Departmental Action Plan in response to the Procurement Ombudsman May 2010 Procurement Practices Review:
Chapter 1 - Construction Contract Amendments

The following Management Action Plan addresses the single recommendation directed at Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)


1.74 We recommend that all departments and agencies involved in construction contracting, including PWGSC, work in partnership with the Canada School of the Public Service to develop training programs to be designed and delivered specifically to construction procurement and contract management personnel.

PWGSC Action

PWGSC will work in partnership with the Canada School of the Public Service to develop training programs to be designed and delivered specifically to construction procurement and contract management personnel throughout government.


Status: Ongoing

Target Date: June 2010

Office of Primary Interest (OPI): Real Property Branch and Acquisitions Branch training groups will offer their advice and input to the Canada School of the Public Service in developing training programs.