Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue Aircraft Replacement (FWSAR) Project

The Canada First Defence Strategy commits Canada to replace its Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue fleet. The provision of a new capability directly contributes to saving Canadian lives and is a vital component of the search and rescue (SAR) system. The new capability will replace the aging CC-115 Buffalo and CC-130 legacy Hercules aircraft.

The FWSAR project team proactively discloses information and progress associated with the FWSAR project. The integrity of the FWSAR solicitation process is a priority of the Government of Canada, and this solicitation shall be, and perceived to be, fair, open and transparent.

Industry engagement is performed under the authority of the FWSAR Secretariat. Industry participation is subject to the FWSAR Industry Engagement Rules.

What's New?

It is the intention of the FWSAR Secretariat to continue with Industry consultations, until the Request for Proposals (RFP) is posted. Since January 2013, several draft concept papers have been shared with industry for their feedback.

In keeping with this proactive strategy the FWSAR Secretariat announces that, as of August 30, 2013, a draft RFP is available on the Government Electronic Tendering Service website. The draft RFP and the associated documents are provided to industry for their review and comments.

Contact Person for the FWSAR Project

Bruno Potvin
Telephone: 819-997-9026

For media questions, please contact the PWGSC Media Relations Office at: 819-956-2315, or e-mail the address: