Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests for December 2011

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
A-2009-00353 Records regarding Solicitation # E60PQ-080003/B (LAN Rack Furniture). Disclosed in part 1554
A-2010-00283 Performance Evaluation and control checks carried out by PWGSC, explanatory notes justifying the extension of the 2004 contract awarded to Profac until 2011 and 2013, and timelines for a new invitation to tender for the maintenance of federal buildings. Disclosed in part 108
A-2010-00795 QP notes and memoranda created for for or sent to the Minister of PWGSC from January 17 to 23, 2011. Disclosed in part 425
A-2011-00128 The Minister of PWGSC’s correspondence in CCM Mercury from May 1, 2011, to June 10, 2011. Disclosed in part 270
A-2011-00129 QP notes created for or sent to the Minister of Public Works from May 26, 2011, to June 10, 2011. Disclosed in part 91
A-2011-00146 Bid documents for solicitation # W8486-103257/A (Ballistic Goggles and Spare parts). Disclosed in part 853
A-2011-00171 Documents pertaining to Solicitation EN578-092644/B (Event Management Services). Disclosed in part 527
A-2011-00172 Documents pertaining to Solicitation 51019-101006/B (Events Planning and Management for Veteran's Affairs Canada). Disclosed in part 427
A-2011-00213 Client Lists, service agreements, Memorandum of Understanding, guidelines, services template, invoicing documents and statistical reports related to accommodation and service delivery to Cabinet Ministers, from January 1, 2010, to December 2, 2011. Disclosed in part 377
A-2011-00226 Summary of spending for fiscal year 2010-11 using the specific objects requested relating to IT expenditures. All disclosed 5
A-2011-00231 Records related to the work at the Canadian Civil Defence Collage, in Arnprior, Ontario, from 1954 to 2002. Disclosed in part 307
A-2011-00255 Analysis or report prepared by bureaucrats in department regarding costs of replacing existing furniture from Place Vincent Massey in storage with new furniture, January 1, 2011, and December 15, 2011. Disclosed in part 88
A-2011-00271 Winning bid for the Novus Project awarded to Accenture. Disclosed in part 67
A-2011-00293 Detailed numerical breakdown from the final bidding results for Solicitation W0118-11S087/A Disclosed in part 15
A-2011-00307 Bid result, including names of bidders and their prices for solicitation F1571-117082/A (RISO Timber Floats). Disclosed in part 101
A-2011-00313 Information regarding the process used by Real Property Branch in determining geographical boundaries for Solicitation 5225-2-2011-13 and requirements 2 and 3 of the Request for Information. Disclosed in part 35
A-2011-00328 Low bid list for Solicitations E60HP-11DS01 and E60HP-11DS01/C, Phase I of the 2012 model year Government Motor Vehicle Ordering Guide for standard commercial vehicles. All disclosed 39
A-2011-00330 Final and draft reports submitted to the ADM DOB by Mr. Wayne Watson of Automated Information Management Corporation (AIM), in 2010 and/or 2011, and communications between PWGSC and Mr. Watson. Disclosed in part 123
A-2011-00345 List of contracts awarded for the Olympic Games in Vancouver. All disclosed 8
A-2011-00346 Audit Services Canada audit reports of operating costs under leases with Canadian Leaseback (GP) Inc. for Harry Hays Building in Calgary and Canada Place Building in Edmonton, from April 1, 2008, to March 31, 2010. All disclosed 33
A-2011-00348 Audit Services Canada audit report of operating costs under lease with Canadian Leaseback (GP) Inc. for Joseph Shepard Building in Toronto, from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2010. All disclosed 1082
A-2011-00349 Audit Services Canada audit reports of operating costs under lease with Canadian Leaseback (GP) Inc. for RCMP and CRA Buildings in Montreal, from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2010. All disclosed 74
A-2011-00401 Documents sent in response to request A-2009-00226 (Documents regarding the project for a new building in Quebec City grouping together federal services, from December 2007 to March 26, 2009). Disclosed in part 1489
A-2011-00406 List indicating the cost of each project that PWGSC has implemented as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan. All disclosed 33
A-2011-00415 David Marshall’s agenda for February 2007 and June 4, 2007. Disclosed in part 34
A-2011-00419 Architecture Plans, construction permit applications, signed construction agreements, business cases, and costs related to the repair and construction of parking lot at 22 Bay Street, Sault Ste. Marie, from 2009 to 2011. Disclosed in part 153
A-2011-00420 Information and statistics of Fleet composition by manufacturer by federal department (passenger vehicles only), including total annual purchases for the past 5 years. All disclosed 249
A-2011-00421 Listing of all executive passenger vehicles currently being driven by Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Agency Heads, including driver name, position within the federal government, model year, make, and model. All disclosed 11
A-2011-00437 Call-ups and amendments issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer EN578-055605 in the National Capital Region, for October 2011. Disclosed in part 18
A-2011-00438 Appointments term and casual employees by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act, for October 2011. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00439 Local purchase orders processed by this institution in the National Capital Region for the procurement of temporary help services, for October 2011. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00441 Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the standing offer for Services and solutions professional formerly known as the standing offer for human resources support services, for October 2011. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00442 Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the any standing offer and/or supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services, for October 2011. Disclosed in part 74
A-2011-00450 List of candidates in the pool for the process 2010-SVC-IA-HQ-56395, the merit criteria used for the candidates who were placed following the process and the interview notes. Disclosed in part 81
A-2011-00452 Lowest bid price list for the standing offer E60HP-11DS01 (Passenger Motor Vehicles). All disclosed 40
A-2011-00455 Cost of language training per year for the last five years. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00456 Request for Proposals and amendments for Solicitation EN869-070180/B (National Cable Plant Services). All disclosed 456
A-2011-00458 Data Center Feasibility study or studies prepared by PriceWaterHouseCoopers. All disclosed 176
A-2011-00474 Statistics report under NESS Standing Offers EN578-030742, from November 1, 2006, to June 30, 2011. All disclosed 199
A-2011-00476 Documents indicating the sanctions imposed on employees of PWGSC for misuse or illegal use of their work computer, from January 1, 2006, to November 21, 2011. Disclosed in part 20
A-2011-00479 Costs for the state funeral for NDP Leader Jack Layton, including costs for events in Ottawa, Toronto and Gatineau. Disclosed in part 1
A-2011-00487 Fairness Monitor Reports for Solicitation W8636-9CATS/E (Contracted Airborne Training Services Project) issued in October 2010. Disclosed in part 19
A-2010-00478 Correspondence between PWGSC and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police regarding the Integrated Relocation Program, from April 1, 2003, to May 23, 2004. Disclosed in part 1971