Tips on Search GW-COA

Search functions help simplify the task of locating specific information on a Web site or in a particular file. To find specific information in the Chart of Accounts (COA) on-line (HyperText Markup Language(HTML) version) or Portable Document Format (PDF) version (downloadable files), users are encouraged to follow the simple steps set out below.

Searching the COA on-line (HTML) version:

  • Click the "Search" button on the 'menu bar' at the top of the page and when the "Search" Page appears, type your keyword(s) in the "Search For" box and click the "Search" button appearing below the input field.
  • When the search results window is displayed, scroll to the bottom of the page to determine which item in the search results most closely matches your needs and click on the corresponding hypertext link.
  • When the page is displayed on the screen, you can use the "Ctrl-F" function to locate occurences of keyword(s) on this page only. *Please note that the on-line search facility is limited to the page currently displayed on the screen. When performing a search in the Summary version of accounts (for example, the summary version of the List of Financial Reporting Accounts), elements found in the information boxes (round circle with an "i") will be excluded from the search.

Searching the COA Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version:

  • After opening the PDF document, use the 'Find' command to find a complete word or part of a word in the current PDF document by pressing the "Ctrl + F" keys or by clicking the "Find" button (the binoculars icon) located on the toolbar.
  • Enter the text to find in the "Find What" text box and click the "Find" button. Acrobat Reader finds the first occurrence of the word in the document.
  • To find the next occurrence of the word press the "Ctrl + F" keys or reopen the "Find" dialog box and click "Find Again" (the word must already be in the "Find What" text box.) * Additional information on finding words in PDF documents can be found under "Help" located on the "menu bar".