broken bones kjg 2015 jesus christ we didnt want you youre the god we didnt choose but now that we have got you youre the god we cannot lose * Art is there to reveal, not impress. kjg 942pm 14 sep 2015 * haiku i will write five words then you decide what they mean the winter is long kjg 947pm 14 sep 2014 * homesick blues stationmaster said train will arrive soon i said i hope so too since ive been waiting all afternoon my baby is in Chicago she aint gonna wait too long i gotta get me home to her and pretend i wasnt gone a guy can only get away with so much and i wont pretend i'm perfect i know that rich guy from Atlanta is slowly getting near... so stationmaster tell me when's the whistle gonna blow i need to hear than engine roll into the show... get me to my baby i need to get there soon i'd rather she was poor with me than have a rich man at her door a guy can only get away with so much and i wont pretend i'm perfect i know that rich guy from Atlanta is slowly getting near... kjg 144am 21 sep 2015 * Our comfort...our delusion...our loss. Went out on the balcony a few moments ago I saw Orion and the Pleiades and Andromeda And I could even show you the spot where the Great Andromeda Galaxy is located...unfortunately Those were the only stars the city lights Would allow me to see,,,such a waste,and for what? Our comfort...our delusion...our loss. kjg 230am 21 Sep 2015 * give me a kiss i'll take the risk there's got to be something to sanctify bliss one moment alone with you to atone for past pleasures is envy's hormone! kjg 135pm 21 sep 2015 * Fate I once stood upon a mountain And surveyed mankind's destruction The devil tapped me on the shoulder "See what god has wrought?" "He created you," I answered... "That he did indeed... That he did indeed..." I had no further thoughts. kjg 855am 21 sep 2015 * From the Top I don't pretend anymore, I just know; The higher the "purpose", The lower the blow. kjg 356pm 21 sep 2015 * god is gluten i'll alla this and i'll alla that and tomorrow god will speak to me and alla that... i'm glad we're on the same page because if we were the same age i'd kick his but! kjg 845am 22 sep 2015 * presentiment the past is the past and the future isn't here yet unfortunately the present is a smorgasbord of what we have to fear yet... kjg 840am 22 sep 2015 * i was a perfect mess until you found me now i'm just a mess... kjg 914am 22 sep 2015 the truth is always out there hidden for professors who write commentaries to try and replicate... kjg 913am 22 sep 2015 o poltergeist o polergiest youre funny to the bone salvation i wasnt fasting enough and that wasnt good so some religious idiot came alone and said life is good if you sarve yourself to death he said in the gracious name of god you will forever be a saint and save others while they rot kjg 139pm 23 sep 2015 morning fragment you know what i mean it wasnt a dream i just wanted to scream kjg 23 sep 2015 ---- there once was an old man who cared for the cats but passed away... one day a new cat appeared at the sanctuary.. all the other cats looked up...they knew right away...Rene had returned... kjg 23 sep 2015 * i lived with many beautiful women i guess i shd be happy for what they did and didn't... kjg 26 sep 2015 * all my girlfriends are gay makes for a really weird lay 8 the pope kisses a kid, aren't half his priests in jail for doing this?\ \ 8]]\\] pope with dancer..get that photograpgs... pope shakes hand wit criminals and murders...but hasn't sheke hand with women.. pope has a rock album coming up... lets all buy the sit...remember the mharishi? the popes inspirinf msg r america drunkard's song i need a bottle get me sobre and a bottle to get me drunk the window to the sidewalk is my empty traveling trunk but i have no place i'm going and I don't remember where i've been so bring another bottle and send another dream... kjg 30 sep 2015 8 Stop Pretending There is no truth, never was, and never will be: I haven't got a clue what reality is, and neither do you. kjg 1125pm 30 sep 2015 8 Past lives is just old people remembering what young people can't. kjg * fukijama clean dont try to crawl through my window its covered with anti-radiation lead i wouldnt want my food to get contaminated because i might somehow in the future end up dead i have plastic seat covers in my car and in my home dont want to get a virus dont want to get that stoned there's fourty miles of garbage between the sea and me lord let some others have it and drink that cup of tea i have my own organic garden the dirts so very pristine my carots cant be purer than fukijama clean so dont try to crawl through my window its covered with anti-radiation lead i wouldnt want my food to