ZETA Poems by Klaus J. Gerken 2007 I alpha allah halloween broken tooth decay light cross bright cross voices in supreme voices that demean voices callous voices shallow voices zeta beta alpha voices that just scream II w wisdom zarathrustra talk to trees broken bark tooth decay walls of mud holy devil lenz faustus byron shelly unknown keats christmas dinner hollow edge where we come from wordsword's tryst how idyllic can one get III coleridge broken dreams misdemeanor opiate who would bother who would care drunken police sobre steady law unheard don't you see it Cheshire rabbit on your plate and alice mended sexual fate where we come from where we're headed titan giving lakes a-living where back there titan's here one two three and four again a million and a hundred yellow dress and fractured mess one more balcony to spy on one more universe the can't conceive give the lie a break break them all a lie why should I hear their despicably desperate cry for help they would kill me i just want to live IV winter hot global warming just a cycle don't go dumb V zeta filters swarming kung fu dreams pud devours sofas like galaxies devour each other great block holes time inverted one more universe through one more hole meow meow meow grant me one great moment and i will stop my howl the mouse just doesn't rate where the spare in a holster calibrates death where death rebates fouewww where's the bloueee... I don't know rattle garbage fuzzy logic where's the magic stupid logic dress the door down cobweb slaughter one man hollow skin to follow leave the harbour or drown in labour give a major what he wants bastard broken sticks at night he wants everything holy night jesus christ fuck the frozen MOMENT identity lost VI I only know the abstract i never touched noone i never felt noone no one ever been with me wall between us great grand rue what possibilities have been lost can't say what cost there is no cost lives don't matter war does that hate does that peace does that apathy is our solution to the death of us and we will die and we will kill to die VII i have a small life in me and the campbell tin is most familiar one that states i am the truth and the same i am a lie both are true "i am the lion and the rue" i am the lamb who pit bull bites and have to clean up afterwards i am GOD sever any limb and i will still lip sync life still a thought i am alive i live marley dies scrounge buys a turkey they shoot down a plane the get off matchstick towers carry light and i hope your soul does to... VIII but they wish me mad their reality is not my own i just write a poem and their LAW is etched in crumbling stone can we ever talk i just take a walk XIV bones where stones mark a grave what have we become the world's one giant grave on coliseum one grand death arena where social conscious citizens mark pleasure in their ark what we deem should survive survives what off course we couldn't care less about don't...(a wounded minority-- i don't speak good inglissshh --hissssss... so, can't know the rules... (tribal law) how retro can you get?)) XV Personally I am a great disguise I am not one of you I am not one of them I am not one of me I am one of the greater order elephants crush corn the greats lions eat i am just another's meat and my thoughts mean nothing if not now then hence... where will we end where we began no logic there live forever on a human level what a crock quantum physics do not prove we live forever they just stake a claim molecule atom electron quark the light is always in the dark XVI she was such pretty miscreant she argued why was i not made aware of what i should have been about pretty after all she was a road with bumpy moments i didn't have inspectors to reject the moment history caved in the cats are never lead astray the cats are one more twist away a pretty argument amazes me tolerably... half a penny for "god"'s sake rake the lawn or kiss the rake whatever purpose proves the grand mistake god has only one name like a cat we have many breeds what do i call you fighting each other sister brother drunken fool how do i respect you liar other freedom fighter judge and jury in a fury who condemns guess we do :-) XVII a pretty argument spade of shallows monster mash Gatorade denuded gas is such a pretty thing my hope collect my dope half the proceeds spur the night and sg sing on big they may not like the mayor but they do like julio and the doll in the middle half given to emotional phenomena drunk on gasoline like a city should XVIII if the truth fits save it on a disk cd tape paper ink the arm just save it and maybe one day it becomes a poem and fits the landscape and goes into your ear and stays somewhere in the gray matter before it sullenly escapes like a pleasant dream before the waking moments dumps you down XIX repair yes repair repair everything if you can find it broken and they way things stand everything's broken there are those who repair every day there are those who just let things fall apart i take out the garbage once a day and clean the litter box when my cat screams in my ear and jumps upon the window sill to watch i do it correctly then he greats me with a nod upon my forehead would the city garbage men do that with their inflated salaries and their superior attitudes sorry for the plastic bag aren't you glad I used the toilet for a shit and the mayor says he has no funds for fundamental things but has funds for what political donations fund fund s & g again on the DVD (see they booed ed...) and the loose joints committee rules so "let us be