ZEN CONTROL by Klaus J. Gerken (2013) Master says: When honest people lock their doors more than thieves do, then the thieves have won. * For the Love of Statistics! Country: Vatican City Number of Police: 130 Police per 100,000 people: 15,625 * The devil ate my heart... The devil ate my heart. He found it not to his liking and spit it out. "Let god have it!" he shouted. I replied, "Oh fine... another cannibal..." kjg 336pm 1 june 2013 * Master: Bring me a bucket of water! Pupil brings one and master empties it over pupil's head. Pupil screams: What did you do that for? Master: Bathed in the Ganges again I noticed... kjg 131am 2 jun 2013 * Conundrum When tomorrow comes today will be yesterday; but tomorrow can never come since it will always be today! kjg 141am 2 jun 2013 * Conception Since man was made in God's image, and God gave woman to Adam as a companion, what would God know of a woman if he was the only man before Adam? Oh yes, I forget, God had a mother called Maria, who conceived him. kjg 1147am 3 jun 2013 * Ultimately, if you believe in God, you must agree that God conceived himself. * I'm in heaven when I'm drunk; hell when I'm sobre and the best reality when I dream! * If a race of ants landed in a spaceship from another solar system and proclaimed God in their image, would you step on them? * Master said: Beware of smiling Buddhas. Most of them are either statues or have been dead a thousand years. kjg 115pm 5 jun 2013 * dark rain blues a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon i say a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon you better hide in shelters neath a clear blue moon... a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon i say a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon it's howlin' like the devil and wiltin what's in bloom a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon i say a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon you better leave for god's green pasture and take a crooked spoon a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon i say a dark rain is a-comin and it ain't gonna stop soon you better run into the hills babe i won't see you back here soon kjg 357am 6/7 june 2013 * zen control zen control to major wrong you don't know what's going on with your lotus throne and gong there's a world out there beyond what you see in your own song zen control to all the staff stop your bowing to a shaft deeper than your deepest laugh smiling faces do not weep death is not what we repeat zen control to those who smile fools are crucified each mile what we see is what we get speculation wets your bed don't want that while giving head zen control to everyone i won't say that you are wrong but these voices from the gods really do give hearing loss like cavities sell dental floss kjg 429am 7 june 2013 * Shield One doesn't fight for freedom, One fights for control. kjg 439am 7 jun 2013 * running into an old lover hey angie what you doin here i passed you yesterday on the stairs you didn't even notice me i guess the years have been too long for shadows of the past to reach the future it might breach a violation of some sort anyway how have you been i think of you once in a while our brief affair still brings a smile i hear fred is your husband now a family and kids oh wow glad i introduced you two it wouldn't have worked out anyhow... kjg 454am 7 june 2013 * If the chef doesn't spit on the food it ain't worth eating. -- Old French saying kjg 503am 7 june 2013 * Master says: You smile too much! Pupil answers: I never smile! I am always attentive! Master says: See what I mean! kjg 505am 7 june 2013 * zen control to major tom put your boots and armour on i will show you how to fight doing nothing is a right kjg 512am 7 jun 2013 * Humility (To more than one religious leader) Just because a million people w(h)oreship you doesn't mean you are a god. kjg 526am (while cleaning the cat litter) 7 june 2013 * fall i'm sometimes warm and i'm sometimes cold there's a certain charm in a tale untold there's a voice that lingers i can't hear there's a splinter in the salt of a tear when the morning comes i feel so old i cannot reason with the bold there's a voice that lingers i can't hear there's a splinter in the salt of a tear you see me waving on the line i can't be running i have no time there's a voice that lingers i can't hear there's a splinter in the salt of a tear i check the skyline i can't recall when did the new buildings make the old ones fall there's