WORD SYMPHONIES by Klaus J. Gerken (2006 - ) SYMPHONY I by Klaus J Gerken 2006 I You start with 1 note: b flat major caught in the middle of an argument between two cats in the halls of parliament and pianoforte displaces seven drums and the master violinist throws confusion to the wind and becomes Beethoven wild hair broken ears and what silence wrought such noise Mozart was a dilettante compared to this horse of a monster laughter fills the ailes priests bow down to elohim and displace her form so b said to mozart chickenshit when m denuded his talent and spat on B's desire "you are like a nerve to me raping harvest moons." M went on to greater things 200 hundred years later won an oscar and made pretty noise B created a great complexity maybe jazz and something M wd never have understood and who can argue where that went? Sometime we don't know knowing we don't know sometimes the hammer needs a wall sometimes we need to suffer and always the law is a petty argument to creativity I have nothing left but words and understanding they have nothing left but pretty lawns and their neighbour's attitude their children are their harbour their wives a true receptacle (do they ever understand each other?) they compromise and the blas‚ live in peace... There's a moment where the shattered shatter and refuse to take this anymore the world is not a piano the world is what you do with it but the concrete matters to the LAAAAAAAW the individual conforms and that is RAW... they don't like that (give three cellos and a crash-- the Beatles even had a cord for that) Help or maybe just a Hard Day's Night Will we ever get it right? The frozen surface of a bowl of water will not satisfy a thirsty cat And we kill each other in cruel places Compassion bleeds another curse And who are we to just assume Assuming is for those who blow the promise to the need of something else The Fly The Planet The Last Rites dormant on my shelf refuse to void the brilliance whatever form they take or fake assuming has to be the great escape take responsibility for nothing save face don't stick your head too far above the crowd toe the line get it right ask no questions just accept Dawn and microscopic particles explode into a new dimension how cruel we humans are tearing things apart Hollow article Miss you Down beat Crazy desperate instability blues no one knows we don't exist love me baby hold me baby do me this and do me that and what is ultimately left alzheimer's and a faded photograph somewhere trodden on the street off in a garbage heap and the never remembered you the never remembered them only history remembers history and individuals succumb like dying sperm into a broken womb dark ages expanding sun no present to communicate through past events ...darkly cheques i write cheques because they don't want me to i have a rotary phone because they don't want me to i pay no attention to the status quo i pay attention to myself i like marinated herring i like smoked eel (i mistyped "sliked ell" which i find more fitting) i listen to the stones slow blues confront me i watch whale music the day the earth stood still i drink red bourgogne gogne pronounce that this is a symphony for 'ell's sake sak‚ won't do get a burning vine christ in an autumn fog smoke of sacrifice burnt offering twin towers to another god held captive by human thought the gods are dead don't you know the present gods are politicians and terrorists ludwig on napoleon eroika fields of gentle breezes golden flowers covering rotting corpses and no one sees the earth in all its splendour small blue orb dribble by religion into a hoop score one for the stupid score one for the powerful score one for the mindless score one for you and me dismembered of rationality and hope trick or treat on halloween why wear masks when you have a message legitimate? why wear masks at all? II So Ludwig had a thing about his sister-in-lay (law) sick twisted as he was he still had curly hair ...on his head frozen ear and ivory fingers defiant to the end Ludwig was the peeping tom to our hearts minds digging in our souls a thousand shovels in each brain digging digging digging what we may not know and he ain't police desperate semi-human gadgets twisted tuned manipulated to whatever rules the sanction validates they hate you one day love you the next when the "law" changes they don't think i don't like people who don't think you can't talk to them they don't talk to you they have a mission to destroy I am just a human being bread upon this planet sinking dust trying to make certainty of what is not i am star i am star i am a broken member from afar a string does not connect we break we break "just like a little girl" in the comfort of humanity strutting like a giant ant across the raw domain of insecurity Hold on Hold on Hold on the wire is a slingshot and the forest rides upon the moss of live grenades London harbours rape my mind and 9/11 never happened in another time line we are here because we have to be there is no solution otherwise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah death destructon and more pain revel in salvation the lord is just the lord is just the lord is just when rich nations seem to need HIM most SHE is never there to argue and combat SHE is MARY MAGDALEN SARAH EVE and whomever else she washes feet she spits out children she OBEYS her HUSBAND she is silent she is PURE she is everything for GOD's sake she's a WHORE She's a woman She's a slave Make no mistake she's always been a slave a slave with power over men never realized WOMEN RULE THE WOLRD THROUGH SEX and the shelter they provide their offspring Men just form 'pretend' societies socialize in wolf garb and howl at the moon Women keep the world alive Women keep the world alive Women keep the world ALIVE Monks like me just write it down to let the cat out of the bag and the cat's out of the bag the cat's out of the bag the cats out chasing mice the cat's out chasing mice we say very nice nice nice nice woman in a vice lots of men advise what will happen when men cannot pretend women in the end women in the end spare the rod for men III What is God's purpose? Dante made a mess Popes are rarely blessed Does one ever live next to holiness? IV since 1-1 cannot = 0 and since zero can't exist so Where did we begin how did we begin since everything we do is in the past what is the present is there a present this is the enigma nothing out of nothing is still nothing but out of nothing something came whether next to us or some divine being it makes no sense we exist we are here yet we cannot be here or anywhere else but we exist plain and simple we exist the universe exists the beyond the universe exists the beyond that exists and so forth so forth so forth what is forever? what is never? what is what can never be but is? "I think, therefore I am" Maybe that's all there is Maybe thought is light Maybe thought is nothing I'm just human...I sure don't know... and if God, or Buddha, or Allah, or whatever ants call their gods...and if that God knows I bow to him or her or them because I don't think they would know either Maybe a quark does Maybe a quark just exists and doesn't care how or when or why dark dark matter things that can't be seen but a butterfly sees things differently and we are just amazed at the beauty of its wings Why must we be gods and never the beauty or the truth why must we be false aromas because we smell no flowers why must we be darkness because we hate the light why must we be anything but ourselves naked the way we are... hope is not a radiance hope is simple forwardness two cellos darkness death and love unison then counter measure slow like indecision but decision nonetheless hope beyond a loss loss beyond a hope where do we begin end where do we belong what are we are we that other planet we search for probably we are not ourselves we are someone else something else we may never even be in a stolen moment of eternity woodwinds nature hope future future mess conglomerate or personal public private communicable contained the human virus spreads its curse across a mouldy planet heathened by a trembling sun today we might exist tomorrow never knows 666 (c) 2006 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press