get contaminated because i might somehow in the future end up dead kjg 310am 1 oct 2015 8 id like to write a love song that's not a modern thrill nothing like that clarkson or what's her name Interesting...dogs seem to regulate your life while cats just reboot your computer. Just because I don't revere your god doesn't mean mine is any better. Excuse me if I'm blunt...I'm old...I'm allowed to say things... The older I get, the less I know...and the less I a child...ask why why drives "adults" crazy. I like my's coming to an end. Lately I've been wondering if women only buy toilet paper, and guys only buy take-out food? I'm sure that says something about the species. The truth shall never be revealed because there is no truth, just delusion. But then, with everything said...people buy water when it's free. I often wonder what Jesus would do with the Vatican know, the biggest money lenders in the world? How people can still revere politicians (dictators) like the Dalai Lama and the pope is beyond me. Someone asked, "Do you ever take what you say seriously?"; I answered, "If I did, I'd go insane." 8 What is the beginning if not the end? kjg 307am 1 oct 2015 * voting voting is a serious matter it makes people think they have a say in what they outta... but don't. kjg 943am 12 oct 2015 * By denying someone the right not to vote, you are indeed endorsing a dictatorship. * i need a bottle to get me sobre and a bottle to get me drunk the window to the sidewalk is my empty traveling trunk i dont know where im going and i dont know where ive been so waiter bring the bottle and send another dream kjg 1112am 12 oct 2015 * Klaus J. Gerken (Election Profile) --Father: Barber --Mother: Homemaker --Grew up weird --Previous jobs: Poet, Artist, Barber, Officer in charge of Management Information Systems and Security for CF Pay System --Car: Never owned one --Home: Rents --Studied: everything --Sign on door: Go away, I'm retired from the human race. kjg 322am 14 oct 2015 politicians love playing with the meaning of words...the only way they can achieve things without actually doing anything... * dont hammer me down dont hammer me down dont hammer me down its not worth a crown dont hammer me down dont hammer me down dont hammer me down im not just a clown dont hammer me down i dont know if you follow i dont know if you lead but whatever its shallow theres no time to repeat dont hammer me down dont hammer me down its not worth a crown dont hammer me down dont hammer me down dont hammer me down im not just a clown dont hammer me down theres a time for departing theres a time to arrive but whatever its hollow all we have is 'alive' dont hammer me down dont hammer me down its not worth a crown dont hammer me down dont hammer me down dont hammer me down im not just a clown dont hammer me down kjg 206pm 15 oct 2015 * stuck in traffic youre stuck in traffic with the fog rolling in you cant see the headlights only what is within its a strange kind of feeling being alone so isolated with no way home theres a shallow connection between what we have and what we have not we gather commitments like a hand in a glove its a strange kind of feeling being alone so isolated with no way home the blood runs down highways the body has built yet no one connect it to a comfortable hilt we reason before you we reason alone sometimes the darkness is all we have known still stuck in traffic ghasping for air when the fog finally dissipates what did we fear its a strange kind of feeling being alone so isolated with no way home kjg 458am 17 oct 2015 * a twit's take on fame someone told me the other day: if you're not on twitter you're nobody i have 20 thousand followers. i said: whoop de do if i have 20 thousand jelly babies does that make me dr who? kjg 1034am 17 oct 2015 * take a bow when the curtain falls dont be under it those things are heavy kjg 1040am 17 oct 2015 * premonition we're on the brink of disaster its not a substance i feel but a shadow dreaming that can never be real kjg 534pm 24 oct 2015 * white smoke the newly elected pope stood in front of the closed window of the apostolic palace his aid pleaded "please don't do this" but he was adamant, "open the window" he commanded! And they bowed, "Yes your excellency." the window opened to a cheering crowd in st peter's square that immediately fell silent. what they say was beyond description. gone was the white robe, the scull cap and even the cross. instead they were confronted with a man in jeans and a t-shirt with the slogan "peace" printed on it. the pause was deafening. he laughed, surveyed the hundred of thousands in the crowd and spoke: "not what you i don't suppose so...i suppose you want an