Des Allumettes Bridge Replacement Project

Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is responsible for 19 engineering assets across the country, including the Des Allumettes Bridge and is carrying out a five-year major capital work plan to ensure they remain safe. As part of this plan, PWGSC is proceeding with the replacement of the bridge.
In 1953, the federal Department of Public Works, the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario agreed to construct an inter-provincial crossing to link western Quebec to the province of Ontario near Pembroke, Ontario along the expansion of the corridor of Quebec Highway 148. The provinces were responsible to build bridges over other water channels within their respective provincial jurisdictions and Canada was responsible to build the inter-provincial bridge over the main Ottawa River channel at the boundary between the two provinces.
The Des Allumettes Bridge crosses the main channel of the Ottawa River just south-east of Pembroke, Ontario to the Allumettes Island in Quebec. The bridge is an important inter-provincial transportation link between Highway 17 in Ontario and Highway 148 in Quebec, particularly for the forestry and lumber industry. It carries about 5000 vehicles per day with a commercial vehicle component of about 10%.
The Des Allumettes Bridge was designed in 1955 by the Department of Public Works of Canada and constructed in 1957.
Scope of the activities
The general scope of work for the Des Allumettes Bridge Project is as follows:
- Construct a new bridge close to the existing bridge;
- Remove the existing structure;
- Maintain traffic during construction.
Upcoming activities
In the fall of 2011, PWGSC proceeded with a Request for Proposal for the tendering for an engineering design consultant for the rehabilitation project of the bridge. This process was conducted in a fair, open and transparent manner through the Government Electronic Tendering System (MERX).
In February 2012, Cheryl Gallant, local member of Parliament for Renfrew–Nipissing–Pembroke, on behalf of the Honourable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women, announced the award of a $1,169,659.61 engineering design contract to Delcan Corporation, Ottawa, Ontario, for the replacement of the Des Allumettes Bridge, which connects Pembroke, Ontario to the Allumettes Island, Quebec.
The contract was competitively awarded and will provide engineering design services as well as preparation of construction drawings and specifications for the replacement of the bridge. The design work is expected to be completed by fall 2013, at which point PWGSC will issue a tender for the construction activities. The construction is expected to be completed in 2016.
For further information on the on the recent announcement on public infrastructure investments, please see Harper Government invests in Canada's economy and jobs.
Feedback and Contacts
If you would like to obtain more information, please contact PWGSC’s Real Property Branch.