Government Conference Centre

Did You Know?
- Year Built: 1909–12
- Approximate Size: 7,378.7 m2
- Current Occupants: Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Future Occupant: The Senate (on an interim basis)
The Government Conference Centre had noble beginnings. Originally built in the early 1900s as Ottawa's central train station, the Beaux-Arts building at 2 Rideau Street was inspired by the City Beautiful movement. The aim of this urban-planning philosophy was to introduce beautification and monumental grandeur in cities.
The building and its location on the edge of an open space—Confederation Square—surrounding a grand monument—the National War Memorial—are a rare Canadian example of City Beautiful-inspired design.
Trains ceased to roll into the station in 1966, and the building, despite its beauty and architectural uniqueness, was destined for demolition. It survived and in 1968–69, Union Station, as it was originally called, was reincarnated as the Government Conference Centre.
It is about to experience its second reincarnation—it will serve as the interim home of the Senate while the Centre Block undergoes rehabilitation.
This heritage building—itself in great need of rejuvenation—will be rehabilitated to reflect its former dignity at the same time as work is done to accommodate it to Senate use.
Accommodating Senate functions within the Government Conference Centre provides a two-fold opportunity: it enables the rehabilitation of a deteriorated heritage building while providing a home for Senate functions while the Centre Block is rehabilitated.
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