Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Completed Access to Information Requests for September 2011

Request Number Summary of Request Disposition Number of Pages Disclosed
A-2010-00276 Contract #EP310-03A001/001/GB (Property Management – Buildings) with SNC-Lavallin, in the Gatineau area only. Disclosed in part 1193
A-2010-00417 Case file documenting the handling of access to information request A-2009-00338 (Emails re bid of L.M. Sauvé and contract to restore the West Block), including all correspondence and communications pertaining to the processing of the request. Disclosed in part 104
A-2010-00460 Report cards, status reports or updates for the Minister or the Minister's Office related to the construction work on the West Block North Tower, from September 2008 to June 2009. Disclosed in part 232
A-2010-00471 Email messages between Neil Brodie and any PWGSC staff during the period he was employed in the Minister’s Office, a term of employment which commenced in approximately February 2006 and continued in his capacity as both Special Assistant and Senior Policy Advisor. Disclosed in part 74
A-2010-00552 The agendas of David Marshall and François Guimont for the following periods: May to September 2003; June to December 2004; January to September 2005; January to November 2006; August 2008 to February 2009, and June 2009. Disclosed in part 543
A-2010-00662 Agendas for DM-lead meetings, either via HQ location or teleconference, including draft agendas for Min/DM teleconferences in 2010 and 2011. Disclosed in part 250
A-2010-00777 UPSS contract EP265-04H009/001 and all of its components between PWGSC-ITSB, Health Canada, Sierra Systems and/or Oracle. Disclosed in part 125
A-2010-00792 Memoranda created for or sent to the Deputy Minister from January 10 to 16, 2011. Disclosed in part 87
A-2010-00796 QP notes and memoranda created for or sent to the Minister of PWGSC from January 24 to 27, 2011. Disclosed in part 23
A-2010-00798 Briefing notes created for or sent to the Minister of PWGSC from September 27, 2010, to October 3, 2010. Disclosed in part 87
A-2010-00799 Briefing notes created for or sent to the Minister of PWGSC from October 4 to 8, 2010. Disclosed in part 62
A-2010-00803 Itemized pricing and/or discounts for various contracts. Disclosed in part 3898
A-2010-00820 Offers submitted for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09tool (Hand Tools). Disclosed in part 1550
A-2010-00834 Contract awarded to Navistar Defense LLC for Medium Support Vehicle System in the amount of $274M. Disclosed in part 512
A-2010-00848 Contract awarded to Profac in 2004 for the maintenance of 320 federal buildings in the Gatineau area. Disclosed in part 1193
A-2010-00850 Offers submitted for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09tool (Hand Tools). Disclosed in part 1550
A-2010-00872 Final report of the study conducted in 2006 on the deconstruction of the CBC studio that was located on 250 Lanark Avenue. All disclosed 167
A-2011-00006 Offers submitted for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09tool (Hand Tools). Disclosed in part 1550
A-2011-00008 Offers submitted for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09tool (Hand Tools). Disclosed in part 1550
A-2011-00051 Documents, including main agreement, amendments, Statements of Work, attachments, and annexes for the CF-18 Maintenance Contract W8485-8-AN01-002-BB. Disclosed in part 243
A-2011-00095 Correspondence and results of the complaint with the Procurement Ombudsman regarding four Advanced Contract Award Notices issued by the Public Services Commission in 2009. Disclosed in part 62
A-2011-00098 Offers submitted for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09tool (Hand Tools) and E60HN-08FSRE (Fire fighting, safety equipment). Disclosed in part 3998
A-2011-00104 The company Groupe Regard Sécurité’s bid and contract for the invitation to tender W3931-110552/B (Optical supplies and services). Disclosed in part 224
A-2011-00105 Successful bid for Solicitation W0113-11BS04/A (Bakery Products). Disclosed in part 22
A-2011-00110 Offers submitted and bid evaluations for National Master Standing Offer E60HP-09Tool (Hand Tools). Disclosed in part 1550
A-2011-00113 Rental instruments, leases, agreements, and correspondence relating to the leasing/rental agreement for the CNSC Telesat location, from January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2010. Disclosed in part 349
A-2011-00122 Standing Offer Agreements for solicitation H3551-081973/C (Nursing Services Refresh). Disclosed in part 166
A-2011-00135 Bid award summary, including name of bidder(s), product(s) offered, product and/or proposal value, reason for award / loss of bid regarding Solicitation 01586-080637/B (Plant Growth Chamber). Disclosed in part 7
A-2011-00179 Index of Ministerial Briefing Book(s) prepared for Cabinet shuffled on May 18, 2011, excluding Cabinet confidences. All disclosed 3
A-2011-00182 Documents associated with National Master Standing Offer E60PV-05LG00/028PV (Laboratory Equipment and Supplies), from August 1, 2005 to April 30, 2009. Disclosed in part 38
A-2011-00212 Yearly breakdown of data maintained by the Seized Property Management Directorate, from January 2010 to August 2, 2011. All disclosed 9
A-2011-00219 Call-ups processed by this institution in the National Capital Region under the terms of any standing offer and / or supply arrangement for Temporary Help Services during July 2011. Disclosed in part 66
A-2011-00228 Document released under access to information request A-2010-00519 (Data Centre Feasibility Study). Disclosed in part 143
A-2011-00236 Internal emails of Jirka Danek related to Share Services Canada, from May 10, 2011 to August 5, 2011. All disclosed 16
A-2011-00238 Data Centre Feasibility Study Track 2, July Report, Version 2.0, July 23, 2010 and Data Centre Feasibility Study Track 2, Final Consolidated Report, Deliverable 6c, Final - Version 1.0, April 25, 2011. Disclosed in part 319
A-2011-00242 High level reports on maintenance or upkeep cost of the former American embassy property at 100 Wellington St. in Ottawa, from January 1, 2006 to August 16, 2011, excluding emails and Cabinet confidences. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00246 List of PG-5 and PG-6 appointments as of December 31, 2010, and list of PG-5 and PG-6 promotions or staffing actions (including acting and duration), from 2005 to June 30, 2011. All disclosed 311
A-2011-00248 Letter from the RCMP to the Minister and/or the Deputy Minister of Public Works concerning the referral to the RCMP by the Minister in relation to the Information Commissioner's Special Report - Part 1: Interference with Access to Information. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00259 Agenda of the event attended by Minister Fortier and ADM Liliane Saint Pierre (Acquisitions Branch) in Montréal on May 21 or 22, 2008. All disclosed 1
A-2011-00262 Written examination and oral interview questions and expected answers for EC-07 and EC-08 selection processes, from May 1,  2010 to April 30, 2011. Disclosed in part 118
A-2011-00264 Casual and term contracts within Public Works and Government Services Canada, in the National Capital Region, ending in the months September, October or November 2011. All disclosed 2
A-2011-00267 Original letter sent to PWGSC, ATIP case management report, correspondence and forms sent/received by ATIP regarding access to information for interior renovations to the Canada School of Public Service. Disclosed in part 113