lovers and marry our fortunes together..." there's only so much more I can drink because i have to go to work tomorrow... and yes she was pretty and yes I made love to her and yes there is a destructive alley in my mind half beautiful and half desperate and maybe one day things will merge and god will gel together and be one final forceful entity other that that god's menace to the common good because if that's not the case the rabble would stop believing and lay down their arms believing ... believing what? XX sarah you love me like a miner underground why are you in bed with me virgin mary whore of hope there is plastic in your vagina and a god who kills himself as a mother you have failed did you run to save your son when he mounted the roman cross with beggars at his side you cowered with the others from afar and a rich man claimed his body there is no religion here there is a king they killed because he was a king legit...Pilot couldn't have him the jews least of all and no one today wants him.. except this woman in my bed...religion calls he as whore and she understand the better that will never come and the son she lost because he's forever there with her with her with her she can never gain again. XXI be bop hard bop hard and the soft elvin jones toots thielemans chick corea elvin bishop the blues project best band of the 6x's butterfield and dylan the stones we dilettantes the beatles just brit pop marketing condemned the best and set in motion what was worse Masters of Jazz Beethoven created them blues was their soul Mississippi river flowing through a raw night of revolt years later it would die muddy waters taught them why keith would laugh at that and yelled at Chuck "you wrote the thing" and maybe simon should think most "botw" ain't your best song by any means so why bother breaking up what once was good XXII dust in the dust bin flourishes XXIII "but it was our most successful song" so then you wd have a few more millions you couldn't spend because you've already made enough to eradicate a city or two of poverty or even a whole african country but you don't do that you squabble over inconsequential where i give my pittance to charity every year for the five cent tax break i get so i don't declare it it seems to me (poor slob) once you have enough why gather more unless you share it XXIV Even the worse poet is equal to the best XXV there is a comet out there some where we can't see just like there is an earth somewhere we don't believe in all because we are blind to possibilities religion should give us this not deny it... XXVI hollow hatred eyes can never see again there is one solution all religions tell me death "the beyond" judges what a crock open lie for murder we have become such animals that we have to deny hate killing death murder shroud it in solution he does this and she does that mountain of jerusalem allah take my gun walk with me if i haven't walked with you carry my command and i will carry yours you can never understand i can never understand until we piss together puke together evoke together a deep demand of bowel indiscretions all of us shit the same shit when we don't let us kill each other and flush the toilet thinking thoughts philosophocal lets just die and let the universe be at peace one more atom shattered in disrespect XXVII i sometimes knew you when you knew me then XXVIII sometimes the greatest poet you will never know sometimes the lesser poet you will know sometimes neither poets you will understand sometimes the lesser amazes you sometimes the greater takes your hand XXIX i came back to salvage you now i wonder what when wrong... XXX she has the beauty of an animal she has the beauty of a woman of an animal she has the beauty of a woman she has the beauty of an animal of a woman she has the beauty of salvation she has the beauty of the kill she has the beauty of a lie she has the beauty i could die for she has the beauty i me mine she has the beauty of the lie she has the beauty where we laugh death in the face she has the beauty of my death she has the beauty of my life she has the beauty of survival where she has come from no one knows where she goes who cares she is death incarnate and she is love XXXI hold me where the river flows between my appendages i am holy in respect upon the pebbles retrospect clawing a solution from the awful sand no one but a fool would claim as a monument to religious intolerance jesus died and where was GOD XXXII maybe mel gibson was the splinter in the wood when he twined his despicable graven reprehensible representation of a man dying ten thousand time over as if to say those greater endure more punishment maybe they do survive the escapade the loss of reasoning the degradation the loss of who you are maybe he just gathers money someday turns to dust and never true to its remuneration so many died because the lie was accepted by the law as truth how much more is there the law denies.... XXXIV simple eyes strike me as the most useful XXXV you cut the cord when you realize you are alive XXXVI Wired ~~~~~ when was the last time you had a private moment? XXXVII a squirrel ate rene's banana what better news for havana XXXVIII useful simple squeeze a pimple write a message on a wall you outgrow it they will know it do the staple do the time XIL the deadliest music is a flute alone a cello next a single note a loon an echo a shadow a remembrance the deadliest realization is suicide bombings child abductions murder rape our darkest moments in the shadows of our willing to accept these things as