explanation..." the crowd was restless...some booed...but no one left... "the trappings of previous popes was vainglorious and have no place in the humility Jesus taught...Jesus as i was taught wore the same clothes as regular folks like you...Jesus was not a hypocrite." the crowd did not know what to do...some shouted obscenities..others clapped...more cried..some even fainted...everyone was confused... "the church is now yours...not mine and will no longer be in the hands of the cardinals...the next pope will be elected by you, the people..." the agitators in the crowd grew violent and fights broke one was safe...the Swiss guard was not trained to handle such a mob...they called in the Rome police...who came in riot gear and tore into the crowd as lions in the circus.."please...calm down everyone...i am your pope and demand that you to keep the the name of Jesus...please..." his aid closed the window..."see what you have done?" and handed him the papal vestments. "i don't want them", he said. "this is not a church, it's a circus. things will change." he was dead before the new moon rose. kjg 138am 25 oct 2015 * Twenty-six things about me... A- Age: 66 B- Biggest fear: not being able to care for my cats C- Current time: 1229am 27 oct 2015 D- Drink you last had: wine E- Every day starts with: tylenol F- Favorite song: the walls of standish hall G- Ghosts, are they real: only in your mind H- Hometown: cuxhaven, germany I- In love with: my cats J- Jealous of: no one K- Killed someone?: no L- Last time you cried?: dont remember M- Middle name: jens N- Number of siblings: none O- One wish: dont make wishes P- Person you last called: friend Q- Question you're always asked: how are you R- Reason to smile: im alive S- Song last sang: do not go gentle into that good night T- Time you woke up: 4pm U- Underwear color: skin V- Vacation destination: apartment W- Worst habit: getting irritated at questionqaires like this Y- Your favorite food: gourmet lasagna X- X-Rays you've had: enough to glow in the dark Z- Zodiac sign: taurus * no one has broken bones who has an elastic soul to collect pennies for the argument kjg 27 oct 2015 * Lest we get too snug about it: They were all anti-Semitic in the 30's and let the Nazi's take care of it before getting involved so they cd look good... * I'm in a nasty mood today... I have truth on my tongue. * im free im free free as a bird and i can fly im free free as the wind when i get high im falling free falling no teathers no lies im free free as a bird and i can fly im free free as the wind when i get high dont stop me dont save me ill glide just like a kite im free free as a bird and i can fly im free free as the wind when i get high kjg 1014pm 29 oct 2015 * Funny how few people know that Canada is south of the USA. * Daylight savings time is like the government: in the spring they giveth, and in the fall they taketh away. * publicity hounds always win over integrity; but what does integrity matter to those who seek fame or fortune? kjg 902am 1 nov 2015 * so, who diagnoses the doctor who diagnoses the patient? kjg 910am 1 nov 2015 * ghosts i was walkind down an ancient pathway of roman cobble stone that lead through a cathar village but no one was at home the houses burnt and abandoned a thousand years ago the chateau was in ruins viewed from the town below but the ghosts were always present no one doubts their relevance a fool might well consider to leave this place and dance upon the bones of martyrs who ever had a chance kjg 532am 2 nov 2015 * Both science and religion are beliefs in something we can never prove. kjg 541am 2 nov 2015 * Only reality can create reality, and I refuse speculate any further. kjg 1225am 3 nov 2015 * The funny thing about poetry these days is everyone peddles a book, announces they've won a prize or have become poet laureate of this and that place...but no one peddles the poetry anymore. It's all marketing. * Petra Anita Hatscher: remember that well as the ' fuddle duddle' Klaus J. Gerken: And when Justin tried it he fuddled the duddle! * Master asks: Have you lost anything lately? Pupil asks: Like what? Master relies: Luggage. Pupil replies quizzically: I don't think so... Master says: Haven't learned much, have you? kjg 641pm 8 nov 2015 * back room politics make the deal front row media report the ideal kjg 238pm 10 nov 2015 * i served my heart upon a plate they laughed and said it wasn't steak i said it will be if you just crucify it on a stake. kjg 1223pm 13 nov 2015 * Paris Slaughter Beyond words; sadly, not beyond belief. kjg 13 nov 2015 * I cry alone. kjg 14 nov 2015 * Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus J. Gerken Published by Ygdrasil Press 2015