Public Works and Government Services Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Performance Status

To assist departments in the presentation of balanced performance reports, the Secretariat has developed guidance on how to assign a performance status in the DPR that accurately represents the level of performance achieved for priorities and expected results. A performance status should be assigned for each priority and for each program activity's expected result (according to its performance indicators and targets).

For priorities, assigning a status should take into account the percentage of planned activities and outputs presented in the RPP that were successfully completed during the reporting year. For expected results, a status should be assigned based on performance against the target established in the corresponding RPP.

Performance analysis is required for each program activity. The Performance Analysis subsection in Section II of the DPR should provide additional information that substantiates the performance status assigned here.

When assigning a performance status, use the following as a guide:

Exceeded: More than 100 per cent of the expected level of performance (as evidenced by the indicator and target or planned activities and outputs) for the expected result or priority identified in the corresponding RPP was achieved during the fiscal year.

Met All: 100 per cent of the expected level of performance (as evidenced by the indicator and target or planned activities and expected outputs) for the expected result or priority identified in the corresponding RPP was achieved during the fiscal year.

Mostly Met: 80 to 99 per cent of the expected level of performance (as evidenced by the indicator and target or planned activities and expected outputs) for the expected result or priority identified in the corresponding RPP was achieved during the fiscal year.

Somewhat Met: 60 to 79 per cent of the expected level of performance (as evidenced by the indicator and target or planned activities and outputs) for the expected result or priority identified in the corresponding RPP was achieved during the fiscal year.

Not Met: Less than 60 per cent of the expected level of performance (as evidenced by the indicator and target or planned activities and outputs) for the expected result or priority identified in the corresponding RPP was achieved during the fiscal year.