made he cannot understand. There is no helping hand for useless uselessness. He fount it amusing people called him sir due to his age and not his academic standing. VII One day. Always unexpected. He encountered A homeless woman. Pregnant. Begging on the street. He bought some food for her. They spoke a while. A week later he saw her sleeping on the sidewalk. He went over and put some money in her cup. People were stepping over her. Pregnant in the street. No woman should have live like that he thought. It never occurred to him she chose theat way to live. He friended her. After a few weeks when autumn was upon them he invited her to stay at his house. She reluctantly accepted. It was a disaster from the first. Street-wine meets sheltered bookworm. Bt they worked it out. His housekeeper wasn't impressed and they into many argument. It didn't help. The drugs. It didn't help she stayed away at nigh and came home wasted in the morning sleeping on the spare room. He ate his food and drank his wine and he couldn't stand her music. One morning in January she walked to the hospital and had her child. She gave him up for adoption. Then disappeared for a month. In spring she came back. Through difficulty they formed a bond and an attachment to each other. Then in the summer she announced she wanted her "boyfriend" to move in with her. He was shattered. He threw her out. He closed the door on another chapter of his life. He was used and cast away like a useless piece of scap no one cared to bend back into shape. He drank more an more. He justified the emptiness, the hollowness, and took the echo as a trusted friend. The house didn't much feel empty as a deserted castle. Cobwebs in the shadows of his soul. He settle in. The aches and pains of age got worse and so did his mobility. His recourse from boredom was his daily walks, his books, his cats. Always the cats. And of course the wine. Always the wine. VII Dark. The night is dark. Dark sea. Ink black. No harbour. No safe harbour. You avoid the shark tooth sabre rocks. Memories guide you. Memories become your maps. Midnight tolls. Foghorns in the distance disperse into a wild cacophony of disparate proportions. There is a harbour here. Memories tell me there is a harbour here. Rest and comfort. Memories. Always memories. There! A light! Shines ever slightly. Blow it out. It guides a jagged path. Only the inner light guides. Lost sailors trust the tide before a human intervention. When home they bow to earth. When at sea they bow to wind and fate. VIII He puts down his book. Removes his specs. Rubs his eyes. Is that a reflection in the window. Or something outside? The fireplace is warm. The cats are curled up around the room. The clock ticks slowly in a fourth dimension. Ah would that be real! Would time be a manipulation on the shoulder of our fantasy! Give nothing up. Neither past nor future. The present is not credit here. We're never in the mix of it. Just looking from the outside in. It can't be manipulated since it's already in the past when we perceive it. He hears creaking floorboards above him. These old houses have many ghosts. And they always have a bar in the basement. I better stirr the logs. Get some heat in here. Still snowing out I see. 2 AM. Time moves too fast when age pulls the rumbling wagon over cobblestone or dusty pathways far beyond you will ever imagine. To go out with a bang and not a whimper. What's a whimper to a bang? What is lightning to a shadow? They consume each other. The mind's the folly of a curse. Once gotten it get's worse with each hand you cannot touch. Each voice you cannot hear. Each thought you cannot understand. Isolation is a caravan to the land of milk and honey but leave you behind in the wilderness to confront the burning bush of your desires. The snow twinkles from the lamp post light. Always movement. White curtain. Phantoms skirting between the trees. Whoo Who! Whoo Who! an owl somewhere sharp eyed looking for field mice skirting beneath the snow. All is prey. No one is immune. Neither god nor man. Flesh consumes flesh. Blood transfers spirit. Consumption of you enemies. Gain their strength in retribution. Osiris forbade the consuming of human flesh. So wine becomes the resurrection and the host through refining the method. No one lives alone. No one dies alone. The earth is a mass grave. Whoo who! Whoo who! I know it's watching. I know the child's in the cradle. That's what the owl is hunting. The child is a new beginning. And abandoned child is a revolution if it survives. The wolves are out in force. They lie in wait for blood. Oh what is this emptiness I shiver through? Is Lear my only companion on an endless journey? And what of the lotus eaters? Forced to take the oar and parish on the wild black sea? Is dying preferable to lethargy? To die with dignity will always be the wish that cannot be fulfilled by democracy. Socrates knew that. Drunkards and poets know it. Achilles know it! Am I mad? Will madness be my savior? I have nothing left except my failure. IX There it is again. That sound. Wind or whimper? Outside or in my mind. But what is mind? What is outside? Is not everything perceived by mind and manipulated into what we can accept in the context of our limited understanding? The owl is in my head. Whoo who! Whoo who! It is like the woman taunting Caesar on the Ides of March! Or like the witches in Macbeth! All warnings ignored. What should be done at that point? He walks into the kitchen. A pot of coffee. Warm an old man up. Bones are brittle on a howling winters night. I wish that I could float. Float into the sky! Be lighter than the air! Oh to fly! to fly! The silent house shifts on its foundation. It is alive. Everything is alive. The trees. The rocks. The very earth worms dig to cultivate. Everything's recycled. The old the young it doesn't matter. Time is an illusion. What a moment or a decade? A life's the purpose that it lives. Nothing else. Shadows touching. He returns to his chair. I was once young you know. I was once young. He talks to a shadow of himself perhaps. Young I once was. Even once was in love. So very long ago. So beautiful she was. We were barely married whens he left. I don't remember where she went. I only remember one day she was no longer there. Sometimes cats are best as a companion. They don't desert you when the hour nears. I hear a whimper. A cry. Is it a cry? I have the image of an old woman in my head. Is she there or is she dead. I can't recall what Shakespeare said. There's only clarity where there can be confusion. I should investigate. Don't forget the key. That's what she always said to me. Don't forget the key. How I wish I could just float away. Float like a cloud into the firmament beyond the firmament. Float away. Silently away. Once I loved. I think I loved. Once I was a man. Young. Not old. Once there was a future I was told. X He floated just below the ceiling. He smiled at his adventure. A child he had only fascination with the present. The future did not yet exist. It was warm. He could touch the ceiling. He wanted to touch the firmament and merge wit the substance of transfiguration. He wanted to be everything and nothing. He was happy just to float away. kjg 755am to 727pm 21 dec 2013 All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press December 2013