a voice that lingers i can't hear there's a splinter in the salt of a tear will anything i've done be remembered, well we cannot linger at the edge of hell there's a voice that lingers i can't hear there's a splinter in the salt of a tear kjg 939am 8 june 2013 * if the solution is to kill that makes me kinda ill i'd rather die than live that kind of lie kjg 1015am 8 jun 2013 * testament i ain't know nuthin don't ask me sumthin god knows all if i die tomorrow i'll go to heaven hell ain't got no balls kjg 1206pm 8 june 2013 * Premonition It may have been a winter of discontent, But it looks like a summer where the rod is bent. kjg 103pm 8 jun 2013 * strangled there is nowhere to go nowhere to hide they'll find wherever you run from the hive whether in a dark alley or a jungle of leaves they'll hunt you down like common thieves it's a much different world from where i grew up people had values and weren't so corrupt so run all you can to the ends of the world there's a snake out there somewhere that'll strangle you curled kjg 1256am 9 jun 2013 * Pupil: What is the sound of one hand clapping? Master swats the air. Pupil: What is the sound of two hands clapping? Master swats the air with both hands. kjg 108am 8 jun 2013 * "She parallel parked three feet from the curb, and while on her way to the parking meter, a car plowed into her rear end." -- sentence I scribbled in my note book many years ago from some newspaper article. kjg 138am 9 jun 2013 * The more paranoid we get, the more we reveal our vulnerability as a species. It will come. Might be a few million years...but it will come. kjg morning 9 jun 2013 * Ever notice that yogis get thin and Buddhas get fat contemplating? kjg 930am 9 jun 2013 * Pupil confronted master: Why are you so stupid? Master replied: Why are you so smart? kjg 1025am 9 jun 2013 * Jackhammer Blues Drillin in the morning drillin in the noon if they don't skin a rabbit they'll skin you soon if your body ain't shaking you're already dead believe me there ain't no helmet that will save your head the cats are all hiding wherever they can don't blame them a bit i'm a rat on the run no use to complain though they can't hear you scream when it's over i'll be happy till then i'll be mean kjg 231pm 12 june 2013 * So easy to quote others; so difficult to quote yourself. kjg 1am 13 jun 2013 * Achievement In the stillness of the night I go and fly a kite It breaks away into the sky And becomes another blinking light. kjg 112am 13 jun 2013 * Pupil screams: What is that!!!??? Master is oblivious. Pupil screams: There are jackhammers on the roof!!! Master doesn't hear. Pupil yells: The roof is coming down!!! Master remains seated. Pupil runs out of the building and alerts others about the master inside. Oh him, they say, he's been dead for years. kjg 125am 13 jun 2013 * Swinbourne I have a food full of fridge; But I don't eat a lot: When I chew on a table leg, I think of Tennyson, by Gott! kjg 155am 13 jun 2013 * Hey dude Hey dude, what's with the noise? Is there no place you can be quiet? Remember noise is what you will become When you start to make a riot. Hey dude, for heaven's sake There's a whole world that treats you better Than a jackhammer under your skin I'd rather you just write me a letter. And anytime you feel the pain, hey dude, regain, The sanity you fail to sanction. For what it's worth, I'm running out Of Tylenol, just to mention. Hey dude, don't give me thorns. I need no bloody perfected crown. Don't think that half an hour of quiet Will appease me when I want to drown. So let the hammers pound way, hey dude, Your hearing must be very sour. And I'm not saying it's your fault Hey dude, they pay you by the hour. Hey dude, I wish you well It's a bad day, but it'll get better Tomorrow they commit me to a cell Where its quiet and I can read your letter. Letter letter letter letter letter letter, oh. Blah blah blah blah blah, drill drill drill, hey dude... kjg 321am 13 jun 20 * Master says: Steal me an orange. Pupil runs out and steals an orange. Gets caught and master bails him out. Master reprimands him: Idiot! All you had to do was say No! kjg 844pm 14 june 2013 * Master and pupil spend a year building a mandala out of coloured sand. When finished master destroys it. Master: What is unknown remains a mystery. What is known can be corrupted. kjg 557am 17 june 2013 * Master says: I'm tired. Pupil brings him a pillow. Master sits on pillow. Master says: Soft bottom makes soft mind. Then falls asleep. kjg 612am 17 jun 