human but they are... XL H loved animals SH fed birds in prison S was just a bastard C sold death to gain victory K thought H was a grand piano Until the ivory keys decayed and K's dog decided enough was enough "I'm dead" he said "Don't ask me no more questions." K was devastated he refused the refugees entry "ship them somewhere else" and they went back home to the H hotel never to come back again This is what we are would a benevolent god even miss this place? XLI I know nothing so I react to everything. XLII there's a black dark country where apes get killed and people slaughtered and we write articles and the governments just nods 3rd rate country late lost slaves what purpose do their severed limbs serve they give us nothing at least no oil bananas have no place in that solution it's pretty underneath their stars and the wild life's something else but as a western I have got to admit poverty dirt streets and begging kids quite doesn't appeal to me in fact it ruins my holiday i just wish all these aids infected idiots would go away and the hotel's full of bugs can't they do something about that? and for gods sake every fuckin' whore stinks social worker quotes XLIII i have been below i have been above i have never seen the middle XLIV Absinthe for Matt Joy Green liquid cloudy as my mind a tincture of opium 150 drops a day "Le premier verre, le sixieme verre" Rimbaud Verlaine "Boisie" "avaler ton absinthe" pale sulphur "What do you mean?" "Come, come. He's dead." Starry night, he dreamt in his head. So Jarry with a gun stunned Picasso "I never drank the stuff again." "Notre Dame de l'Oubli." Where has the time gone? The blue woman stares at me. Have another glass. 22 Jan 2007 6:49pm XLV Hey Matt, My best weekend was five of these Absinthes (bottles -- A Tinge Rose is so much more powerful)...just remember the naked girl on the roof of a police officer's house who turned up with a shotgun...don't remember the rest... 1974...after Germany, Spain and a shotgun in my face in france..haystack... farmer thought I f'd his daughter...think I did, then maybe not...my big adventure in a field outside Condom not wearing any...but laughed his head off...i survived..But then "fusil oil" made by sailors in scrubbed boilers on trawlers stuck frozen in the winter...they distilled every potato peel they could find...I survived that night also...I think...maybe this is all a dream and I'm still back there..absinthe..green slaugther..potato schnapps.. treat my underwear,.. XLVI so we don't survive global warming or whatever do you really think the dinosaurs were any more important life forms than we? the after all survived 347 centuries we managed maybe 6 and whatever we have done will be forgotten at least their bones survive LXLVII If the holocaust really happened it will survive hostility If it didn't it will be exposed Why are people so afraid? Laws are made because we fear something in ourselves... Democracy should be an open society where we can question anything Or is it another type of dictatorship where we cannot question anything? The "greatest crime of the 20th century" cannot compare to what we ignore today. Or what history has piled upon the hill of atrocity, we read in history books. XLVIII Those who use words as weapons are the manure of education. XLIX i want to hope for the future i want to think it's ok i want to think that my children will have hope for a day but the hunk of perfection is a political decay and hope for the future is not my good day. LX where is the universal forest i haven't met... LXI down me in the truth you haven't mentioned LXII love fear hate retribution for what cannot be understood... blow the trumpet empty air one whore house mounts the stair... LXIII do not do me do me good where's the flavour in the wood I have never been a been a self sufficient dream where has no one ever been a self sufficient spleen dream dream dream i walk the comet's tail and rape what I have seen scream... dream,,, scrape what I have been am lull me in solution cradle me in stream of stream no one drives drunk when solution isn't murder gang me in a poison i don't believe i hate i do believe in questions i do believe in truth bank me on a murder i dare you poisoning my food... LXIV when you know me I will know you twice LXV i am nothing i will never be what you want me to be i am a poet i am free LXVI love me love me for me not like any other mud is mud and i am stuck there licking you... LXVII i will go to bed when I'm ready pussy tail when i want to. LXVIII maybe there is a moment we all can trust each other maybe there is a moment each other can trust we all maybe there is a moment trust we can each other all maybe there is a moment we all can each other trust maybe there is a moment when words won't matter and actions reflect respect maybe there is a moment we can all just trust everyone everywhere... LXIX LXVIII (Variation) maybe there is a moment we all can trust each other maybe there is a moment can we all trust each other maybe there is a moment all we can trust each other maybe there is a moment trust we can all each other maybe there is a moment each all we can trust other maybe there is a moment other maybe there is a moment when words won't matter and actions reflect respect maybe there is a moment we can all just trust everyone everywhere... L where the voice wails democracy fails 29 jan 07 7:25pm LI I'll have my chardonnay Whatever you might say. LII There is a moment when I'm God There is a moment when God's me There is a moment we might meet We haven't