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British Colonist (Colombie-Britannique) 11 juin 1870, p. 2
En Route to Ottawa
San Francisco May 19th 1870.
At 10 o'clock this morning the Active reached her wharf at this city, just five days from Victoria. To-morrow morning at 8 o'clock your delegate will take the cars for Ottawa.
The day we left Victoria was fine, and we had a pleasant though slow sail down the Straits, meeting the Flying Squadron off Cape Flattery. The Fleet made a fine appearance and for some hours every glass on board the Active was in use scanning the floating embattlements of our country. The weather continued fine during the night, and on Sunday for eight hours we had a fair sailing breeze, after which the wind changed and a stiff sou'wester retarded our progress to the Golden Gate. Our company had the usual amount of seasickness, one of the Government Delegates having a very hard time of it. Our amusements consisted chiefly in catching gulls and watching the whales disport themselves on the bosom of the 'vastly deep.' We were also somewhat amused with the attempts at punning by some of our learned travelers, two of which I can't withhold. The first by Mr. Ring, -- Why are whales the most successful lawyers? Because they are the most successful in actions of ejectment. The second by Mr. Wood, -- Why are the Delegates like whales? Because they are continually spouting, and there is nothing in them.
The few hours I have spent in this city have enabled me to see a good many old British Colombians, all of whom have a longing to get back, and all seem pleased at the prospect of speedy Union with Canada. A leading merchant of this city remarked to me today, that for the interest of both nations represented on the Pacific Coast nothing could be of such importance as the Union of British Columbia with Canada, for there would be then two strong nations to build up the trade and commerce of the Pacific.
I take the train to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock. I go by the Rock Island route. The Delegates will leave on Saturday, and we shall probably meet at Omaha, from which place I shall write you again. S.