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Finance Canada
Publications - 2000

List of documents published in this calendar year, excluding News Releases and Speeches.

  Documents 1 to 24 of 24

2000-2001 Estimates: Part III - Report on Plans and Priorities.
Summary of departmental key plans, priorities and strategies (March 30, 2000).

Annual Financial Report of the Government of Canada, Fiscal Year 1999-2000.
Reviews the government's spending and revenue performance over the past fiscal year (April 1, 1998 - March 31, 1999) and discusses the factors affecting these results (September 20, 2000).

Annual Report to Parliament on the Operations of the Exchange Fund Account, 1999 .
Reviews the operations of the Exchange Fund Account (EFA) and the changes in Canada’s international reserve holdings against the background of developments in the foreign exchange market. Includes Report of the Auditor General on the Examination of the Accounts and Financial Statements of the EFA

Canada's Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires.
Part of a series of short monographs by the Department of Finance describing the Canadian financial system (February 2000)

Canadian Federal Budget 2000 - Publications.
2000 Budget publications in hypertext and Adobe Acrobat formats.

Canadian Securities Industry (Canadian Financial System).
Part of a series of short monographs by the Department of Finance describing the Canadian financial system (June 2000).

Consultation Paper for the World Trade Organization Negotiations on Financial Services.
Provides background information and solicits views of constituents on matters pertaining to financial services in the context of the negotiations on the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) that are starting at the World Trade Organization (June 7, 2000)

Debt Management Strategy 2000-2001.
Provides information on the federal government's debt management strategy for the coming fiscal year (March 23, 2000).

Economic Statement and Budget Update - Main Page.
The federal government has been following a plan to restore the nation's finances, invest in key social areas, build a modern, innovative economy, and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.

Economy in Brief 2000.
Quarterly description of Canada's economic performance.

Federal Administration of Provincial Taxes - January 2000.
Articulates significant changes steering us in new directions and establishing a new era for co-operative administration of federal and provincial/territorial taxes, January 2000

Federal Transfers to Provinces and Territories.
Information about federal government progtams to provide transfers to provinces and territories through three major transfer programs (October 2000).

Fiscal Balance in Canada - August 2000.
Key financial figures and comparative data on the fiscal situation of the federal, provincial and territorial governments (revised August 2000).

Fiscal Monitor 2000.
Financial results for October 2000 will be released on Thursday, December 14, 2000 at 3 p.m. EST - Monthly highlights and details of the Government's fiscal performance.

Fiscal Reference Tables - September 2000.
Provides historical information on federal public finances and on broad fiscal indicators at the provincial level as well as international fiscal comparisons (September 20, 2000)

Government of Canada Securities 2000.
Quarterly update describing the federal government's debt program and recent developments in fixed-income markets and the economy.

Government of Canada Tax Expenditures and Evaluations 2000.
Provides estimates and projections for broadly defined tax expenditures; include descriptive papers on tax expenditures (September 1, 2000)

Government of CanadaTax Expenditures 2000: Notes to the Estimates/Projections.
Sets out the approach used in developing the estimates and projections contained in the Tax Expenditures report; provides a description and reports the objective of each tax expenditure (September 1, 2000)

July Federal Tax Reductions.
Starting in July 2000, these measures will begin to be reflected in the paycheques and benefits that Canadians receive.

Report on Operations Under the Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act 1999.
Annual general summary detailling operations that directly affect Canada: resources and lending of the World Bank Group; funds subscribed or contributed by Canada; borrowings in Canada; procurement of Canadian goods and services.

Report on Operations Under the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act.
Annual general summary of all actions, including their human rights aspects and sustainable development aspects, taken under the authority of the Act (March 31, 2000)

Structure and Role - Finance Canada .
Defines the structure and role of the department (December, 1999).

Subscription Information - Budget Documents and Other Finance Canada Publications.
Finance Canada publications and how to obtain them (revised June 2000)

Ways and Means Motions, Draft Legislation, Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes.
Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes Relating to the Excise Tax Act released October 4, 2000. Legislative Proposals and Explanatory Notes on Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts and Foreign Investment Entities (June 22, 2000)