Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests for May 2011

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
A-2009-00489 Records released under access to information request A-2009-00178/MJB for contracts issued under the Event Management Standing Offer EN578-060419 from 1999 to July 02, 2009. Disclosed in part 117
A-2010-00105 Records related to file XAQ-9-30260 (Fishery Guardian Services - File), including proposals received from "Shannahan's Investigation & Security Limited, evaluation criteria and scores". Disclosed in part 1055
A-2010-00325 Contract # W8476-101842/001/APC (Combat, Assault and Tactical Vehicles, Wheeled) awarded to General Dynamics Land Systems -Canada and documents relating to suppliers mentioned in such contracts and documents with GDLS; particularly armoured contracts. Disclosed in part 548
A-2010-00339 QP notes created or sent to the Minister of Public Works between August 30, 2010, and September 13, 2010 Disclosed in part 101
A-2010-00341 Offer/contract H3551-081973 - Short Term nurse relief services in Manitoba, for First Nations and Inuit Health (FNIH), including total point scores for each successful supplier, rates offered by each supplier, and annual spend per supplier. Disclosed in part 175
A-2010-00468 Information regarding contract W8486-08SP0G/001/PD (Composite Food Packages). Disclosed in part 159
A-2010-00535 Documents regarding Public Works policies on computer and Internet use, including any reports of violations or abuses and any resulting actions, from January 2010 to December 1, 2010. Disclosed in part 353
A-2010-00562 Lease (and related documents) between the Sept-îles Port Authority and Fisheries and Oceans concerning accommodations used on the Pointe-aux-Basques wharf for storing Coast Guard environmental response equipment Disclosed in part 96
A-2010-00566 Documents concerning the reasons why PWGSC received no bids in response to bid solicitation EN937-071940/A (Translation services) Disclosed in part 114
A-2010-00591 Documents concerning the reasons why PWGSC received no bids in response to bid solicitation EN949-072442/A (Translation services) Disclosed in part 49
A-2010-00634 Amendments, call-ups and correspondence between DND, PWGSC and Valcom Consulting Group Inc. regarding contract W2037-100037/001/TOR (Driver Training), from November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010. Disclosed in part 72
A-2010-00636 Bid award summary, bidding companies, products offered, value and reason for awarding contract E60PV-09LS00/024/PV (Laboratory Equipment and Supplies). Disclosed in part 46
A-2010-00637 Bid award summary, bidding companies, products offered, value and reason for award regarding Solicitation 01396-110347/A (Environmental Chambers and Related Equipment). Disclosed in part 11
A-2010-00638 Executive summaries of all internal audit reports from January 1, 2010 to January 10, 2011, and names of the 10 persons with the highest amount of bonuses and those with largest severance amounts, for FY 2009-10. Disclosed in part 2
A-2010-00648 Bid award summary, bidding companies, products offered, value and reason for awarding contract 01756-110263 (Growth Chambers). Disclosed in part 52
A-2010-00649 Billing by PriceWaterhouseCoopers for work under contract EN790-104291/001/ZQ (Audit Services, Not Elsewhere Specified). Disclosed in part 137
A-2010-00651 Contract, amendments, call-ups and correspondence between DND, PWGSC and Valcom Group Inc. regarding contract W2037-100037/001/TOR (Driver Training), from December 1, 2010 to January 2, 2011. Disclosed in part 47
A-2010-00654 Emails received by or sent by Deborah Wallace, PWGSC Ontario Region, from December 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. Disclosed in part 98
A-2010-00657 Regional Master Standing Offers (Short Term Nurse Relief Services) awarded to Indigenous Health Group Inc. (Aboriginal), Bayshore Home Health, Canadian Healthcare Agency, Indigenous Health Group Inc. (Non-Aboriginal), and Venture Healthcare Inc. Disclosed in part 222
A-2010-00658 Final signed contract W8476-0913851001/PV (Transportable Collective Protection Systems) and subsequent modifications or changes to it. Disclosed in part 131
A-2010-00659 Bid award summary, bidding companies, products offered, value and reason for awarding contract 01686-110282/001/TOR (Environmental Control Chambers, Plant Growth). Disclosed in part 20
A-2010-00660 Bid award summary, bidding companies, products offered, value and reason for awarding contract 31241-102866/001/MTA (Growth Chambers, Plants). Disclosed in part 24
A-2010-00661 2009, 2010, 2011 costs to date and estimates, reports, plans, campus concepts and risk assessments for redeveloping Booth Street complex, including specific arrangements reached or contemplated with partners. Disclosed in part 99
A-2010-00663 Current pricing and contract terms for all officers of Marine Outboard engines listed on the National Master Standing Offer. Disclosed in part 145
A-2010-00665 Air quality testing reports and / or result from tests performed at the Canada Border Services Agency port of entry of St-Croix, NB, from 2007 to 2011. All disclosed 76
A-2010-00672 Bid Results for Solicitation KM172-101196/A (Modular Bldg for FT-IRLAB). Disclosed in part 47
A-2010-00685 Terms and conditions of contract/ standing offer between the CFIA and Silliker JR Laboratories awarded on September 29, 2010. Disclosed in part 223
A-2010-00689 Complete and detailed results for bid batch E520-10-1678/A (Urban Furniture) All disclosed 225
A-2010-00691 Draft reports, final report, preparation of PowerPoint presentation, analyses, documents and persons consulted by Partnering and Procurement Inc. (PPI consultants) concerning the Integrated Relocation Program All disclosed 204
A-2010-00692 Information on the implementation of RDIMS, including user percentage, components and configuration, user guide(s), and position(s) responsible for RDIMS. Disclosed in part 489