met yet - sweet. LIII To America (Canada take heed) Truth and speculation Arrest them both and you have no nation. LIV If God has a sense humour He'll love LII Of course there's some that won't - They just love money. LV Time to go to bed Time to rest my head The cats are snug in their comforts And I am snug in mine. LVI Martialis where are you When politics needs you? I am where I need to be: A critics' good delivery. LVII zeta is a space not a place LVIII this wine is perfect it tastes like smoke and ask just what the industry ordered the vintner wears a mask LVIX I don't date these poems because they have no date they will live forever in this state. LX enough for tonight my future is bright 29 Jan 07 747pm LXI there cannot be pain without life LXII My cat Bruno want to play what's the use denying him he'll meow me into submission anyway. 1 Feb 2007 LXII I don't like cosmetics I want to see the naked face LXIII the monsters were in my head again they dragged me through the coals i who never hurt noone want to see them hurt real bad they pissed upon me like a wall in some forsaken alley they spit upon their wall of hate as if i were a nothing they have the guns and i can't touch them that's what the law dictates to me they invade my home and steal my ring and degrade me to submission when the law goes bad and no one cares democracy stands no longer in my heart. 1 Feb 2007 LXIV for shelley she walks the streets alone searching for a home she does not want nor accepts if offered "i am just too old to change my stile" her beauty swallows whatever hope she has to make a better life Her beauty displaces want and she is her own self walking through the night asking for what change she gets denying love forever LXV What we can't see in the north we see in the south. We should live together. 3 feb 2007 LXVI for sm beautiful sonnet shaped like rain drops disappearing splattered mud what i do is not 3 feb 07 LXVII don't forget to brush your teeth LXVIII to someone who insulted me: when you were an animal i was a duck when you where human i was a cat now you stand before me bow LXIX holocaust when it is a crime to question anything, the purpose of the answer is the crime. LXX zeta meta betta... won't cha challenge life like outer space and who is out there pencil answers i dunno my religion tells me this tells me that (i am not too fat) i am just because i am here nothing is out there 611pm feb 8 7 LXXI winter does not consume us ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ frozen melt where's the love we felt? purple moon where's the room we loved in? horse's apple where's the sap? maybe maple is a staple broken tube winterlude explodes i don't ever interlope LXXII police me you aggressor i police myself LXXIII No Rose Wilts Before it's time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh my valentine what a hefty price you pay to be in love massive corporation claimed your dove years ago... LXXIV To Archilochos My shield has never been used You may have it. LXXV i am in love with this woman who knows i am in love with her but shies away i am not in love with a woman who knows it but wants to stay whom should i chose and melt away? LXXVI To Archilochos (again) I waste no shield in war to yield. LXXVII Fear I will never say no to something I can say yes to. 15 Feb 07 LXXVIII War There is no hope in brandishing weapons When it kills those who are meant to be protected. LXXIX Distrust I have always loved those who never loved me I have never loved those who did. LXXX Oppression Once you allow me a single thought I will write a poem Once you allow me no thought I will write millions. LXXXI For Seymour Mayne Spring When spring comes robins tear worms a- part to pro- pa-g ate some more. LXXXII when sobriety shows up with a shovel you know you have no head. LXXXIII Old Clips Listening to these old songs I know I was good even then Not just a memory now. LXXXIV Love cum lustre Torturous as we have become we still love each other in the norm of society no one ever falters us we falter them we struggle we survive monstrous we develop blisters spite the truth which hurts us even more there is a fog where lovers go who cannot blame themselves they blame each other for what they have done LXXXV Lost moments We grieve what we can't remember How sad We never grieve for the present Or the future What has gone before us or after LXXXVI a breath of fresh air my cat nudges the window screen flat LXXXVII i have no reason to believe you are a thief even after you stole my grief and swore to never again suffer me a leaf that falls to the ground and murders my belief in resurrection life ever after point of no return maybe even death great harbinger of life knowing everything we never can 21 feb 07 LXXXVIII One Night Stand Q: Why are the most beautiful so ugly? A: Because you look for flesh, not soul. LXXXIX Dissident Just remember this You are the target of their ignorance You don't duck They just kill themselves XC when I was a monk i remember only one thing how lonely it is to be truly human and how few deserve that privilege XCI A beginning and end all in one. What a concept! 