Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests for August 2011

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
A-2010-00038 Master plan for the renovation / refurbish of the Promenade Building on Sparks Street (NE Corner of Sparks & O'Connor) including timetables, budgets, etc. Disclosed in part 24
A-2010-00337 Notes, minutes, action items and issue logs taken at or arising from meetings held between PWGSC-ITSB and/or Health Canada and Sierra Systems and/or Oracle in regards to the Beehive project, from January 1 2007 to October 6, 2010. Disclosed in part 417
A-2010-00379 Documents concerning the change in deadline from 6 months to 3 months in the Integrated Relocation Program and the Final Fairness Monitor (FM) report. Disclosed in part 189
A-2010-00528 All records relating in a manner whatsoever to an employee. Disclosed in part 522
A-2010-00596 Official complaints only, briefing notes and any reports generated by complaints to the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman from January 1, 2009 to December 15, 2010. Disclosed in part 311
A-2010-00677 Briefing notes prepared or sent to the PWGSC Minister between December 17, 2010, and December 23, 2010. Disclosed in part 30
A-2010-00805 QP notes created or sent to the PWGSC Minister between January 28, 2011, and February 6, 2011. Disclosed in part 15
A-2010-00861 Contract awarded on February 26, 2011, dealing with telecommunications for federal government wireless services procurement Disclosed in part 707
A-2010-00863 Winning bid submission, technical test results, and communications between PWGSC, the client and the vendor regarding contract M7594-111244/001/HN (Electric Vehicular Lights and Fixtures). Disclosed in part 107
A-2011-00010 Bids containing product offerings and costs by bidders under RVD W8474-115638/A (ADP Input-Output and Storage Devices). Disclosed in part 245
A-2011-00039 Copy of final report of April 2011 on the DCF Study Track 2. All disclosed 176
A-2011-00053 Everything related to the making of the report produced by the Office of the Procurement Ombusdman: Mediation, discussions, interim conclusions, final report… regarding File ADR 2010/11 - 005. Disclosed in part 199
A-2011-00060 Invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to Ottawa-Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD) between January 1, 2005, and May 2, 2011 Disclosed in part 396
A-2011-00062 Documents and correspondence regarding contract C1111-100774/001/PR (Plastic Flag Pins). Disclosed in part 577
A-2011-00063 2005 and 2006 invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to the firm Ottawa Horticultural Services Inc. and its subsidiaries Disclosed in part 211
A-2011-00064 2007 and 2008 invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to the firm Ottawa Horticultural Services Inc. and its subsidiaries Disclosed in part 394
A-2011-00065 2009 and 2010 invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to the firm Ottawa Horticultural Services Inc. and its subsidiaries Disclosed in part 335
A-2011-00066 Invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to the firm Ottawa Horticultural Services Inc. and its subsidiaries between January 1, 2011, and May 2, 2011 Disclosed in part 90
A-2011-00074 Invoices paid by PWGSC (or involving PWGSC) to the firm SNC-Lavalin Profac for the installation and maintenance of plants between 2005 and May 2, 2011. Disclosed in part 6
A-2011-00075 Document showing whether there is an invitation to tender for contracts awarded to Les Consultants SM INC: EF103057 - total value of $350,459.14, and 700114016 valued at $331,947.16 Disclosed in part 181
A-2011-00076 Invoices for contracts awarded to Les Consultants SM INC: EF103057 - total value of $350,459.14, and 700114016 valued at $331,947.16 Disclosed in part 40
A-2011-00077 Document showing whether there was a contract awarded to Louisbourg SBC, Limited Partnership, reference number EF111568 dated October 29, 2010 for a total value of $494,340.39 Disclosed in part 92
A-2011-00078 Invoices in the possession of PWGSC for the contract awarded to Louisbourg SBC, Limited Partnership, reference number EF111568 dated October 29, 2010 in the amount of $494,340.39 and a copy of all cost overruns on this contract Disclosed in part 14
A-2011-00088 Records pertaining to Request for Proposals and contracts for Solicitation W7701-102361/A, Q-Switched Laser with all its titles, versions and amendments; active, closed and/or cancelled. Disclosed in part 172
A-2011-00094 Table showing the monetary budget allocation available at Public Works for consulting firm contracts, how much was estimated vs. how much was paid by the government between 2003 and July 7, 2011 All disclosed 1
A-2011-00107 Various contracts for Natural Resources Canada, from June 1981 to April 20, 2007. Disclosed in part 313
A-2011-00127 Documents and correspondence concerning contract F3051-100074/001/QCL (Wire Rope). Disclosed in part 173
A-2011-00151 Records of the competition and the appointment of Mr. Luc Beriault as En-ENg-05. Disclosed in part 223
A-2011-00155 Records of payments in lieu of taxes (PILT in the past five years to local government corporations for unimproved lands, and related policies of Accommodation, Portfolio Management and Real Estate Services. All disclosed 2493
A-2011-00156 Reports, presentations, emails, internal memos, statements of work, contract EN869-10020 and amendments related to Data Centre Rationalization including the work and work products conducted by Price Waterhouse Coopers plus any other relevant information. All disclosed 176
