Pay Information

Explore the information below to help you understand your pay.

Information: Publiservice Disclaimer

This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies.

Information: Secure Service Notice

All links with this image indicate a secure service. Access is available only to clients with a userid and password.

Pay Stub

Your Payment Statement (Pay Stub) - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. contains the information you need to remain informed about your compensation. Your Pay Stubs - Access is available only to clients with a userid and password., among other tools, are available once you access the Compensation Web Applications. It is suggested that you make a habit of regularly reviewing your pay stub.

Direct Deposit

Direct deposit allows the automatic directing of your pay to a financial institution by completing the PWGSC-TPSGC 8437 - Direct Deposit Enrolment Request - This information is only accessible to federal government employees, and only to federal departments and agencies. . When you wish to redirect your pay to a different financial institution, you must complete and send the Direct Deposit Enrolment Request form to the Pay Centre. It is important that you do not close your current bank account until you have verified that your pay has been deposited in your new account.

Collective Agreements

Collective Agreements set out most of your terms and conditions of employment, such as hours of work, overtime and leave entitlements, and part-time provisions. Rates of Pay are also established as part of the bargaining process.

Terminating Employment

Termination of employment can occur for many reasons such as retirement, resignation, and end of specified term employment.

When you voluntarily leave the public service you must notify your manager in writing of your intentions. Your intent to resign along with your manager’s acceptance must be forwarded to the Pay Centre, in advance of your termination date where possible, in order to avoid any salary overpayments.

If you are paying into the Public Service Pension Plan when you resign you must also contact the Public Service Pension Centre to determine the pension impacts of an Active Member - Terminating Employment with the Public Service.

Work Force Adjustment (WFA)

A WFA arises in situations where an indeterminate employee's services are no longer required. This can occur for reasons such as lack of work, discontinuance of a function, relocation in which the employee does not wish to relocate, or an alternative delivery initiative. When a WFA situation occurs employees receive a written notification.

You may visit the Treasury Board website for more information on the Work Force Adjustment, including Frequently Asked Questions - Work Force Adjustment Agreements.

Terms and Conditions of Employment