Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests for June 2012

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
A-2010-00582 Successful tender documents and proposals regarding solicitations F7059-100016/A (Boats for Coast Guard awarded to Rosborough Boats) and PW-$$MC-024-20666 (23 boat trailers awarded to Seamaster Services). Disclosed in part 131
A-2010-00721 Pages 3276 to 3341 of request #A-2008-00145, which was for records related to 7 projects that Transport Canada is running with Government Consulting services, specifically, with Organizational Effectiveness and Strategic Human Resources, under Nathalie Roy. Disclosed in part 25
A-2011-00205 Vision Plan for the Parliamentary Precinct. Disclosed in part 284
A-2011-00300 Question period notes that were retrieved for a previous access to information request but were found to be irrelevant, therefore excluded from the records. Disclosed in part 104
A-2011-00405 Standing Offer Agreements H3551-081973/D (Short Term Nurse Relief Service - Refresh). Disclosed in part 374
A-2011-00407 Documents on stabilizing the slope and replanting or replacing trees and shrubs on Parliament Hill, from September 1, 2011 to October 31, 2011. Disclosed in part 1160
A-2011-00410 Tender Package for solicitation EQ-734-111535/A (Corcan Workshop Addition). Disclosed in part 705
A-2011-00424 Question period material prepared for the Minister and / or Parliamentary Secretary, from October 16 to 31, 2011. Disclosed in part 27
A-2011-00430 Documents concerning the current agent, current usage and the identity of the person responsible for lots 676 and 677 of the Grantham cadastre, 348 (which became 1348), Range 10, St-Edmond-De-Grantham. Disclosed in part 491
A-2011-00434 Case file for an out-of-court settlement for outstanding disputes with respect to contract clauses for $15,150,000 as reported in the 2010-11 Public Accounts of Canada. Nothing disclosed (exemption) 0
A-2011-00448 Information regarding standing Offer for motor coach rental with and without driver for incumbent transportation providers for Petawawa, Borden, and Trenton National Defence bases, including delivery costs, mileage paid and miscellaneous charges. Disclosed in part 373
A-2011-00524 QP notes prepared for or sent to the Minister of Public Works between November 28, 2011, and December 6, 2011, excluding Cabinet confidences. Disclosed in part 4
A-2011-00557 Bids on W0106-11-R107 industrial batteries and bids complying with Public Works and Government Services Canada’s requirements. Disclosed in part 237
A-2011-00575 Strategies for transferring workloads from the departments to the Miramichi centre of expertise that make reference to the human resources plans and strategies. Disclosed in part 149
A-2011-00584 Correspondence sent and received by the Minister of Public Works between December 25, 2011, and January 20, 2012, excluding correspondence with members of the public. Disclosed in part 71
A-2011-00595 Documents mentioning the cost of engineering, construction or repair work to the fitness centre at 131 Queen St or delays or problems with the repairs, from June 1, 2011 to January 3, 2012. Disclosed in part 60
A-2011-00608 Records related to the closure of the Fitness Centre at 131 Queen St., Ottawa, from July 2011 to January 23, 2012. Disclosed in part 362
A-2011-00610 Documents regarding a potential monument in the National Capital Region commemorating events or figures relating to the War of 1812, and documents regarding potential work on Parliament Hill on statues of prime ministers from May 1, 2011, to January 27, 2012. Disclosed in part 215
A-2011-00679 Low bid list for Phase ll of the 2012 model year Government Motor Vehicle Ordering guide for passenger motor vehicles, Standing Offer Number E60HP-11DS01. All disclosed 40
A-2011-00710 Individual item pricing Regional Master Standing Offer EA372-110013 (Laundry / Dry cleaning services). Disclosed in part 68
A-2011-00713 Low bid list for Standing Offer E60HP-11DS01 for Round “B” for the 2012 model year. All disclosed 40
A-2011-00714 Contracts in the National Capital Region under the terms of the National Master Supply Arrangement E60CY-7MPSA/001/CW to E60CY-07MPSA/010/CW (Management Print Solution), for February 2012 Disclosed in part 21
A-2011-00719 Records related to the contamination cleanup of the Irving Oil Ltd. petroleum pipelines, who paid the removal, where did the material go, environmental standards used during the clean-up, effect on associated properties and government employee involved. Disclosed in part 109
A-2011-00723 Bids received and evaluation ratings assigned to each bid for solicitation W8482-065122/A (Repair and Overhaul - Variety of Pump Assemblies). Disclosed in part 249
A-2011-00730 Information contained in Annex B submitted by Work Authority for solicitation 47624-120511/A (Protective Footwear). Disclosed in part 59
A-2012-00015 Information concerning solicitation 51307-111106/25, supply of fruit and vegetables to Veterans Affairs Canada, St Anne’s Hospital. All disclosed 9
A-2012-00025 Briefing notes, deck presentations, talking points or memos presented to the Minister concerning the report of the Auditor General of Canada concerning the F-35, from April 1, 2012 to April 5, 2012. All disclosed 4
A-2012-00040 The total amounts of money spent annually by your minister on alcoholic beverages for celebrations, cocktail parties or other events, between 2005 at April 20, 2012. All disclosed 5
A-2012-00062 Question Period notes prepared for or sent to the Minister of Public Works between April 23 and 27, 2012. All disclosed 10
A-2012-00066 Contracts processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Supply Arrangement for Tasks and Solutions Professional Services, for March 2012. Disclosed in part 40
A-2012-00072 List of the deliverables for contract awarded to Conexsys Communication Ltd. for Solicitation W8474-126119/B RVD 1082-1. Disclosed in part 1
A-2012-00081 Records related to cancellation of staffing process 2011-SVC-IS-HQ-69029. Disclosed in part 27
A-2012-00082 Communications between the office of the Minister of Public Works and that of Transport Canada regarding the firm PR Maintenance, as well as all documents received, prepared or sent out by these offices between January 26, 2006, and May 1, 2006. Does not exist 0
A-2012-00088 Original tender document(s) and/or related list of formal requirements for the provision of the Government Electronic Tendering Services, that was previously awarded to MERX (Mediagrif) for an 8 year period. All disclosed 596
A-2012-00089 Standing Offer 47624-120511 (Safety footwear). All disclosed 2
A-2012-00094 Contract with a consultant in 2009, including drafts and final deliverable regarding the writing of the Manager, Internal Disclosure position description. Disclosed in part 157
A-2012-00101 Records showing how staff determined which bidders were financial compliant for the Tasks and Solutions Professional Services Standing Offer and Supply Arrangement awarded on April 23, 2012. All disclosed 349
A-2012-00102 Records indicating name of each compliant bidder for the Tasks and Solutions Professional Services Standing Offer and Supply Arrangement awarded on April 23, 2012. All disclosed 5333
A-2012-00104 Records dealing with the Federal Stimulus program in Québec, from April 27 to May 22, 2012. Does not exist 0
A-2012-00105 Call-ups against standing offers for Temporary Help Services in the National Capital Region, from January 2012 to April of 2012. Disclosed in part 441
A-2012-00128 Appointments term and casual employees by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act for May 2012. All disclosed 1
A-2012-00129 Call-ups and amendments issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer (EN578-055605) for May 2012. Does not exist 0
A-2012-00146 Documents pertaining to the cost to repair a broken fountain in the hallway between 10A1 and 10B1, Tower A, Phase III, Place du Portage, between March 1, 2012 and May 15. 2012. Does not exist 0