2013 * Master says: If there is illusion, we cannot see; and if there is reality, we are blind. Either way, the horse that jumps the fence cannot return. kjg 441am 18 june 2013 * Illusion When I was young people used to tell me, "You see things where there are no things." I always answered, "And you see nothing where there are!" kjg 512am 18 jun 2013 * I can only rely on my portion of the world, so I rely on the news to tell me the rest of the lie! kjg 1120am 19 june 2013 * Reagan: "Mr Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!" US Congress: "Let's build a wall around Mexico." Israel: "Let's build a higher wall around Gaza." Frost: "Something there is that doesn't love a wall." kjg 11am june 2013 * Dream I dreamed that everyone lived in peace with the sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. kjg 1118am 20 June 2013 * Master asks: What is the question? Pupil asks: What is the answer? Both remain silent. kjg 658pm 20 june 2013 * Summer My shadow dances naked In the light of Arcturus! kjg 419am 21 June 2013 * Song written in a train station with Bob Dylan in a dream this morning. Shadow There's a shadow in the morning There's a shadow in the night There's a shadow in the awning There's a shadow where it's bright There's a shadow in the forest There's a shadow in the cave There's a shadow in the birth canal There's a shadow in the grave There's a shadow where we want it There's a shadow where we don't There's a shadow in the attic There's a shadow where it won't Gather a commitment It will never dare confront There's a shadow in the music There's a shadow on a beam There's a shadow on a speck of dust There's a shadow in a dream kjg 21 June 2013 * drugs drugs to keep you going drugs to feed your head drugs to make you skinny drugs to kill you dead drugs to make you sleep at night drugs to get it up drugs to kill a little pain and drugs to kill a lot drugs don't really make you well drugs just make you sick the illusion is the trigger the bullet is the whip kjg 409am 22 june 2013 * Fame It's all gonna be thrown in the garbage when we die We can't do nothing about it -- it ain't no lie Fame is a silly commodity, I'll tell you why It's all gonna be thrown in the garbage when we die. kjg 1250pm 22 June 2013 * vision when the levee breaks there's a flood when the flood breaks there's mud when the mud dries there is dust when the dust clears there's what? end or new beginning? depends on what you see where there's hope there's no disaster where there's vision dreams agree! kjg 356am 23 jun 2013 * If government were really transparent, wouldn't they all be in jail for indecent exposure? kjg 207pm 24 June 2013 * Quotes from an experienced world traveller: "Rome is nothing but a bunch of old ruins. I wish they would clean it up!" "The Venice in Las Vegas is so much cleaner than the reproduction in Italy." "The Vatican is nothing more than a church with dirty pictures on the ceiling." "Is Heathrow airport anywhere near London, England? I hear London is a very small town and I don't want to get lost." "Is Africa anywhere near South Africa?" "I was in Egypt last year and they have pyramids just like the one at the Louvre in Paris...only theirs are made of stone, and not very well built." "New York was pretty neat, they have buildings just like we do, only taller." kjg 28 June 2013 * Master stays silent until he has something important to say. Pupil listens intently for days on end. Master hiccups... Pupil exclaims: "Ah!" kjg 1212am 29 June 2013 * You can't teach youth experience. kjg 611am 30 Jun 2013 * Vulnerability Mountains are nothing more than sand castles slowed by the advent of time. And we are the ants thinking everything's fine. kjg 631am 30 june 2013 * Legacy A foolish old king hides in a cave his kingdom divided his daughters a-raged The sky gripes in thunder the darkness surreal the king knights his jester for service concealed "I give you a needle you give me a thread the cloak that is woven won't bring the dead Leave me wise fool you have served me enough if I could have my way you would be King of the laugh But the fates are against me and the darkness is real eternity cannot make the devil a deal tell my daughters to summon what courage they have only one will be witness to the slaughter at hand Sleep will come easy I will rest now, farewell I am blind my dear friend how the wind howls in hell!" kjg 742 PM 30 June 2013 * All poems copyright (c) 2013 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press 2013