Pay Transformation Initiative: January 2011 No. 1

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Transformation of Pay Administration (TPA) Initiative

A lot of work has been underway since the Prime Minister first announced the project in August 2010. As pay administration activities are gradually transferred over a minimum five-year period to the Centre of Expertise (CoE) located in Miramichi, NewBrunswick, starting in 2011-2012, 550 public service positions will eventually be created.

Working Together

The transfer of pay administration to the CoE will occur in four waves, the first of which will last 18 months beginning in January 2012. During this time, approximately 20,000 pay accounts will be transferred to the CoE. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is working closely with departments and agencies to identify the timing for the transfer of accounts.

Compensation employees are critical to the success of the TPA project. PWGSC is working collaboratively with departments, agencies and other important stakeholders to outline the approach that will be taken to maintain employment. Service will continue without disruption in departments and agencies while work is gradually being transferred over the next five years.

Some key considerations to successfully manage the workforce during the transition and maximize employment opportunities to avoid workforce adjustment include a common government-wide approach to human resources (HR) planning and staffing, as well as a personalized transition plan for each employee. Once Deputy Heads are briefed on the approach in March, further details will be provided in a next edition of the Compensation Focus: Transformation.

Meanwhile, on January 7, 2011, PWGSC Deputy Minister, François Guimont, and Daphne Meredith, Chief Human Resources Officer of the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) of Canada, met with John Gordon, National President of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) to set the wheels in motion for ongoing union management consultations. It was agreed that a committee would be established, where important issues on TPA will be discussed. The first meeting of the committee is expected to be held in early February. It was commonly understood that the success of TPA is highly dependent on Government of Canada-wide collaboration and engagement.

Employment Opportunities at the CoE

Anticipatory staffing activities for positions in the new CoE will start in January 2011 to fill approximately 146 positions for the first transfer of accounts. Deployments will be offered to existing indeterminate compensation staff. Internal and external advertised appointment processes will also be used.

The CoE will be advertising to fill the following positions, all of which will be based at Miramichi, New Brunswick:

  • AS-07 - Strategic Project Manager
  • AS-06 - Manager Pay Operations
  • AS-05 - Strategic Project Support
  • AS-04 - Team Leader, and Team Leader Audit
  • AS-03 - Pay Project Officer, IVR Comptroller, Coach
  • AS-02 - Compensation Advisor, Quality Assurance Officer, Supervisor Triage Team
  • AS-01 - Compensation Trainee

Experienced compensation staff interested in a deployment are encouraged to apply and will be assessed using a review of their resume and reference checks.

Deployments and internal advertised appointment processes will have separate posters and will be available at the following Web site:

External advertised appointment processes will be available at the following Web site:

If you are interested in applying or have questions on how to apply, visit the Web sites listed above. Compensation employees who have already expressed an interest in relocating to Miramichi will be contacted by PWGSC and will be encouraged to confirm their interest by applying on the job opportunities once posted.

Important Updates and New Information

More information can be found on the Compensation Web site at Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative. There, you will find a range of information including frequently asked questions, background documents and links.