Leaf graphic Finance Canada
Annual Financial Report 1998-99
User Survey
Français Annual Financial Report Publications Home Page

We want to make sure that the Annual Financial Report provide you with the information you need in the most accessible format. Completing this survey and returning it to us will help us meet that goal.

Please select the responses which most closely match your experience. Click on the "Submit Survey" button at the end of the survey to send your comments to the Department of Finance.

How would you classify yourself or the organization you belong to?

Government Media Financial organization Business Library Individual Other

Who are the main users of the Annual Financial Report in your organization?

Myself Our staff Our clients Other Don't know

How often do you or other members of your organization use the Annual Financial Report?

Rarely Occasionally Often

What are the main reasons for using the Annual Financial Report?

Education or research Policy and planning General information Other

If  "Other", please specify: 

How satisfied are you with the current content of the Annual Financial Report?

Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't know

How satisfied are you with the organization of the information in the Annual Financial Report?

Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't know

Is the information in the Annual Financial Report presented in:

Enough detail Not enough detail Too much detail

What recommendations would you make to improve the Annual Financial Report?

Français Annual Financial Report Publications Home Page