FIELDS OF WHEAT by Klaus J. Gerken (1983) I Right or wrong the death knell sounds For those who think to quit their rounds Resign themselves to fate, and try A paean to forgiveness, while Their sins are common in their heads (I sometimes think they're overfed) But "sometimes" is not much to go on When cruel the wind their corpse must blow on And undertakers stand around Like vultures at the kill abound And hate like businessmen in heat The smell of money is their meat A common prostitute their game Silver, gold, their claim to fame It buys for them the rights to rule The right to rule the mob no less Than paradise on earth is blessed With the assumption "God's a fool" And they are not so finely dressed As money guides their holiness And those who worship are amazed As tricks a fool could do - but dazed They hail the crown and think it pure And are sucked in like carp to lure And laughter echoes through the halls Of any fortress that appeals A thinking breathing mass of flesh A spirit with a thought that's fresh And did not come from stale design Copied from a certain sign We thought was clever - but was not Better let him have a shot And drug him to submission's ease Thus pimp and prim can better please For after all it's life that's short And life's no better than a sport For instance take religion's half Forget no mob and kill the calf The blood must flow "God" to appease Or else he plies all with disease At least that's what the book reveals Contravene it - there are no appeals The clergy wants us to believe it While they themselves do not receive it They dine like fattened pigs upon The convent, rosary, and on And on and on - it frightens me The ages never have been free From avarice and hate and pain And man's religion was the stain Upon each perfect concept fraught By dreamers who were fools, for naught Who wished a better life for all And came so close before the fall Awareness is the masterstroke With which so few of us must cope We set our sights beyond the norm And place our hope behind a horn That sounds retreat - o what a feat They think themselves so very neat Like apples falling from a tree Ripe and red and rot - for free Merchants cry - "It's profit lost" Of course it is - but not the boss Who rakes the politicians main And feeds us lies and makes a gain - I'm not impressed - in fact it's hard To raise the edge of any card - "They hold the ace - we cannot stay They screw us further every day" If such the case, no sympathy Can ramble through obscurity As such, I would not hold a curse For any that can be much worse The human animal (some call divine) Is stuck in neutral most of the time I guess the harder we presume To get somewhere, we botch the tune And favour blending with the crowds That forms a much obscurer shroud A perfect plastic safety net For all must need a blanket yet To hide from true reality (They cannot see themselves - but me) And thus who would not enter there Are ostracized, just to be fair It is a running onward thing It never ends - it is a ring A circus ring, renews itself And "moral" books put on the shelf For all to see Mortality At work - it's distinct ministry Riding on a crest of love Though not "ordinary" love But so concocted by a glee Of those who would reser-ved be But not reserved enough to take The faggots from the torture stake Ready so to justify Murder, rape and perfidy And still they are not satisfied They must in some way time abide One mustn't think they have too many A proper dose is much too heady Time to think is always ripe To build upon another tide A raging rolling force of wind To bridge the gap from sight to blind Whate'er the case, the truth dispels "If 'tis not in heaven, must be hell" Supreme example is the form Of bartering we call the norm Engaged in gear we race the course And cannot ever ride the horse A fine example, self destructs Defend an ancient aqueduct Through history our hope has been To live in peace - or to be seen If one, it's not the other then The guns are poised and so are men Upon the border, on the shore (The world is rotten to the core) We talk of peace but arm ourselves In case the other land rebels That's nothing new - And someone said "I'd really rather stay in bed" And that's precisely how I feel Without ado I'll end my reel And go to sleep where I'll be free From all this insecurity. 9-12-83 and 12-12-83 II There's a river that rushes around the world And down a hill devoid of end The river is Time and it touches us all Like the still of the night and the fright of its fall Like children at play when they chastise the rules To adults who emulate fine Christian fools The rive runs freely from trickle to flood From birth unto death, our river is blood "It matters not any" - but matter it does Creating a torrent were gain equals loss - The rive of Life and the rive of Death Where no one that stalks the stark static breath Can ever be freed from the final duress Of living forever or dying for less. 20 Dec 1983 III The sunflower melts into the sky At autumn's sunset radiantly Across the fields of corn and time As oceans that must set us free Reflecting on the ancient hills Which eased into position till We intruders mankind came And severed truth in God's own name I cannot help but wonder though Through history - as pleasure's fraught With pain, and life and death Resumes to where it ought Without philosophy and thought Without the concrete islands caught Between the sacred bonds And where the false absconds How what has come to be survived In man's clear overdrive His suicidal bend... The sunflower makes amends. 21-12-83 IV The waste of the wild when the wind blows away Through crowded conditions the concordant day Where freedom delivers the frightful delay Of Time's dismal ending with no space to pray The sky's in a russet - its hues in a whirl The wind hollows cavers from the skull of a squirrel With darkness descending the doomsday has come Now we have the crowning of where we've come from No buildings but ashes - the living alone - Death is the living and life is the stone - For those who will guide me I have no recourse For finding a haven - no warmth and no source Of anything ever -as has been, as was The frightened will never remember the cause. 21-12-83 V The white smoke billows from the hearth Of fires kindled at the birth Of Christ - It's Christmas eve And far away the carols heave A sigh that calms the winter air So clear, so pure, so debonair And crisp and cold, at play, such rest With sacred silence it is blessed Upon this eve divinely placed For peace that is our comfort here Before this blazing yuletide log The tree, the candles and the food Upon the table fine prepared For all who would accept Christ's care. 21-12-83 VI HORACE ODES I - 9 Socrates stands bedecked in snow All white and wicked, barren, low The trees defiled and streams aglow With icy frost - come let's pile on The wood upon the hearth and sun Ourselves with four years' Sabine wine And leave all else to other gods To battle seas through length of time As ancient ashes or the roods Of cypress trees will quiver not Much longer; count the gain that's bought By fortune's sacred hand, but think To tease the secret not, for that It holds so tight within its grip The future mold - so thus it e'er With age might stain the bloom of youth - Nor shun those parts where you might meet With tender whispers, - when the night returns The tryst, and laughter must betray The girls, their nervousness while, loosed Their ring or bracelet hidden in Some part in play, invited none the less By her, pretends she'll not give in. 16-05-83 Copyright (c) 1983/2002 Klaus J. Gerken