0 rules I guess. Thought it really can't exist can it? There is always + or - spin on an electron, never 0 spin. 0 produces 0 From where we came can never be 0 But there IS a universe and we exist 0 does not = 1 or even -1 the closer we get to 0 the more distant to creation we get XCII Existence IS a paradox... Some would have religion Some would have science Either serves the purpose Neither serves the truth. XCIII I knew the moment she said she loved me I knew it wasn't true I knew she knew but wouldn't show it but only show she knew I knew I didn't want no more and she wanted less than that I knew the situation tolerable when she walked away with what A broken camera...pocket change...and a frantic hug...more money That's what I want...sorry I said...no money for sex... Love me like a person...but you steal from me You say you love me like a person, yet you steal fro me... Who's next? See you in my dreams On the street who cares? XCIV What is love a poet asked. Love is what is not a mask. XCV for Shelly When you went through all my coat pockets and stole my change I could forgive you When you stole my camera I was willing to ignore it After all I was in love with you But now I notice you stole my mother's wedding band The night I took pity on you when you were shivering on the street and asked nothing of you except to give you shelter and keep you warm think about it you had a chance at everything now you have a chance at nothing when I see you again i won't see you when you talk to me i won't hear you when you ask me why you know why when you deny it i deny you who lost the most i only lost you you lost me forever sincerely Klaus 15/3/07 XCVI know yourself know others not like you XCVII Law versus Justice there is a great moment when truth merges with justice not like law which convinces with lies and distortion as long as the law needs lawyers to interpret it the accused can never be represented properly laws as clear as mud produce money laws that are clear produce justice for those who should need no "representation" judge no one less you judge yourself it is said I smile when judges and lawyers debate the fate of one who has no voice but is the democratic law... made by you and me verified disregarded when it comes to fact. XCVIII for Shelly When you went through all my coat pockets and stole my change I could forgive you When you stole my camera I was willing to ignore it After all I was in love with you But now I notice you stole my mother's wedding band The night I took pity on you when you were shivering on the street and asked nothing of you except to give you shelter and keep you warm think about it you had a chance at everything now you have a chance at nothing when I see you again i won't see you when you talk to me i won't hear you when you ask me why you know why when you deny it i deny you who lost the most i only lost you you lost me forever sincerely Klaus 15/3/07 XCVIV Prayer to the devil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ before i go to sleep i say my obedience to the buddha next to my bed and also bless the beads and amulet and tobacco bag that's important to me it begs respect for a set of ideals i believe in whether the buddha jesus Mohammed Allah or even god exists it shows respect for humanity every living entity upon this fragile planet i have no respect for those who would deny the other and kill for their own gain yet i having no respect for killing cannot kill them and they will not listen to my arguments for peace therefore i can only conclude religion is wrong to believe in a god of vengeance and not to believe in peace must be evil for a god to allow this i say kill me now i have no respect for 00000you i have no respect for the cronies who distort a book of distorted truth and outright lies I don't like you GOD I never did and never will Satan at least rebelled You just let the slaughter go on and on... 1:53pm 15 Mar 07 XCV There is a pristine solution to everything dull. XCVI we lay beside each other touching communicating a deeper harmony all lovers fathom but alone and special... like a seal broken you vanished with the goods and made me realize how precious i have been to you in a desperate forest alone searching for a friend you kill... XCVII even a lesson forgotten is a lesson learned XCVIII to die is the most fascinating part of life conception I do not remember the moment of each is together full circle i become myself XCVIX whether we belong together or not we belong together far apart sharing difficulties no one else can understand you must own the moment to understand trees that stand alone in a forest shed pine cones to procreate there is a shadow in the valley where mushrooms congregate grow slowly...propagate sometimes it is enough to know each other far apart sometimes the bed just complicates C one night stand - her's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ love me once i won't love you again CI Green sleeves ~~~~~~~~~~~ when you find me you cannot have me partial you have to have me whole lust is a desire love is a commitment when you become my lover i enter you completely i leave no spot untouched your soul is my commitment to a love that has no bounds as we ... maybe it's all wrong we never knew each other we never knew the song. 20 mar 07 CII i am the poet of simple words: don't ever ask me more. CIII blind man in distress ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to know how we have sunk so low in the compost of this society, that no one, not even the police would stop to help a blind man in obvious distress? Let me explain. Around 615am after my morning walk I was crossing Somerset Street in front of a police cruiser when I noticed, about a block away, a blind man with a white cane trying to negotiate his way down Bank street in a heavy snowfall. He was wavering back and forth and then to my horror wandered into the middle of the street waving his cane frantically at passing