A-2010-00768 This request follows the definitions of IM and record in the TBS Policy on Information Management, 2007. The time when the IM/RM program was first established, Information on all positions in the IM/RM program or unit, etc. All disclosed 126
A-2010-00783 Reports from DFS Inc. Architecture & Design on the archeological dig at Cliff Park, waterfront land north of the Supreme Court of Canada. All disclosed 85
A-2010-00788 Lead abatement tender for the federally owned Liard River Bridge on the Alaska Highway that was issued in 2006 to Certified Coatings Specialists Inc., reports/ test results, and the name of laboratory and inspector that conducted the tests. Disclosed in part 233
A-2010-00801 Information on the administering of the Access to Information Act in your department, including time when the ATI program or unit was established, information on all positions in the ATI program, etc. Disclosed in part 684
A-2010-00821 Contract for leasing the premises at 120 chemin Gros-Cap, Cap-aux-Meules, Quebec, leased by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for conservation and protection All disclosed 49
A-2010-00828 Bid submitted by Anton Parr for the RFP 01B30-110325/A (Rheometer instrument). Disclosed in part 88
A-2010-00867 Financial results of all responsive bidders for Solicitation EJ196-112074/A (Diesel Generator Maintenance). All disclosed 1
A-2010-00868 Correspondence and records of discussions regarding the PC-02 and PC-03 competitions 2011-SVC-IA-HQ-64522 and 2010-SVC-IA-HQ-63004, from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2011. Nothing disclosed (exemption) 0
A-2010-00869 Occupancy Agreements between PWGSC and Correctional Services Canada for the 191 Gilmour Street and the Jackson Building at 122 Bank / 257 Slater, Ottawa, Ontario, from June 1, 2009 to March 25, 2011. All disclosed 12
A-2010-00874 Listing of long-distance phone calls and corresponding telephone numbers originating from CRTC phone lines, on January 5, 2011. Disclosed in part 2
A-2011-00007 Utilization reports under the term of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer EN78-055605 for all suppliers and departments in the National Capital Region, from April 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. Disclosed in part 841
A-2011-00014 RFP for ePassport Solution released to qualified suppliers of SOIQ 08317-080250/C, including draft and amendments. All disclosed 1151
A-2011-00016 Call-ups under the terms of the Standing Offer for Human Resources Support Services for all departments and agencies in the National Capital Region during March 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00018 Local purchase orders in the National Capital Region for the procurement of Temporary Help Services during March 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00019 Call-ups under the terms of the any standing offer and/or supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during March 2011. Disclosed in part 89
A-2011-00020 Call-ups issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer EN578-055605 and amendments, during March 2011. Disclosed in part 3
A-2011-00025 Request for Supply Arrangement EN578-096243/B (Graphic Design) and all amendments as posted on MERX. All disclosed 273
A-2011-00037 Questions and answers for exams and interviews for PWGSC internal and external FI-3 competitions in 2008, 2009 and 2010 All disclosed 142
A-2011-00038 Call-ups for January, February and March 2011, and list of casual contracts coming to an end in May, June and July 2011, for the National Capital Region only. Disclosed in part 181
A-2011-00041 Contracts with IM Park for the Canada Revenue Agency parking lot at 1050 Notre Dame Avenue, Sudbury, Ontario, for 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00042 PM-05 competition exams and interviews questions and answers in 2008, 2009 and 2010, with the exception of competitions SVC08J-008618-000227 and SVC08J-009105-000289. Disclosed in part 374
A-2011-00048 Communications with the Privacy Commissioner's Office with regard to Compensation Web Applications (CWA), from April 1, 2011 to April 21, 2011. All disclosed 6
A-2011-00050 Briefing materials prepared for the minister or deputy minister on the Compensation Web Applications (CWA), from April 1, 2011 to April 21, 2011. All disclosed 3
A-2011-00052 Data regarding population of encumbered and vacant positions, reasons for departure, and hiring rates for EN-ENG, EN-SUR and AR classifications and each level, for years 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011. All disclosed 4
A-2011-00055 Information regarding any university or college courses paid for by Environment Services, including course title, institutions attended, and associated costs, from 2005-06 to April 29, 2011. Disclosed in part 2
A-2011-00056 Information regarding the English and / or French Language training, number of individuals sent by Environmental Services, whether full time, part time, or during work hours, and associated costs, from 2005-06 to April 29, 2011. Disclosed in part 4
A-2011-00058 List of placement agencies that received PWGSC contracts to hire staff for federal departments and Crown corporations between January 2010, and May 2, 2011 All disclosed 12
A-2011-00067 Call-ups processed under the terms of the Standing Offer for Human Resources Support Services for all departments and agencies in the National Capital Region, for April 2011. Does not exist 0
A-2011-00068 Call-ups processed under the terms of the any Standing Offer and/or Supply Arrangement for Temporary Help Services during April 2011. Disclosed in part 51
A-2011-00069 Call-ups issued under the terms of the Task Based Informatics Professional Services Standing Offer EN578-55605 during April 2011. Disclosed in part 2
A-2011-00070 Appointments term and casual employees hired by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of the Public Service Employment Act during April 2011. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00072 Final price, excluding taxes, for contract W8482-102553 (Wire and Cable, Electrical). Does not exist 0