A-2011-00162 Table showing the total annual amounts spent by your department to hire full-time permanent employees and part-time staff, or to hire staff through placement agencies, from 2005 to 2011. All disclosed 7
A-2011-00169 Departmental Casual Employee Appointment List and Temporary Help call ups in the National Capital Region from September 1, 2010 to February 1, 2011. Disclosed in part 1273
A-2011-00173 Vendor supplied supporting specifications and measured value report for Solicitation 01B30-110325A/A, MCR INERTIA. Disclosed in part 16
A-2011-00174 Primex Ottawa bid(s) and other correspondence with Primex during the bid process for solicitation W8476-113030/B (Power Cable Sets). Disclosed in part 102
A-2011-00175 Volume of work procured under Standing Offer EN578-060187 (Executive Search), by number of projects and total dollar value, broken out by vendor. Disclosed in part 60
A-2011-00185 Total number of French to English translation words contracted out and/or the dollar amount spent on French to English translation contracts from all departments and units over the past five years to date, and policy changes. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00190 Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of any Standing Offer and / or Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services for June 2011. Disclosed in part 94
A-2011-00191 Call-ups and amendments issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer EN578-055605, for June 2011. Disclosed in part 7
A-2011-00192 Appointments term and casual employees in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act in June 2011. All disclosed 4
A-2011-00193 Local purchase orders processed in the National Capital Region for the procurement of Temporary Help Services in June 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00194 Call-ups processed in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Standing Offer for the Services and Solutions - Professional formerly known as the Standing Offer for Human Resources Support Services, for June 2011. All disclosed 31
A-2011-00199 Records related to a Smart For Two transferred to Crown Assets Distribution in 2008. All disclosed 4
A-2011-00200 Contract 24062-070410/001 ZL awarded to Brookfield Global Relocation Services on August 14, 2009. Disclosed in part 141
A-2011-00207 Results of acoustical testing on office mock-up to validate construction requirements for the parliamentarian office in the West Block building to bring office acoustic standards to STC-52. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00208 Results of seismic evaluations of the Centre Block Roof Top Masonry. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00210 Reports, assessments and evaluations of post shut down of the Green Citizenship Passport Program. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00214 Complaints from potential suppliers with respect to the awarding and administration of federal contracts for goods and services, in relation to the rehabilitation of the West, East, and Centre Blocks of Parliament, from Jan. 1, 2008 to present. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00215 Feasibility studies under the Long Term Vision and Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct on different options for redeveloping the former U.S. embassy building located at 100 Wellington St. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00217 Site Plan of Parliamentary Precinct, including tunnels, high voltage electrical cables, telecommunications conduits and steam, high pressure water lines. Elevations should be included. Nothing disclosed (exemption) 0
A-2011-00218 Records of all sales of firearms from the Canadian Forces or other government agencies through the Crown Assets Distribution Centers during the past ten years. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00220 Call-ups processed in the National Capital Region under the terms of any Standing Offer for Services and Solutions - Professional during July 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00221 Call-ups and amendments (PWGSC form 942 or departmental equivalent) issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer (EN578-055605) during July 2011. Disclosed in part 4
A-2011-00222 Appointments term and casual employees in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act in July 2011. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00223 Local purchase orders processed by this institution in the National Capital Region for the procurement of Temporary Help Services during July 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00225 Top 25 IM/IT Vendors for Fiscal Year 2010 / 2011, Vendor Code / PBN, Standard Exclusions: DISOs, Consultant Agreements (Open) - Real Property Only, Transfers into the Supply Revolving Fund, Supply Arrangements, Call-ups against a Standing Offer (no DISOs). Disclosed in part 3
A-2011-00235 Internal emails of Normand Masse related to Share Services Canada, from May 10, 2011 to August 5, 2011. All disclosed 2
A-2011-00240 Records in all fields in the database of Government Electronic Directory Services online telephone and email directory. Nothing disclosed (excluded) 0
A-2011-00244 2011 reviews, reports, briefings in the feasibility, drawbacks and strengths and costs to adopting cloud-based computer services. Does not exist 0