headlights. No one came to his aid. In fact several taxi cabs and cars drove around him and pedestrians just ignored his obvious pleas for help. As soon as I arrived at the intersection I went over and asked him what the matter was, and he told me he was very lost, and had been trying to walk home since late last night after some classes he attended in the west end. Apparently the teacher refused to either drive him home or call a cab on his behalf. He had been walking ever since. I took his arm and guided him back to the sidewalk, telling him I would walk him to wherever he was going. His final destination was Gloucester Street, and we were at Bank and Cooper. I cannot believe he managed to get this far on his own. Once we got to the Royal Oak, he tapped the area and thanked me, telling me he could manage from there. I shook his hand and wished him good luck, saying I admired his courage walking in weather as bad as this, where even a sighted person would have trouble walking the snow covered sidewalks. I then went across the street and waited to make sure he got to his apartment building, which he did without any problem. What I can't understand is why no one even questioned why a blind man would be walking in a snow storm? As to the police officer in the cruiser, I must be fair and say he may not have seen the man. But the other pedestrians, and especially the cars that passed him make me ashamed to be part of this society. And if it is true he walked all the way from the west end (I have no way of disbelieving him), then shouldn't someone somewhere have cared enough to approach him to ask how they could help? I'm sorry, but I have just lost a large part of my respect for today's society. When I grew up in Germany we were taught to help people in distress, not to ignore them. I cannot for the life of me imagine how that changed. CIV when we doubt ourselves we doubt everything CV when questioning anything is made a criminal offence what are we afraid of? CVI isolation ~~~~~~~~~ government is like consultants on a project telling what is best for us but never asking us what we prefer... input is everything except when they know better... CVII what we will become...hopefully ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Listening to the Pogues I am reminded of ... nothing except pure bliss of a musical interlude that promises there is more to life than just a shallow moment where we rush from place to place and send emails without comprehension to no one in particular one day it will have to come that we will be better than we are today or think of ourselves as such one day we will be ourselves without pretence - better through those who live when we are gone and hopefully learn from our mistakes. 7321 CVIII Ego ~~~ one day we will be such giants no one will believe us... CIX Summer In Siam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ were a moment this perfect were a singer this drunk were a fool this ecstatic were music this dramatic I would no longer be a fool pretending to be drunk or so very much ecstatic trying to be dramatic I would just be a fool drinking russian beer and whipping my bum with good old Irish cheer health to all the leprechauns no one ever sees - sees... 070321 CX those who plow the fields plow earth those who live in cities plow dirt 070401 CXI death is like knowing yourself before you are born remember it well 070401 CXII when you stand before me I judge no one after all when the ultimate purpose of life is death can there be a greater justice? but the ultimate purpose of life is reproduction what says justice then? 070401 CXIII mortality remember who you are no one else will 070405 CXIV life death the universe and everything is nothing like the truth there is talk the priests will come but the priests won't come there is talk that the poets will come but the poets have always been here they just never have been heard there is talk the police will come but they have always come there is talk that the world will end but the world never existed in the first place time is like the shadow of conception no one knows before they were born no one knows after death only the illusion of life alludes to something we may wish but never are 070405 755pm CXV the law has to explain itself if the law does not explain itself then the law is treachery 070406 807am CXVI Looking Backward Looking backward you come to the conclusion that time flows in the opposite direction Looking forward you wonder why April 13, 2007 7:29 AM CXVIII Paradoxes If there are two paradoxes and once contradicts the other then you have the truth. April 13, 2007 7:31 AM CXIX To Plank It is not God who plays dice It is the die who play god. April 13, 2007 7:34 AM CXX Bridges Before building a bridge you must always consider that once built traffic flows both ways April 13, 2007 7:38 AM CXXI Who You Are never be what they want you to be or what they tell you to be believe no one who labels you you are who you are they are who they are the world is diverse conform to society in only the most rudimentary manner and strive out on your own to discover everything new and for yourself and if they try to strangle your desire look them straight in the eye and with a firm and clear commitment say, "I don't believe you." and if they have nothing left but violence to try and stop you, then you know that you are absolutely right and they are living on the other side of nowhere. April 13, 2007 7:53 AM Fini Copyright (c) 2007 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press 2007