Pay Transformation Initiative: February 2011 No. 2

Centre of Expertise: Recruitment has begun!

The hiring for positions at the Pay Centre of Expertise (CoE) in Miramichi started in late January. The project team is planning the next steps on how applications will be reviewed and assessed for the 22 processes launched. Applicants will be receiving details on next steps in the coming weeks.

The Center of Expertise's New Home… Miramichi, New Brunswick

Miramichi is a city with a population of 18,000 brought together in 1995 with the amalgamation of Chatham, Newcastle, Douglastown, Loggieville and Nelson-Miramichi. Rich with cultural diversity, this city offers numerous festivals and fairs, historic homes, waterfront parks and ecomuseums. Miramichi is accessible by all standard forms of transportation including a national airport located in Moncton, New Brunswick, with scheduled domestic and international flights within a 1.5 hour drive from the city It also offers railway passenger services from Miramichi to Halifax and all western destinations, as well as daily bus service departing from Miramichi to all Maritime locations. For more information on Miramichi, New Brunswick, please visit the following Web site: City of Miramichi.

Progress on Union Management Consultations:

As reported in the previous edition, PWGSC Deputy Minister Francois Guimont and Daphne Meredith, Chief Human Resources Officer, Treasury Board of Canada (TBS), met on January 7 with John Gordon, National President of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). They have agreed to begin the process of union management consultations.

On February 16, 2011, the first meeting of the Transformation of the Administrative Pay Initiative - Union Management Consultation Committee (TPA-UMCC) was held. The meeting was co-chaired by Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, Brigitte Fortin, and PSAC National Executive Vice-President, Patty Ducharme. The main items of discussion at this inaugural meeting were the Project's Transition and Recruitment Strategies. The next meeting of this committee is tentatively planned for late May. At the request of the PSAC, a special sub-committee has been struck. This sub-committee is to share and exchange project updates on a monthly basis.

Update on Engagement Strategy:

PWGSC understands the importance and need to actively and jointly communicate with key stakeholders, as well as engage with them on crucial issues. As part of its engagement strategy, PWGSC has convened with and provided updates and briefings to the following stakeholders over the last few months:

  • Ontario Federal Council
  • New Brunswick Federal Council
  • New Brunswick Heads of HR
  • Comité Interministériel des Directeurs en Ressources Humaines (CIDRH)
  • Centre of Excellence for Shared Pay and Benefits Services (CESPBS)
  • Association of Compensation Managers (New Brunswick)
  • Human Resources Steering Committee
  • Human Resources Council
  • Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages New Brunswick
  • Directors of Human Resources
  • Directors of Compensation
  • Community colleges and students in Miramichi, Moncton and Bathurst, New Brunswick
  • New Brunswick Assembly of First Nations
  • Minority Official Languages Community of New Brunswick

The Project is also set to provide an important update and briefing to the Public Service Management Advisory Committee (PSMAC) on March 25, 2011.

Questions… and Answers!

As noted in the January 2011 edition of Compensation Focus: Transformation, Questions and Answers have been made available on our Transformation of Pay Administration Initiative Web site.